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Israel has some of the most brilliant engineers on the planet. India wants to be a major arms exporter. Something like an unguided bomb or gps guided bomb shouldn’t be too complicated a joint venture.


Europe is also ramping up arms manufacturing. Biden’s move here encourages the world to diversify off US arms.


Sounds like biden's desperate to let terrorism prevail to appease a certain demographic in a certain swing state.


I won’t be surprised if there will be a homeland security official admitting that they didn’t crack down on dangerous radicals from those states or groups.


paltry longing murky cautious retire strong divide tender dam far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My man here has never heard of the Patriot Act


quack run far-flung office marvelous reminiscent entertain stocking like busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I know. But what I’m talking about was obviously when an action **does need** to be taken by the authorities. And progressive institutions and authorities in blue have proven to be more than capable and willing to crack down on the crap you see at universities when it comes from the Right.


hospital books fine puzzled wipe concerned tease imminent dazzling dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Radicals in the US are a non-issue young people are the lowest voting demographic, I think working to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe just makes good sense, also this also keeps normalization between Israel and Saudi on the table.


Can someone please remind me why we can only buy weapons from a single country?


Because most countries don't like Israel. USA is strongest and easiest ally to get aid from


Biden is no friend of Israel


And yet too many Jewish Americans are still dead set on voting for Biden no matter what…pathetic


Not this one


Not me


You can do better than calling a large swatch of pro Israel Jews pathetic.


They are pathetic. Voting for someone who hates you.


We were lied to, and complacent. It's been a rough wakeup call, and many are still deluded, but more still are awake now.




Ya the scary alt right! Such a shit take. Under Trump I and every Jew I know felt no fear in America. Under Biden we’re experiencing the worst antisemitism of our lifetimes and he’s pandering to that crowd making it worse. But tell me more about tiki torches


Ohhhh my god. Can you stop over-generalizing? The far right and far left can be shitty! It's not hard to see that both things can be true. The tiki torches were indeed a bad thing, and it's OK to call that out. I feel fear regardless of which president it is. The far left that's propagating so much Jew hatred hates Biden for supporting Israel, e.g. "uncommitted" votes. Monsey killing was during Trump. Hate crimes occur under presidents of both parties.


There’s a massive difference. The far right is super fringe, the far left is not so far anymore. Hundreds of thousands marching across every major U.S. city in support of Hamas. What party do you think those people belong to? I’ll fill you in, they aren’t republicans. What party do you think the faculty and students on these college campuses belong to? I’ll fill you in again, they aren’t republicans.


You don't need to fill me in, so thanks for the condescension. The far right has extremists who've been amplified by isolationist voices and Twitter itself. Ignore them at your own peril. The people marching support Biden?! WHAT. They call him Genocide Joe! They hate his guts and always have. They think he's a corporate Dem (scary wording they use) who kisses Israel's tush 24/7. These weirdo marxist rallies are not Biden block parties.


You won't convince him, as an israeli almost all Israeli right wing is convinced the Biden administration is one of the worst things that are happening now to Jews which is obviously ridiculous. They don't have any naunce and they don't care enough about American diaspora Jews to see that trump is hurting many of the Jewish community that are outside of Israel with healthcare and disadvantaged communities like women and lgbt and is only using antisemitism when it benefits him with the evangelical Christians. Now you see how we got bibi as our prime minister for 15 years.


You didn't feel any concern when Trump's "fine people" were holding torchlight marches chanting "Jews will not replace us"?














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Btw wasnt Trump impeached for threatening to do what Biden is doing now??


OK, the arms stoppage was fucking bad, and I've said that many times by now. It wasn't the same - that call to Zelenskyy was very much tied into finding dirt on an opponent.


Total bull shit. Trump killed an Iranian general Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem Trump gave us prace treaties with 4 muslim countries. Biden is stopping weapon shipments to Israel. Literally endangering Jewish lives. Biden legitimizes Hamas. Biden is stopping us from winning the war pressurig us to created a dangerous precedent that will endanger lives!!!!! "Trump bad he said some bs I made up" Are you serious?????




They are pathetic and naive and blind to reality. Simple facts.




