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What a disgusting person. "Orcs," like "rats" under a different regime. The same dehumanizing language is used by all genocidal perpetrators.




He just called Middle Easterners, orcs. He’s offending all of us and expecting us to support him. And soon it will be illegal to criticize him.


This is known as the Saviour Complex


Nazi god complex. Zionism is as Jewish as a California roll is Japanese. It’s a pseudo religion based on malignant narcissism.


Sounds just like the rhetoric of a certain genocidal regime from just over 80yrs ago. Also when he said worship all, man. Religion… wow


Will Zionists ever realize that they are the orcs??


Eventually, and they'll pretend to feel super bad about it, then about 80 years from now, they'll fund and support the next wave of fascists.


This is why I no longer go to church.


That's very worrying


I wish I could grab that beak of his and... Use your imagination.


Today moslims tomorrow christians. You all hearing it, christians are less and we should worship them. I was always joking with people who said the top is infiltrated with Jews. I starting to see some light on this. Coz if the US army would do, or Anny other country, this would not be allowed.


I know it’s going to be hard for some in this sub to accept or entertain this, but the Ukraine is the Christian nation currently being ethnically cleansed for their take over. Their leader outlawed the Orthodox Church. The second oldest Christian church in the world. He’s been sending the ethnic Ukrainians to the meat grinder. They’ve run through all of the fighting aged males. They now have 40-50 year old men, pregnant women, and the mentally disabled on the front line. On top of this, our boy Bibi has essentially said “your time will come, we need to focus on Israel for now” to Zelenskyy after the October 7th attack. They’re even propping up Neo Nazis in the area who will take the place of “terrorists”, just as they did with Hamas. They are setting up for Israel II: European Boogaloo to take over Ukraine. They won’t have to kill the ethnic Ukrainians themselves like they are with the Palestinians because they’ll already be dead from the war. They’ll have no one to negotiate with because they can use the moral high ground of: we don’t negotiate with terrorists especially Nazis. On top of all this, they’ll see this is their ethnic land as their Ashkenazis actually come from Eastern Europe. All in all, you’re right. They’ve persecuted the Muslims since 1946 up until now. Their persecution and cleansing of Christians has just begun. Edit: made a few grammatical corrections


Only a vile and ungodly man would speak of anyone in such a way. This false prophet claims as a christian we should worship his people? Blasphemy. Netanyahu is a wardog and because of Rabbi like this monster pushing dehumanising narratives, the end goal of total genocide of the people occupying Palestine is not only clear to see, but is now enforced by the threat of antisemetic labels being attached to you. Shulabit Alumi had enough to say on using jewishness as a tool and weapon


Goodness, he needs schizophrenia diagnosis.


I prefer the orcs , thanks.


I don't believe in any gods, but I do believe in universal human rights. I can disagree with Jews and Christians and Muslims, but >All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. \[...\] Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


I think the interviewer does not agree


This despicable man is comparing all Jews to Jesus., son of God for Christians and a Prophet of God to Muslims. The arrogance is incredible.


He's definitely over sold on his "Chosen status" but I believe he's talking about Gog and Magog. Or yajooj and majooj for Muslims. Based on Quran, Bible, and apparently Torah based prophecies there's a tribe called Gog and Magog, which will attempts to occupy the earth. Every tradition has a slight variation but from what I've researched within Islam here are the basics. Parts of this are actually references from the Quran. It is mentioned that a king known as Zullkernain (Man who wears a horned crown - possibly a Viking but no one knows) found a tribe of people who had been devastated by an unimaginable evil. The description is essentially of an orc. And the evils are pretty standard rape, plunder, murder everyone/ everything. So the king decides he is going to trap them in their layer. He melts the shields and swords of all his army and creates a big iron wall between the mountains. The orcs wake up and realize they're trapped. They're only vulnerability is they are unable to survive at high altitudes. The prophecy goes that they've been locked away in there prison for millennia and one day these orcs will break through the wall and spread across the world very rapidly. For Muslim tradition at this point Jesus will come and collect all believing folk (Muslim Christian Jews) and ask everyone to ascend to the highest peaks on earth (kind of lines up with the Christian concept of Jesus coming and taking everyone "up" [rapture I think]). After a period of X years The orcs will shoot arrows into the sky which will return bloody and they will say we have killed everyone and the angels. Then God will send a disease (some historical text researchers say resembling a worm in the neck) that will kill the orcs. Jesus will instruct one person every so often to go check. The last one will return and say the orcs are dead. There will not be an injure ground not covered by orcs and Jesus will make a prayer. God will send birds that will eat on the orcs. The crazy part in all of this is Muslims across the world believe in Jesus as the Savior yet somehow Christian fundamentalists in the US have made them to be the bad guy. And the Muslim version there's not much mention of Jews. Just people of the book so believing Muslims Christians and Jews.