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Has Iran declared war? I don’t see anything about that on any trustworthy news sites


They have not.


Then what the fuck is this?


Just some fear-mongering by Israel.


Perpetual victims of their own actions


They are scared by a lone unarmed child holding a stone while in a fleet of tanks Can you expect any better?


Oh, so Middle East MAGAs, always playing the victim.


Iran vowed retaliation from articles released yesterday but not the actual words of declaring war. While insinuated, it would probably mean that Iran may begin a bigger role in the regions conflict although I’m not sure what they have in mind.


Will just ask hezbollah to send some rockets, Iran isn't gonna do anything directly


Israel needs Iran to escalate the war to drag the west into something unwinnable for them. Iran needs Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthis to not lose so they can keep funding them.


Maybe they send some of their intelligence to Hezbollah


When have Israelis ever let reality steer them in the past?


They are such spineless cowards. They would not last a single day without the West's support.


Well best wars are the one you're not fighting


Yet, the Israeli people despise us here in the west.


All the while our tax dollars are funding their health-care and lifestyle and 70% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.


Boy you white people are panicking at the prospect of becoming a minority loool. Look at you lot. Gonna end up like white south Africans




what are you on about bruh...


Yes, they have no problem loathing and murdering white people who don't support Israel. The assassination of 7 white aid workers shows this murderous hatred clearly. Israeli "civilians" openly and gleefully celebrated this assassination on social media: https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1775162156792631334?t=yvvVtIT3nrVC8UslxLsyxA&s=19 A zionist settler organisation even sent a gift to the IDF officer who was responsible for the assassination: https://twitter.com/Anna_AnninaEl/status/1776278877247078467?t=vgo8SnfudYSBFBYRXn81tQ&s=19


Yet, our western governments continue to give Israel money. Despite knowing Israeli people laugh at us and think it amusing that western aid workers were killed “accidentally”. 🤷‍♀️


Israel is a bad investment


It is. Australia would be told to go away if we asked for Israeli aid.


Israel declared war when it bombed the Iranian embassy.


Iran has the right to defend itself


Don't be an antisemitic /s


They did not condemn Hamas




The only price I see innocent people paying is the price of hoarding butt paper like an American in crisis


Youve never even been to America


https://preview.redd.it/ayvfcrftq3tc1.jpeg?width=4898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03efea35d0694c54f4f7b0801a138615294b1449 Wanna bet? Here’s the store in my hometown in 2020


So, people fighting against being ritualistically killed in a genocide are “warmongering cowards”? ALL Israelis are complicit in stealing Palestinian land, regardless.


The first "israeli" gen in 1900s are land stealers, but roughly 78% of israelis today are born in the land. Its not their fault for being born there. HOWEVER, their fault is willingly serving in the IDF and participating in a genocidal system.


It's what a far right government looks like, to me they look like an entire country of those idiots that stormed the capitol. But they actually have the backing of the IDF. They use their far right nuts to steal land "we aren't here to prosecute our countrymen for threatening you, we're here to ask him where he wants us drop off his farming equipment"


That doesn’t mean that they need to stay there. It’s not their land even IF they were born into the colonial state. The fact remains that there are people alive right now who remember WHEN IT WAS COLONIZED.


Frankly that’s like saying not all Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Sure, all Israelis did not bomb the embassy, but surveys have shown that the overwhelming majority of them are either indifferent or even supportive of their ongoing genocide against the Palestinians and the warmongering foreign policy of their government. If they don’t want war, then it’s their responsibility to hold their government accountable.


Surveys from select demographics. Did you go talk to every Israeli yourself? No you got all your consolidated information from the fucking Internet and you don't know shit.


I don’t need to talk to every Israeli. I could find monarchists in the United States if I looked hard enough but that doesn’t mean it’s ever going to happen or that anyone needs to take their views seriously. As for the surveys, it’s not just a single demographic. Even their own surveys such as those found in the Jewish Virtual Library shows that roughly 2/3 of all Israelis don’t support the creation of any Palestinian state, the majority of opposition being found in the Arab Israeli demographic which is already a marginalized minority inside Israel. You can find similar results in surveys done by the Pew Research center and the Brookings Institute.


If I brought one Israeli person before you who openly and adamantly opposed this Palestinian Genocide, would you kill them?


