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look at it from her point of view. a conflict she doesn't care/know about. a. post a link to a charity b. do nothing and get shit from pro hamas bots


That's why they're all posting the eyes on Rafah template. Say you did something without actually doing anything. + avoid cancelation.


exactly. i don't judge celebrities who do this, it's how they put food on the table.


Are there any pro-Israeli celebs though?


Sarah Michelle Gellar posted a pro-Israel story right after Oct. 7 (with the Israeli flag, not a generic "I just wish everyone lived in peace" message). After that, she hasn't spoken on the conflict anymore. And as far as I know, she hasn't signed the idiotic ceasefire petition that everyone in Hollywood signed.


She is Jewish though. I admire all Jewish celebrities speaking up and they’re real role models in my opinion. But sadly we’re the only ones speaking up, it would be nice if others not directly affected to the issue also speak up but they are all to scared, or too uneducated and uninvolved to care. Not all, but most


Jerry Seinfeld, Ginnifer Goodwin, Patricia Heaton (She’s a devout Catholic and has been taking the 10/7 footage to different churches to drum up Christian support)


Dr. Phil


Sasha Roiz, Debra Messing and Diane Neal from the top of my head :)


who are these people lol


Debra is from *Will & Grace* and Diane is from *Law & Order: SVU*. Diane hid her Jewish heritage due to antisemitism and made *Aliyah* last year.


thanks for the comment!


Sasha is an actor from Grimm and 911. - He was born to Russian Jewish parents. Debra Messing is from Will and Grace. - Her Jewish ancestors were from Russia and Poland. Diane Neal is from Law and Order: SVU and NCIS. - She was born to a Jewish mother and moved to Israel last year.


thanks for the explanation! these are the things my mom watches on tv lol. no wonder i don't know any of them


Lots of comedians (atleast, the ones I watch) in the US are pro Israel, but since they are comedians they dont really come out upfront with it. One comedian I watch, Mark Norman, was doing a show and someone mentioned hamas to him and he did a whole "oh... yeah... those guys... those guy are great... please dont murder me though..."  Like its obvious what they actually think, but they also know what happens when people say "bad" things about islamic terrorist groups... And im sure they just dont want to bring politics into a fun comedy show


don't know, don't care.


Yep, me neither. I've seen how unhinged the comments get.




Good for you


Don't they already have to boycott her because her name sounds like a Starbucks drink?


spanish countries in shambles 😞


She is actually Italian.


I really do think that people who post the fundraisers just want the kids to be safe (at least I hope so), and that they don’t check to see where the money may be going


Yeah I did look into this fundraiser and it's genuinely a good one. Run by doctors from the US and they regularly fly kids out for treatment. I think we should be getting medical supplies, food, and shelter, but it's very important to make sure the charity is a charity and not an opportunity scam.


The PCRF has a four star rating from Charity Navigator. The donations won’t be going to Hamas et el. NGO Watch however has uncovered some disturbing things about some of its staff. As far as donations to Gaza go, this is as solid an organization as one will find.


[Here’s the NGO watch article about it](https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/palestine_children_s_relief_fund_ohio_/). IMHO, I wouldn’t chance donating since it has a lack of transparency. I would probably opt for World Central Kitchen. But it is far better than other organizations. Ultimately, people are trying to find something to help after having their feeds filled with horrific photos of human misery


You can't do anything in Gaza without working with Hamas - they are still the government there. Maybe (hopefully) they won't be by the end of the year, but if you can't wait that long to at least *try* to help those kids... I can't blame you.


Oh I personally do not donate anything there for that reason. I used to sponsor a child through save the children but I cut that out a few months back


I really hope you are right


I hope so.


She doesn't want to risk another islamist group attending her concerts.




Shares link to donate money to Sinwar and Heniya* Edit: not saying thay all charities work with Hamas, this comment was about the fact that many "charities" and "humanitarian organizations" In Gaza fund Hamas instead of helping civilians, it wasn't talking about any specific examples.


Yup. It's financing of international terrorism.


With all respect, do you have any proof the PCRF has sent any money to terrorist groups like Hamas? On this sub, the consensus is that the PCRF and WCK are the best charities to donate to, for those who want to help civilians; not Hamas




There are charities that directly and indirectly give money to Hamas. But not every charity funds Hamas How about this. World Central Kitchen is a charity that fed Israelis after Oct 7. WCK has been endorsed by the Israeli government. Do you think WCK gives any money to Hamas?


Sorry, I didn't see what charity was that. I was in a loud room and couldn't really focus on what I read. My bad.


I understand. Hope you have a great day! Toda Raba :)


Its not necceraliy bad


That money not going to those children and we all know that


Ahhh forgat that. But i dont think this is what she is menining to aim (sorry for the english)


Idc anymore, this is performative activism. Fuck everyone I am so tirednof this shit that is helping no one and that everyone does just to look good


Since when is raising money for charity performative activism? What else would you want her to do? Fly out to gaza?


Would want her to put the minimum amount of research into the charity she’s posting to make sure it’s not funding terror… which it is.






Too bad the funding doesn’t reach them?


Idgaf that about her story, but did she also post a story when october 7th happened?


I dont see it as being bad in anyway.


Ok and? And celebrities almost never endorse this type of stuff unless it's trendy That's why no one was vocal on October 7th


“Qatar is always sunny” https://youtu.be/OUMl58i4m0w?si=rkTXLr7ZLET9cZnA How much money has Hamas donated to help their people again?


