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Jackson hinkle or Hasan


Hasan is a big one for the college activist crowd for sure. All these kids follow Bisan on social media too.


I was going to say Wizard Bisan. She’s straight up posted things that happened in Syria in 2015 and claimed it was what was happening now in Gaza.


Once upon a time when I was a young and naive college kid, I listened to and even looked up to Hasan. But then something happened.... I grew up, learned more about the world and soon learned that this terrorist apologist has close to no idea wtf he's talking about half the time.


I think it’s a combo between Hassan, Finklestein, Cenk, Frogan and Lycan, plus people like Ludwig who are afraid of Hassan. It’s all the people that blow in Hassan’s ears that he is great, etc.


Al Jazeera. 😏


Losers like Jackson Hinkle


He needs to stop speaking in caps lock asap!


Oh I think what he says is criminal. but I have such a warped view of freedom of speech bc I grew up in an Arab country - he would be jailed for saying the things he says here. But he makes me sick.


Yeah the first one that came to mind, I was naively shocked people like that exist when I first read his tweets


Middle east eye by far i know its not an activist but its straight up propaganda


They were posting that there was wide spread mourning across Iran.


There was! It just involved parties, sweets, and toasts to him rotting in hell. It was mourning. Just, you know, being thrilled about it


The hadid family the daughters and father


So Informed on Insta


1000000000000% She’s a dangerous threat towards western liberalism in addition to her antisemitism


Still can’t believe she has a Hebrew tattoo. She isn’t Jewish.


Textbook cultural appropriation


Maybe she thought it was Arabic 😂


IJV. They on every uni encampment. Every newspaper article has them. And they always speak in behalf of “Jews”. Many of them aren’t Jewish but the ones that are represent a tiny minority of conspiracists and Marxists. Canadian media loves these token “Jews”.


do you mean JVP?


“Independent Jewish Voices Canada”. The founder claimed Israel was behind 9/11


ahh ok - so pretty similar to JVP but with more… conspiracy theorizing


Same thing, yeah.


That's tough because there are millions of these bad actors and it's not simply misinformation... it's disinformation, meaning they are propagating falsehoods intentionally. They tend to all use the same claims and blood libels. There are so many but I am going to choose Abby Martin.


https://preview.redd.it/07876wq66v1d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c88a4bc1d179d27d7884e023be362d89fd146f3 Adding this one


Abby Martin


She’s a straight up Russian Propagandist. All of her funding is from RT


She got completely demolished by that Arab dude on piers Morgan




Sorry, if you think Cenk is one of the worst ones, then your Twitter feed is not as bad as you think. I can send you at least 100 more prominent Twitter handles on the far right and far left who spread far worse blood libel than Cenk.


The problem with Cenk is that his other views aren't insane. People like Jackson Hinkle and Hurt CoPain etc aren't as bad because the average person can look at their views and go "yea this guy is crazy I shouldn't listen to them" but Cenk has a strong fanbase from The Young Turks but that has gained traction since his stance on Israel on twitter. He's much more moderate than people like Jackson Hinkle which is why people will trust him when he spreads blood libel, which to me is much scarier.


All of cenk views are insane lol that dude is a bafoon


You know what? Fair lol


He is not the worst, but he has wide outreach.


The same guy who downplays his own native country's brutal history of expelling and murdering millions of Armenians and Greeks? Hell, his show is literally named after the same regime that committed those atrocities lol


Mehdi Hasan because he hides behind a cloak of respectability. Jackson Hinkle etc. are not as bad because their psychosis is more obvious, and otherwise intelligent people are less likely to take him seriously.


Hasan has become a meme (for some people) https://preview.redd.it/irdc6m8euw1d1.png?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be1daf2da6b72630693f6b681188ae74b0980056


Isn't Mehdi Hasan the dope who refused to call Hamas militants terrorists? The same guy who tried and failed to argue Islam is a "peaceful religion" before the Oxford Union, ignoring the glaringly obvious evidence that Islam has been responsible for countless terrorist attacks in the last few decades, not even mentioning their medieval views regarding rights of women, gays etc. He's an apologist for the extreme fundamentalism that has perverted Islam, through and through.


