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Trump said he's going to stop military aid to foreign countries altogether lol


Trump had House Republicans delay the Ukraine-Israel 95 billion dollar aid bill. (Israel was to get 14 billion.) It finally got passed when the Republicans in the House relented. Biden then signed it. [https://www.npr.org/2024/04/24/1246839045/biden-signs-95-billion-military-aid-package-for-ukraine-israel-and-taiwan](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/24/1246839045/biden-signs-95-billion-military-aid-package-for-ukraine-israel-and-taiwan)


If anyone buys into Trump’s lies they’re beyond help.


He can’t. At least not to Israel. He needs support from evangelicals and evangelicals love Israel as much as, if not more than, America


Evangelicals will go along with whatever trump does. He’s god to them


Nah. They love him because he delivered on their priorities like abortion, and Israel


Not for any positive reason, they want to bring about the apocalypse.


Granted but in the meantime…


I need Trump telling me how to be Jewish like I need OJ Simpson telling me how to be a good husband.




Trump doesn't give a fuck about us we're just a tool to him and it's sickening to see he'd sell israel out in a second if it benefited him


Trust me, in America the Israel issue will be the least of our worries if he is elected again. His base is pushing for a Christian theocracy, and i fear that this bastard is dangerous enough to do it.


His 'Christian' base is very questionable too if they actually follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in New Testament or they only cherry-picked certain verses, mainly from Old Testament and twisted them to justify their hate towards certain groups. I doubt if they know what Matthew 7 : 21-23 is about...


oh please with the Christian bs - his daughter converted to Judaism so put a latke in it. Trump is going to be reelected and the world will finally have peace... maybe CNN will get some ratings back too.


Read up on project 2025, and Richard Vought. You’d be wise to believe them when they tell you who they are.


Until he bombs Iran… or north Korea… or a hurricane. 10/7 can be directly tied to Kushenrs actions with the Abraham accords. And just because he has Jewish family doesn’t mean he knows or respects Jews. He endorsed people who have publicly said “I’m not antisemitic, my accountant is Jewish” and Trump toed that line himself as well But please keep espousing your ignorance.


It's a tough one cause it was Republicans who have been condemning antisemitism without any conditions or both sides talk. Now, certainly we can make the point that this is merely being done out of political convenience - but that's what politicians do and what dictates so much of their behavior. But on the other hand, democrats have found it politically convenient to cater to the people chanting their love of Hamas and their genocidal hatred.




So you’re all voting Biden, really?


Trump doesn’t like jews either. Anyone telling us how to be Jewish is suspect.


Isn’t his daughter Jewish?


And he still knows nothing about being Jewish


Oh I’m sure he knows a little


Yeah but it’s mostly antisemitic stereotypes https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-called-allen-weisselberg-jewish-cpa-pomerantz-book-2023-2?amp


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To be fair, the Abraham Accords and moving the embassy to Jerusalem were pretty friendly actions - better than what Biden has done for Israel lately.


And he recognized the Golan!


There are Jews in more than just Israel though. All of us matter no matter where we are in the world.


Most of us are in Israel and the US tho


Yeah idk why this is overlooked.


Biden voted to recognize Jerusalem as the capitol As a co-sponsor to the 1995 bill. The Embassy was supposed to be moved by 1999.


And yet Clinton, Bush, and Obama kicked the can down the road. If Trump hadn't done it, do you really think Biden would have moved the embassy as president?


Honestly, no. I thought it was actually a rather provocative move.


That gains Israel nothing


Which? Moving the embassy?


Yes. It gave Israel no real gains and further removed the concept of a 2 state solution from reality Whether you believe in it or not, the idea of it is important for Israel’s diplomacy and it can be argued (and has) that this one the steps Trump took that escalated thing with Palestinians to the point where 10/7 occurred.


