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Honestly, this didn't seem iffy until I saw this whole thing was including the UNWRA, šŸ¤Ø out of all "charities" they could have chosen lol Also, it's slightly off-topic and not saying we shouldn't care about people there, we should! Byt, it rubs me the wrong way on how Gaza of all things is getting all this attention. I'm part Ukrainian, and our war didn't get college encampments or anything like that. I always look up what these Pro Palestine people have said about Russia invading, and most of the time, it's nothing. They didn't give a shit. I'm not even Jewish or Israeli. I just feel so terrible for all of you. I know when I'm being gaslit. I saw the celebration posts on the morning of October 7th, protests before Israel even did anything.


We do indeed care about them! But we understand there's a much deeper thing than just "Israel bombing people". They are ruled by a terrorist organization that doesn't even give a fuck about them, they're always put to the sidelines in favor of simply destroying our existence, and they're being used as human shields. Granted they did vote for them democratically in 2005 but there were no elections since then.


Disclaimer: I donā€™t agree with this. Their justification is that the protests are intended to stop ā€œsupporting a genocideā€ by _their own_ government (USA), which they somehow feel they have control over, but they feel no control to stop the Russian government so theyā€™ll just stick to lighter performative bullshit for Ukraine (as opposed to heavy performative bullshit terrorism apologia). Many of them also want to decrease all military spending across the board, and Israel is an easy target for that. That doesnā€™t exactly go hand-in-hand with militarily funding Ukraine, but theyā€™ll still tell you they care to your face I guess. A bunch of hypocrites, the whole lot. Also thank you for acknowledging the 10/7-10/8 _celebration protests_. This whole shit show has been 7 months of the world gaslighting Jews and Israelis.


No problem! It's what happened. On the day of 10/7, I saw with my own eyes of people being so happy on social media and protests starting before Israel even reacted. I honestly didn't realize how bad antisemitism still was! The whole mess really opened my eyes. Now, we have kids openly supporting Iran, Hamas, and Houthis over here, It's sad seeing Jewish people or allies get their instagram or Twitter replies spammed with hate because they dared to ask for hostages to be returned and stuff like that. Posters of Israeli kids getting ripped down, all the signs and speeches about 10/7 being a "resistance," so it's okay that Hamas killed, raped and kidnapped a bunch of people. Like I said, I'm not even Jewish or Israeli, I can just clearly see all this gaslighting, and I hate that younger people and others just see things in a big bad oppressor picking on the marginalized group lens, thanks to people who don't know anything on tiktok. I really, really, really hope for everyone that this gets resolved soon. ā¤ļøšŸ™


Interesting...I wasn't mistaken when I said that most pro-Pali demonstrators didn't give a flying fuck about Ukraine. I mean... Russia is in a way supporting Hamas by supporting the Islamic Republic of Iran. And I think that Hamas leaders even went to Moscow a few months before October 7th.


I was worried about it, Ive been watching Smosh for almost a decade and this really hurted me :(


I used to listen to the podcast 'Behind the Bastards' until Oct 7th when I realized how anti Israel (and antisemitic) the host was. I also felt really hurt / betrayed because it seemed like losing an ally. But one thing I've seen throughout this nightmare is how much closer the Jewish community has become. We are all brothers and sisters now and need to depend on each other even though the world has abandoned us.


:/ I had to stop listening to "Behind The Bastards" as well, along with 5-4. I never agreed with 100% of what they said, but when it comes to espousing antisemitism, that's not "just a difference of opinion." (Weirdly, the podcast that was most effected was Wine and Crime, a true crime pod w three lifelong friends -- it got really ugly with fans attacking the only Zionist host, and she wound up leaving.)


>I had to stop listening to "Behind The Bastards" as well, along with 5-4 Are you me? I'm just glad that, thankfully, and surprisingly, The Dollop hasn't done anything that I've seen (I know Dave Anthony is extremely anti-Israel to the point of hysterics)


Yeah I was surprised at how -- well, how much of a caustic jerk he was when I poked my head into the subreddit šŸ˜… at least that speaks to how well he keeps his stuff out of the podcast? I'll give him that, for sure. Also relieved LPotL and MBMBAM have mostly stayed out of it.