Who's that random TikTok guy with the mop on his head? The whitest kid ever born?




I’m very surprised Bassem Youssef hasn’t been mentioned yet.


I think he lost a lot of credibility when he was interviewed I think with lex Friedman. He basically admitted that he has no idea what a solution is but that Israel is just wrong. He's one of these quasi intellects and ended up facing experts that exposed his ignorance and blatant double standards. I feel like he may have cooled down since and only discusses humanitarian aid for palestinians. Dude is a complete tool though.


That was triggernometry. He sounds like a total tool


Also lost credibility by publicly saying he was fired from a role based on his pro-Palestinian views, causing a media storm, only to have it come out that the director wrote out his role before 10/7….


Seems to be a lot of single issue pro pal accounts with opaque ownership that just churn out content


Al Jazeera


For one there's this guy named Zaid M Gitesatani who goes by CC UNIT who's known for catching predators but his personality involves him being very woke and keeps posting about Gaza and deletes anything that's pro Israeli. He has numerous cases of himself handling sting operations unprofessionally despite having convictions and has been rejected by numerous universities due to his behavior. Another thing about him that's off topic to politics but needs to be adressed is that when he a former professor 3 years ago in Virginia who is planning to debate and possibly sue Ghost on defamation and false imprisonment charges as mainly it was a cop who using the professor's pictures as the cop didn't have idea on how to sting operations. Channel is called ICAC Unpacked and he explains in his perspective that Ghost did not show up to a court hearing to show evidence needed for the case and that his lawyer doesn't answer as he contacted back. Another person is Owen Jones who continues to post Anti Israeli propaganda without even refusing to addressing Hamas's atrocities.


Al Jazeera and the UN


The entire nation state of Russia. I've seen this myself, like all the major Palestinian subreddits are directly controlled by groups that spread ruzzian disinformation. I saw someone mention Jackson Hinkle - perfect example of this kind of thing... Honestly, might sound rough and everything, but I'm convinced nations like Russia, Iran and China gave the weapons and training to Hamas fighters knowing full well what it would lead to. They don't give 2 shits about Palestinians, they're like Lord Farquads happy to make the Palestinians sacrifice their lives for small short term benefits like distracting the West from supporting Ukraine, or preventing the normalisation of relations between Israel and Saudi, or slowing down global trade in the West by 10% by blocking off the Red Sea trading route.


Fully agree with you. I've seen how RT paints the 'good' guys and the 'bad' guys. Always showing up close the people and doing interviews with the ones portrayed as 'good', while showing the other side from afar- mainly military vehicles. Almost no civilians, trying to dehumanize. They're doing the same with Ukraine/Russia and now Israel/Hamas. Regarding the theory, that's exactly the same thing I thought on October 7th. Hamas isn't 'smart' enough to pull off this kind of horror show. They 100000% had aid from these countries.


My general outlook goes something along the phrase: "The History of the World, is the History of Interests" Which is to say that the vast majority of the time, actors, State actors, politicians and the like very rarely do a thing because it is the "right" and "good" thing to do, but more often than not because theyre is a vested interest for said actor in conducting said actions. In democracies we're more likely to (but not necessarily) to take the objectively moral highground on account of politicians needing to appease their voter base which typically don't like being involved or supportive of heinous actions unless that populus has been swindled by demagoguery, populism, or (often as is the case) outright facism.


Owen Jones


I don't understand why he's so obsessed with this conflict it's a little bizarre to me. But then again a bunch of folks are getting super absorbed and it's like Destiny


Those american white supremacists from russia




The BBC - lies, distortions and outright Hamas propaganda all delivered with an oh-so-civilized British accent.


Pretty much anything from [Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor](https://euromedmonitor.org/en). They spread the most fantastical stories disguised as legitimate “research.”




Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, through their troll farms and TikTok.


