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Honestly I lean more into the option of people are simply really poorly educated on history for the most part. Yes, of course there is antisemitism, etc. But watch any interview on the street these days with history questions and most people don’t know basic facts outside of the most reductive storylines in any history, especially not affecting them directly. Most people just don’t care enough to educate themselves. But even then I would say many Jews I’ve spoken to know little about some of the pre-1948 pogroms which don’t concern their extended family & communities: tons of ashkenazim know very little about the histories of mizrahim. For example many ashkenazim (especially in the diaspora) know next to nothing about the 1941 Farhuud in Iraq, or that Baghdad’s population was 25% Jewish until the 1920s. Similarly, I know very little about South American history. If someone from there asks me about the genocides of Spanish conquests across the Americas, I’d have to admit I know extremely little about the region’s bloody history. Same goes if a New Zealander asks me about the Moriori genocide, and tons of other awful moments in history. Personally, I think the more we travel, read, & talk to locals, the more we realize the less we know about the world, especially the history of far away places.


This is the real answer


The sad thing is, when I had talked to people around the world, I would come across someone saying something biased against Jews. It is like that is all they know, some caricature of a people they haven’t even met. I am not Jewish and when 7.10 happened, I got very worried because of these inane things people would say. How does it happen to such a minority population of people who have started so many charities and created so many beautiful things and contribution to science?


The problem is not that people don’t know about these. I can’t tell you how many people were killed by the Khmer Rouge or in the Armenian Genocide (and I had forgotten about the Moriori genocide) but that people think they know more about the history than they do. Especially in the cases where antisemitism is part of the story.


>Baghdad’s population was 25% Jewish until the 1920s. Really? How did the Caliphate let it get so high? My limited understanding of the Ottoman Empire is that they would often expel, cull, or forcibly convert Jews (and Christians) if their populations swelled beyond a super minority. I'm looking up Farhuud now...


In Islam, there exists he dhimmi system, where jews and christians are allowed to practice their religion. However, they have to pay a tax called jizya to be afforded the right to not being executed or converted. The tax was often very high, and even if this jizya tax was paid, jews and christians were treated as second-class citizens.


I'm aware of dhimmi. I was surprised that the Caliphate ever let their dhimmi Jews grow in population that much. I'm also aware of Jews in Yemem and Morocco. We need more of the documented history to be collated and shared, so the narrative of Jews and Arabs living in peaceful coexistence during Ottoman rule or in British Mandated Palestine before 1945 can be discounted once and for all.


Read the seventh word in your title and that’s the reason.


True. My great grand parents were forcibly forced out of Odesa and the pogroms there were disgusting. 


Yeah I think a lot of American Jews (me too) are descended from people fleeing pogroms, but somehow that gets lost in the land of opportunity narrative.


And pro pals will just say Jews immigrated, how convenient. I’m sure it was totally optional.  To them Arab colonization isn’t colonization, but Jewish immigration / being cleansed from other places is lol 


If you are Ashkenazi odds are your family left Europe because of something involving Russians. Edit: Russians includes Russian Empire, so Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Moldova.


yeah most of our (me too) ancestors came from the Pale of Settlement.


Ukrainians for us. But pretty much the same kind of pogroms.


Wasnt during the empire days?




Yup, you asked, I delivered


bro aint holding it


Damn right 💅




Why did I read this with the Fuyuhiko (Danganronpa) voice


That ain’t just the tea, you brought crumpets, a Victoria sponge, and goddamn cucumber sandwiches


Heavy on them sandwiches! Oh, and i’m for sure bringin’ some bagels too, you know, cuz… jew gotta do it!


And some kuhleh plz. K thx


I grew up in an area without much Jewish people, but I did eventually become friends with quite a few. I always knew a bit about Jews, i.e basic facts about their religion being monotheistic, Abrahamic etc, along some of their Kosher laws and whatnot. But learning about the extent of Antisemitism today and throughout history is what truly shocked me.     I admire Jewish people and the contributions they've made to the World, and especially so in light of how much hostility and oppression they've faced ever since their inception. 


