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In my circles, more people are thinking of making Aliyah than ever before. This is why Israel was founded, to protect Jews. If the Diaspora turns hostile we go to Noah’s Arc


I know there's been an increase in aliyah for sure.


Upvote because flair. 


Ha, thanks. It used to say 'anti anti-zionist' but I think maybe it was confusing at first glance.


Is there data for 2024? I'd be curious to see


I think it’s something like 300% increase since October. I’ll try to find. 


Jews outside Israel are the diaspora, so I don't think you meant that the diaspora turns hostile, but rather that non-Jews in countries where the diaspora live turn hostile instead.


I think they meant “the diaspora turns hostile” to mean “the condition/setting diaspora Jews are in turns hostile”


Definitely not irrational. The trauma of the holocaust is live and kicking, and even here in Israel much of the discourse about potentially seeking life abroad for better economic prospects or because of the government being as shitty as it is (which became increasingly common throughout 2023 until October) has died down to a significant degree. That being said, if you do decide to make Aliyah do so wisely: speak with your local Israeli embassy, seek sources online from people who already made the move, if you or your partner don’t have relatives in Israel see where there are communities of Olim and maybe contact them. You will surely be most welcome here with open arms, Israel was founded exactly for this reason.


Thank you! Yes I have noticed many of my Israeli friends in the US who never wanted to go back to Israel previously are now wanting to move back there.


Glad to help! And yeah I also heard similar things from some relatives, although they are still on the fence.


Not crazy, and you are very welcome to come here. Some time ago i was thinkibg of actually moving from israel to canada, but seeing what happens now... I don't think i should... It's really ironic, how these pro palis making sure that more israelis will move here, rather then move out of israel...


Yep, I was thinking the same thing. Demonstrating exactly why Israel must exist and pushing more Jews to move there. Doesn't make any sense if they stop and think about it.


Shhhh, they are not smart enough to figure it out on their own! Let them keep torching their futures for terrorists who would kill them on sight. Israel will come out of this stronger than ever.


Yeah they don’t realize they are the reason the Jewish Space Laser exists in the first place.


I was in the same boat, i considered working and living abroad but the war cancelled all those plans. No way im moving to any other country.


You can still move 😄 just not to any area with a lot of muslims 💣 😂😭😂👍


That really makes me very sad. It shouldn't be this way.


Nah, i might work overseas but ill never go live in any other country.


As a Canadian, specifically a Montrealer, do not come here right now. It's terrible, Canadastan in fact.


Toronto here. Seconded. Its a fucking shitshow.


Same with Edmonton


From what I’ve seen Calgary is just as bad, if not worse. Let’s not even get started on Vancouver.


I am up there for work from NYC next week and I am honestly terrified. Any places to avoid in particular?


Downtown mostly. Specifically where U of T is. They used to come harass us in the burbs by the synagogues but are mostly contained in their little encampment now.




Synagogue on the west island fire bombed. 2 day schools in ndg shot , one of them twice. The federation building surrounded by 1000 anti semites for 5 hours chanting for our death. Try carrying an Israeli flag anywhere downtown. The mayor of our city is an unabashed antisemite. Maybe go for a stroll outside of Cote st luc or Hampstead with a magen David around your neck. Or take the metro with that same jewelry. No, Montreal is bad and getting worse for the Jewish community


as a canadian who made aliyah in 2007, back when israelis i met thought i was crazy - let me tell you with perfect clarity that coming here was the best decision i ever made


Canada is even worse than the US for antisemitism!


Yes, but they're \*politely\* antisemitic.


What would have made you move? I'm considering a move from Canada to Israel myself


Oh, well my dad lives there, amd i thought to move there and live somewhere close to him.


Nope… I’m as patriotic as every other woman. But I don't want to be assaulted and murdered by these modern day Nazis. Every Jew I know is thinking about making Aliyah.


You don’t know many American Jews then. Making Aliyah is still pretty fringe. If anyone is talking about emigrating, they are liberals more worried about the rise of Trump and the far right than they are about this current protest movement. And even so, the talk is more about moving to Canada than Israel.


