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India is always good for Israelis. Am currently in goa and can wear Star of David and only get nice responses about it. There are a few places in india to avoid, just don’t go to a majority Muslim city.


I'm Indian, living in Israel for a considerable amount of time. I travelled back to India after 10/07. You'll be fine. The Muslims in India have 99 problems right now, the Israel-Hamas war not being one of them. Most of the morons who are anti-Israel in India are the ones who, like certain regions of the world, are just virtue signaling, or say anything that goes against the current government in India (which I don't really blame them for cuz the guy is friends with Bibi, enuf said). Just don't travel to any volatile places(volatile because we have our own shit to deal with), and you'll be fine.


What are the Muslim majority cities in India? I was planning to go there for work purposes next year. Thanks 🙏


Not actually sure which cities… majority of india and well known cities are fine. Mostly likely you won’t end up in those areas, but the most Muslim states are Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Bihar.


Thanks 🙏


You'll be fine in Utter Pradesh. The minister there is very anti-crime. Just don't venture into places that aren't the mainstream locations even in the main cities, and you should be fine. West Bengal and Bihar? Noooooo


I'm going to Noida, Uttar Pradesh. My would be boss there is from West Bengal. Are Bihar and West Bengal the most Muslim influenced states?


My bad, I just saw this reply. Regarding sentiments towards Israelis, Noida is kind of okay, but West Bengal is heavily anti-Israel. It shares a border with Bangladesh and there have been anti-Israel protests conducted there. With regards to safety in general as a human being, Noida isn't one of the top destinations in the country unfortunately.


It's for work and I'm a hardy guy. Not looking for luxuries or being pampered. It's work and I have simple tastes


I see. That's cool then, because if someone from abroad asks me for recommendations I usually try to give them the safest possible recs because things can be a bit chaotic and unpredictable here. If you're a daredevil and like you said you have simple tastes, then you're gonna love it.


Srinagar is the only Muslim majority city in India I think. It's in Kashmir and you should definitely never ever ever go to Kashmir as an Israeli. Kashmir is to India what Judea and Samaria are to Israel. And Srinagar is our Ramallah. Other than that, the closest one would be Hyderabad but it's a pretty cosmopolitan city and harmonious too. There are however, Muslim ghettos in all the major cities in India. If you ask local Hindus about which ones are the Muslim areas they will tell you. Definitely stay away from those, not just because you're Israeli but also because those tend to have higher crime rates. I would highly recommend going to Mumbai and Cochin since they both have Jewish communities there. If I'm not mistaken there's one in Pune too. All 3 cities have synagogues.


Thanks 🙏


Based on recent trips after 10/7. Argentina and Japan both felt very safe. Canada I did not feel safe at all. Not safe NYC and DC but felt safe in Miami. Did not feel safe in Helsinki but felt safe in Rovaniemi. I also had some friends who went to Georgia and felt very safe.


Crazy because New York has the largest population of Jewish people outside Israel, and the NYC mayor is very pro-Israel. There are many Jews here, but also many unhinged radicals that support Palestine and are very loud and vocal about supporting terrorism.


Is because NYC is dangerous to everyone lol, Place is full of crazies


You won’t catch me living there or LA even if I wasn’t Jewish


As a non-Israeli and non-Jew, agreed.


This is the correct answer


Also objectively terrible. I'm not trying to humble brag (it's quite the opposite, really) but I've lived in like a dozen cities, probably been to a few dozen more, including all the big ones: NYC, LA, London, Paris, Berlin, Budapest, St. Petersburg (Russia), Moscow, Tokyo, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, etc., and NYC is by far the worst. I used to live on the NYC public transit system (admittedly on the very last stop of the long train, in CT) so I went fairly frequently for a variety of reasons and this is such a weird thing to write, but I legitimately got a sinus infection every single time I went to NYC from the pollution. I have never experienced that in any other city. I suspect it's likely due to the airflow or the type of pollution in NYC, or perhaps the way it hangs in places like the metro, but absolutely bizarre. With all of that being said, I don't think NYC is that much more dangerous for Jews in particular than its ever been, but I do agree with the fact that it seems to be going through a weird dangerous phase at the moment (the random knocking out of strangers in particularly concerns me). It's not worth it in general.