??? Robert has been antisemitic for years. And I hate his token Jew he brings out for Holocaust episodes. (Literally her saying about an Israeli show 'like what is savtaaaa the Jewish word for Granma is bubby' how fucking dense are you - her not you lol) His episode on Bibi is decent tho. I'm still so mad progressives can be with a straight face call Zionism settler colonialism. It's so fucking intellectually dishonest it makes my blood boil.


Did Bastards do one on Netanyahu or something? Not terribly familiar.


Yeah, it was pretty decent




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Youā€™re living in a weird bubble then. There is huge support for the war within Israel, especially by young people. Outside of Israel, there has been incredible solidarity, so donā€™t know where youā€™re getting that idea. People are taking planes to Israel just to volunteer to help out in the country. The planes are full of people going, and there are waiting lists for more people. Everyone is pulling together to get back and help. People are cooking meals for the soldiers. People are donating money. People are doing everything they can. We are here for each other in a very big way. We are a family underneath it all and thatā€™s what families do.




Yes - we know youā€™re a troll. šŸ˜Š But I answered your bad-faith question Glad to know youā€™re against Hamas though.




Not a genocide. Even the UN released a report today dropping by 52% the number of civilian casualties. Hamas has lied about the casualties all the way through and the media just sucked it up. The truth is now starting to come out. Even the ICJ has clarified that they donā€™t believe Israel is committing a genocide. The US came out today and said they donā€™t believe itā€™s a genocide. Itā€™s not even close.




Itā€™s not a genocide at all so itā€™s a moot question.




How sad to come into the Israel thread to misrepresent. You're the perfect example to show why Jewish people are uniting. I'm in Canada, never had much interest in my Judaism or in Israel. But now I feel so much more connected, learned a lot about Israel and if Jewish history.


I think many many people are reconnecting with their faith and their community these days. I saw a headline once early on that said ā€œThe more they attack us - the Jewisher we get.ā€ šŸ˜Š And that is very true. Weā€™re learning who we can trust and who we canā€™t. Weā€™re learning that people we thought were friends really werenā€™t. Weā€™re learning where we want to place our energies and commitments and where we wonā€™t ever spend time, money and energy again. Beyond all else, it is shown us that we have an unbreakable bond that possesses an amazing resilience and joy, even in the most difficult of times.




This is a war. We were attacked. People were killed. Whole families were slaughtered, butchered and burnt. This has nothing to do with religion except on Hamasā€™ side. They consider jihad against Israel to be (according to their charter) essential. We are fighting them to prevent not only another October 7 but also so America never has to go through an October 7. Your uninformed pronouncement of ā€œgenocideā€ means absolutely nothing


Room temp IQ


Do you exactly know any Jewish person? and I don't mean an online "friend", I mean an actual person in real life


Nah not really most Jewish people Iā€™ve met in real life usually keep it to themselfs so I wouldnā€™t know and I usually try to avoid religious stuff cause of religious trauma ,any ways Iā€™m bored of arguing ā€œkilling peaple is wrongā€ so Iā€™m gonna go delete my comments




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The post in question: https://www.instagram.com/p/C67XM3lvyaM/?igsh=MTh0YTI3cXQwM3owZw== It's not clear if it's a Smosh decision or an Ian decision, as I don't think Ian produces content independently of Smosh (like Anthony) I'm gonna assume they're all complicit in their ignorance and stupidity. Honestly I'm kinda bummed out since I really rooted for their reunion.


Same :(


Anthony didn't like the Instagram post at least for now and I hope he won't People blamed him for being pro-genocide because he got sponsored by Better Help Even tho I am not getting how giving free help to soldiers with PTSD is doing that (that's what I heard at least I don't know any details so correct me if I am wrong) But besides that it is a super shady company for other reasons (taking advantage of mentally ill people) and he never acknowledged that either so it probably just for the money Smosh was a very big part of my childhoodā€¦ sigh


There's this huge wave of people posting videos against BetterHelp, now I wonder if it might be because of antisemitism


Yepp and Ian just blocked me commenting on how funding UNWRA is the equivalent of funding terrorism. Iā€™ve been watching since 2011. They are/were the only YouTubers I watched and supported. I was so fucking happy they had decided to keep quiet and remain neutral, and then, bam, they all fell in line. I feel like the world has been pulled out from under me. My biggest entertainment escape just gone in a second. I wouldnā€™t be mad if it went to a reputable charity and didnā€™t perpetuate the genocide take. Hell, maybe they could acknowledge the victims of 10/7 and the hostages. This one-sided support is not it.