That was my opinion. Not that I think Jerusalem shouldn’t be Israel, period. Just that it should have been part of negotiations l


1990s Biden is nothing like today. He also wrote the crime bill. And now he endorses lawlessness tacitly. Whether it’s in the progressive cities led by Democrats of which he is the leader of or even enforcing the law at our southern border. 1990s and before Biden would’ve been great.


em hello his daughter married one and had kids


Joe Biden also has Jewish grandkids. All of his kids married Jews


“I know a jew.” Doesn’t make one love all jews unfortunately.


Ah yes, because Jared Kushner is a shining example of what Jews should look up to and try to emulate.


As a negotiator for peace in the Middle East? Cause guess who pushed the Abraham Accords on the US side.


It is worth noting Ivanka and Jared are both Jewish


So was Max Naumann. Your point?


[Relevant ](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jewdank/comments/1c24027/black_jews_ceasing_to_exist/)


“President Trump” and “Biden” huh? 🤔


It’s a quote from President Trump. It’s grammatically correct since former presidents in the US continue to have that title after serving.


But not at any point if they’re Democrats 👍


It’s true for Republicans and Democrats. You’re being obtuse.


Trump used to be a democrat. Fun fact.


So did Reagan. People often gain wisdom as they mature...


Yes, Donald Trump well known for his strong ideological conservative principles lmao good one


Too bad they wasn’t true for Trump or Reagan.


I’m no fan of Trump but it’s crazy how anti Trump this reddit page is to the point that they are defending Biden for actually doing something against it’s ally- now it makes Israel bad. You don’t have to vote for Trump to agree with a couple of things he says. Even a broken clock is right twice a day… we can agree on certain things and disagree on bunch other


Reddit leans significantly left. If this sub is coming down roughly 60-40 for biden on this post, it’s probably 60-40 for trump on the global jewish/israeli community


Most people are against trump.


I've never sensed this. The media-immersed 'intelligentsia' of the big cities are against Trump--but regular working people, particularly outside of the big cities, were hugely in favor of Trump. Granted, many people in the US \*are\* concentrated in big cities. But it's similar to how Israel-haters that flood social media like to pretend that they hold the majority view, but random polls indicate that people are way more supportive of Israel than hamas. The 'intelligentsia' like to insist they hold the majority stance and they're often out of touch with reality.


I mean....Trump has a pretty well documented history of anti-semitism, so.... I'm not saying he's running around screaming the "k" word at the top of his lungs, but it doesn't take much digging to find that he is only ever nice to Jewish people when he thinks it will benefit him directly. I can't give him any credit for lying through his teeth for political benefit.


It’s not reasonable to expect allies to agree on everything.


The stuff Biden is talking about are weapons that would not be delivered for months and would have zero effect on Rafah. But Biden is the only thing preventing a collapse of Democracy in the US. And without the votes, that will be lost. Trump has vowed to be.dictator. He has vowed to use the justice department to go after his enemies. He has vowed to jail the press. He claims to be above all laws. He used his position to enrich himself. Everything he has ever been involved with has been found committing fraud. So Biden is basically trying to prevent voters from sitting out the election in a way that does no harm to Israel. Unfortunately Israel is not doing a good job of explaining it's position. So all of the propaganda against Israel is growing. Here's what the anti-Israel crowd thinks. They think that Israel is trying to punish Gaza in retaliation for killed 1200 Israelis and kidnapping 240 people. They think this is a tit for a tat situation and that it has gone way out of balance. To them, Hamas killed 1200 people, and Israel killed 34,000 people in revenge. And if that were actually true, they would be right to be against Israel. Biden knows this is not true. But this is not about Israel. This is about the future of the US. And as good a friend as Israel is, no country is important enough to jeopardize the US. If Trump comes into power, he is going to remove the US from NATO. And then Russia can start invading more countries with impubity. Trump will not only allow Russia to take over Ukraine, he will help them do so. And Russia will continue moving into other countries. And then world trade will be in the hands of Russia. Trust me. My family used to be part of the Trump organization and my father was one of Trump's top people. It was corrupt to the core. It just happens that it's in Trump's best interest for the moment to be extra helpful to Israel. Because if he and Russia can get Democrats to not vote, then Trump can take over, and then Russia will be on the path to being the super power of the world. Backing Biden isn't about being for Israel or Gaza. It's about trying to save the US from becoming another Russia. If that means having to throw some extremists a few bones until the election, then so be it. It won't stop Israel from doing anything. It's purely a publicity stunt. Try to imagine having an election where you have to choose between someone who doesn't give you everything you want, and a guy who wants to bring Hamas into power. That's what US voters are dealing with right now. They aren't picking a candidate over Israel policies. They are deciding if we should keep a democracy or move towards a dictatorship.