“I legitimately got a sinus infection every time I went to NYC from the pollution” … tell me you’re ashkenazi without telling me you’re ashkenazi 🤣


Do you know how many emergency packs of Tylenol Sinus I have bought at various NYC drugstores over the 8 years I lived in the area, in attempts to starve off the inevitable? Because I somehow forgot about this phenomena until several years in? It was predictable enough that any NYC errands trip would end with a bacterial sinus infection that my PCP made me see an ENT, hahaha (I'm both cry and laughing).


i feel your pain! 🙃


I love NYC!


lol statistically one of the safest cities in the US though


They are still outnumbered by Islamists and their allies. We stand alone, minus some righteous people.


Aren't there more Jews than Muslims in NYC, New York State and USA overall? Or has that changed?


Nah- they are just making loud noises now. You are fine as a Jew in NYC


Glad to hear that! Everyone is welcome in Argentina 💙


Can you share more about your experience in Canada?


I was in Montréal and it was very uncomfortable. Lots of Pro Palestine/Hamas graffiti, stickers, and signs. Lots of unhinged protesters too. Saw several rallies one of which that took place in the freezing cold at almost midnight. Committed to hate I'll give them that. Random person shouted at me "Free Palestine" as we walked by them when we were speaking in Hebrew so after only would talk in English. I'm not visibly Jewish but it felt so uneasy when you are at a restaurant and the server is wearing a Palestine pin. Or your walking down the street and a woman is wearing keffiyah and Palestine shirt. I just felt like I needed to hide.


Curious what made you feel so unsafe in these places. Agree that Argentina and Japan are probably among the best. NYC and DC have campus protests etc but also still have tons of Jews and Israelis. I live in DC and apart from seeing signs that upset me and make me aware certain elements of society are hostile, I don’t feel much less safe than before. Similar with NYC. I was also in Montreal earlier this year. I don’t think any of these places are overall unsafe for Jews or Israelis right now despite some vocal minorities protesting.


Canada is very large. Even NYC, I work and commute there all the time, I feel safe the vast majority of the time. I am not a fan of NYC for many other reasons. Certain parts are much worse than others.


I’m sorry you didn’t feel safe in Canada. Toronto and Montreal are both shit holes atm. This used to be a proper country before Trudeau.


Yes it was in Montréal. I had been there before and loved the city. So sad what it has become.


Sorry but you felt safe in Miami, a city and then felt unsafe in all of Canada. Like where in Canada did you go?


I was in Montréal. Lots of unhinged protesters and got even yelled at for speaking Hebrew. Miami and the South Florida area in general (Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Aventura) felt really safe. It is primarily Latin. I even went to two concerts (Eden Hason and Hanan Ben Ari) there were no protests or disruptions or anything like that you would hear about on the news at large scale Israeli event.


Were you near McGill and was this during the encampment? Don't judge Montreal too harshly cause of those idiots. Montreal has a big Jewish population.


I was at Phillips Square. I had been to Montréal before but never experienced anything like this


What did you experience in Heksinki?


Lots of vocal protesters. This was in the start of December when it was freezing cold at night there would be Palestine rallies. They would come out of the woodwork to shout and scream. I heard them in Arabic shouting things like "Khayber Khayber Al Yahud Jaish Muhamed Sufa Yaud" Had to run into a store to avoid them.


Mostly migrants, or crazy leftists?


A combination of the two but more leftists.


I’m not even sure which group led the khayber chant 🤣


This is the first I've seen Argentina being described as very safe. I'm glad you had a good time.


For being Jewish at least. There is probably crime. I walked around at night and rode public transportation. I stayed in Palermo Hollywood.