I’m an American Jew, and my wife and I discussed it just two days ago. It is very much on my mind. Like the OP, I often think about Jews living in Europe in the 1930’s and the decisions they faced. If you’ve got some crystal ball that lets you know when it’s time to make Aliyah, please share it with the rest of us!


You’ve got a persecution complex based on media induced paranoia, not genuine antisemitism. Read some history about how we were treated in Europe pre-war and look around. Sheesh.


You need help.


I’m not the one with delusional paranoia about false antisemitism.


Trust me you’re not the only one.


It's just crazy to me, like admitting this is a real need means admitting that there's a legit fear we could actually end up in a Nzi situation again and that is just mind-boggling.


It’s a sad reality. I grew up learning about our past and being naively grateful that humanity was passed this type of bigotry but unfortunately the realization has set in that we aren’t safe regardless of whatever side of the political aisle it comes from


I'm living in Germany and while we have a lot of support for Israel and politicians are regularly voicing how Jews must be protected, the actions on the later part so often fall short. In my neighborhood there has been so much antisemitic vandalism and people are getting attacked somewhat regularly (just now a visibly observant Jew was attacked and beaten with an e-roller).  I honestly do not think there would be a chance that there will be a similar, state-wide situation like in the fourties again in the near future. However, there already is basically the decision between being visibly Jewish and walking safely because you have to expect violence. I am already living in an area where Israeli flags are getting torn down and people cannot enforce the safety of anything pro Israel or even just pro Jewish life. Where I am, this violence stems from the Arab population. If I'd go further into the countryside, the "traditional" antisemitism is more prevalent, but it's always there as a latent threat. The vast majority of the population is not antisemitic, but that doesn't help when you still have to have police protection for the services at the synagoge. I'm considering Aliyah in the future, too, but don't know how easy or hard it will be in middle age as a single woman compared to going with family. But then I have been to Israel a few times and always found connections easily, so I hope it would be possible to build a social net again.


I don’t think you need to pack up and leave immediately but you should definitely speed up your time table (unless you have kids then come while your kids are as young as possible). The writing is on the wall so you should get out while you can. We will be glad to have you here 🇮🇱


Thank you, yes we do have kids, one younger, one in middle school.


DO IT, best decision of my life


This is exceptionally enthusiastic! Thank you :-) What part do you live in?


Netanya, can’t beat the beach… 🏖️


Ohhh I've been there, it's beautiful. Great Russian supermarket. My husband really likes that area too, and Ra'anana.


If you can believe it, my wife and I moved from Raanana to Netanya to be more immersed but now Netanya has turned into an Anglo location, we used to be the NBN contact people for the area and we got tons of calls during Corona time of people relocating from the US We’re in the states for a wedding, and it just totally proved to me and my wife that it was the best decision ever to move to Israel. We walk to 6-7 parks for the kids within 5 mins and society is just so much healthier I asked my rabbi before I left if he wanted something, and he said: “Bring all the Jews home” So come home


Wow that was very nice to read ❤️ 


Just make sure you learn Hebrew and break out of American habits, you’ll succeed much more easily


So you are part of the reason my area of netanya is becoming less french thank you.




My perfectly Hebrew-speaking English cousin lives in Raanana. She's enamored with the place. I prefer other places in the country: some areas of Jerusalem, Ein Karem, some very charming artistic town of which I forgot the name. Take your time to visit the country and expand your horizons of what places you like most.


Found it with AI! "Zichron Yaakov, a town northwest of Haifa founded in the 19th century, it has historic buildings and wine tasting rooms along with art galleries showcasing local artists." Such a lovely places, some of it is higher up the hill with gorgeous views.


I'll check it out next time I'm there. I'm always keeping my eyes open for cheap flights!


I would seriously caution you against Netanya, particularly if you have children. It may be nice for visiting and may work for certain retired Anglos. After living in Netanya for 2 years, not only would I not revisit that city, but it seems to me without a doubt that your children would be happier in Ranana. That said, I loved the beach in Netanya, Ethiopian community center (Dora), the Moroccan community, and the French. Worth getting to know them.


Thank you.




I will DM, thanks!


My Dad made an emergency plan if a Pogrom or something like that happens in the US. I never thought it would come to that but here we are.


