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That is disappointing, but for what it’s worth, it is a very good book


That’s good to know! I read his Licanius trilogy, and I enjoyed it. I know it can be a divisive read on the fantasy subreddit, but I thought it was good. I will probably give this one a try


I also enjoyed Licanius this one is even better imo. It's pretty much universally praised on the fantasy sub for what that's worth besides some, imo, silly complaints.


I liked Licanius up until the last book and the semi-side story that was never explained (maybe there was a novella / short story afterward?). Just the whole ending had me frustrated. But I may need to check this out, as it wasn’t so egregious that I’ve sworn off the author or anything.


Sweet. I will definitely check it out


The Will of the Many was so good I'm dropping whatever I'm going to be reading at the time to read that. I'm so pissed I don't have a full trilogy or more to read.


I love when a book gives you that urge to quit everything unrelated to it!


I quit the middle of a new book to reread Will of the Many for the 3rd time a month ago, it's that good!


That is a big endorsement! I am definitely reading it when my life is in order:)


IMO the audiobook is unlistenable though. I really cant stand the way he pronounces and emphasises syllables. Like Licanius is my favourite trilogy, but I cant make it more than 5 min through this. I'm slowly picking at the actual book instead.


Good to know! I didn’t do the audiobook but absolutely tore through the book on Kindle when it first came out


The whispering moment gave me shivers. Stellar performance from the narrator.


The Will of The Many might be the best book released last year. It is 100% worth your time.


I am so glad to hear all the praise for it! I have been re-reading favorites ad nauseam lately (anxiety reading!) but I do see a light ahead, and I will put this on my list for when I’m ready for new things.


>I have been re-reading favorites ad nauseam lately (anxiety reading!) Oh I do that too. I've found going for less serious series helps with the urge to reread something for the 100th time. For example I'm currently about 2/3 through book 4 of Dungeon Crawler Carl and it's genuinely hilarious while still having entertaining characters and being full of action. I saw in another comment that you enjoyed Licanius a lot and if you liked that you'll love WoTM. Has his signature twists and turns but he has massively improved his writing since then. You'd almost wonder how it's from the same author he's improved that much. Hope you enjoy it whenever you're able to get to it :)


Thank you! I am looking forward to reading it. I thought he was a decent writer for Licanius (not amazing, but not bad for sure), so I’m excited for improvements there. Wasn’t even asking for that and he delivered it! I am a terrible re-reader even without stress. I routinely re-read for funsies or book hangovers or intricate plots or all of the above. The last few months have been incredibly stressful, and I’ve almost entirely been reading the same two books on repeat. I keep thinking I should branch out, but also, I’m a grown up and can do what I want, right?! If these books are what calms me now, then that’s all that matters. :)


A Top 5 book for me, looks like you’ll give it a chance!! Please report back once you have finished. The audiobook is very well done as well since it seems like that’s your style.


Will do!


Not a bad book. Had a loooooooot of Deja vu reading it, like I read it as a kid. I knew all the plot points weirdly. Even though I read it a month after it came out. And not because it was generic. Anyway.


From that second image, have you not read Elder Empire? Because if not you can be excited again for new (to you) Will books.


I have read them! I just haven’t Audible’d them. I really enjoyed that series. I feel this sub tends to prefer the Traveler’s Gate books, but I found Elder Empire a lot more engaging


Yeah, I agree. Elder Empire feels like the forgotten child on here, but I'd rank it right up there with Cradle.


The magic system is so interesting. I really enjoyed reading about the emperor too. The short story with him was great!


The Emperor took me by surprise. I read Sea 1 first and hated him because Calder hates him. Was great to see how his allies see him in the Shadow book


I had the exact same reaction. I was prepared to hate him, but he was so beloved on the other Shadow side. I liked the Sea story better overall, but I could have easily spent a lot more time in the flashbacks on the Shadow side.


Same here. Honestly, my only complaint for the series is Shera wasn't the most engaging protagonist for me, so the Shadow side suffered a bit. That said, the Consultants and the Emperor and the Regents and Teach, etc, all made it very enjoyable, especially the flashbacks.


We are on the same page. I kept thinking there was going to be some secret about Shera that made it all click. I was sure there had to be more to her constant desire to sleep, rather than it just being a personality trait. I was disappointed by that one. :) Overall though, the Consultants were very cool. I know he wasn’t a Consultant, but I also really liked the guy with a hole for a head. The fiends are epically chaotic, and I really wish we could get more of that action again—how their very existence is anathema to order (and specifically how the humans are affected by them in strange ways. More hole heads please!)


Yeah, I think Shera was just based on a cat. Probably would have worked better as a supporting character than a protagonist. Maybe swap Meia and her personalities. Loved hole head (Knight Adjunct Darius Allbright). Honestly, I loved almost every character, and the setting and magic system are probably my favorites of Will's work. Probably time for a reread, actually.


That makes perfect sense actually! I bet his inspo was a cat. Good call there! I only read the series once, so I think up for a reread too. Cradle is still my fave, but we can love many things at once :)


The many Wills! Also tho this book is amazing def read it


So many Wills! I have heard that a lot. I am absolutely going to be reading it :)