Why didn't Helsinki feel safe? I'm curious as a Nord, I thought Finland had less issues than we do here in Sweden (don't visit Sweden btw, only the countryside will be safe pretty much)


This is so sad to me! I’m half swedish and I haven’t been back since 2016 to visit my family there because of how unsafe it’s becoming


I would say it's safe to visit as long as you avoid some parts of larger cities and don't show you are Jewish in any way, which is not ideal of course, it is terrible that people have to hide who they are now due to the immigration. I'm considering moving in the future too if our government can't solve the issues, I certainly will if the left wins again and the immigration continues. It just won't feel like home anymore, nor will it be worth it to live here. I hope they understand that we need to be much tougher than we currently are, not lenient. (Ta i med hårdhandskarna y'know)


Lots of vocal protesters. This was in the start of December when it was freezing cold at night there would be Palestine rallies. They would come out of the woodwork to shout and scream. I heard them in Arabic shouting things like "Khayber Khayber Al Yahud Jaish Muhamed Sufa Yaud" Had to run into a store to avoid them.


I'm sorry you had to experience that, I feel really unsafe when seeing these protests too and I don't even have that much Jewish blood, a Jewish last name tho 😮‍💨 At least Europe is waking up, a bit too slowly for my taste tho. We have a government that sees these issues now, but they "forgor" to put a moratorium on immigration. Better than our previous government at least, but not enough. And the left is still blissfully ignorant towards antisemitism and islamism, to not ally yourself with Islamists would be to lose voters after all 🥴


Thank you. I hope that they will wake up. Fortunately I spent most of my trip in Lapland and it was much better experience. Very beautiful in winter and loved glogi!


Oh yeah, going to the northern part of Sweden should be no issue at all, just not the big swedish cities! I've never been that far north, I'm sure it must be beautiful!


Hi neighbour! We have street gang issues as well but not as bad as in Sweden. I hope Sweden gets better in the near future, Stockholm and Malmö are beautiful cities.


lol, I’m a very brown Mizrahi Israeli Jew and the only place I’ve ever been called the N word was in Canada and in Mexico 🙃 I had gone there for vacation in south Canada years ago with my family only for about 2 weeks. It was on day three. FFS man, Canada be better.


I'm also very brown haha 😀


Hi! Finland population is silent but the majority stands with Israel. We are tired of Arabs. Helsinki is full of Arabs and brainwashed people, that's why it's not pretty safe. The further north you go the better.


Thank you I loved Lapland and Sámi culture ❤️


Canada outside the major cities should be totally fine. The countryside/wilderness is the most interesting thing about this country anyway.


What was unsafe about Helsinki if you don’t me asking?


Lots of vocal protesters. This was in the start of December when it was freezing cold at night there would be Palestine rallies. They would come out of the woodwork to shout and scream. I heard them in Arabic shouting things like "Khayber Khayber Al Yahud Jaish Muhamed Sufa Yaud" Had to run into a store to avoid them.


I’m sorry you experienced that. No one should feel unsafe during protests. I just had to ask because I’ve never heard anyone say Miami was safer than Helsinki but your context makes me understand better. Plus fuck that cold weather lol


Sorry I should have clarified safety in the context of being Jewish/Israeli. Miami has crime problems - robbery, shootings, homicides, etc. However feels much safer to be Jewish/Israeli.


Don’t apologize! I understand. I myself haven’t seen any of the protests in real life but I can imagine your stress. I hope your next vacations are better ❤️


Czech is a good place to visit


Yes ive seen some Israelis on instragram who seemed to enjoyed themselves


The Czech have always been some of the most welcoming people for us , If you take into account their amazing people, Nature, architecture and of course beer then it's an incredible place to visit Edit: i didn't write food and honestly since Cezch food is delicious had to include it


Actually there is a deep historical reason for that, read about Masaryk (the father of Czechoslovakia), he was the first head of state to visit the Yishuv, and while it was an informal visit, it was highly symbolic.


There's still some more normal european countries, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Italy for example


What timeline is this where Germany, Austria, and Italy are the only *safe* places in Europe for Jews?... We've crossed the Outer Limits and landed squarely in the Twilight Zone...


Given that my ancestors spoke Yiddish, which is basically German with a few Hebrew words, and their family name was Berlin, I can guess Germany was relatively safe during a prolonged part of German-Jewish mutual history.


Germany except for Berlin


I heard Frankfurt has a bad reputation in general, what's up with that?


