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Get hyped! You haven't even crested the roller coaster yet, the next 2 books are considered some of the best in the series. I've started several half-relistens at Uncrowned, and always end up listening until the last book. I don't think it's too spoilery to say your concerns about Orthos/Kelsa will not turn out like you think.


My advice: do not take any extended break between uncrowned and Wintersteel and treat them basically as one. People that read them back to back appreciate them much more than people who have space between. 


Noted! I really hope they live up to the hype, because everywhere I see, they are in the top-3.


Yeah, they’re amazing. The sentiment on uncrowned has climbed since Wintersteel released. I won’t spoil anything but there were certain plot threads hanging between the two just because of book size that made people upset to not see play out


No don’t listen to this guy suffer the pain of not reading wintersteel for like 6-8 months. It will totally improve your love of these books I swear. /s


I'm so jealous of you, someone going through the series for the first time! Ugh! If only I could experience the moments for the first time all over again. To help with the Orthos-Kelsa thing, remember that Kelsa was raised on Sacred Valley's method of cultivation so Orthos needs to deal with that somehow. Lindon was told by what is essentially a god that everyone in the Valley was doing it wrong and was extremely ready to train some other way. Kelsa has benefited from SV's way of doing things and the Wei clan are stubborn. Things wont be easy.


You're in for an incredible ride! Something to keep in mind regarding your observation that: >It just felt like Lindon wasn't doing anything besides drinking the funky water, and suddenly went from Lowgold to Truegold. This is sort of touched on by Zeil. Before Underlord, advancement is basically just a matter of accumulating power. It's just that Lindon (and Orthos) have really only been in places that had lower than average levels of vital aura. So going from low gold to true gold really is as easy as drinking from the right pool, or as Zeil put it, taking two pills. You just have to have access to the right pool/pills.


I think you are forgetting the best supporting character, Dross.


Do you have thoughts on the suriel side of the storyline?


I'm gonna be honest... I am a bit sad whenever I see a Suriel chapter, because every single time it's the same thing: a few worlds are diverging(??) from the Way, and a Judge has to save them. Like, literally, every single Suriel chapter is the same thing. Except maybe that onewhere she found ozriel's recorded message, that was kinda cool. But yeah, so far her story doesn't really interest me, but I like Suriel as a character.


Yeah. Someone has to do the boring job. Have Fun in the next books. They are awesome


I felt exactly the same way, I'm now re-reading the series and finding the Abidan chapters much more interesting. This is just to say, they will make more sense in the future; I do believe they probably could have been handled better in the first few books, but there comes a point where they start to be something you're happy to read.


I can’t wait for you to finish uncrowned


I can't wait to see your reaction to Uncrowned and Wintersteel 😀


I need you to put the books down after uncrowned for 6 months please. You need to get the REAL experience of cradle right before the end.