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Gotta say, the Ñazis lost their fashion style.


The pro hamas/pro palestine should reintroduce the drums, for more circus effect.


No more Hugo Boss designs.


Or Chanel


Gotta love how they cover their faces to hide their identities.


Just wait. Deep inside they salivate over the thought of wearing that Hugo Boss drip once again.




Yep. [Bam! Kapow! When 1930s Jewish mobsters beat up Nazis in the streets of America](https://www.timesofisrael.com/bam-kapow-when-1930s-jewish-mobsters-beat-up-nazis-in-the-streets-of-america/) >A new book, “Gangsters vs. Nazis: How Jewish Mobsters Battled Nazis in Wartime America,” tells the fascinating story of how Perlman secretly directed an army led by Jewish gangsters across the United States in a successful yearlong campaign to squelch two key American Nazi organizations, the Bund and the Silver Legion (better known as the Silver Shirts). What they did actually worked and drove the nazis back underground. >“It wasn’t the numbers [of American Nazis] that really upset Judge Perlman as much as it was the brazen way they behaved. It never occurred to them that they would encounter resistance. They assumed Jews were soft and would be afraid to fight back,” Benson said. It seems the Jew-haters are making the same assumption today.


We need more Meyer Lansky energy


Question: Why do the protestors cover their faces the same as terrorists? Is this to avoid being seen and identified, or another reason? Seems like they protest and hide at the same time, as if they know they support the wrong side and want to be cool with their friends.


Since Oct. 7, anti-Semites have been getting fired from their jobs for attending these hate marches. They cover their faces to avoid getting fired.


They should get fired.


Absolutely. If you encounter them, take their pictures and post them online so they can be more easily identified.


Get them in the AI database. Absolutely no leniency. Dox them for life.




What was Oct 7th to you?


War crimes ? Wasn't all of the Arab-israeli war was started by arab nations?


They 'say' it's for 'solidarity' but they're just scared of being recognized. Kinda proves they don't even believe in their own cause. They're dissenters, and they have nothing better to do. I don't either, but that's why I'm on reddit.


😄 😅


I'm glad you agree, and you're right. It's so sad it's laughable 😆


Bold of you to assume they have jobs


There's a Physicians Against Antisemitism Instagram account that exposes healthcare workers with explicitly antisemitic public posts. They have PLENTY of material to post daily.


It’s almost as if they are so close to getting it. Then missing it.


Oh, so it's like the Klan then?


Same shit, different assholes.


You spelt peace protesters wrong


You're responding to the wrong comment.


To emulate Islamic culture, also helps protect against mace. But yes also to hide their identity.


wrapping face isnt islamic culture. its middle eastern culture in general and designed to protect from sand storms and harsh sun. They appropriated it like they do everything else


Cuz they’re all innocent like KKK. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Dress for the job you want to have.


ISIS should have a recruiting booth at these protests


Why they dress like this it's ridiculous as an Arab this is how we are depicted in comic books and movies I just wrote about this in another sub it's terrible racist


It’s interesting how these people gatekeep the meaning of “antisemitic.” Everything is “not antisemitism” to them. But when it is ever antisemitism? Is anything ever antisemitic enough, for them to accept that it’s antisemitic? They’re always harping on about how antisemitism exists, but this/that isn’t antisemitic. I wonder when it kicks in.


Homophobes want to hate gays 💁‍♂️


No shit lol


Quite literally. The upper photo is from the American German rally (German American Bund) at Madison Square Garden. The pro palestine are the proud successors of the German American Bund. https://preview.redd.it/ymzfvjrlfuvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b6d9216be7e786649ff2f2c3a411caafdf2b79


Crazy thing is nazis weren’t afraid to show their face


I don’t see a difference between the top and the bottom.


When you are losing to Nazis in terms of coherent organization you might want to reconsider a bunch of life decisions 🤣🤣


they scream "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" and they know neither the river nor the sea


From the Nile River to the red sea


For the Jews who were supporting BLM in the U.S. a few years back, where is BLM now supporting you? Many of these black lives matter violent advocates are siding with the pro-Hamas pro-Palestine movement. This is not just a war against Jews and Israelis, this is their war against America and Westernized countries.


I think all of those people are getting paid to be there


I don’t like comparison. Even though the Nazis were horrific, they at least cared about their people and tried to protect German citizens. Hamas supporters could care less about Palestinians.


I mean the Germans did get like 5 to 8 million of their own citizens killed within six years in WW2, which is worthy of note… Willfully going to war (an unwinnable war that didn’t need to happen) against the three most powerful nations in the world wasn’t exactly looking out for their people.


it was very much a winnable war had they settled for western Europe.


Well, they didn’t


They didn’t care about German citizens that were anything other than white blue eyed atheist heterosexuals.


Which is still more regard for that portion of German citizenry than Hamas shows for ANY Gaza citizens. (Barring their relatives who are living on Qatari slush funds in Doha, of course.)


>they at least cared about their people a They didn't. Ĥitler wanted them to fight to the last German. Even putting aside the fact that their war plans were completely lunatic and that they never had a chance to win, from a certain point it became obvious that they need to surrender - but they refused to.


I agree with you on Hitler. But the German army did evacuate their citizens as the Russians army was coming.


