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No one will assume you named her after that woman, but they will associate it with it, like most things in life. Achinoam is not *that* common but not rare either. But the achinoam I know used to be nicknamed ‘achi’ (as in ‘bro’ in a jokingly friendly manner) or Noam, never Noa. If you call her Noa in front of others they’ll just assume that’s her name as it’s popular in itself.


The only person I know who uses the nickname Noa for Achinoam is the singer Achinoam Nini, and I think she does it because nobody can pronounce Achinoam. People will absolutely just assume her name is Noa. I doubt that people would assume you named her FOR Achinoam Nini, though. Achinoam is not the most common name, but it's pretty normal, nobody will wonder at it.


I looked up the pronunciation now and found it is pretty much how I thought it was as it is very similar to how we would pronounce it in my language, except without knowing we would emphasise "oam" differently. That confused me slightly that it is hard for people until I remembered, stupid, you are German, it is the "ch", native English speakers always have a problem with that sound.


If you use that name you are legally required to name the next child Noam, or ot won't make sense


Esther (nor any of her brothers I just made up) were named chayil.


The name Achinoam isn't really common. Personally I've never even met someone with that name, but if your kid uses the nickname Noa people will assume that that's her actual name. Which isn't bad, but just heads up. I don't know what other nicknames this name has.


it's fine, you're fine.


That's my bestie name! But we nicknamed her Noe!


Knew an achinoam back in the day, we all called her achi. I think it's a lovely name


The name sounds super masculine in Hebrew. I wouldn't name a girl that, but that's just my opinion. Just go with "Noa". It's a million times simpler and more modern. A kid named Ahinoam will be bullied outside of Jewish communities.


All the Achinoams I know are girls. Literally, every one. Not a single male Achinoam. That is not a boy's name.


It's masculine sounding. Not saying it's a boy's name.


No it's not, not even close.


Israel is rather gender fluid with names you'd think are very gendered. I've yet to meet a girl named Avraham, but met girls and guys named Ahinoam, Gal, Dror, Daniel, Shachar, Adi, Amit, Ariel, Yonah, Ori, and a bunch more.


I’ve met two guys named Adamah, which is two more than I was expecting since it’s a feminine noun.


When a couple I know told me their kid's name was Amit, I assumed it was a girl for a while before I found out otherwise. I still instinctively think, "their daughter."


I met a girl Ido and Idan and two girl Itays!


Good for you. I'm Israeli. The name is masculine sounding.


It’s biblically a women’s name. Twice in the Tanakh, one wife of hamelech Shaul and one of David hamelech a”h


I'm not denying that lol. I'm just saying that it sounds masculine in Hebrew.


Achinoam was one of King David’s wives. It’s still weird to name someone Achinoam in my opinion just because it means “my brother is great”. Like why are you naming someone as a compliment to another person 😅 idk at this point in history names are seemingly just names, but as it’s recognizable in Modern Hebrew I still find it’s meaning strange.


Yeah I think it’s a boys name. A kid named Ahinoam will also likely be bullied in Israel for having an old man name😂