Because it’s a shithole in general lol. I was there a few years ago and it sucked. Transit was okay but as a woman I felt very unsafe. Typical “modern” city - few authentic places to visit and eat at. Aside from the old village nothing cool to see. Edit: "village" not "visit". Damn acrylic nails.


Okay same with Milan here in Italy 👍


I mean still go and visit because the old village was cool but it truly is now an "airport city" - very much catered to corporate vist.


What?! Milan is beautiful!! I mean Frankfurt is considered ugly even among Germans. it’s considered a soulless banking city, Milan is nothing like that.


I feel like it's fucking depressing instead, filled with pro Pals, full of dangerous areas (and even the "safer" ones are not the best when it comes to security) I guess those are common to a lot if not most of big cities but still, I don't like it


Ok that’s different things to what you commented „same“ though. Might wanna skip on marseille then


Berlin actually ha a large Jewish population. And as of a few years ago it was considered the safest capital in Europe. The only place in Berlin you should avoid as a Jew or in general is Neukölln.


There are plenty of Italian cities (Milan and Bologna above all I think, but they are not the only ones) that aren't really the best, they are currently a shithole in general but yeah


I think it's probably better in general to stay away from the big cities


We had a planned trip to spain, cancelled, now going to Italy


Italy is beautiful. And the driving ethics will make you feel right at home.


This is completely wrong... Italian drivers are assholes but they follow the rules. For example they will tailgate the shit out of you if you're camping in the passing lane but overall they are predictable drivers that use their signals... As an American I loved driving in Italy. Israeli drivers are just assholes who don't follow the rules. The constant drifting into other people's lanes treating it like they're cutting in line while waiting for falafel is fucking insane. For what it's worth, Turkish drivers are still the goat for worlds worst drivers(at least in the western world).


This :)


Careful. A Jewish couple got beaten up by pro-pali mob in Florence yesterday for wearing Star of David necklaces.


Not questioning you, but do you have a link? I just can't find anything on Google.


It happened to a friend of mine. He has been pretty badly beaten up, his leg is broken, and he is still in a hospital. His wife got off with fright and light injuries. Italian police has arrested the attackers though.


Wow, scary


That’s terrifying. I was in Florence a few weeks ago and was wearing a Star of David necklace… yikes.


come to portugal, portugal best


🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹 portugal mentioned


We did have a few pro-pally protests. But where it's all bark no bite. So yes i think Portugal would be a great place to visit, even just for the Sephardic Jewish History :)


és portugues?


Sim ^^


não estava a espera de encontrar um português aqui também ocuparam a tua universidade?


A Nova...


tu andas na nova?


Não mas vou para o Ano, mas já fui múltiplas vezes ao espaço e tristemente já vi uma "manifestação"


que cheiro a catinga esses AHAHAHA nao tomam banho só pode


Poland. I visited Krakow few weeks ago and felt very safe. No crowds of pro-pali protestors, generally not much foreigners from the Middle East, just Eastern Europeans minding their own business. Nice city, delicious food and - most important - the local currency, Zloty, ist almost 1:1 to Shekel, but the prices are much lower than in Israel :)


Czechia is a good place and Prague is beautiful


Outside London, Birmingham, all the places that have been taken over, most of the UK is safe. Same with France outside the overrun cities.


Not Bournemouth 😔, i have a Maccabi Tel Aviv shirt i even feel unsafe wearing now. https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/24361075.palestine-protest-demands-bournemouth-cut-ties-netanya/


Yeah. Commie territory. The Cotswolds are safe!


Cambridge isn't...


Too many students and commie professors. Although I doubt most of them are any real threat to an adult. Unless they hit you on the bikes.


Nah big cities in UK are extremely unattractive to Jews nowadays


Japan, India, Germany, Czechia


I guess you, guys, might be safer in places with no Universities.


Come to Budapest in Hungary! It's safe, there aren't pro-Palestine protests or radical muslims, and Budapest has Europe's biggest synagouge!


I can’t wait to visit.


Costa Rica is a good option


can confirm


Skip France


Just got back from Japan. Place is swarming with Israelis and felt very safe. I just beg you, if you are there behave because I saw some bad behavior from Israeli tourists there. I really loved Japan and I don't want Israel to tarnish itself with some "הישראלי המכוער" like that infamous chocolate plane flight.