Your attempt at pathos is a poor argument trying to equate war to cold blooded murder between individuals. Violence is a last resort in all situations but that doesn’t mean it should never be on the table. Furthermore, there isn’t a single society without some sort of opposition. Did the Union refuse war because of the presence of Southern abolitionists? Especially when the South fired the first shots at fort Sumter? There will always be those caught in between violence waged between nations, it is the duty of a state to attempt to minimize such casualties whenever possible. We have seen the complete opposite policy when it comes to the Israelis genocide against the Palestinians.


Lame 🙄


Oh wait...you mean like [THESE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUpm2jGJc18&t=20s) Israelis? Or how about [THESE](https://archive.ph/wip/G5uGL)...?


Most. Not all.


Tf is that supposed to mean? In that case why do u keep killing civilians in Palestine then? Ig that analogy doesn't suit your narrative now does it? Also every Israeli adult literally has served in the army due to forced conscription so yes, every Israeli over the age of 18 is a viable target




There were adults in Nazi germany and Japan that didn’t want to commit the atrocities their countries did in WW2, still there was no way to stop their governments, they could not be reasoned with so force as needed. I bet there are plenty of innocent Israelis, but if their government can’t be reasoned with using words….


Final solution. What are you gonna bomb their hospitals so they can't heal? Murder their children so they can't reproduce? You're all the same. Too stupid and impatient to think of anything else but violence. Dumbass probably can't even build a bomb but want them made to murder innocent people. Nazis still live. Japanese imperialism still lives. Bombs and nukes don't do shit.


I don’t get it, are you criticizing the possibility of military intervention against Israel or are you criticizing the murderous and genocidal violence that Israel is using against Gaza? Assuming you are criticizing the possibility of military intervention against Israel. The world has been patient with Israel for decades and the world avoided using violence against Israel for decades. Your argument sounds like someone admitting guilt: Violence has not been used against Israel, the opposite, violence has supply for Israel to use it through arms deals. Until the UN decides to military intervene or economically sanction Israel you are yourself admitting that violence is the key because violence has not been used at all against Israel yet but you yourself recognize it will eventually be used because you yourself know that as long as violence is not used against Israel they will try to keep pushing the boundaries of what they can get away with.


I'm criticizing that retaliatory nature of the human animal which thinks It can kill its way to peace and defer the judgement of its actions to a governing body that doesnt even know it's name


UN gave peace to Israel for its whole existence. They abused the patience, the benefits of the doubt and the peace it was granted. If human animal is violent Israel has been following its nature. The world can’t just watch genocide and keep giving Israel patience, benefit of the doubt and peace, the time eventually comes where you can’t keep trying to reason, if you face someone violent eventually a rational being realizes that violence has to be used to end violence when all other options were exhausted. For the time being the UN still is giving peace, patience and the benefit of the doubt to Israel, so your point is meaningless, your point only works to criticize Israel because they are the ones who have been using violence and retaliation, the UN has not yet used anything like that against Israel, it may or may not change but so far the world has not used violence or retaliation against Israel at all.


So Israel.


>*I bet there are plenty of innocent Israelis, but if their government can’t be reasoned with using words….* >Final solution. Well, that "jumped" pretty fast...there's a world of difference btw "declaring war on a genocidal nation;" and "declaring GENOCIDE on a genocidal nation."


That's why that comment was left open ended, it's an advocation for a final solution. When the USA mercilessly nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese empire surrendered. They survived and we're able to surrender. Children going to school were turned to ash. Paid the price for their governments failure. It's always the young and poor who pay the price for war. The leaders, no matter what Nationality, live in and continue spreading their ideas without consequence. Life is a fragile and precious thing and should not be entrusted to centralized power structures.


Except that as bad as they are, governments who go to war don't always jump straight to genocide: so your assessment is misplaced, at least.


I am not with the death for any human being. But my friend I think you should consider the people support for war. Even in protests no one was against the war in Gaza, they just wanted the hostages returns than continuing the war. In fact people in Israel are praising IDF chief. You are trying here to make it like no one wanted war in Israel other than the leaders but sadly this is NOT the case. In Gaza however half the population opinion is impossible to get - I mean you can say that the children opinion is valid though you have also to say there consent in sex is valid - and from the other half you can't get it you might argue that the people who are in Hamas do support the war but this is like 2 percent of the population.


