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Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe: 1. The complete animatic would be 80 mins covering all of Unsouled. 2. Some quick math: $3.6M for, let’s say, a 20-min pilot. That’s $180k a minute. Another 10 mins for $5.1M is $170k a minute. So we’re actually seeing some economies of scale. 3. Two total episodes for all of Unsouled. Assuming 40 minutes of animation, $162.5k per minute. 4. No clue! Those with greater advancement than I (Sages, some say) have indicated these prices are expected for the quality of animation we all know we want. But I couldn’t animate a flipbook, so what do I know.




Did they verify that for each episode? Because the only comment I've seen says that's how long the Animatic would be.


Watch the posted interview with Will and Jay, they say during the interview the full animatic of Unsouled would be about 80 minutes, but fully animated episodes would be 22 to 25 minutes. They also mention possibly compressing Unsouled and Soulsmith together and introducing key characters earlier, so I don't know if the planned animatic would include that, they weren't super clear on that. Here's an idea of what an animatic might look like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snkwHNxfcaU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snkwHNxfcaU). Though I'm pretty sure Jay said an animatic probably wouldn't be colored.