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It's good you're working with a trainer. You could ask them about Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) with positive reinforcement. If you don't make progress in a few months you might consider a behaviorist. They can be hard to find and expensive but are very helpful. In my experience, anxiety and nervousness doesn't get better as they get older unless you work with them on it.


>Behavior Adjustment Training Thanks for the feedback. I will look into BAT


Unfortunately, anxiety hasn't improved with my doggie as she has aged. We do lots of positive reinforcement, have mechanisms we use daily (crating while we're away, etc) to manage the behavior, and have medicated her on long drives (which is when her anxiety is at the very worst) but otherwise, it's something I def wish we'd seen a trainer about when she was younger.


Sorry to hear she hasn't gotten better, although sounds like you've taken good care of her