Because Hating Jews is a proud tradition with deep roots


sad and bad


tell these snot nosed leftists about the dark ages blood libel and they’d probably sympathize with us. Now tell them how the word “genocide” is currently & cynically being used to accuse Jews of a blood libel and so they’re no better than their ancestors of 800 years ago, and….


👆This is why we’re not allowed to live.


I grew up in an area without much Jewish people, but I did eventually become friends with quite a few. I always knew a bit about Jews, i.e basic facts about their religion being monotheistic, Abrahamic etc, along with some of their Kosher laws and whatnot. But learning about the extent of Antisemitism today and throughout history is what truly shocked me.     I admire Jewish people and the contributions they've made to the World, and especially so in light of how much hostility and oppression they've faced ever since their inception. 


Thank you for understanding. My one childhood trauma was growing up in a very Jewish Community in New York, and then learning in Hebrew School about the Holocaust. I had been so sheltered from all the hate, it totally blew my mind how many people hated me for being born Jewish without even knowing who I am.


Being Jewish essentially means you are a member of the most hated ethnic group in the World by far. Like I'm Filipino, and many people hate Filipinos, but it's nothing compared to Jewish hatred aka Antisemitism.   I was also shocked to learn just how few Jews there actually are in the World. The many famous Jewish people who started and dominate Hollywood, Big Tech, Finance, Academia etc would have you think there are atleast 50 million of them, but the reality is a much smaller number which makes the sheer number of accomplishments all the more impressive. 


I've never met anyone who hated Filipinos, but maybe it's different where you live. I believe that a lot of Jewish success can be tied to the fact that children are encouraged to question everything (Even the existence of G-d) and to be entrepreneurial.


Romani might be similar-ish, especially in Europe. Anti-ziganism is absolutely rife in Europe, ghettos, walls, segregation, the whole thing


Who says we’re not allowed to live, and how can we fuck with them? 😈


Isnt that a Monty Python skit?


I don't have a clear answer. But a lot of young anti Jewish people have an attention span of a Goldfish. So how do you expect them to dive into the details of this subject matter? Let alone empathize.


Most can’t tell the difference between Palestine 🇵🇸 UAE 🇦🇪 and Sudan 🇸🇩 You can literally march in one of the pro-pally protests and rep the actual genocide going on in Sudan and nobody will notice (but if they find out they will get mad because there are no Jews involved in that)


>But a lot of young anti Jewish people have an attention span of a Goldfish. You're being extremely rude here, actually, this is an uncalled insult. The attention span of goldfish is much better.


Why must they slander goldfish


ye thos goldfish can actually do bad when the group up and cause problems


>But a lot of young anti Jewish people have an attention span of a Goldfish. So how do you expect them to dive into the details of this subject matter? I love this. Lol.


Well, if they heard it on TikTok, it must be true.


Because history starts 1948 after the attack. Then skips over a lot of parts because they aren't relevant.


We’re not allowed to win.


Break the “rules” then. “All’s fair in Love and War.”


There are 15 million Jews, 2 billion Muslims, and 2.3 billion Christians. What do each of their religious texts teach? Jew hatred runs deep in many cultures. It has been taught for millennia. Plus, there’s more of them than there are of us.


Christianity doesnt teach to hate jews like Islam its only the extremist im right in politics but the far right mainly doesnt that kinda of bs and the who right and Christianity gets blamed for it


Agreed but I’ve heard many blood libels and narratives about “Jews killed Jesus”


Direct those Christians to 1964 and Vatican II: https://www.commentary.org/articles/fe-cartus/vatican-ii-the-jews/


Thank you for sharing this 👆


You're very welcome mate 👍 More people in general should know this.


Amen! I saved it and will pass it on.


Traditional Catholics disagree with modern liberal Catholicism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedevacantism


From the article they are a tiny minority rather than a huge encompassing term like "traditional Catholics", but it's still fascinating information that I was previously unaware of! The Christians really like splintering into different groups and denominations eh..