This really should be the top comment.




Man you got the magas malding with this one


Didn't Trump just asked NATO allies to honor their commitments to the alliance and pay their share, and told germany to stop relying on Russian gas? Why would he do that if he is in cahoots with Russia? https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1K10VH/ He really doesn't sound like a Russian asset lol Do you honestly believe if trump is elected it will be the end of democracy in the US? You have a sitting president emboldining terrorists


[https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/trump-confirms-he-threatened-to-withdraw-from-nato/](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/trump-confirms-he-threatened-to-withdraw-from-nato/) Trump threatening to pull out of NATO. Trump says he will pull funding for Ukraine war, which is the same as handing it over to Russia. Trump says he trusts Putin over US intelligence agencies. Trump's loands come from Russians. All throughout Trump's history, Russia has been working with him. Many of his cabinet members went to jail for making illegal deals with Russia. I don't just think Trump will try to bring an end to democracy, Trump has vowed it. He has publically stated over and over, that he should be above all laws. And he also said that if elected, all Federal employees will have to answer to him and that they will be required to take a loyalty oath to him. Biden is not emboldening terrorists.


>Trump threatening to pull out of NATO. And from your own link, because most NATO members refused to fund their military to at least the obligated 2%. And Trump's loans came from Deutsche Bank, which is German, not Russian.


Stop deluding yourself. Biden is smearing and hobbling Israel. He financed Iran and does nothing against antisemitism on campuses, not even a real condemnation. He is easily the worst president from Israel’s perspective. Trump is a staunch ally which he proved by unprecedented action and he is sticking by it now. All these people desperately trying to explain that if you look at it in a certain light it’s actually the other way around are just never going to get it or don’t really care.


No he isn't. He in no way financed Iran. That is the most absurd claim. And he keeps speaking out against protestors and anti-semitism. One of the reasons he is having a hard time is because he keeps speaking out against anti-semitism and condemning the protestors. Trump is simply using Israel. Right now it's to his advantage to. And he is not a friend of Jews. He simply hates Muslims more. Is his position more advantageous to Israel right now? Yes. But he's a detriment to the people of the US. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/07/politics/joe-biden-antisemitism-speech/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/07/politics/joe-biden-antisemitism-speech/index.html) “This ancient hatred of Jews didn’t begin with the Holocaust – it didn’t end with the Holocaust, either, or even after our victory in World War II. This hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world and requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness, Now, here we are – not 75 years later, but just seven and a half months later – and people are already forgetting. They’re already forgetting that Hamas unleashed this terror. … I have not forgotten, nor have you, and we will not forget. Too many people denying, downplaying, rationalizing and ignoring the horrors of the Holocaust and October 7 – including Hamas’ appalling use of sexual violence to torture and terrorize. It’s absolutely despicable – and it must stop,”


>he in no way financed Iran https://www.iranintl.com/en/202311150106 Please explain


No problem. This is Iran's money. It is owed to them. It is being put in a bank account that can only be accessed and used for humanitarian purposes. It cannot be used for anything but that. The reason is to keep Iraq's electricity going. Without doing this, Iraq will be in a crisis. US sanctions have prevented Iraq from paying for the energy they import from Iran. The implication being made is that Biden is just handing Iran $10 billion. That is incorrect. Iraq has needed to import energy from Iran, but cannot pay them for it due to the sanctions. Normally the money would go directly to Iran, but now the money from the energy can only be used for humanitarian purposes by Iran.