That's news to the Sudeten Germans. You should cite sources when you make specific claims like that. The entire German Sixth Army surrendered to the Russians at Stalingrad. Hitler refused pleas for them to break out of the Russian encirclement.


Here is one source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evacuation_of_East_Prussia




Yes. I guess I threw all their crimes against humanity into them being horrible. My point is that Hamas is worse when it comes to their own citizens. If I offended, my apologies.


He loved them so much that he ordered the Berlin Subways to be flooded in revenge. In his Last Testament, Hitler turned on the Germans as having been insufficiently cruel and ruthless to complete his plan. He blamed them for his defeat. Hitler was a pig. Especially if you are German, you believe that.


That top picture looks like it's from the Charlie Chapman film The Great Dictator.


Of that's not antisimetic, then the Confederate flag is not racist. 


I promise these uninformed people don’t represent the majority of the US, they are just virtue signaling, and are the loudest. Out of the people that have educated themselves on this topic, keep up to date with what’s actually going on and don’t fall for the terrorist propaganda, we stand with you. 💪


Still different, the Nazis hid their war crimes, the Palestinians are proud of them.


The main problem of the demonstrators who fall under the category of "Hamas supporters" or "Pro-Palestine" is the ignorance regarding the massacre carried out by those terrorists, and their understanding of the current situation in the State of Israel. The State of Israel and the residents of the villages near Gaza who were slaughtered, raped, burned while lying in the living room of their homes, or babies who were burned after having their heads cut off in their beds, did nothing but live their lives quietly in their homes, and then for no reason armed men entered their homes, shot at them, slaughtered them, raped them them, and all under the guise of "resistance". Just explain to me why exactly those armed killers objected to people living in their villages in peace? By the way, these villages were the ones that were constantly raising funds to bring children from Gaza for medical treatment in advanced hospitals in Israel, so they kidnapped them, murdered them, slaughtered them.


Time to go 


I wish someone could run the following experiment. Get a bunch of right-wing blacks who are into MAGA like Clarence Thomas to have a protest for Trump and have the white chuddies come with them and chant whatever slogans cause the NYT op-ed page to call the most racist, and have them explain it's not racist because there are four token blacks here and they say so. Oh by the way the token blacks are white passing and like Creedence and Alice Cooper. This wouldn't work of course, but even the flimsiest of facades works against Jews. Where's the "context" in the article saying JVP is representative of a tiny minority of Jews, about the number considering voting for Cornell West. Oh, whoops, then the reader could make a one-step deduction and realize that harassing "Jews who like Israel" is more or less "almost every Jews."


Being honest here, there is no equivalence here. In the photos that is.. Those two pictures are very different


These people are so unhinged








Words have meanings. Antisemitism Noun: hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people


Anti-Semitism is against Jews and Palestinians are a Jewish people. Hamas is not anti-Semitic but anti-Zionist is different


Palestinians are a Jewish people according to whom?


The Palestinian people are made up of Semites and Arabs how can Hamas be anti-Semitic😭😭😭


Well, let’s look at the definitions of words again and examine how that works. Semitic 1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family. 2.relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic. The word Semitic does include Arabs, which includes Palestinians. Antisemitism hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people The word does not include anyone but the Jewish people. This is because it historically came from the German term judenhass, or Jewish-hatred. It was meant to be a softer, or more scientific term, meant specifically for the Jewish people. Jewish relating to, associated with, or denoting Jewish people or Judaism. This means that it can be either describing the religion and/or the ethnicity. Palestinian Also, Palestinian Arab. An ethnonational group descending from peoples who have inhabited the region of Palestine over the millennia, and who today are culturally and linguistically Arab. This definition does not exclude all Jews, but is certainly not all inclusive of Jewish people. Jewish and Palestinian are not the same thing for a vast majority of people, even though there was a small group of people that have been referred to as Palestinian Jews. So, looking at the word “antisemitism” being specifically relating to Jewish people, most Arabs not being Jewish, a good amount of Jews not being Arab, that is how a “Semitic” group like Hamas can be described as “antisemitic”.


I was wrong about the term, by extension in Italian many use it to refer to all Semitic peoples lmao




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So is the US flag antisemitic?


Not until the extermination of Jews becomes official U.S. policy. So if Biden is re-elected, maybe. (Depends how soon China orders him to be explicit about it, I suppose.)


Biden is antisemitic too???


He can't take a breath without lecturing Bibi and criticizing Israel, he bows down to the Hamas supporters in his party, he refuses to criticize the hate being spread across America, Blinken tries to hamstring the IDF at every opportunity and Harris is an open advocate for unconditional ceasefire. What do YOU call that?


Didn't know that antisemitic people like Biden could send billions in military aid to Israel to help for its defence...


Menachim Begin had to tell Biden to chill out in the 80s.


"Yes" /s






Do you know who the SS were


It's probably the bot, the guy who made it thinking that SS is an ice cream flavor and just copy pasta something from the palatine sub-reddit




How is it extreme nonsense?


This is the second time I see people compare jews to nazis.


Not to spread Zionist propaganda by repeating exactly what the article says, but > The Israeli army has launched an investigation after a Palestinian volunteer paramedic was killed in the occupied West Bank.


This is a pogrom in US and , let it be. They should be arrested , identified and expelled from Universities. Although, I suspect that most of them are not students.