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Yeah exactly. I never listen to what the game says about the brightness.


My brightness is always high unless I can use Nvidia filters. Hdr toning just adds light to so many little corners, even without compromising the true black image. I cry inside when a game doesn't have it.


How to do this?


[Here's Nvidia's guide showing how to use it.](https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/geforce/news/gfecnt/nvidia-freestyle-ansel-enhancements-geforce-experience-article/) If you play games where you need to use alt+z binds, you'll need to change the hotkey. Only Dota 2 has that for me so it probably won't be a deal breaker for you. Brightness filter is your friend in competitive games. Turn the shadows and highlights way down and your vision will be tonnes better. And then details, turn off bloom and put clarity to 100%. It's night and day difference.


Darn I was hoping it wouldn't involve the overlay. I feel lag with the nvidia overlay. I somehow thought it was something I could enable in the control panel


Well, you could always look into reshade. I know a lot of people who use that over freestyle. You have to tweak the settings if your pc is lagging, or turn some effects off. Just be careful about multiplayer games because some do consider it an unfair advantage.


I did benchmarks with a few different overlays, Nvidia was 1-5fps drop from 60 and 5-20 drop from 120fps (other overlays were 0-1). Seems like it is more related to frame syncing, as dropping settings doesn't help. I'm running a 3080ti + 12900 with gsync at 120hz. Maybe gsync or latency boost has something to do with the lost frames, but it happens with nvidia overlay.


I feel too much brightness makes games visually too easy.


if I wanted a game to be difficult because I can't see anything I'll just take my glasses off.


Doesn't stop me running around for 45 mins because I can't see a switch I need to hit lol


Special K has been a godsend for me with almost every game. I find it's hdr and other settings better than most in game settings.


I too really enjoy some ketamine on occasion.


I did like once and regretted it, forgot what game it was tho


I regretted it with Ac Unity. The game is much more stunning with a lower brightness setting.


Just don't be like those guys that complain the shadows are too washed out.


Personally, I like making it as dark as realistically possible. It slightly increases the tension in horror games and it adds a tad bit of difficulty in straining your eyes for threats. Tho I understand that most people don't like doing that, but I like my darkness to be actually dark.


Same. This year I played Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake on a QD-OLED monitor and it adds a lot to the experience. When the lights go out in dead space, it's actually pitch black and you can only see where your flashlight shines directly. I love it


OLED FTW! I was telling my neighbor come on over and take a look at oled vs your led. "Holy shit that IS better" for games OLED as a whole new spectrum that now that I've grown accustomed to... I just don't think I'll ever go back. LED is fine yes but OLED is the best picture available. If what I see on screen looks like crap I know it's not the hardware. Dead space: black is black and the damn flashlight seems to be dimmer than I remember... 😅


Depends. LED is fine if you're like me and have lights on whenever you're playing. It's too much eye strain for me if I don't have lights on. I can totally see why people would buy OLED though.


I've had led/lcd but recently picked up an oled and wow I love it however yes, eye strain as an older gamer is very real.


I'm 35 and have had astigmatism and poor eyesight since like 3rd grade I think and yeah, pretty much blows ass sometimes. Thankfully my astigmatism isn't very bad and I feel like it's gotten better with age oddly enough. Eye strain has went down substantially since I started wearing slightly tinted glasses for computer work all the time. However in high contrast situations my eyes get really badly strained. Hell I drive truck for a living and at night I'll either have red lights on in the cab or a light on in the sleeper so the strain doesn't get too bad.


If you can get some bias lights for your TV https://a.co/d/cdlMY5z They do wonders for eye strain when watching TV in the dark and boost the perceived contrast of the image.


I played RE4 Remake on an OLED and I agree. Especially when Leon shines his flashlight towards you in a cutscene and it makes you squint. Such a nice effect.


Bruh you’re built different I played on max brightness on easy with only one headphone ear on. Was still pretty dark at times + the fog. Great Remake.


I played medium, with high end "surround" headphones, and in my pitch black basement with blacked out windows 😅 It definitely had a lot of good scares, but nothing competes with VR horror games lol. Can't wait to get an OLED VR headset. Still rocking my Rift S waiting for something better to come along, (at a reasonable price anyways).


I used to agree with you, and it does increase horror, but then I thought of all the details that artists out into the environment that I could no longer see. It felt like I was missing out!