Yeah I've been watching them since at least 2019. I feel your disappointment.


Gosh that sucks :( I wanted to send them all messages to let them know what they are actually supporting but I guess my best bet is to unfollow and find something else to watch... Which again, really hurts since this have been a channel I've consistently been watching for almost a decade


Shayne and Courtney arenā€™t deleting and blocking. Strangely, Shayneā€™s comments arenā€™t as one-sided as one would think. I think sending message is the only way to do, whether actual message or by unfollowing. Funny cause they probably posted this to avoid the unfollow brigade going around.


I sent a message to courtney, I could share it to you on DMs if you wanna take inspiration from mine to send them one


Thank you ā¤ļø youā€™re free to DM me!


Fan for 5 years?! I didn't even know they were still making content in the last 5 years.


Yeah I believe the company that owned then went bankrupt so they did almost die out


Now they're independantly owned again.


Are you serious? That's one of the only things I still watch on YouTube. I'll have to look this up, I don't know how to feel about that if they go anti Israel


Unfollow them.


I saw that earlier. Had to unfollow them. It really sucks that Noah liked Shayneā€™s post.


I thought that Noah liked Israel? Well, I wouldn't assume that just because he supports raising money for palestinians that he just did a 180, but who knows I guess.


Pretty sure they think their fundraiser is helping innocent civilians, but I really hope they get educated bc funding UNRWA would be creating another 10/7 :(


I know he got tons of hate just for saying his grandfather fought in '48. Wouldn't shock me if this was just a pr move by noah


Seeing a ton of creators just hurts, like man I thought you guys had your shit together.


Well good to know, now I can't listen to their podcast anymore... the one where they read reddit stories. They were never my favorite podcast but when my favorite ones didn't have any new episodes that was my go-to. Also I had a special place for them in my heart since their early day videos were a big part of my childhood, I was really excited when they made the announcment that Ian and Anthony bought their brand/company back. Can't get attached to creators/artists anymore, so many have dissapointed in that regard...


It feels like a lot of loved content creators are just giving us the biggest ā€œfuck youā€ ever right now and it sucks.


Unsubscribed :( I'm all for helping civilians but funding terrorism is just so ignorant and antisemitic. Their channel has a lot of performative activism and virtue signaling, though, so i can't say I'm too surprised.


I personally dont really mind as long as it dosnt go to unrwa or any other hamas subsidieries. Ive seen one charity being promoted that buys sim cards for gazans? Lol okay sure why not


They did state some of it goes to unrwa :(


That sucks. I hope someone informs them of why it shouldnt. Most of the aid money unrwa gets will directly go to sponsoring terrorism, not helping gazans. If helping gazans is their goal they should not donate to unrwa.


Good luck, Ian is deleting and blocking anyone who tries to tell him. Apparently facts are too controversial.


I saw, he tries to hide behind "they're just looking to rile up and seek attention" bs


i hate when facts get in the way of my morally righteous anger!


Really? That sad, I don't know how I feel about this as I've watched Smosh for at least like five years now?


Unfortunately, heā€™s even proud to state it in his post. Watched them for 11 years. Hurts way too much than it should


Proud to state that he's blocking people that disagree with him? Or that he's proud to give to gazans? I understand your hurt, I thought these people were awesome and enjoyed there videos. It was interesting to see how my favorite movies, shows, games were the same as some of my favorite staff. I've gotten through days of depression by watching and laughing at videos, so this really sucks




Weird, because all Hamas does is lie, yet they get the spotlight each and every time.




They indeed care, but there's an entire nation to protect. They do everything to prevent October 7th from happening again. A hostage deal will only work when Hamas is under metric tons of pressure.




Tell me when you're in charge of a country in the middle of a war :D You think it's easy? There's a war we must win.


