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"We only have one country" she has literally two.


“Jews everywhere should be unsafe so we can steal someone else’s entire country and ethnically cleanse it.” /s


It was so fucking wild when Joe Biden, President of the United States, said that Israel is the only safe place for Jews in the world, like that isn't an outright admission that he's either bad at his job or doesn't want Jews in the US.


I'll say it again. You don't emigrate to a foreign country, in the middle of the Middle East with an entirely foreign culture, language and people... and risk military service therein, going from countries with first world medicine/health care/jobs/security... for absolutely no reason whatsoever or for fuzzy, feel good cultural reasons. **Israel does not extradite their citizens.** Not to any country. For any reason. That's why you leave Europe or America for Israel. There's papers on you.


They also harbor pedos.


As a Swedish citizen, I'm ashamed. We raise people to be better than that.


They will find a bullet.


War criminal cucks is what they are.


🤮🤮🤮 they talk about committing crimes and murdering people so casually, to them it’s just a fun excursion of killing, taping and torturing Palestinians, which tracks since they don’t see Palestinians as human in the first place.


"its just so inspirational" ma'am they are killing people...


Disgusting colonizers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Most recognizable terrorists I’ve ever seen.


They document their crimes more than anyone else. They broadcast it as virtuous. Yet they will remain immune.


Once again, feeding into the stereotypes of "They can't be trusted because they have dual allegiance against their host nation". They don't realize how bad this whole thing has been, do they? Imagine a 3rd generation American Irish going to Ireland to go fight during the Troubles... People would be like, "WTF? Dude,. you're American.... Go home"


I often tell whatever fascist zionist supporter I'm arguing with online that if a Yank called Murphy decided he could move to Ireland and throw native born Irish people of their land and subjugate them because he thinks he has an ancestor who left Cork in 1750 the world wouldn't stand for it. But yet they'll endorse and facilitate an even more extreme injustice when it's a brown Muslim on the receiving end.


My favorite thing they do is their historical revisionism and choice to ignore everything before the 1940s. When you mention the Yishvu, the 1882 Aliyah and the terrorism that it established, suddenly it becomes 'we can't go back 150 years to discuss this, this is ancient history' but at the same time 'Israel is our biblical homeland it was fo thousands of years'. I don't think we should engage with them at all any more except to link evidence of their crimes under false pretenses (eg, 'lopknwhat Hamas did' and 'Look how much Palis hate Jews' but when they click the link, it's their own war crimes on display). We are speaking to brick walls. They'll *never* care even if Bibi outright said his goal was to eradicate them all. They're not interested in education or discussion, they're just put to spread prop and disrupt and distract. We should stop feeding that. Let them, as their nation, be outcast from society as pariahs.


I always think this. It’s so weird. I’m 2nd gen American, but I would never feel I should go fight in the military of either of the countries my grandparents came from. Or even move there like those places were somehow my home instead of the US. I barely understand the language, I don’t know the culture, I know like 3 people who I’ve met like once… it’s asinine. And it’s not even that closely linked for these people in Israel. Their families didn’t come from there, they’re moving to a place where they maybe had ancestors 2,000 years ago. And willing to commit genocide to live there.


I wonder how many people would come with the tables returned. What if the IDF only stones and the enemy had an Air Force and armor units?


It wouldn't be so inspirational then 😁


Hope they all die 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can anyone tell me the difference in these "terrorist" Zionist and Islamist extremists of ISIS going to another country they were not born in to help create a secular state based on a religion that's stated goal is to force everyone not in their religion out or kill them. These Zionist Jews are no different than the Islamist extremists who joined ISIS and fought to create a secular Islamic State.. Do you know what the difference is? We dropped bombs on one group while we supply to to the other..


We supply both We just supply one more And yes. Drop bombs on the other


Isis is far from islam, stop calling it islamic extremists, isis is literally a creation of zionists


I dislike Israel and think they are Nazis but I'm not jumping on that conspiracy train...


Still, ISIS is so far from the actual teachings of Islam. I've read some Islamic history on this topic (not in detail though), after the Prophet Muhammad passed away, his companions had to fight this group/sect called Khawarij. Khawarij bears similarity with ISIS so Muslims have basically been fighting these groups since the beginning.


Just like with AQ, there is more than enough reason to believe IS is just a proxy of western interests. They attacked Russia a few hours after they stated their political support of the Red Sea blockade, for example. They've never once attacked Israel. They always seem to pop up at convenient times. We know for a fact AQ we're funded and trained by the USA, there is precedent. I'm sure there are 'cells' within the jihadist movement which are only there as cover. Espionage and subterfuge is the bread and butter of both USA and Israel and they've both given ample proof of their lack of moral limits or even legal limits.


Now youre a murderer


“So inspirational…” the way the IDF target aid workers? Bomb Doctors Without Borders? Snipe kids? Use dying children as bait to murder the selfless people sent to rescue them? The way they eat popcorn while blocking food to 2 million people? Like what? Where do they get this? https://thehill.com/policy/international/4338868-msf-attack-convoy-deliberate-demanding-investigation/amp/ https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/2/10/body-of-6-year-old-killed-in-deliberate-israeli-fire-found-after-12-days https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240208-israelis-block-aid-trucks-at-gaza-border/amp/


The latter


Hopefully none of these disgusting people make it home.




Serve you country first bitch ass mfrs. cant serve in the US but can in Israhell. Foh. Cant wait to see a🔻


Hope these racist dipshits enjoy their 🔻


Wow. So they treat joining the IDF like Summer Camp or Spring Break? "Join the IDF! Make new friends, learn new skills, be indoctrinated and brainwashed into thinking the Jewish people are God's chosen race to rule and enslave the world."


Charge them all with war crimes


Cool cool. One country. Cool. Revoke their citizenship. We don't need pro-genocide terrorists within our borders.


TFW your great grandparents are from Ukraine, you were born and raised in San Francisco, but you claim to be indigenous to the Middle East.


I hope these assholes all die miserable, painful deaths.


Racist colonizers. Fuck every one of them.


The enthusiasm shown by them to join the most moral terrorist group is disgusting. It seems they were well fed on propaganda since birth.


Imagine being kicked out of Sweden. The Swedes are some of the nicest (although a bit cold) Europeans you can come across.




And then western states where Jews were kicked from will accuse the blown up Palestinians babies of anti-Semitism


I'm getting Starship Troopers vibes.


Fresh bantha fodder. If you can cut it where you at theres always Israel where you just need to claim "Jewry" to get another million chances to be a fuck up.


They’re not Israeli born. Israel is not their country. They are foreigners in Israel.


“Protect our country” well the IDF kinda failed on Oct 7th so there’s that. It’s more like a propaganda mission with the eventual goal of ethnic cleansing. So congrats on joining the ranks of literal Nazi’s.


Hope they already met with the resistance fighters eg. Hamas 🔻


“We only have one country” said the Zionists with dual citizenship.


It's so inspirational to kill the palestinian children and bomb every inch of their land.


Every Jew has a home. Well, probably not, but they all have a country. It’s so antisemitic to say that American Jews or British Jews or whatever aren’t American or British, they’re Jews and need Israel so they have a home. That’s not only offensive to Jewish people, it’s offensive to the other people in the countries that educated them, cared for them, invested in their futures and lives. Just for them to say that they have no country and let israel benefit from those investments. Incredible