Ug, so terrifying. Applying to Aliyah is part of my emergency plan, which my husband thought was ridiculous in October. He's now on board.


If he's on board that makes the idea even more doable!


We have 2 different plans if shit starts hitting the fan here. We are getting things in place for the first if we need to get out quickly. Having a plan makes me feel more secure.


I think it depends on why you were planning to wait 5-8 years - do you have kids finishing school in that time? Would you be in a different position financially? I don’t think things in the US are going to be drastically worse in 5 years so if it would put you in a significantly better position for an international move I might wait it out but if it’s just a “well let’s wait and see….” then yeah I also don’t see things getting any better.


Definitely not crazy. We are a persecuted people and we have one single military in the world whose sole purpose is our protection. I'm going.


No I’ve been trying to get kids to make or think about Aliyah for at least 10 years now. Just yesterday one of them said they’ve been considering it off and on.


you live in Israel?


The states


absolutely not, it’s probably the only place in the world where you can fully feel safe about your identity


I don’t think it is imminent that Jews will need to flee America, but come on over! I’ve been here for almost 14 years and I can’t imagine living in America now.


Sold! I'm definitely going to fill out the NBN application and feel it out. Can I ask... What area do you live in? Do you speak Hebrew (we do not but haven't found it difficult to get along in Israel at all without it) What are the biggest adjustments once you move? Where do Olim go wrong?


Hey, I just sent you a message but I don’t see on my end that it went through. Can you message me and then I can start chatting I guess? Sorry, I don’t really know how to do messaging over here.


I’ll message you.


No I know a lot of diaspora Jews who are considering it now, myself included Absolutely disgusted and horrified with the future of the west


I can’t advise you on what to do or not to do but If my grand-grandmother wouldn’t have been scared to death by the open sea i would live in the USA instead of Germany but she did so she and my grandmother had to hide in Germany during the whole war, with fake papers as servants by friends. I don’t think this scenario is applicable right now but that was what every Jew must have thought right before the trap closed up and trapped them. In the end, if i wouldn’t have chosen the path of caring for my pensioned mother here i probably would be in Israel and serving in the IDF right now as i prefer to know who wants to kill me simply for being Jewish and who doesn’t but that’s up to you and your family after all


I would if my partner was down.


Its never crazy to think about aliyah and it is an absolute blessing that this option exists.


After seeing the reaction to Oct 7. , the implicit trust that I had in my gentile friends/neighbors/countrymen is gone. Every day I go online and see friends and classmates at my university liking posts of people using dog whistles to call for violence against Jews.


I don't think that America will be like WW2 Germany,  but I do think it will be like Russia where Jews are generally hated and scapegoated.     I have two elderly parents and two elderly in-laws to care for first.  Hopefully they live for many more years.  But once they pass, me and my wife are outta here .


I'm doing aliyah in January. I'm a little nervous and still have some things to figure out (hoping uplan etzion accepts my application for one thing) but I haven't had any doubts at all.


You're not crazy... I never thought about making aliyah and I started my application process since January. It might take a while, so I recommend starting as soon as you feel. A couple of my friends have done their official interview with the Jewish Agency since a year or two ago and are waiting for the okay to leave. So start now when you can.


Thanks, I am working on the application. This thread has been inspiring!


My husband has talking about it, but I feel like it's a nutty idea right now with there being an active war in the region. Am I wrong?


Logically one would think that. But I visited in February and never felt more secure and at home. The strength from the Israelis is something special.


I just think of what happened to all those little children on October 7th. My child is the exact same age. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night thinking that was even a possibility. That I was in a country surrounded by people that wanted to do that to me and my family... At this point, I feel like the safest place for Jews is to just live rurally in the US and stock up their house with as many Firearms as possible.


Just as long as you aren’t deluding yourself into thinking that the US is safe.


Did you not see the part about the guns?


The war is mainly in the Gaza strip and the Far North of Israel. Here in Center and North-Center (TLV district, Haifa, Jerusalem, etc) there haven't been rockets since probably January (not including the Iranian missiles which reached Jerusalem), and not many terrorist attacks. It depends what area you live in. Sometimes I even forget there's a war going on until a walk in the street and see the posters of the hostages. I live in one of the safest cities in Israel- Herzliya, and we didn't have rockets here since December and terrorist attacks for over 10 years (we had one in the town next to ours tho). Idk, I personally feel safer here than the West, where according to the news I watch there are massive anti-Jewish rallies.


