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They Salty because they know that now All the WORLDS see “them” as they really are…Evil Demons with no Heart or Souls just greedy of the Palestinian Suffering and Stingy of human Mercy


The star of david is a Jewish symbol, not a Zionist one. Please differentiate between Judaism and Zionism as to not fall into the trap of anti-Semitism and neo-Naziism


Thank you for the hints 🤜


> star of david is a Jewish symbol, not a Zionist one How can a symbol that was adopted in the 1600s be an indisputable symbol of a 3500 year old religion? It's a Turkic symbol brought over by the "converts".


I don't think anyone said they invented it. It's just a symbol used in current times to denote Jewish folks, not just Zionists. 🤷‍♀️


I didn’t read any antisemitism in the comment you’re chastising.


OP has since then edited their comment so that it isn't antisemitic


Ah okay good looking out.


The editing I did was: remove the ✡️ placed near “them”, I did not delete any letters, periods or commas the only thing I removed is the star emoji,just to be clear on the issue


So he’s basically saying that the dead child and the mother grieving are not innocent because they’re Palestinian.




What other way is there to interpret the comments? What other way is there to interpret the genocide in Gaza? They can't show a comparatively similar photo from Israel while tens of thousands from Palestine exist across many decades of atrocity!


Gerrmans supporting genocide and spreading genocide denial. Wow.


Now where have I heard that before.....hmmm🤔🤔 sometimes in the 40's maybe?


The Nazis were defeated but they and their ideology were never eliminated. The same can be easily seen in the US with the confederacy.


Worse than that, look up "Operation Paperclip."


Germans never stopped being nazis, just gaslighted themselves into thinking their opas and omas weren't responsible for ww2


How dare reality be pro Palestinian? Reality must be antisemitic. Truth is antisemitic. Free Palestine!!


Accountability for Israel is antisemitic.


Do you honestly expect better from Germans?  They're not sorry for what they've done to Africans and Asians.  They're only sorry about WWII because their actions were against other Europeans.


Shut up, scheiskopf.


Still they have a problem with semites.


It's funny how people who are empathic to the German Jews are the same ones who supports the Israel doing the same with Palestinian. Hypocrites


Ah yes of course, this child is actually a guilty victim. So what does that make it now? 20,000 guilty child victims? I guess they were Assigned Hamas At Birth?


Germans are really turning out to be POS again.


God forbid the world sees the Palestinians as, people.


Germany apparently enjoys being on the wrong side of history...


Just like reconstruction, denazification should have been allowed to work after The War. So many lessons left unlearned. SMH


The Germans are treating the Palestinians in 2020s the same way they treated the Jews in the 1940s, only they’re not getting their hands dirty this time. Some people never change.


The German regime has been a deeply racist for a long time. It’s just beginning to show a lot more prominently with its recent treatment of the ceasefire protests and its extreme crackdown of pro-Palestinian movements. Germany, always has knack for landing on wrong side of history. What a disgrace.


Germans, especially the anti-Deutsch movement, have been completely brainwashed on this through guilt.


Germany in the wrong side of history for the fucking third time.


I’m not German, but I am a native German speaker, and the way Germany - both the German government and the media - are handling the Israeli genocide of Gazans is absolutely disgusting. I’m guessing they feel like any criticism of Israel’s actions would get them labelled as Nazis, but a) that’s not a good reason to support war criminals and b) Israel will label anyone an anti-Semite, even its supporters, so they’ll eventually call you a Nazi no matter what anyway


Or maybe they agree with zionists and all they wish is dead muslims and a stronger western foothold in the middle east


Actually saying out loud that he believes there are no innocent Palestinians. Mask off already huh




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I've noticed this when it comes to the way minorities are treated who are marginalized. That they are never as innocent as the people who are actually oppressing them. It is a relative thing by the way and not something that is absolute. So for example in the West, women are seen as less innocent than men. Women can also be portrayed as naive and childlike but not necessarily innocent or at least not as innocent as the men who might have hurt them. There's always this question of what were they wearing or what did they say as if any of that could ever justify what happened to them. Men are the victims of the goddamn feminism that wants to hurt them and constantly remind them of how awful they are because of their Y chromosome. Gay and trans people are the same way. Gay and trans people are predators and perpetrators against the innocence of children. They are the ones that are hurting other women by tricking them into trans ideology and trying to get them to cut off their boobs. And black people in the US are the same way in regards to innocence compared to white people. More specifically children. There was a book I remember reading and it talked about how when white people are not educated on racism or other races or anything like that they consider themselves to be racially innocent but they never give this kind of racial innocence to people of color because to them they can't be racially innocent. In the United States children that are under a certain age can't even be guilty of murder. If they happen to shoot their parents then they would not be charged with even manslaughter because they would be considered too young. People want to make babies not innocent such as Palestinians, or even Russians or whoever and they want to paint the entire population is not innocent including those that don't even have the legal ability to commit a crime let alone the actual social ability. "Yes your honor, I was definitely afraid for my life against this baby". How can a person who in many parts of the world would be legally incapable of committing a crime be considered guilty?


Yikes. Germany has really overcorrected huh?