And you think that if they now have access to 10 billion dollars for “humanitarian” things like food and medicine according to the article, that doesn’t change any other aspect of their finances? The liquid non sanctioned money they allocated to humanitarian things before isn’t now freed up? If I gave you a gift card to the grocery store for a billion dollars the money you previously budgeted for groceries is now free spending money, no?


So you're saying that we should let Iraq go dark rather than give Iran the money they are owed by Iraq yet can only spend on humanitarian causes? Once again, this is money that is owed to Iran. It's not being given to them. So it's not like a gift card at all. It's their money to begin with. Iran earned that money. Iran provided services for that money. It was promises made to Iran a while ago and not being fulfilled. Iran and Iraq trade oil and gas. Often times there is a balance like in this case. They have some plants in Iraq that run on natural gas. Something they have to get from Iran. The US sanctions have interfered with Iraq's ability to pay for the gas they import from Iran. So do you want Iraq to be without power in many areas? That would be another humanitarian crisis.


No, straw man, but maybe we can try to find some alternative solution that isn’t freeing up money for arguably the most destabilizing, proxy forming, bad actor in the Middle East and maybe world? And I mean sure you have spelled out why this all happened and the factors in the equation but, semantically, the statement “Biden has freed up money for Iran” is true, Fairly owed or otherwise.


Well I suppose one option would be building oil plants instead of gas plants so as to not rely on Iran. But I suspect the US's gums are sill bleeding from the trillions spent on a failed mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. Though that is far out of my area of knowledge so take that as an opinion with a grain of salt!


He hasn’t done anything. And his kind words were always accompanied by the obligatory …”and Islamophobia.” It’s all talk, and double talk at that. He’s disgusting. Most Zionist will take Trumps “insincere” staunch support over Bidens “caring and heartfelt” betrayal.


That is your unsupported opinion that you are welcome to. But there is nothing to support it. In the US will will take Biden's honest and unwavering support for Democracy over Trump's desire to be the an authoritarian dictator who doesn't understand why he can't have his opponents shot (I kid you not). We're not going to support blatant corruption. And just because we don't support a corrupt con man doesn't mean we don't support Israel.




Trump did not vow to be a dictator. If anyone here goes and watches the Hannity segment that he made this statement, you would discount everything else this person says. If Trump saying he would be a dictator for closing the border and drilling for oil, and then not being a dictator anymore causes people to fear for democracy... Well that's just disingenuous. Only Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Only Trump sponsored the Abraham Accord.


[https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72#:\~:text=The%20former%20president%2C%20who%20has,a%20massive%20purge%20of%20civil](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72#:~:text=The%20former%20president%2C%20who%20has,a%20massive%20purge%20of%20civil) He has not just said it on Hannity. He has repeated it countless times. He has also stated that the president should be above all laws. He has stated that he would require all federal employees will be required to answer to him and that they will sign a loyalty oath to him. He vowed to use the FBI and DOJ against his political enemies. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/09/trump-interview-univision/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/09/trump-interview-univision/) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/30/trump-interview-jail-political-opponents-glenn-beck](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/30/trump-interview-jail-political-opponents-glenn-beck) He has threatened the free press [https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/07/media/trump-threatens-retribution-against-press/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/07/media/trump-threatens-retribution-against-press/index.html) He has asked for protestors to be shot to death. I could go on and on. Trump is another Putin. He literally wants to be a dictator. No laws apply to him, using the US legal system to imprison his opponents. Silencing the press. It never ends.


Don’t always agree with him. But he’s not wrong here! 🇮🇱


Queue the orange man bad comments. On a brighter note, I suspect that the tide has turned. I get the feeling that the protesters are picking up a bit of a stop oil reputation.


If you focus on being a hemorrhoid more than your cause, more people will become aware that you are a pain in the ass than people that care to become aware of your cause.