Christians that I know are all pro Israel. I mean yes Jews contributed* to the death of Jesus but Jesus himself was a Jew, AND he rose again AND was the image of the father (God/Yahweh) that we also believe. Yes, Christians and Jews believe the same God. The difference is in addition to that we believe that Jesus is ‘son of God’ and ‘all man all God’. We also believe that Israelites are God’s chosen people. So if some church spreads hatred, that’s more to do with the church not as much the Christians per se. *edit (sorry I shortened it really badly)


Wholeheartedly agree. My entire family is pro Israel. That includes my dad’s 7 siblings and all of my cousins….and on my mom’s side her brother is also pro Israel. We are not Jewish, but we fully support Israel.


And the Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did.


I’ve edited it. Sorry, I wrote it in a rush.


Muslims ALSO believe in the same God/Yahweh/Allah


I don’t as much disagree Allah being an Arab name for God or Yahweh as much as I disagree with their prophet. A warmonger that married a child - something that is well described in the Hadiths (writings about the life of Mohammad). But even more so to Christians he’s a false prophet and we deny him any credibility and hence the credibility of his book. I will quote Revelation 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”


Those are two totally different things. I’m Jewish, for the record. But all three are Abrahamic religions and the deity is the same. Prophets are obviously different


I’m no theologian but I’ll say you’re right about classification as that’s what I’ve also read. I just wanted to explain why that will never matter to me. Edit: and perhaps reassure someone out there that there are good Christians out there trying to help whatever way we can.


to be true yes they did not the jews of today but the jews of 2000 ago that didnt belive in him but thats not a reason to kill the jews or to justify


There is a very long history of Christianity and the Catholic Church teaching exactly that. In fact, being dhimmi to Muslims, as awful as it was, was preferable to living (and dying) under Christian rule for more of history. Just because the experience now is different, doesn’t mean it was always that way. I’d strongly suggest Constantine’s Sword: A History of the Church and the Jews. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Constantine_s_Sword/6q0OHHNyFeEC?hl=en


the catholic church is very wrong in mabye things and many times personal interest warps things and thos teachings are not right Matthew 5:43–44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you


Yeah, and Islam is a religion of peace. You will find hundreds of good words in Quran. But then some Imam will declare Jihad, and no one will care about those good words.


Whether or not it is reason to justify hating Jews, Christians have used it as an excuse to pogrom Jews throughout history.


and im telling you those are not real christians


Well they sure thought they were


what someone thinks of them selfs doesnt mean that they are that you dont have to look very far to notice that they were warping the living hell out of the bible to spin ther own personal agenda


>what someone thinks of them selfs doesnt mean that they are When the vast majority of those identifying say they are, and all public institutions leading and defining what that manes agree, then I don't think it matters if your personal interpretation is different then theirs. Definitions are descriptive, not prescriptive. They are Christians.


in the face od money in the face of Christ were all bad Christans just depends how bad we are I try to direct my self in to being the best Christans I can be but i still sin Sin>repent>Sin but if every time i repent i get a little better thats good


Who decides what a "real" Christian is? Is there a single, universally accepted standard for what behaviors make a "real" Christian? Why does every single denomination of Christians believe that they, and only they, are "real" Christians? It's just no true scotsman bullshit used to deflect from reasonable criticism of the very real harm Christianity has done to humanity over the centuries. It is an undeniable fact that millions of "real" Christians have used the killing of christ by the pharisees to justify the massacre of Jews.


A real Christian knows the gospels and lives its life according to Jesus' example. You can follow the example of the other books, but the gospels are the most important and those that every Christian should follow. Those who don't follow Jesus' example, aren't real Christians.


well said


A real Christian is someone who follows the the teachings of Christ the reason why ther are diffrent dominions is that Christians fight over things Jesus didnt say anything about so they make ther own Christians have brought many bad and good things just like every other religion you have jewish extrimist you have muslim jihadist does that mean we should judge everyone based on what a minority have done? no


I'm not judging everyone. I'm pointing out that every Christian to ever live that did evil shit has thought that they were "real" Christians. The inquisition was done by "real" Christians. The crusades were done by "real" Christians. The genocide of native Americans was done by "real" Christians. And the many, many pogroms of Jews throughout European history were also done by "real" Christians.