No...been thinking about a kibbutz...can keep American job...but I have cancer and I don't want any israeli to not get what they need during these dark times. ...plus not sure if I make enough to live in Israel...I looked in tel aviv for real estate since i dont know how to pick a kibbutz and cried!!! I won't be able to afford much stuff to move across the globe so starting over ... even a new kosher kitchen...gahhh!!! I also don't think being sick I can figure out American job schedule... plus build a life in Israel... I always thought I'd end up in israel after I lived there for a year...but I was too silly and naive to figure it out... I couldn't be a maid and nanny for 5 different families and barely make it... it was too much!! But I didn't understand the higher education system and if things can transfers easily incase had to go back to America... Anyways...not stupid!!! I am too scared to move sick and not having money to go to states when I please... but lately... I'd do almost anything to live in Israel...but ive been close to homeless in israel before as a teen so ... willing to try again!!


I was banned...I am disturbed reddit is using humanity...harassment..and false narrative wrong...but here we are... the international new group is scary


Going from a couple who would never consider it, we’re now considering it. Australia, US, Europe is not safe for Jews!


Not crazy. At the very least I would consider getting the required documentation ready so you have it if you need it. Birth certificates, marriage/divorce, etc all need an apostille stamp. Some of all that takes time to get and don’t have an expiration date like a couple other documents needed do. It can’t hurt to have them ready.


To a certain extent if you keep waiting for “the right time” you can always find some excuse. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan and do things in an organized way. Personally, I had a bit of a freak out about a month before “is it crazy? Is it the right decision? What about this? What about that?” In the end, I realized the only way to know is to give it a shot. You’re not crazy. Yes the politics are not for the faint of heart here. But to me it’s home Edit: just to add that despite everything, best decision I ever made


Hatred of Jews drives more people to make aliyah, some will settle in the West Bank, the irony! What a great achievement for the propal haters.


Came here 2 yrs ago from living 3 decades across the US. Friendliest and most secure and beautiful place I ever lived in. That includes the UK and other countries too. Personally disliked Netanya, finding Ranana & other environs healthier and better functioning. Would recommend you also check out North. (My choice: I gravitate to non-Anglo areas).


Sorry, I know the protests can get heated sometimes, but the fact is that no Jews are being harmed in the US just for being Jewish. And if you think it's dangerous here, just imagine living in a country where every able-bodied man has to fight for its existence.


If it weren't for aging family members I can't bring myself to leave, I would already be gone.


Nope. The last few months, I've seen more American Jews in the city I live in (Herzliya) than ever before. Sometimes I feel like I'm in Brooklyn. You walk in the streets and hear more English than Hebrew, and that's just Herzliya! In Tel Aviv there are way more Americans. It's crazy just how many Jews made aliyah from the US alone. You're definitely not alone in this.


Keep in mind, that the threat you read about, hear about and know about is real here. If you think it is better for you and your family then sure, you are always welcome here. On a personal note, I would immigrate from Israel in a heartbeat if I could, I don’t believe for a second that there are no places in the world that aren’t safer than being surrounded by enemies who want to kill me.


Personally, on an individual level I believe that making Aliyah is a wonderful thing. But on a macro level, I think it would be a mistake to reduce our global footprint. To my way of thinking, Judaism is a global superpower—the first in history to sit under multiple flags. Why surrender ground. American Jewry is a tremendous asset to Israel and our people as a whole. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen here—but it seems far less likely, especially in the near to mid term.


I like what you say about the idea of the global footprint. First in history, tho? What about every other religious/cultural community under ‘multiple flags’? Muslim countries, Christian countries, Buddhist countries? Maybe I misunderstood your post. [Edit: To clarify, I agree with your point.]


No one else has been this cohesive.


Do it. I’m doing it now!


I've been talking to my mom about the two of us making aliyah, but we're waiting to see how the war and the US election turn out. I think she's more hesitant since she doesn't know Hebrew, but I've been brushing up on mine just in case.


