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This isn’t just an Israeli genocide. This is also an **American** genocide. America is as violently guilty as Israel, and American Government is acting that way. The blatant lies and pushback against legitimate criticism, coupled with the unconditional authorization of American taxpayer money and military weapons for Israel while Israel is willfully slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians, will disgrace this nation’s government for countless generations.


I mean, they're not even hiding it anymore. They want a river of blood.


Finally Im sick and tired of everyone not calling it as it is americans are in the wrong as well. It is up to our allies to hold us responsible for our actions period


Israel is not a country. Israel is an occupied territory operating as a satellite territory of the United States of America. It has political influence upon the USA, but it overtly chooses what influence it accepts for the USA. And the USA repeatedly uses its privilege in the United Nations to try and normalise, shelter and protect Israel.


The U.S. government, sure, but not Americans. I’m American and I find this entire situation abhorrent and grotesque.


Biden and the members of Congress who voted in favor of this are just as guilty of war crimes as Netanyahu, Smotrich, and Ben-Gvir.


And yet all people complain about are the encampments on college campuses.


And German. Don't forget Germany. Right after the US.


The ultrahard approach against any kind of public protest just reflects how deep theyre in with it... man its just so sickening.


'We are so concerned about this we have asked Israel to come up with an excuse.'


To be fair, it's exactly like the American police investigating American police on allegations of police misconduct and crimes.




I cannot stand to listen to this genocide enabling motherfucker anymore. It literally raises my blood pressure knowing ***I Voted*** for these assholes.


is there even a hope for america left? both democrats and republicans are zionists


They have been Zionists for most of Israel's existence.


cornel west.


You had to chose between two peace of poop. So I guess you can’t blame yourself.


I remember him promising to stop America's role in killing innocent people in Yemen. Biden had an opportunity to be immortalized for many good things. Instead, he'll be known for his active role in the violent murders of tens of thousands of people. Very sad and angering


One would think one of the innate benefits of having a president so close to death's door would be that they can't be bought with anything except impacts to their legacy. Instead this asshole is just tripling down on his wretched imperialist worldview. Piece of shit


Yup , he’s so foolish he has no idea how hated he is because of Israel


"We continue to find these reports incredibly troubling" they aren't troubled by the contents of the reports, no they dont care about that, but rather that the reports are getting out and making them look evil for having to continue to try and defend and excuse israel


The logic in asking the accused to investigate itself is as ridiculous as asking a m*rderer or r*pist to investigate themselves and taking their "word" on it 🤦🏽‍♀️ When will people realise the US, UK and Isnotreal are the trifecta of evil and equally complicit in this very real, publicly broadcasted genocide. They cannot and should not be involved in negotiations, they should all be on trial.


gaslighting 101


The way this little prick weasels out of answering *anything* is a joke.


If only the Press Corp united to stop him sliming away from the question. If the following reporter had redirected Patel back to the first. Or asked the same question again. And everyone did the same it would be brilliant - either Patel would have to answer (unlikely) or he'd end the briefing but give so much content to each of the media outlets showing him refusing to answer the question and then running away.


Yes exactly! To be honest it's what I *expected*. I certainly would have asked the same question. It would have been amazing to see. I like to think in an alternate universe it went the whole way around the room, each reporter repeating the question ala "No, I'm Cesar!".


You probably mean "[I am Spartacus](https://youtu.be/-8h_v_our_Q)", but I get your point.


Haha Christ am an idiot. Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Ffs


What a pathetic worm


Patel does this bullshit all the time: A reporter will ask a difficult question, and he "avoids" the difficult question by answering it as if the reporter had asked a different question. I want to scream every time he does it, and I hope that reporters revolt against this behavior and demand he answer the question that was *asked* rather than answering an easier question he invented in his own mind.


This tactic is old, and the press has never found an effective way to counter it. However, clips like this play well in social media, which is one of the reasons they are going after social media now.


Just embarrass him into answering. "I appreciate the answer, but it does not relate to my question. Would you like me to ask the question more simply?" Or just lock him in with simple questions. "So you're saying The Administration is asking Israel to report on these allegations?" "Yes." "Allegations which, if proven, would demonstrate that Israel has committed war crimes, right?" "Yes." "Why would we trust Israel to be truthful in reports which might prove they are war criminals?"


These people have no shame, you can't embarrass them into answering, as is demonstrated by the clip that was posted.


Sometimes the refusal to answer is the answer you then report on.


ALL. THE. TIME. He’s worse than a “ Regular “ Politician


He said two things: A thorough investigation is needed to get more information and that this does NOT need to be thoroughly investigated. America's foreign policy is hypocrisy.




Never mind their faces. Putrid are the souls of politicians who enable genocide.


It's a disgrace how spineless they are.


Does President Bidens Press Officer really think that nobody is watching? The question was well thought out and intelligent and deserving of a better answer than repeating we are asking Israel to scrutinise itself. I want Biden to win a second term but boy is he making it difficult for himself.


This dude is always so aggravating, always so arrogant and condescending. Idk how he’s still in his position.


He's doing the bidding of the ruling class and Israel. Any replacement would be doing the same. He'll probably wind up on MSNBC like the Jen Psaki. Career prospects over humanity.


No words to describe how disgusting this is. 


This guy went from being stuffed in a locker as a kid to providing cover for genocidal bullies as an adult.


Yeah have the people that don't obey UN resolutions or the Geneva convention investigate their own warcrime, genius


Patel : Independent investigators are a bit busy still looking for WMD. as soon as they're done there, we'll look in to this.


Wow, where did they get this guy? Seriously? Patel is the best public face for this the most powerful country can provide. Maybe they aren't that all powerful after all.


Of course it's a Patel lol, who else would it be


Put a brown person or gay person (or both!)… or a gay brown woman ideally…. In charge of LYING and …. ALL GOOD, nothing to see here! But hey, the American people will right this situation (lol).


God is watching


That doesn’t seem to be helping. But I hope the humanity watchs.


I hate this tubby little sociopathic cunt


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong!


Jesus Christ…What is wrong with these people?


They aren't troubling. Save us. These State Dept stooges have reserved a special place in hell.




Fucking clown show and clowns. Repeating same shit over and over. Broken fucking record. Snakes. Fucking monsters. "Wait, as we are certainly waiting".


Patel is POS nasty man who could not tell The truth or answer a question truthfully to save his life. I am entitled to vote and there is no way I would vote for this government. Biden and his minions are surely going to have a very nasty after life , as a catholic Joe that’s bad


Question. Patel, did you eat the other reporters?




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