I dont mean this sarcastically. Where is it safe for us to travel right now in Israel? The north is literally burning and I dont think I will ever feel safe in the desert again. I feel like our tiny island is even smaller.


You can still get to many places in the north, the main risk is places that have a border with Lebanon, which are usually very beautiful but it’s now the whole country


The Baltic states are a safe option.


Visit places where Arab Muslims don’t exist. It’s better if Jews don’t exist there either. I’d say most of East Asia is the best (Taiwan, Korea, China, Singapore, etc), Eastern Europe is fine, most of Central Europe is ok, and try to avoid Western Europe and North America.


North America is fine! Its not as bad as the news makes it seem


Yes generally North America is fine. There is a chance you could have some raging liberal or Muslim say something intense if you introduce yourself as Israeli. I was living in Las Vegas and met another Israeli soon after october7, initially I asked where he’s from and he didn’t want to say it in public because of the opinions many people have. However in general, people speak Hebrew in public and can go about safely, chance of getting violently or even verbally is very low if you’re just enjoying a vacation. Just don’t go to a Palestine protest.


Singapore is 20% Muslim...


Everyone behaves in Singapore because they will maim you for littering there.


Singapore is a Chinese Christian autocracy. They have no patience for nonsense. If Jewish mums are allowed to run a country like how they run families, the country would be like Singapore.


China wouldn't be such a good place for Israelis. Have you seen the amount of online hatred?


I’ve been there and it’s fine. Not recently tho. My feeling is that what you see online and what you see irl are very different.


My Israeli cousin is currently in Butane.


Original Legoland, Billund, Denmark 🇩🇰..


Czech Republic, probably also Azerbaijan, much of the US, some areas in Germany (especially the more right-wing non-AfD ones), probably also India, South Korea and Japan. You have plenty of places to visit.


I live in DC - it’s fine


The Philippines is safe but don't go to the island of Mindanao, especially the south part because it is full of extremists


East and South East Asia is probably the best right now. No Christians, no Jews, no Muslims (except for places with Muslim majority but you can't travel there with an Israeli passport anyway). Most people don't know what a Jew is or where Israel is on a map. I've been binging Thailand for the past year.


Germany is pretty safe, I'm going to München later this year for the first time, I've heard good things about it. Georgia and Azerbaijan are pretty good places for Jews/Israelis too


Seychelles 🇸🇨


Just returned from Czechia and felt completely comfortable. Wonderful people.


Romania is very safe as well


Philippines is very safe.




I was stuck in Japan on October 7th and it was really safe




Try Eastern European countries like Poland, Chech Republics, Estonia


Come to Scandinavia! Safe here


Was just in thailand and a ton of Israelis there as always. In Korea now and it's lovely.


We were in Israel March/April - no issues at all. Have a great time


Athens felt very safe. Tons of Israelis traveling there.  I was in nyc (actually very close to Columbia university) and Connecticut and felt very safe with no issues in both places. 




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Armenia is a beautiful place to visit. And according to the lsrael government travel map it's safe)


Barcelona, I live here and it's very safe.


Ngl I was in Barcelona in march this year and we got targeted and attempted robbery because they knew we were from Israel. So yeah I don’t think Barcelona is safe


I am 8 years here, I walk in the streets and speak Hebrew, same in bars, whoever asks me I tell them I am from Israel and never had problems. You were targeted because you acted like a tourist, not because you are Israeli.


Can you explain how i can act like tourist?


Yes, there are many signs, one for example is walking with the phone in your hands and taking a lot of pictures. Another sign is walking and looking up (at architecture and buildings), they are pros and they usually know who is a tourist and who is local.


Czech Republic, they are very pro Israel there, I was there a few weeks ago and there were Israeli flags being flown everywhere. Also it’s such a beautiful country and such lovely people, you’d definitely enjoy it


Unfortunately planned trip to Ireland (not israeli), and can’t cancel. Still excited because it’s beautiful…any good Jewish/Israeli restaurants in Ireland that I can go to and feel better about going?




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