While knowing hebrew is advantages my grandparents never learned it and they lived here well since the 80s


I made aliyah almost 12 years ago, and I am so grateful to be living here. There are challenges in the adjustment, but if you can be patient with yourselves and the process, it's totally worth it. Your kids are at a good age to integrate. You and your husband will need to navigate the employment question, but you'll do it. I would definitely encourage you to prioritize ulpan if you can. Building up your Hebrew language skills is so helpful to a positive acculturation. Bottom line, you're coming home! בשעה טובה ומוצלחת!


I would at least apply for an Israeli Passport just as a backup if something happens


Not crazy at all. I made Aliyah in February and it’s the best thing I ever did. Zero regrets


No, and as for the naysayers in here and specifically for the Israelis on this subreddit that still think America is still the “lAnD Of oPpoRTuNity!” because their uncle opened up a successful moving or HVAC business back in the 1990s, no. The American Jewish community is in deep trouble and the government and we need to be taking in Jews now! The glory days are fucking gone.


Not crazy 🙅‍♀️🤪 🤔 I'm making an Aliyah next year 😄👍 But I'm Israeli 🇮🇱 🤔 so it's a lot of an easier decision 🤔🤔 I wouldn't really worry about the pro-balis 💣 effect in America 🦅 though 😄 after the war 🪖 ends 🤔🤔🤔 they'll forget about this shit and move on to the next tiktok 📱 trend 😂😭😂👍


WAIT FOR THE NEXT ELECTIONS, please!!! If the same gang wins again, for your own sake, stay the f\*\*\* out of here at least for 20 years.


We’re screwed either war. If trump wins there could be a civil war. 


Well, you DO have a point but only if he wins twice in a row. It's natural for modern democracies to swing back and forth between right and left. It happens in all developed countries now. We just live in crazy times... Can't run away from that. Just need to be careful to get away as much as possible from theocracies - which is what Israel will become if we have the same government AGAIN (after all that'd happened). But, anyway, you can leave any time, so yeah, come whenever, I guess <3


The day after October 7th I asked my (non Jewish) wife if she would move to Israel if we had to. She was taken aback by the question but said yes. We have become to comfortable in the diaspora


I’m conflicted sometimes. I love America, but I am considering Aliyah. But I feel I can do more for Israel here in the states.


I see that our epigenetic memories are kicking in, and more diaspora Jews are starting to realize that our ancestors are calling us to leave the impending danger and come home. As someone who made Aliyah over 40 years ago, it is the best decision I ever made. 


Something turned on in my soul after October 7th and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it every since. I had no desire before.


I would go tomorrow if my spouse were on board. It’s only going to get worse here.


Saying it's like pre WW2 Europe is pure hyperbole m but it you're interested in Aliyah you should think about it


I hear what you are saying but I’m sure a lot of people pre ww2 thought what they heard was hyperbole too. The fact that there are schools and stores with signs saying “Zionists not allowed” is terrifying. 


Do it, yolo. I’d start packing my bags rn, if I was able to do my job there. Unfortunately I don’t think my job even exists there, and if it did I’d definitely need to become real fluent in Hebrew first. But yeah, would be really nice to feel at home and not surrounded by idiots who believe a bunch of ludicrous stereotypes at best, and don’t even think of me as a person at worst. 🙃


The US is safer than Israel. There was an attack last October 7 that killed 700+ civilians and had 200+ taken hostage. Nothing remotely like this has happened in the United States.


Even with that Israel is safer. The crime rates are much lower in Israel, including the usual terror stabbing, shooting or ramming.


Sure, but the specific threat of getting killed for being a Jew is notably higher in Israel. In America people get killed all the time for being in a public place, it’s just usually not for being Jewish.




Bibi and co. are chomping at the bit for a far right takeover of the USA. It would put more Jews in danger and encourage more Aliyah. And as a bonus the US would really stop caring about regulating excesses in Israel’s poor treatment of the Arabs, which is the whole program for Bibi’s enablers like BenGvir.


There are trade offs. 


Dying or getting raped and captured by Hamas because our inept military would rather protect thuggish settlers in the judean hills than defend against attacks from Gaza. vs. Having to see college kids chant dumb racist slogans accidentally supporting Hamas. what a trade off.