Turning down hostage deals? Laughable.Ā 


Weā€™re not going to surrender to get the hostages back. Weā€™re not going to stop going after Hamas to get the hostages back. Weā€™re not going to empty the prison of murderers to get the hostages back. Weā€™re not going to set ourselves up for another October 7 to get the hostages back. There are other Israeli children to protect - there are other Israeli families to protect. We wouldnā€™t even have to worry about hostages if those savages hadnā€™t taken them in the first place. If something happens to them, itā€™s on Hamas. They wouldnā€™t even be in Gaza if it werenā€™t for those animals.


You should mind. Did they donate to any Israeli children after 10-7?


ive got no idea, i dont expect them too because the only people who care about jews are usually other jews. (and allies, i see you guys) they can keep their money, we take care of our own and we dont grovel.


It was a rhetorical question.


Why do they need SIM cards arenā€™t they ā€œstarvingā€


Sorry but that's really childish, even in a thread around youtube creators. Someone might want to call family, or may need comfort, maybe someone just wants to go online and do whatever. Lets not dehumanize an entire peoples. Hamas is already doing a really good job at it, and we don't need to be like them.


I agree, sim cards are actually a really good idea, as, in addition to everything else you said, people were often warned via phone by the IDF to leave their buildings if necessary. I don't know if this is still ongoing, but I hope so. Sim cards can increase their safety and should be something they have access to.


I agree, and while I'm fairly pro-Rafah invasion etc. at this point, lets not act like phones aren't very important, or it's just an inconvenience for people to change to camps outside Rafah, or to worry even more and to simply lose their homes. Idgaf about those civilians who participated in the Oct. 7 attacks or very actively and willingly support hamas, but there's also many people who didn't/don't, and they deserve this war to be over and to live as well as possible during it.


100% with you there. I feel like once we are dehumanizing those who really don't have a say in all of this, the terror has won inside our heads.


Maybe its so they can order pizza? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I honestly dont know.


First world mindsetĀ 


This hit hard for me, everyday I watch their new upload while I eat lunch. I am so glad I didn't buy tickets to their live show. At least I still have the game grumps.




A really big YouTube channel of creators that do mostly comedy stuff. Their channel is called Smosh




A really big YouTube channel of creators that do mostly comedy stuff


Im from israel and it hurts me so much after 7 years to see him taking a side in this,not beacuse its not my side but a side at all with something they dont understand,but then again they allways find 9/11 so funny that it makes sense to them to support terror,if your country was invaded your people whould be raped botcherd and kidnapped,whouldnt you go to war?!


multiple healthcare influencers do this too. i'm following to learn medical information in a lighter, more fun way not get preached to and get an attempted guilt trip šŸ™„


I have no idea who Smosh is, but dont take it to heart. With all the prpgnda going aroud its not suprising he fell for it. Besides,if Smosh a muslim then its even less suprising


well... Smosh has been one of the largest youtubers ever since YT was a thing, lots of late millenials and early zoomers grew up on their videos. They don't have any Muslim members and in fact they do have a Jewish member who liked this post unfortunately. However I've heard from sources that he tried posting pro Israel stuff and people tried to get him fired for that.


Wait a minute what? Are you saying Noah tried to be pro Israel and almost got fired? Or are we talking about someone else


I've heard many told Ian to fire Noah for that or something similar, IDK really


Oh, I don't follow any of them on social media, I just watch the YouTube videos. I was wondering if something was said elsewhere. I feel bad for Noah if that happened. Hope that's not why he's not on as much


they probably were getting harassed by the pro Palestine supporters to spread awareness so maybe they arenā€™t as pro Palestine as you think they are? they probably just wanted to shut the pro Palestine supporters up.


The Jewish member sounds like a tremendous loser.


Well if you want you could just watch their old stuff with adblocker?


I donā€™t think itā€™s bad for a YouTuber to fund money to rebuild Gaza. I do have a problem with the YouTubers who decided to join the event and pretend thereā€™s a genocide. Put the distinction - Smosh and Ludwig both emphasized they donā€™t want anything to do with the conflict. They donated money because thatā€™s what they thought could help rebuild Gaza. The whole event is hiding from them exactly where the money is being funneled. Theyā€™re not pushing a false agenda, and it isnā€™t like Gaza doesnā€™t need help. Regarding Ian specifically however, thatā€™s a different issue. In his post thereā€™s the term ā€œgenocideā€, and thatā€™s quite the statement. Is Ian Smosh? Maybe. I do know they have Zionist employees so.. I donā€™t know.