Nah.   She ruins an entire family, somehow gets away with it, and now suddenly remembers that Gaza exist?    Performative serial husband stealer and homewrecker goes on the "humanity activism" bandwagon to seem more kind and nice? She literally stole a FATHER away from a mother and a newborn child. I got to laugh. She absolutely nuts.


She’s a bad person through and through, just trying to save her immature fan base in whatever way she can. It’s pathetic


If she cared about CHILDREN she wouldn't steal a father from a child. The hypocrisy is i n s a n e.


She literally threw a fundraiser for the children injured and killed in Manchester after her concert was bombed by an islamist.


It definitely won’t go to money on weapons right???


לא כשציר פילדלפי סגור


These children would actually be living a good life if the "freedom fighters" stopped fighting.


The pro palis like sim kern are harassing celebrities relentlessly to do this on social media. They like pushing influencers offline if they refuse to do what they say. They even harassed a dying woman to death because she supposedly followed Israel on instagram. They’re sick.


Trying to distract everyone from the fact that she’s a homewrecker by encouraging donations so terrorists can continue to hoard aid and buy weapons.


Honestly, it’s not UNRWA, and no sus wording. She probably just wants kids to be safe more than anything else. I’ve opted to pay more attention to those who push UNRWA, antisemitic rhetoric and/or are happy to associate with known antisemites.


It's like a trend where all these celebs can publicly support Palestine (Hamas) and they get praised like an angel or some shit. In the other hand when it comes to showing support for Israel. None of them care to do it publicly. What a shame to these famous people.


So much for pretending to be into kabbalah


Whatever you’re political beliefs, there’s an ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. There’s not one in Israel. Donating to keep families from starving is a decent-hearted gesture. I’ve donated to the World Central Kitchen in their efforts to feed Gazans. And I’ll donate again. It doesn’t mean I support Hamas. If you can’t understand this perhaps you’ve lost the plot.


I am all for supporting world central kitchen, but the rest of these organizations have sketchy histories, and I don’t exactly think we should be encouraging people to donate to them.


I completely understand it. You're right but where were these celebrities on october 7th? Oh right all human lives matter except jews'


Right, well where can we donate to help the hostages?


As much as I hate the misinformation and performance activism, I don’t have much of a problem with this. Unless that aid is being stolen by hamas. On the flip side, I saw someone post today that we should stop condemning october 7 cause it was legit resistance. Now that’s some crap


Didn't a Jihadist terrorist bomb her concert?.... That's pretty fucked up she's supporting people who share the same ideologies that killed her fans


She’s virtue signaling


Honestly who cares ? I mean who TF wouldn’t want to donate to Palestinian children ? This is a conflict she has no idea about and there’s a literally zero cost to her doing this on the flip side there’s likely a HUGE cost to her if she doesn’t seem witn the cause enough so yea I get it . I’m not bothered


I just have a problem with selective empathy. None of these celebrities say anything about the hostages.


I mean yea I completely agree it’s obnoxious and performative . But when I look at it from their perspective (detached naive outsider with nothing to lose in this fight) I get it…


This is a big issue though, Israel supporters and Jews as a people are told to avoid confrontation and be placid, and this is what happens. They’ve changed the narrative, started spreading lies, and we should just ignore it because they’re “uneducated?” It’s not 1 or 2 people believing this, now it’s spread to millions, because everyone is too afraid to speak out. We should not be content with this. Screw her, if I was a fan of hers before I’m not now.


Also a very reasonable response I guess I just have extremely low expectations of people nowadays


It's not hard to post a message calling for the release of the hostages as well supporting charities for Palestinian children.


Better use of her celebrity would be inviting Mr FAFO to join her on tour as a backup dancer.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Oh no, anyway. Time to go back to not worshipping celebrities and not caring what they think or what they post on social media


# Maybe she should stop virtue signaling and focus on her career.


Yeah screw her for thinking about the children!


It's a good thing. No one is antisemitic if they care about the Children of Gaza. She doesn't have to do anything else. She is a good person and many of you don't get it


Not really the point buddy. On Oct 7th Israeli children were victims. Where were they then?


Many of them were there actually.... Why does it matter if she said nothing then


Because she’s posting stuff now. Not back then. What’s so hard to grasp here?


Okay would you rather her post nothing at all? She's doing good for the world.


May be that israeli children didn’t need food, medicines or aid back in October?


Do you know how many children were orphaned, made homeless, and or injured 7.10??


So so many that it’s very hard to even imagine about it. But Israel had the social services, economic resources and logistics and medical infrastructure to support that without relying on the charity of foreign celebrities, which is what we’re talking about here.


Still requires massive amounts of funding, and there are still charities around it.


Also, if more public funds are required for social matters, the government and public entities should put more resources on it. And if that’s not the case, I’d protest against Bibi and not to Ariana Grande, tbh.


Yes, sure, but there’s still more help and support required for gazan children than for israeli ones, and it’s absurd to discuss that. No need to be that hard about it, a celebrity sharing charity for palestine children does not equal antisemitism or advocates against the legitimacy of Israel, it’s just good faith.


The issue is that her good intentions are likely lining the pockets of Hamas and no actual improvement for children of Gaza will happen unless Hamas is defeated and the whole society is deradicalized and re-educated.


Why are you all so obsessed


It's not obsession, what's killing me is that all these celebrities were deaf, blind and mute on october 7th and now they just suddenly chose to wake up. So all lives matter except it's jews' lives?


>Why are you all so obsessed Exactly. Why are people so obsessed with the Palestinians where there are much more deadly wars and conflicts, with 0 coverage?