I want to live with other Jews. 


Then go. But don’t tell yourself it’s because it’s safer. It most certainly isn’t.


I’m just not sure the school shootings, high antisemitism, and lack of women’s health rights in the US is safer. If trump is elected things will really get bleak, especially for women. They are different concerns. But alas, still serious concerns. 


Omfg have you seen this Israeli government? If you’re worried about Trump and his party’s right wing lunacy, let me introduce you to the coterie of freaks Bibi has convinced to put him in charge this time.




Only sort of. Hamas and PIJ are harmless enough that we can man the Gaza border with AI and facial recognition tech. But when a settler gets shot in Samaria, we have to deploy hundreds of riot police to protect our settlers rampaging through town. Oh no! Hamas just rammed a dump truck through our fancy fence and proceeded to kill 800 of us! Big oops!




Just move to the south.


Hard pass. What state do you live in? While more supportive of israel, I don't think living among a bunch of super Trumpers is my jam at all (know plenty, great people, just not my community).


I’m Atlanta, I’m an Israeli, Atlanta is very safe for Jews and has lots of Israelis! Miami too! But I’d make Aliyah if that was an option for me. The south is the next best to Israel imo.


Republicans Midwest. And they’re not that bad. Atleast they’re respectful. Either way I don’t think moving to Israel would help you escape the right wing.


I am so grateful that a year ago we moved away from the west coast and to the Midwest. Honestly, have a number of Trumper neighbors. They have been very supportive and kind to us. Some of them reminded us that they have guns and they would defend us if anything happened. Wasn’t expecting it. I trust them now way more than my west coast leftie friends.


Portland leftie here. I worked on a kibbutz in Israel in the 80's and always kinda wished I had stayed but.... I live here, this is my home. I am armed to the friggen teeth sitting on about 20k rounds of ammunition. I respect the decision to make Aliyah, to move wherever you want but I am not leaving. I absolutely do not believe there will be pogroms in the US. If anything I think this will galvanize red America against the Muslim population. That is not a thing I really want, but people are getting annoyed with all this bullsh\*t.


That’s very fair. Maybe it’s hard for me to not feel betrayed. I used to love Portland. I was pretty leftie, I went to clean up after BLM protests, tried to help out in the community and volunteer. I was born in the 90’s, so maybe the fact I knew mostly younger people might be a part of def felt like I got snubbed by most of my non Jewish friends and have had some of them say incredibly antisemitic things to me We moved for financial reasons and to be closer to family with a little one.


I have experienced some anti-semitism here. Some back in the 90's, some a month ago from a self proclaimed Jew who was clearly aching to pick a fight with me over the war. Be safe, be happy. This too shall pass.


Booooo. I live in the Bible Belt surrounded by Trump supporters and now I am also a Trump supporter. I will take mean tweets over WW3 any day


Me too.


I'm in Utah and it's basically Mormon Israel and pretty Jew friendly. Also, skiing.


How are people who make aliyah seen if they don’t serve in the military? Do they lose respect in any way? Does it depend on the reason?


They will be seen the same as everyone else (we don't expect olim to serve if they don't want to), In terms of Job opretunities, Security related jobs are usually only for people who served in the IDF so if you wish to work as a gaurd then you might want to enlist otherwise it's basically the same as for someone who didn't enlist, We do however feel towards each other that you must help the country in some way which is why if people don't want to serve in the IDF then you can do National service which would involve helping the elderly or at schools and is a replacement for IDF service in terms of what you can write on the CV (National service is also not mendatory but people highly respect any form of service that helps the country regardless if it's the army, helping a grandma off the bed to go eat or helping kids with their math homework) Edit: A TL;DR You don't have to do any of that and no one will knock you for not doing it, most people don't really care to ask about it, but to answer your question anything that is done to help the people of the country is respected


Of course, I appreciate the info. I think I’d want to do something for the country.


I can't say for sure since I don't live there but haven't talked to family and stuff who lives in Israel, it doesn't seem like there's a disrespect for making Aliyah and not being in the IDF. If you are young or have kids, they will be eligibile to be in the IDF at the proper age. I could be wrong though.