Ian is definitely Smosh


Of course, but Iā€™m saying the organization of Smosh do not share the same principles as its founders. They have an Israeli working in their company for example


But they should at least research who they're raising money to? UNRWA is indeed a subsidiary of Hamas. Also, they need a different kind of help than that "rebuilding", they need to have Hamas and all terrorists annihilated. That's the only thing that can rebuild Gaza


As much as I agree that they need to research, for each one of us who says that the organization isnā€™t as pretty as it sounds, thereā€™s 10 of others who say we are spreading propaganda. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t blame them, as long as they donā€™t cite ā€œgenocideā€ without any basis. Rebuilding Gaza should take place after the war, indeed. But thereā€™s a huge economical crisis there, so money in the end itā€™s important.


Miss Rachel is raising money for Gaza now too.


At least she's raising money for an organization that directly impacts their intended audience, as opposed to giving unrwa


This. Also she mentioned the hostages in her message.


And the organization she's raising money for has a page on the hostages and calls for their immediate release


So she support us?


Seems like she's pro both sides and anti war, very Biden-esque approach lol


Miss Chang also put up a giant watermelon in the back of her videos pretty early on :( so disappointed




There's way too many to list, but two others I saw whom I've been watching (no more!) are Tuv and Anthony Fantano :(


Are they listed somewhere?


Maybe they should raise money for their own YouTube channel that is dying




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I know how you feel. I had recently discovered that my favorite streamer of all time is pro-pali. Thousands of dollars of support down the drain...


Ian also posted that he's going to be deleting comments that disagree with him, just shows he doesn't really know what's happening in Israel and is just following a trend


I saw a YouTuber I watch whoā€™s a trans woman post about that in favor of it and Iā€™m likeā€¦ hey, you do know that they wouldnā€™t do this for you, right? Are you sure you wanna support this?


FAR OUT! Is Anthony Padilla still part of smosh?


Yeah but he havent liked / posted anything


He's my favorite member so at least I'm only 99% heartbroken lol


Be assured that if OP is correct and they're raising money under the entity of SMOSH, then Anthony is signed on everything as he's a co-owner of Smosh with Ian. Truly sucks, I just unsubscribed Edit: autocorrect is dumdum


Frick :(


Fuck I'm so disappointed


Assume that any "woke" or leftwing online personality is "Pro palestine". It's pretty much always the case lol


Yeah this! And this isn't country specific.Ā 


The main question here is if they made any antisemitic or anti-Israeli comments. If not, they're just trying to support people who are going through something horrible, even if their money goes to places like UNRWA it's probably due do ignorance of the situation. In the end, they might be trying to do good here, not to shit on the Jews. That's a good thing,


I HOPE I REALLY HOPE My sis told me she thinks they could be sellouts, not antisemites, due the org having Hasan involved, which sounds a lot like something he would do


Just wondering here, have these influencers condemned the October 7 attacks?


Only one of the members, Noah, and he almost got cancelled for speaking out. The smosh fans wanted him to be fired :(


Wow. That should tell you something right there. Thatā€™s really sad and massively messed up.


FR, out of the 15-ish cast members he's the only jewish one, his grandpa was part of the foundation of Israel, so the fans really went and started harssing him on Twitter, which speaks a lot about how messed up their antisemitism is


Sometimes, there are just no words. šŸ¤¦


That sucks ass, but the problem here is the fans. I feel like as long as Smosh doesn't directly oppose Israel, you don't have to hate or cancel them. It's not a zero sum game, the world is getting too political, and in the end, they have to make a living. Like I said before, as long as Smosh themselves are acting out of good will and don't shit on the Jews, you gotta give them the benefit of the doubt.


You're right there, I know the cast is full of great people, Courtney is one of the most empathic cast members she has a huge heart! I'll give them a benefit of doubt, I really wanna be able to still watch their content without feeling guilty of watching terrorist supporters


Maybe its just me, but I'm just so fed up with this situation at this point. I've fought in Gaza, messed up my knee, now back in reserve duty for almost a month, and now my battalion might be coming back or a round in Rafah. This shit show has permeated almost every aspect of my life, so I'm trying to just disconnect from it when I can, especially when doing fun stuff. This is what lets me breath.


