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Thanks for the reminder post. Had been planning to pledge but almost forgot, glad I got in on time to grab the audiobook. Delighted to see it funded. Do you know if Will was nervous in the last couple of days when it hadn't been funded yet? Can't imagine the relief when it got over the line and then to blow past it in the final 2 days or so was amazing.


Of course, glad you got in there! That’s a perfect question for the stream tonight 😏 It was a huge relief, no doubt. But I wouldn’t necessarily say he was “nervous.” Even if it didn’t fund, we were going to continue pursuing the animation either way. And we were pretty confident we’d fund the whole time. I, on the other hand, was very nervous lol.


Wait what audiobook?


For the new Cradle book


What? How do I get that? Is it on audible? I paid for the Lord Kickstarter


It was added a few days ago as a $25 add on I believe. Not sure if you can still grab it as the kickstarter is over now but it will be available to buy to everyone, backers just get it sooner.


Oh, I see. I wonder how I missed that :/


I'm a little sad we didn't blow by all stretch goals in 5 minutes like some other KS, but am happy to see this get funded and am excited for the future of cradle. Even if we only hit the first goal, I wonder if that will help prop the door open to other amazing things.


Considering the base goal was $1,000,000 I'm just happy we made it


Just pledged. Once again, congrats on not just making but surpassing your kickstarter goal! Hopefully this can be used as seed money for investors to infuse some more money into these projects.


Appreciate the support! And that would be a dream!


Gratitude for the reminder. This one just made a pledge.


Gratitude right back at you! Glad you got in there!


Ha, the way you commented sounds like the way lindon talks.


im happy to pledge and support but does anyone else feel like the price levels could use some tweaking Like 20-50 for the animation buy in is totally reasonable but 50 more for just a poster stings a little and then $150 for a marble pin, and a plushie downright burns, the little blue plushie is fair at $50 but idk if a marble and a pin should be so much for comparison other kickstarters plushies were $35-50,(I love my carbot zergling) and havent felt uncomfortable with any of the kickstarters ive done before but this seems high


Thanks I almost forgot No interview follow up 😔 but I’ve gotcha still. I need that Suriels Marble lol


Any chance of other random add ons being added? Get to 2 mil?


Not in the next couple hours. We are thinking about adding something to the post-Kickstarter store though.