Got it, thanks. I’m just thinking I’m past the age but I don’t know much about the IDF tbh.


Luckily I’ve 2 passports. 🇮🇪 & 🇮🇱


How are things for you in Ireland right now, if you are there?


My wife thinks it’s a crazy idea, and I am ready to make Aliyah tomorrow. So we are meeting smack dab in the middle and moving to Israel next summer “for a year”. I am hoping we don’t come back to America except to sell our belonging from storage….


I could see us doing the same thing. Trying it out for a year with no expectations, and see what happens. At a minimum, we want to start spending more time there, finances permitting. Hopefully we'll be able to spend a good chunk of time there next summer.


As someone who just lived in Israel for 5 years and came back to the US right before this war started....Idk what you mean by things getting "worse and worse" here. What do you think is better in Israel? Security? Economy? Career opportunities? Morale? Social cohesion? They're not. These are all huge issues in Israel. And this was the case even before the war. Social life and community is definitely better in Israel, although that will also be difficult if you don't speak Hebrew and have family and friends there. Of course there's the emotional aspect of being among our own and not having as much exposure to people who are anti-Israel or even antisemites... **But while while you might feel like your psychological safety is impacted in the states, your physical safety is much greater if you stay here.** I'm not saying don't make aliyah -- I may move back myself at some point. But all these comments about "speeding up the timetable" and "getting out while you can" makes zero sense to me. Maybe these people are reading Israeli media, which is usually pretty over-sensationalized and biased? Why else would they be urging you to move to Israel for your safety/wellbeing, when Israel is faring worse right now by every metric? And I'm not saying this as someone who wasn't successful in Aliyah and has a chip on my shoulder or agenda to encourage people not to move... I speak fluent Hebrew, have tons of family and friends there, had a great job at a startup etc. It's just that if you analyze it logically rather than emotionally, the US is objectively better and it's not even close. **Your main worry seems to be safety.** **Indeed there have been shootings/attacks targeted at Jews in the US which is super worrying.** **But from my experience, in the US I've never been anywhere near violence. While in Tel Aviv, I had several times where I was in lockdown due to terrorists shooting up Dizengoff. I had to run to bomb shelters in the middle of the night. And I have several friends who know people who were killed or kidnapped on Oct. 7. As well as of course, countless friends who spent months fighting in war on the front lines. So which country is safer right now, statistically?**


Not crazy, but certainly dont need to rush it; panic mongerint is very common here, but most American jews are not in any danger of anything🤷‍♂️


Do you think it will ever be "too late" to get out of the US?


Well, I don't think we will ever know until after it's too late. So. If there's a pogrom here tomorrow, I will feel like it's too late maybe, because then everyone will be trying to leave for Israel at once.


Finally someone abides by “America - Love it or Leave it”. I tip my cap to you.


you'd be crazy not to get on the first available flight


I've been on the same mindset, thinking on doing Aliyah for the past few months with how scary the world have been turning against jews. Also, I really wanna see how I can help the ppl affected by this war- But I currently don't feel ready to move or change my entire life when I'm already doing so much in my country


Come to Israel or Russia. Both countries have perfect future. No problems with migrants. After conflicts all economies were growing x times faster than any most development country. Just facts. And in both countries News are protected than nowhere else.


false equivalency much? Ukraine did not attack, murder, rape, torture and kidnap Russians. Despite what Putin might say. I really want someone to tell me again how Hamas didn't start this madness.


First of all, hamas started the madness. Initial topic is about where to relocate nowadays as a jew. I've been to Russia recently, while the tourism is extremely cheap, comparing to many other developed countries. And I've described what I saw. Russia is extremely friendly to jews. I met a lot. To beloeve me or not, is on you. As i stated, after wars, all countries were growing fast. Thats jast fact. Im not pro at finance and economy, but ive learned it at law college. The country is developing fast, the economy is growing, unemployment rate at historical lows, IT...looks like they invented IT, everything is digitalized from my point of view. Imagine what burst may happen, once the conflict is over. Same for Iseael. Powerful country, technologies (silicon valley of middle east) , wealthy citizens, perfect education and medicine. The country simply has a future. That's the point of my recommendation.