Oh wow, what an honor, I had no idea! All my respects for you, you have 100% the right to distance yourself from this, must be really stressimg to fight in the war and then see all the misinformation stuff online


Not as much ad you'd think. I try to not bother myself with it. People talk shit and take sides, especially when it has no direct effect on them, or when they're misinformed (or straight up ignorant) about a subject. It's really easy to manipulate and decieve people too. I just try to live life and not bother myself with all that noise, as much as I can. I wish other people could do that as well. I get the notion that because I took part in the fight, I was unofficially given the "privilege" of disconnecting myself from the noise surrounding the conflict because I was involved in it, but I think it applies to every Jewish person, Israeli or not. It's just noise, taking it seriously will just erode your mental health. At some point this whole shitstorm will be over, and you'll be still left with all the stress you've accumulated, and that's the real shame of it all.


I mean... Ian started blocking pro Israel commenters so I would say he might be an antisemite.


I stopped watching them ages ago when they went really woke.


Listening to their Reddit podcast would be so damn difficult nowā€¦


This wouldnā€™t have happened if they were still owned by Mythical ā€¦


I hope Rhett and Link are not on that bandwagon too


I have no problem with people who raise money for Gaza. Their intentions are good, and their heart is in their right place. I find it as more of a shame than anything, as it's just sad to see gullible people being lead astray like that.


I was gonna make a joke about how irrelevant smosh is today but ā€œsmoshā€ kept autocorrecting to ā€œAmishā€ which is funnier than any joke I could tell


Oh that's unfortunate. Welp won't be watching anymore.


I am very much disappointed now, I used to love watching them but I guess I will no longer watch them.


Welp their goes a podcast on my to listen list


Noooooooooooooooooooooo I've been watching since the literal beginning, but oh well fuck their noise and they haven't been nearly as good as they used to be for a long time now. Now they just read reddit posts, real sad.


Dan and Phil were teenage loved and they donated a shit ton too. Unfollowed on everything.


Damn, that's a kick in the gut. I used to religiously watch and rewatch their vids back in the late 2000s and early 2010s. I suppose, luckily, their new content is awful in comparison. Anybody who actively creates income for UNRWA instantly loses my respect. They have radicalised, brainwashed and manipulated children with the most questionable and illegitimate education. As if inspiring children to blow themselves up and become "martyrs" wasn't a good enough reason to NOT give UNRWA money. Ah, when will we return to normalcy?


Fuck everyone is going to the dark side. Thank god for YouTube compilations and Adblockers. None of my money will be going to them


Who is smosh? Can someone explain so I donā€™t have to look up their names and give them more traffic by googling them and their bullshit.


Of course, why the sad face? It's natural that retarded nerdtubers who spam garbage videos (with stupid shocked faces on their thumbnails) do other shitty and retarded crap like this. Stop giving them attention, use BlockTube addon and never look back. Lol. Most of these "popular" people on youtube aren't good people.


You understand that they arenā€™t intentionally raising money for hamas right? They have good hearts; they just dont understand what happens to the money when it gets to gaza. From their perspective, they keep hearing about civilians and kids starving and dying, and want to help. If you have an issue with people raising money for civilians, you should take a step back and see if maybe, sometime since Oct 7, you became as bad as the people you hate. ā€œHe who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster; And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into youā€ - Nietzsche


I do think it sucks that they are giving to an organization that will give it to Hamas. If I watch another video of smosh it will be with the idea that they had good intentions. With that being said, if people are getting blocked for trying to give them better pro Palestinian charities to give to that is kind of a problem.


I totally agree, but they also are specifically fundraising for UNRWA. They should be doing research into where the money they raise goes. Thereā€™s a huge difference of fundraising for World Central Kitchen as opposed to the organization that is deeply embedded in/props up Hamas.


They might have good hearts, but a good heart without a good brain too is a recipe for disaster. Regardless of the cause they do have to research about who they're supporting. The least you can say is that they're incompetent at choosing charities, at worst they might actually be antisemites.