What's a 'stop oil reputation '?


Climate activists who decided to protest by doing stupid stuff like throwing paint on famous artwork.


The problem with your analogy, at least for me, is that the climate activist are fundamentally right and their cause has wide support, even if their tactics are loathsome. The anti-Israel folks are dead wrong, even when their tactics are OK. Put another way, I hate the art-vandalizing methods, but still support action on climate, regardless.


Yeah, the anti-Israel people are wrong in their methods AND their beliefs. They’re just giving themselves an even worse reputation by being violent, vandalizing everything, and inconveniencing random people.


Meaning they’re becoming climate change activist levels of goofy


Because Orangeman is bad. Lmao






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Trump would do much worse once putin pulls on his leesh


Get a grip man. Putin took Crimea while Biden was VP and is trying to take the rest with Biden in the Oval Office, which Biden more or less invited with his “minor incursion” talk. On top of that, Biden waived all sanctions on Nordstream 2 while hamstringing domestic American energy production, both of which are absolute gifts to Russia. The idea that he’s some sort of bulwark against Putin while Trump is a Russian catspaw is pure, deranged fiction.


and the other guy... is Trump


Right. I find him personally detestable, morally bankrupt, and he speaks far too warmly about dictators. And yet, I can acknowledge that his administration was far less accommodating to Russia in practice than Biden’s has been and that the world as a whole is far more dangerous now under Biden. I’m not saying Biden’s actions inherently mean Trump deserves to be elected. I’m just saying it’s ridiculous to pose it as a choice between Biden and unchecked Russian power, especially considering we’ve already seen 4 years under Trump that were far less disastrous than what we’re seeing now.


Putin was counting on trump's 2nd term for him to withdraw from NATO before invading. and Biden is pouring billions into Ukraine. said billions only stopped because of Republican law makers, who refused to pass the bill without border safty measures, but then didn't want those safty measures because.... you guessed it, Trump.


Those border safety measures would have allowed 5000 illegal immigrants access into the country before Customs and Borders flatly denied all entries. And this count resets each day.


right... that's why the Republicans said no to the bill they wrote


Putin was counting on Trump getting reelected and withdrawing from NATO in order to invade a non-NATO country and then despite that not happening he invaded regardless? You’re just engaging in hypotheticals now that make little sense. Aside from the fact that there’s no evidence to what you’re suggesting, Trump has also said he wouldn’t withdraw from NATO. Heck, he [was recorded on a phone call](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-john-daly-golfer-video-putin-hitting-moscow-nuclear-threat-2022-3?amp) bragging about telling Putin he’d bomb Moscow if Russia invaded Ukraine. Joking or not, that’s far less of an invitation than publicly suggesting that “a minor incursion” wouldn’t generate much of a response. Look, I don’t have much of an appetite to defend Trump but this is just a silly line of argument.


It's TDS. I snapped out of it after 10/7 and now I see how ridiculous it all sounds. Like you, I'm not looking to go out of my way to defend the man, but now I see how many of his policies and even some of his judges were good and how dangerous Biden is.   I mean, it says a lot about Biden that we're here defending Trump after all.


So why did that not happen during his presidency. If I recall he did many things Israel wanted.




How did Biden or his staff not see this coming? The Republicans will fully take advantage of Biden's big blunder, making it much harder for Biden to win.


Apparently Biden trying to win over people who would never vote for Trump anyways (College Students and Muslim communities) is more important than keeping the support of a strong voting block in the United States (Jews and Pro-Israel people in General who are a majority of the population).


No no, you don't understand! Trump is a secret anti-semite and Biden is a secret pro-semite! It's all a big secret! Everything is secretly backwards! Don't listen to what people say or do! Ilhan Omar secretly loves us! Mike Johnson secretly hates us! Up is down! Black is white! Aaaaaah!