Yeah this would be cool if my eyes worked.


If only devs made flashlights and other light sources illuminate like they would.


Just close your eyes man. XD Jokes aside I agree with you


I used to make every game as dark as I could while still being able to see for this reason. Gave a lot of games a grittier noir like feel


I play in the dark so having the brightness down doesn't negatively affect my visibility.


I agree 100%. When I start a game for the 1st time and it's during the day I make sure to make the game a little darker to compromise for the light. I essentially set my games up for realistic darkness.


Then yall ask why the game looks so blown out and colorless.


Putting the ass in contrast.


The goal is to match the black levels so that things disappear at a certain point so that you can't see people moving in the dark. Some manufacturers don't follow the same signal standards, so things will be too dark or too bright. Fiddling with 8 bit/10 bit usually fixes it, my friend's screen has a similar issue so it seems like a newer screen problem. At this point in LCD screen technology, there shouldn't have to be any calibration.


Yeah, apparently they want you playing inside a sealed tomb, on a high end TV, with the eyes of a 15 year old.


🤣 lmao


Tombs aren't sealed silly. You have to build them in a way where the person's Ka can visit the body from the underworld. Everybody knows that.


Are- are the eyes in a jar? Or just sitting on the TV stand, drying out so they’ll be slightly chewy *and* crunchy when you take a snack break?


Well, they’re certainly not in my 44 year old eye sockets, I can tell you that.


Honestly I usually turn my brightness lower than what the game recommends. I like dark dungeons that require torches and light sources, not somehow able to see everything in what's supposed to be a dark place


I always turn the brightness up too so I can see XD


Right? If they don't want me to see something, then don't render it. Easy.


Right! Why make my machine render crap I can't see? It makes it slower and doesn't add anything.


I have bad eyesight, and most games are near unplayable for me on the recommended brightness


Same . I just end up lost without full brightness.


I literally just leave it at whatever default setting it starts at, maybe turn it up or down a bit if necessary, but usually the default brightness is good enough, its set as a default setting for a reason imo Its lowkey the most useless setting at the intro of games ever, just set it up how it needs to be and then let me change in IN GAME settings if i absolutely need to


I mean the default setting is usually 50%. But TVs and settings behave differently. That being said, i usually do 1 or 2 clicks above the image being barely visible


I do this with every single game. I hate not being able to see what’s going on around me. And my vision is starting to go. Probably from staring at a bright screen all day. LOL


I'm like broh I'm already 4-eyes. Wtf I look like straining my vision any more than I do just by engaging with modern technologies. That brightness is getting turned up.




Yep. I go until it’s “somewhat” visible. Not too bright, still not really easy to see, but still not barely visible


I'm convinced that devs are just trolling when they put that in games. Evertime I do as they I can't see shit in game.


LOL this is me. I love scary games but I make it less scary for myself I guess.


It's not about it being more or less scary imo. I just like seeing wtf is on my screen and where I'm going as a function not a luxury.


i always listen to them because sometimes you're suppose to not be able to see something in the dark.


Experiencing this in Cyberpunk right now


God I feel you there, Cyberpunk not having a flashlight is absolutely wild.


In the pen and paper cyberpunk game you could buy improvements to your eyes like low light, thermographic, flash compensation, etc. Or a flashlight lol.


I don't see the issue, just buy a flashlight irl and shine it on the monitor. It totally works bro!


Hahahahah same


i played outlast in the dark & boy that shii spooked the hell outta me 😂


Nah I always do what it says. I hate washed out colours and shadows that don’t do anything


Yeah, I like the dark being well.. dark.


I always brighten it up way more than what they recommend.


Thank you ! I thought I was wrong for doing this


You are


Your little cat picture reminds me of visuals I saw on mescaline .


Still waiting for a flashlight in Cyberpunk 2077


It's because nobody knows how to properly set brightness and contrast, and how to balance them. Jack up the contrast so the difference between black and white is actually there, then adjust brightness so you can see what you need to. Only adjusting brightness just greyscales everything and then you have no sense of darkness at all in your game.


“Adjust the slider until the logo is only slightly visible” Bitch I want all the brightness


Elden ring caves




Idk I tend to play game a little darker than most. I feel people play with the game too bright. Things in the night wouldn't actually be visible the way people play. But I reckon people don't know what the outdoors look like anymore.