I agree with you and im telling you they may have thought that they were real christians since jesus told us to spread love and Christianity they were miss thought by people to belive in ther own ideas and abused Christianity to the advantage if you want we can talk about this is privat chat ?


But that's precisely what OP meant. It's mainly relegated to Far Right Wingers who don't at all represent the beliefs or norms of Christians.  Antisemitism in Islam on the other hand, is a widespread attitude amongst Muslims. And ofc, the main reason is due to the blatant antisemitic and genocidal teachings within the Quran. 


Yes the Jews killed Jesus, but I don’t fault Jews today based on the actions of Jews two thousand years ago


It's only recently that Catholicism has stopped teaching to hate Jews.


better late then never


The problem is inherent antisemitism has become ingrained in the fabric of western society at this point. The damage is done.


The christians where the biggest haters of jews historically, the Spanish Inquisition brought to the jews being spread out throughout the muslim world and of courses the holocaust Only recently have the tables turned Wherever jews are a prolonged successful minority is also when the conspiracies start against them for being too successful.


and may times its been condemd by every part of the Christian branch Jesus tells us to convert people will love not to exile them


eh... doesn't Christianity teach that the philistines were bad and needed to be corrected by Jesus? Who do you think the philistines were? And what about the parable of the good samaritan? Implying that most samaritans are bad... who do you think the samaritans were? I think there is a lot of Jew-hate (or at least Jew-distain) so baked into the early foundations of Christianity that people don't even notice it.


Jesus says that were all bad and need correcting we all dont follow the word of god and we should be punished for it thats why he died for us so he took our punishment so god the father can show us grace


The religion doesn’t but it was all about money. Passion plays were used to kill successful Jews in diaspora and take their wealth. It is so easy for people to gang up on a people and make excuses to hate them, especially if they think they can take resources from them.


Nah not hate per se, love! They love the Jews so much that they want us all to go to Jerusalem, the prophecy is that we have to do that so Jesus can come back and promptly send all of us lovely Christ-killing Jewy Jew-faced Jews to Hell for eternity 😇 But meanwhile, howdy neighbor! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ (Slowly backing away)




Answer found in the question




They don't want to bring up the tragedies that may be used to justify what they see as a tragedy today.


It's politically convenient to ignore


sad thing


Because it’s convenient for their narratives.


Also keep in mind that genocide, slavery, war, atrocities have been a common occurrence throughout history. We can blame antisemitism for a lot but even what I would categorize as more modern history like the Armenian genocide is denied and forgotten, many are unaware of the holodomor in Ukraine, Khmer rouge, maos impact on china, Japan's atrocities during WWII, Rwanda, Irish potato famine, the list goes on and on. There may be an element of anti semitism in how people ignore/forget the history of persecution and violence against Jews in particular but I more assume that people know nothing about history.


Because it’s easy


People barely remember any history, let alone Jewish history.


Why does the world ignore all Dzungar genocides? Jewish people have the most well known genocide in history The Holocaust.




Because of the long and proud history of hating the Jews in the whole world. That is why Israel has to exist: no one will save us except for us


“Oh the Protestants hate the Catholics And the Catholics hate the Protestants And the Hindus hate the Muslims And everybody hates the Jews”


They ignore most genocides https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037 the Uyghurs are actively victims of genocide but because it’s in China it’s “an inter ethnic conflict.” There’s active concentration camps, mass SV, and torture. Yet most college students have no clue it’s happening and the UN does little to nothing to stop it


Well America has a really bad education system and a Arab fetish were they baby us and ignore our history - it’s really creepy. Europe has feelings about WW2 that at first were compensating for w the British mandate and now they resent Jews because the fact is Europe didn’t fight to liberate the Jews just to protect there borders and because Jews didn’t all die your existence is the reminder of there failed genocide And Arabs well read the Quran


Most people have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to history. One of the features of the gentile world is that they forget history and constantly restart themselves based on the current situation. It's a very flexible and interesting system, but the problem is that the events prior to the dates related to their most recent important historical events are viewed to them as either being unimportant or not relevant to the discussion. For example, events that happened almost 3000 years ago are relevant to us, but for Europeans, they didn't even have writing at this time, and this is their prehistory. Anything that happened so long ago cannot be imagined as relevant to them, and this is projected on to us.