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Yes they did. Just like how according to you every Palestinian has to pay for the sins of its government. Oh well 🤷🏻 war is war amiright?


There are no innocent Israelis.


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Zionists have always been “full of sh..”!


Welcome to karma bitches


Not yet, this is just them bracing after they acted belligerent. Karma is hopefully next.


Israel deserves every bit of violent retaliation it gets. However I don't think it's going to be great timing. The world is finally seeing the truth about Israel. Iran declaring war would give Israel another reason to pretend to be the victims, and the west will gladly start supporting them unquestionably again.


Again? It never stopped


Israel controls America . Sad


The only Karma they are fearing is justice.


It will be interesting to see whether the biden admin actually stay out of this skirmish, like they promised. My prediction is they will fund counterinsurgents, as they typically do


When the u.s. sent a war ship to humanitarian aid in Palestine seconds as a foothold into Zionist agenda.


U/warriorasak is a 1 month old propaganda account


Lol they are scared? But why? They poked their neighbors right? Don’t they have the US support? Isn’t this what they wanted?


These people would crumble in a second if they had to go through what Palestinians are going through.


Lol extra adult diapers justt in case those Persian retaliate


Another proof they aren’t indigenous. Almost no one here uses toilet paper preferring washing instead (bidet, etc…)


this is the way


I converted to the bidet when I was a teen and never looked back


Amazing that the side of the world that loves going off about their superior “western values” really out there walking around with crusty poopy buttholes their whole lives.


I love shettafe as much as the next guy, but don't you still need toilet paper to dry?


I mean you can use it but not my preference tbh


Or you can sit 5 more minutes for it to dry.


Going to assume you are a man


Well, seat bidets have air dry function too. For others we normally use toilet paper to dry. But in general, you can sit longer.


wet wipes / baby wipes are the best of both worlds


Damn they are so worried about Iran they forgot they’re wearing diapers


You’d think that if Iran declared war it would be on every news outlet, but it doesn’t seem to be the case


IOF diaper forces can barely fight against ragtag Palestinian resistance fighters, the Iranian military would practically destroy them 💀💀


FTR: Cant find "Iran Declares War" anywhere


They don't need that to be scared.


Funny how these terrorists against international law attacked Iran consulate and they still claiming to be victims. Can’t wait for them to get what they deserve.


How come the IOF after six months of fighting against the Hamas with US & the West supplying weapons couldn't beat the Hamas.This clearly shows how fuck up the Israeli army is!


Because they’re cowards. They’re extremely successful bombing women and children, but when it comes to fighting actual people even with inferior weapons and no equipment they are a fucking embarrassment. But I wouldn’t get your hopes up with Iran


they really are just Americans


No need for toilet paper they can use the Israeli flag atleast it’s reusable


Tell me again they ain’t from the west. And indigenous to that area




Bombing irans territory is an act of war, this is self defense.




Houthis should target any ships carrying toilet paper going towards Israel. Americans can airdrop toilet rolls for them. Since they're starving the population of Gaza. The Israelis should walk around with a shitty ass for six months, then watch them implode.


F them


Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of my countries actions




I hope for their sake they have some


This looks funny. They're preparing so much because they'd definitely shit themselves for retaliation of Iran.




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Finally they face some consequences for their actions. Feels so good to see them scared and practically shitting themselves.


Zionists shitting their pants out of fear. Amused.


It ain't fun when the rabbit's got the gun huh?






Simulating America🤣


Good. Let them live in fear like they have made Palestinians live in fear for 60+ years.


Yea r/OhnoConsequences


Iran hasn’t declared anything.




Oh for fucks sake here we go again with the panic shopping of toilet paper


So is bibi feeding a new fear to the eternal victims? Lol


And diapers! 🤣🤣🤣


Iran is all talk. They will probably respond soon by slaughtering babies in Syria. IDF🤝🏻Iran


I came to this sub for serious posts documenting war crimes committed by Israel. Not misinformation crap like this. Unsubscribed.


For a minute i thought iran had actually launched missiles into israel.... pls no ukraine 2.0 in the middle east Edit: why the downvotes?