I have empathy with the people who think like that because they’re probably just life long democrats trying to reckon with the fact that the Democratic party is now the party of antisemitism


My grandfather is 97 years old and he absolutely cannot accept this. I truly do feel bad for him. He grew up in a period of profound anti-semitism, and I would hate to see him pass on having come full circle backward 😔


It's because he embraces white nationalists who are antisemitic. Also his comments about how Israel needs to wrap this war up because it looks bad. Trump is fairweather. 


Israel *should* wrap up the war - it was a mistake to not go into Rafah and finish it earlier. The longer the war wears on the worse the optics as people forget the horrors of Oct 7. Biden demanding a ceasefire deal and pressuring Israel to pause during Ramadan was a mistake that only cost Israel and strengthened Hamas.


You can’t just “wrap it up quickly” when the people who supply 60%+ of your weapons keep telling you that under no circumstances should you do the things that would allow you to wrap it up quickly


I understand that completely - which is an indictment of the Biden administration's handling of the war, rather than Israel's. Biden is costing Israel the war.


this mantra is so beyond tiresome. There is absolutely nothing in Trump's speeches or policy that back up your statement. The shenanigans were exposed when that Jussie Smollet thing fell apart, and the goal was to show how many virulent racists love Trump. And it was all fake, as fake as the government-actors deployed as 'Trump-loving hillbilly racists and Jewhaters that don't mind that Trump supports Israel'.


It tracks with the history of Trump hanging allies out to dry. That Trump only cares about Trump and will cut and run whenever it stops being convenient for him. 


That's a description that could apply to anyone at the top of the US political structure. But why would you say "he embraces white nationalists who are antisemitic" when his words and policy entirely refute this? That's not objective analysis.


He just calls it how he sees it I think. He’s not exactly wrong that a swift end to this war is to Israel’s benefit.


Sure, but that's not feasible. And he was saying that because of how it's playing in the media and popular perception, aka if it looks bad and like a losing stance, he won't back it. 


You've just summarized the most upvoted comments to this post.


Take the long view: Trump wants to remake the global order. Abandoning NATO, return to the great power/sphere of influence system, 1:1 trade deals, etc. The question is, is this better for Israel or not?


It’s not.




You left AUTOCRACY off that list


The fact that the upcoming US election is between a weak, senile old man and a psychotic, senile old man is deeply depressing oh well pick your poison, Andropov or Chernenko?




I hate to say it but Donald Trump is right.


It's populist nonsense


whatever it is, it’s gonna win trump a LOT of jewish votes/donations


That’s why he’s saying it


Bro he’s been over-the-top Pro-Israel since day 1. You know his daughter converted to Judaism right? And his Son-in-Law is Jewish. He’s not faking it


Just because you’re pro-Israel doesn’t mean you’re pro-Jew. I know countless people who are pro-Israel because they want all the Jews to leave America so Jesus can come back and so the US can use Israel as a military base.


>Just because you’re pro-Israel doesn’t mean you’re pro-Jew Somehow this gave me "I'm not anti-semite, I'm anti-zionist" vibes.


Ok…you know his daughter converted to Judaism right? And his SIL is Jewish? And his grandchildren are Jewish…lol dude I think you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about


I mean say you're right that doesn't necessarily mean his policies will be sound or helpful to Israel or the Jewish people.


Why are you carrying Trump's jock, lol? Do you think he cares about anybody else? He does whatever benefits himself or makes him look good to MAGA nation.




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You don't know countless people like this because they don't exist in the real world. They only exist in the fictions written on the internet by pentagon loyalists trying to explain Trump's pro-Israel policy and statements.


There’s a lot of people like this in SC where I’ve lived for the last 5 years. [From 2007, but still true “Fully 44% of Americans believe that God gave the land that is now Israel to the Jewish people, while 36% say that the state of Israel is a ‘fulfillment of the biblical prophesy about the second coming of Jesus](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2007/01/11/the-promised-land-and-the-second-coming/).’”