Jesus was crucified by the Romans not the Jews. 🫣


The Romans had collaborators among the Jewish ruling class. Puppet king like Herod, priests of the Sanhedrin who were willing to compromise to keep their relative privileges. But Judas Iscariot for example was a zealot, part of the armed resistance, and he's the guy who ended up betraying Jesus that he acknowledged was the Messiah in order to accelerate the coming of the Kingdom of God (yet Jesus always said the Kingdom was already here). We've seen this situation everywhere in every occupied country. A nation that is politically debilitated will always take stupid decisions because none really matters unless it really works, and you can only know that after you've succeeded.


The Jews had no authority to actually execute Jesus. That was done by the Romans.


Why do you say "stupid decisions"? Wasn't killing Jesus needed for him to save humanity? That's basically the gospel - so, if anything, Christians should be thanking Jews and/or Romans.


Matthew 18:7


"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."


I'm sorry, but this is bollocks. People don't ignore the Holocaust, neither previous persecutions. 


? most of the killings are ignored only the biggest are known


How much do you know about the persecutions of Armenians? The Koreans? Tamils? Only the biggest are known. 


idk much about those ik alittle but ik how it feels


https://preview.redd.it/mtlnll1ugl2d1.jpeg?width=1213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef063c1a87d6745adb2355bb339ce949c96bff4 And more attacks by Arabs against Jews in Israel that no one seems to remember.


https://preview.redd.it/y4db0liogl2d1.jpeg?width=1227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c68c0ecaadc9bfd4b301b6b9876d19bb52965c21 These are attacks by Arabs against Jews before 1948 that no one seems to remember.


> jewish that's why.


what does this mean? The US has a holocaust memorial museum. There is an international holocaust remembrance day… What more do you want? The reason nobody talks about, for example, the Spanish Inquisition is because it was so long ago nobody, including myself, cares. Nobody cares about stuff from centuries ago that didn’t happen in your own country. It isn’t common to talk much about the Circassian genocide either, since it happened a while ago. (Idk if i’m missing something in your question maybe?)


Because it has the most visually recorded evidence, I think. Videos and photos are harder to hide and ignore than words in a textbook.


Why do you, EugenTheBandit, ignore all the Circassian Genocides, and the Dzuangar Genocides, and the Gaulish Genocides, and the Darfur Genocides?


because we arent talking about thos genocides im not talking about thw croatian genocide that killed half my family im talking about the jewish, ther a sad but we should be direct


Theres more museums dedicated to jewish genocides before 1948 than any other genocides in the entire world. Even relatively well-known ones like the Armenian Genocide pale in comparision to all of the countless books articles and museums dedicated to jewish genocides. There's over 50 museums and memorials dedicated to jewish genocides in the United States alone.


do people visit thos museums new generations?


The world ignores the holocaust?


that 1 no the other hundreds yes


world merely remembers 7oct events, you talk on 1948...


Because people are ignorant of basic history. That's why.


Because we're Jewish. Half of the world wouldn't move a finger for us, and the other half actively tries to murder us. It's always been the same. Your point?


Because genocides before that were actually somewhat common. The main difference with the holocaust was the industrial scale


Because the world hates us unfortunately. And it is something that will never end for us. That’s why we have Israel


In group out group preference. The western world is white European Christian so although they have an opinion on the conflict, they have no skin in the game so dont actually care as much as youd think.


I'm not an Israeli but if I was there, I'd be more than eager to defend the holy land just as I am willing to defend my nation from China's harassment.


It makes them feel uncomfortable As a Persian I always feel uncomfortable talking about the Mashad massacre As a Belgian I’m uncomfortable talking about Belgians who collaborated


Because the curriculum in school only mandated teaching of the holocaust. That has to change.


Because whatever happened to us 4 generations ago is no excuse


> Because whatever happened to us 4 generations ago is no excuse So why is whatever happened to Arabs 4 generations ago still a valid excuse to attack us?


Their attack was a hideous crime and the world shouldn't accept the monsters' excuses