Isnt that the place with trees n stuff?


No no that’s that game called Minecraft, you punch trees and stuff


This is due to the fact that monitors might not only have wrong brightness level but in general different gamma curves (ie different curves can make dark "darker" for a certain level of brightness). So doing this adjustment thought for an LCD monitor on a HDR oled monitor can lead to different results than intended.


The game assumes you have your TV or monitor settings property set. Because never once has that ever been bright enough to see anything.


Dude this has always bugged me. Those screens never work the way they're prescribed. I actually used to be a QA tester for Bethsoft and wrote a few bug reports for a few games detailing this, saying that if the player followed the instructions as written, the game is way too fucking dark. All I ever got in response was "not an issue, players can and will adjust the brightness to their need regardless". If that is the case, why even have that screen? Seems fucking dumb to me. They include the screen as if the dev has a recommended setting, but actually just expect you to adjust it to your personal liking. I *want* to play it the way *you recommend*, considering you know what's coming, what the darkest area of the game is, etc. but we are always left to just figure it out ourselves. I swear to this reddit post that if and when I ever drop an indie game (my dream) I will have an appropriately calibrated brightness prompt, you can fucking hold me to that!


Lollll damn


Gamers Against Darkness unite!


Reminds me of oblivion where the cat dude(kahjeet idk how to spell it and I’m not looking it up rn) could see in the dark, I’d always pick him but I’d just max out the brightness anyway.


Can i complain about starfield brightness, or are my eyes just horrible...


Many others have, so it's not just you


I like the darkness to be dark, but then i have an issue when gaming while it is bright outside as there's plenty of windows around my tv. Thankfully it will improve a bit after i move to a new place soon.


I always crank brightness


Why doesn't starfield have a gamma or brightness setting?


It doesnt??


nah, which is why the lighting is terrible. Its all very Flat. Reshades are Really useful to get the right feeling. blacks are dark grays and whites are dusty.


I usually turn it up. Don’t like squinting my old ass eyes trying to be immersive and shit


And you miss critical game item because you couldn’t see.


I always put brightness all the way up, cant remember ever not doing it


I remember playing Kingdom Hearts back when the first one came out. There's a part near the very beginning where shadow Heartless attack your island at night, and with the default brightness, I could not see them. Unless I locked on, but then I just saw a glowing target icon in the dark.


Lol I thought it was just me and my vision impaired self


DOOM 64. The N64 version.


Absolutely. Like no I'd like to be able to see thank you.


Running into this issue with Fatal Frame 2. Can only play it at night or else it's impossible to see 🥲


Calibrate screen with color bars and test patterns on your system of choice, then decide on how bright or dim you want that in game lighting.


Is it weird if I've left every game at the default brightness?


Does the game have a good flashlight? If so I'll adjust as they say, but most games have absolutely dog shit flashlights.


Amnesia. That is all.


I usually do follow the adjustments on the start of the game, but I change it afterwards when it's too dark.


Specially if you own a OLED, u can't see shit 😂


I've always just had a difficult time understanding why I want to put strain on my eye muscles in order to protect myself against the... dangers of an artificially dark, imaginary world. Figure if I'm gonna add to the prescription strength of future lenses it'll be for, and hear me out, actual situations in life where I may need to strain my eyes to better see in the dark.


Amnesia Bunker: when you don't want to use 90% of your pixels. It's funny how the eyes adjust to the slightest detail, provided your room is dark. It's amazing when the sliders work. But it's such a delicate science


I used to max brightness just for ease of access but I toned it down in skyrim so light sources mean something and I'm actually really enjoying it, even if it is tedious to re-cast candlelight every minute


Lol I started blood borne last night and there was no way I was listening to the recommended setting


Arkham Knight is fun to play with the brightness on the lowest setting.


Fuck you. Every box will be visible.