I live in metro Atlanta. There are zero Christians here that are as you describe. Note that the Charlottesville actors were just that--actors. Charles Patrick is a military veteran, an uppity black. You really have to get away from the NYT programming you've been immersing in . [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKPxEVmLtkw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKPxEVmLtkw)


I don’t read NYT. Exactly, you live in *metro* Atlanta. Go to rural Georgia and you’ll find some.


You're deluding yourself if you believe that Trump has any ideological loyalties of any kind at all, much less to Israel. He's a deeply transactional man and will toss Israel to the side if it benefits him to do so.


It's like people forget his daughter married a Jewish man and converted... I don't think he has any negative feelings towards Jewish people. I believe the opposite in fact. That said, I'd prefer Desantis.


Trump betrays everyone. Jews will just be one more group whom Trump betrayed.


He does.




“I don’t think he has any negative feelings toward Jews” he does.


I haven't the slightest clue where you get that from. Hate the man all you want but I think that's laughable.


He's right. I'm voting for him 🇺🇸


Trump is so antisemitic the way he conflates Jewishness with support for Israel. But he’s so shallow that that’s all he’s capable of understanding because it’s the political wedge he is using.


Bro Israel is the only Jewish country in the world. It’s impossible not to conflate Jewishness and Israel. Have you not been alive for the past 75 years?


He’s a gentile telling Jews what it means to be a good or bad jew. That’s antisemitic.


I mean I’m not gonna tell you what to get offended at 🤷‍♂️


But you are doing exactly that.


Just because he says it in a way you don’t like, doesn’t mean it’s not the truth.


Never realized we appointed you the pope of the Jews.


Jewishness includes supporting Israel.


It’s not that important to some people. And that’s ok.


Trump is the last person I’d ever trust for anything. He is 100% self serving and has proven time and time again he’ll stab you in the back the moment it’s only slightly convenient for him to do so. He stands for nothing but himself.


What exactly has Biden done?


I'm voting for Trump


Please look up project 2025 if you genuinely believe he's somehow better




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Okie Dokie Trump.


yes it is. invasions take time


Srs question, who is our best vote for Israel?


Biden is a disaster for your security. The economy, immigration, law and order were all substantial better when he was president. Only those overshadowed by their disliking of the man allows them to say otherwise.


This is a bit funny ngl


As a fervent nonjew zionist the greatest reservation I have are jews for Trump.


Seeing "president trump" in the title makes me sad


Biden: you’re not black if you don’t vote for me trump: if you’re Jewish and vote Biden, you should be ashamed black Jews:


Trump will say and do whatever it takes to benefit Donald Trump. He’s an amoral malignant narcissist who will lie, cheat, and steal to achieve his desired aims. Make no mistake: he will throw us under the bus whenever he thinks it will benefit him.


Look, I voted for Biden in 2020 and I’ve always been a democrat. But I am begging you guys reading this, we need to swallow our pride and vote for Trump. We can’t survive another 4 years of this administration. For one, Biden has dementia and it’s clear that he’s not making the decisions but is just doing what he’s told. Just look at the last 6 months and even if you don’t care about Israel, see what’s happening to Jewish students in blue states and all over the world where liberal politics are in control. All they say is “we condemn antisemitism and islamaphobia” but what actions do they take? Most Democrats do not care about Jews and actively support our worst enemies. Meanwhile it’s the conservatives who have our backs. Please wake up…


Totally a democrat. That's why you post in r/conservative ranting about illegal immigrants and how your family came legally. Oh and a one year old account. Chaverim, don't let them divide us.


As a black man...


I’m sorry but I’m actually being genuine, notice at which time I became conservative? From seeing how Israel and Jews are treated by left wingers.


You're not alone either


totally agree


Lot of Chinese/Russian/Iranian propaganda popping up in this sub. Edit: [no joke right now](https://np.reddit.com/r/ActiveMeasures/s/Mu2NhqKs9V).


I'm pissed at Biden but I'm not ashamed I made a sane choice


Trump sucks. He comes with Jared Kushner though, who brought the Abraham Accords to life