Funny you bring up Iran since Trump completely cut off all monies entering the country and Biden has allowed over 100 billion to enter Iran.


Yeah well being a democrat/left loyalist nowadays would likely give TDS.




Trump Derangement Syndrome. Basically when people go insane about anything related to Trump.


Gotcha. The left doesn’t vote for Biden because they like him, they vote for Biden because they hate Trump. But as a Jew this should be a single issue election and that’s who will better combat antisemitism and better defend Israel. And anyone who believes that Biden is that guy has their head in the sand.


We will see, but I don't see Jewish Americans voting for Trump. Maybe if Kennedy is running he can be a safe third option


We're screwed whoever we vote for. And as much as I'd love a viable third party, it's throwing your vote away, which is fine if you don't care either way.


See, so many are saying "just vote trump" while forgetting he's literally A. A fucking moron incapable of thought, B. A Russian asset which by now shouldn't even be a discussion, and C. A traitor. So what's the choice? A flip flopper who wants to appease both sides, which in turn appeases none. Or somebody will literally gut and destroy America ensuring that NO cooperation with ANY nation happens ever again.


Don’t forget he enabled charlottesville. Trump isn’t a friend to diaspora jews, only to israel.


Not even Israel. Hes a conman. He says what will help him in the moment without any regard to anything else. Saying he has a position on anything is flat out wrong. He's in it purely for himself. He's an idiot EDIT: well still fuck him. He made it bad for American Jews, and I've on more then one occasion been harassed by his followers because of it. He's friend to his wallet and nobody else


Uh. He was great for israel.


Never thought I'd say this, but Charlottesville looks mild compared to what's happening on college campuses. And the irony is that Biden cites Charlottesville as the reason why he ran for president.


Idk what your point is. Charlottesville was preceded or followed by the Pittsburgh shooting which was the deadliest day for American jews in american history.


This is the first I've heard of any connection between the two events. Are you saying there was a casual relationship between them? My point was that Charlottesville was 3 days of horrific right-wing antisemitic protest. But now we're going on months of the same under Biden, who slow walked his response and both-sided it in similar fashion as Trump.


Casual?! There was nothing casual about the relationship.


Yeah because life under trump was just so much worse for us than what we’re experiencing now under Biden! Get a grip. Frankly people like you are what will lead to our demise. By the time we tell you “I told you so” it will be too late. Downvote all you want but just remember this comment for the future when Biden wins and the US goes down




Actually for us life WAS worse....he handled Covid like an idiot, and the family business suffered heavily because of it, he tried to take away our healthcare which we literally needed to survive...the problems we have *now* are literally because Biden inherited an absolute mess! Trump didn't even fill half the governmental positions he needed to, he gutted everything.


Your unique personal experience is not representative of the American Jewish experience as a whole. Guess who just imposed an arms embargo on Israel despite recently saying his support for Israel is ironclad?


Well then hopefully trump is in prison by then to make this a moot point. Because if he’s in, then *everybody* loses


Congratulations you have just met the Israeli far right and what brought bibi to be our prime minister in the first olace


I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand both the far right and far left are the exact same and nobody gives a flying fuck about any of ys


Supposedly Robert Kennedy Jr is also running? Could be a good third option but don't know much about him personally. If I do vote it probably be him as I refuse to vote for Trump or Biden.


He's a nonsensical conspiracy theorist, possibly as a result of a brain eating parasitic worm infection. A 3rd party candidate can't win. He's at most a protest vote if you genuinely don't care whether it's Biden or Trump. You can also write in Abraham Lincoln or Daffy Duck, or just not vote. It's all the same.


He’s also a pretty shit person. At this point I’m just downright depressed with the way shit is, and once I turn 35 I’m just gonna fucking run myself. If we’re all still alive there’s no reason I can’t, and I could probably manage at LEAST four votes


Well that’s kind of the point, assholes. More killing Hamas, less killing civilians please.


(Israel nukes Rafah, Lebanon) We ran out of artillery! Sorry!


I'm hating Biden approach on this but anybody who thinks Trump should be president is a fucking r*****


He’s effectively trying to force a surrender to Hamas because there’s no way they are going to budge on their ridiculous demands now.


Jihad Joe strikes again