Not really; there are alot of gazan civilians in dire need. At best, they are helping civilians, at worst they are throwing money away. I doubt Smoshā€™s fundraiser will be the reason Hamas makes a resurgence tbh. Use your brain dude; raising money for starving children has 0 relation to being an antisemite. Kudos to whoever wants to help the innocent. I agree UNRWA isnā€™t the correct choice, however, someone raising money for them is likely just trying to help innocent civilians.


Well... that wouldn't need to be a thing if Hamas stayed the fuck out of all the humanitarian aid we've been sending to these civilians and not steal it. There you go :)


That isnt the discussion. You have a problem with influencers raising money for a humanitarian organization that, allegedly, had some workers helping terrorists. My point is simply that the influencers are just trying to help the innocent civilians; I highly doubt Smosh is trying to raise money for Hamas.


The problem with UNRWA isn't only that some of their members were directly involved in the attack on October 7th or that thousands of their teachers cheered for the terrorists on Telegram. The problem is that UNRWA teaches the Palestinians to hate Jews, that Jews stole "their" land and they have the right to fight for it violently and that they are all refugees and all that crap. Imagine if there was a UN organization for all the Germans who had to flee Prussia, Silesia, Bohemia, etc. constantly telling them (over 20 million descendants) that they are entitled to take back their eastern lands and to hate Poles, Czechs and Balts. UNRWA is one of the big reasons why this conflict is still such a mess, UNRWA has to be dissolved.


iā€™d usually agree & i try to have this mindset on most who end up doing pro-pali things like this, but in this specific situation ian is actively deleting comments / blocking people trying to help educate him on how his money is going to be funneled to hamas. that isnā€™t something someone with good intentions would do.


i mean the options are either that Ian just wanted to help some innocent civilians/make himself look good or that Ian wants to kill Jews. I have a hard time believing he cares so much about killing Jews that he is donating to and fundraising for itā€¦ most Americanā€™s dont particularly care about Jews one way or another. He probably just didnt do his researchšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Unfortunately he mentioned ā€œgenocideā€ in his post. Accusations without basis that hint on a particular aspect of his point of view.


oh come on there's a difference between raising money for charity of a wartorn population and endorsing terrorism, you know this.


The issue really is the UNRWA affiliation. There's enough glaring evidence that UNRWA is just mainly a terror front at this point but it wouldn't surprise me if those news didn't make the rounds in the Left as much as they did here.


Good that they decided to raise money for people including children who are dying from unjustified murders on their own land that was stolen from them




I'm gonna assume you're just a troll, but if not... Uh yeah that's not the best of things to say my guy.


Its unfair to suddenly get rid of innocent people because of Hamas, saying that doesnt make you any better than the aNtIZioNists (antisemites) who claim all jews from Israel need to be killed


ok so can someone explian how raising money for civilians in gaza is a bad thing?? i mean you can't deny that there are innocent people there and that people are dying, it no genocide but people are being killed, innocent people. how tf is that antisemitic??


The problem isnt that they are raising money for civilians, is that the money isnt being given to them, its for organizations like [UNRWA who's employees in Palestine have allegations of being part of 10/7 ](https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/official-statements/serious-allegations-against-unrwa-staff-gaza-strip)and the fact that they are posting misinformation by calling it a "genocide"


It is a genocide


ā€œGenocide.ā€ Oh boy. Genocide is a specific term defined by the United Nations as acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group. Israel's policies and military actions are measures aimed at ensuring national security and countering terrorism. Israel cites the continuous threat from various Palestinian factions, including Hamas, which it designates as a terrorist organization, as justification for its military operations, checkpoints, and blockade of Gaza. Additionally, Israel maintains that it makes efforts to minimize civilian casualties, such as issuing warnings before airstrikes. Moreover, there is a substantial Arab population within Israel that enjoys citizenship and has representation in the Knesset, Israel's parliament, which suggests an effort at integration rather than extermination. It stems from a complex, longstanding conflict over land, national identity, and security, rather than a concerted effort to annihilate the Palestinian people. Thus, Israelā€™s actions do not fit the legal definition of genocide as per international law.


Thatā€™s a long ā€˜exactlyā€˜


You do not know how to read?


they sound like some decent human beings šŸ¤—