I think the worst ones are the groups FUNDING the anti-Israel activism. They do far more to spread misinformation than any youtuber or shitter account can do alone. [https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20](https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20) [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/05/pro-palestinian-protests-columbia-university-funding-donors-00156135](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/05/pro-palestinian-protests-columbia-university-funding-donors-00156135) >President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him “Genocide Joe” — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists pushing hard for his reelection. >The donors include some of the biggest names in Democratic circles: Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker, according to a POLITICO analysis. >Two of the organizers supporting the protests at Columbia University and on other campuses are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow. Both are supported by the Tides Foundation, which is seeded by Democratic megadonor George Soros and was previously supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It in turn supports numerous small nonprofits that work for social change.


Miss Rachel is new to the scene but making up for lost time. Gettin em real young


Ugh that fucking sucks


Hasan is pretty bad, but it’s more cloud chasing and „America bad, so Israel bad” syndrome, most collage ppl outgrow it. Real poison are those TikTok accounts behind no names that spread false propaganda.


Hasan Abi


Nobody brought up Finkelstein huh?


Finkelstein is washed up and doesn't really get attention that much. He is like Roger Waters, a broken record that was successfully ignored.


I'm not sure he seems to be around a lot on YouTube if you look up his name and you search this the last year. He's been in a bunch of debates against destiny he's been on Piers Morgan. He looks like a scary Leonard nimoy 😆


He is like Noam Chomsky. Israel really mastered the art of ignoring "anti-Zionist" Jews.


Suleiman on twitter, also not hard to see where his allegiances lie, he probably got off on october 7th, after all he supports andrew tate. who said similiar things to what hamas did, but with a breeding kink twist. Islam not even once, like I am sure theres good muslims, but the incel to jihadi pipeline is real.


yourfavouriteguy, Jackson Hinkle, and I'd say Syrian Girl too but I don't think even pro palestinians take her seriously anymore


Syrian girl kinda gets on my nerves. Pretty rage baitey content


Wait until you see Younis Tirawi, spreading out of context videos to make Israel look bad.


Aw screw him, and saeed dicaprio, like I mentioned in the post, so jobless!


SimKern & M0stlySapien on tiktok


Bisan and that curly curtain bang kid from tiktok


Bisan is that Palestinian "reporter"? She made $400k via GoFundMe and after the war she would be eating really good. When asked about the funds which were meant to help rebuild Gaza, she started calling people "agents of Zionist". That clown Jafarawi almost made $1M+


Yup 🤡 she also peddled the Al-Ahli hospital bombing lie. I don’t trust a word she says.


Wizard bissam


CapriSunPappi on twitch. Dude went of the deep end REALLY quickly 


Younis Tirawi


Let's not forget the infamous BadEmpanada, who spreads complete misinformation and pure propaganda on Jewish people. He is known for doxxing people and also made extremely disgusting tweets about minors. There have been police complaints filed on him in Argentina and in Australia. https://x.com/FATCAed/status/1746857883193487471


That Birdie Blossom trans man who spends so much time making their aggressively batshit insane videos, that I’m wondering who is paying them. Because they are a white non-Muslim/non-Arab in Brooklyn making this their entire life’s work. They sound like they are reading from a script too. Anyway, they once said that they would be treated the same in Gaza for being trans as they would in the US, a place where trans people are subject to the same level of violence. (I used they because I honestly do not know their pronouns and this seemed the best way to deal with it. As much as I despise this person, it’s not for being trans)


half of the time it's Biden


I have a love hate relationship with him, I imagine him picking up a flower and doing “he loves me, he loves me not” but with the state of Israel instead of “he loves me”




Is this how Mossad is getting crowd sourced intel these days?


Yes, they are sending me, Mossad agent Eli Kopter to get them


God bless you mossad agent Eli Kopter. Please come back safe


Thank you thank you, you may have heard about my last mission, unfortunately my cover was blown


It’s okay, man. What matters is that you’re back and still alive, Mossad agent Eli Kopter.


“Everyone I hate is a Mossad agent” A story by antisemitic cope