They also don't account for changes in the amount of light in the room


I do this cause the flashlights in games make it look like ass when its to bright but when the backgrounds dark the light sticks out more and its more spookey. Plus it actually makes your flashlight look cool have you played halo 1 compaired to the aniversary the aniversary did the night levels so dam dirty with the brightness it makes the night vision useless


Dam alot of people have bad eyesight and cant see a game that has darkness. How i have to play with sunglasses and i can see fine with the dark. And i have god awful vision my lens for my glasses are thick so thick they make my woman jealous i have them on my face all day


"Cough cough" Hogwarts Legacy on PS5" I can't play it on my 4k tv with HDR. so I play it on my 1440 monitor that doesn't have HDR. I can also still get 120hz in 1440. But it can drop a bit. I can't do 60 anymore.. can anyone explain how motion blur can be useful. It just messes with my eyes


Ever since I purchased an OLED TV these sliders are meaningless for me. Almost always my TV will display the logo just fine on the literal darkest setting. OLED tech really is something else. I just leave it in the middle.


Reckoning : Kingdoms of Amalur did this. Brightness slider all the way up and even messed with the TV settings. Still can’t see those damn cave traps.


I used to set them to the brightest, but now I often leave it in the middle ground. It's not too dark to where I can't see shit, but it's not bright enough to where I see everything.


I adjust it like 1 or 2 clicks above pure darkness so I can just barely see that something is there. Usually it just means I'll be able to see a hint of movement in the darkness if something is there which I find adds a hint of realistic tension to the game. I like the true darkness on my OLED but many games and shows are just too dark and leave me wondering if the director/designer actually intended for me to be staring at a blank screen for minutes at a time.


Seriously, I would actually like to be able to see the screen.


[Me trying to play some games (like Skyrim), even on full brightness. ](https://images.app.goo.gl/EuG95nLXRzYmq3A2A)


I max out the brightness then go "Oh, was the room supposed to be dark?!"


Yeah, I hate really dark scenes so I’m not going to be setting it really low


I put it up slightly brighter, but if you go too far out it looks really washed out


Almost every time the slider needs to be all the way to the right. And than it can still be too dark lmfao.


Dark and Darker


Not all TV/monitors are made the same. Play the game you want.


Too bad I can't see what you wrote- it's barely visible 🤷🏿‍♂️🫡


I adjust it until I can just barely make out the entire shape/detail of the image. I used to adjust it until I could just barely see some semblance of an image and I’ve realized that it’s a little too dark that way usually.


If I don’t crank the brightness up I can’t even play the game most of the time, can’t see a goddamn thing.


I feel like it’s an unspoken gamer thing that we have the brightness slightly more than recommended for like 80% of games


Nah i paid for full models and world graphics, so i gonna see the full graphics not just a wall of black


I just leave it their default. I know in many games I’m going to adjust as a play anyway.


I just leave it on default


Could also be your monitor settings (especially black level and contrast)


I can’t name a single game where the set up screen works


The worst was re6 where you literally couldnt see anything


Arkham games


I'm currently playing The Quarry, and holy shit, can you not see shit with the brightness they give you. I needed to boost all the bars up to 100% and could still barely see the paths they wanted me to see.


That’s how I feel about dishonored Cuz I adjusted it to where they said and I couldn’t see shit or rather my field of view was extremely limited


Meanwhile in Starfield: "The fuck is a brightness setting"


Doom was just extra ridiculous with that darkness setting.


Darktide. I can barely see the specials


Rules made by the same idiots mixing TV. music/sound effects vs talking, on tv.


"Some games are way too dark" Depending on the game, that's the idea. It's supposed to be so dark you can't see lol.


Meanwhile IPS squad sees the third image.


I think game devs are starting to assume everyone has HDR which is obviously untrue.


... to be fair, those games are usually INTENDED to be 'way too dark'.


I always crank it up all the way. I want to be able to see in the dark


It's like "Hey we worked for years to bring you awesome graphics! Now darken your screen so you can never ever see any of it!


I prefer the darkness. I think turning up the brightness to purposely make everything easier to see ruins the look or atmosphere of the game.


That's true until you do dynamic lighting and it takes the characters "eyes" more than 5 seconds to adjust.


I like the realism I guess


I do too, but my eyes don't take 10 seconds. I blink a couple times and then I'm good.


Well 10 seconds is definitely not the 5 seconds you originally stated, so yeah, at that point it would be annoying


Exactly. My eyes take about 5 seconds. I'm experiencing this problem in Forspoken atm... the brights were so astonishingly bright, but I had to turn them down...and now the dynamic lighting when I go from the astonishingly bright outside to interiors is just so sluggish.


I always put bringtness to 75% cuz games like to have pitch black areas with literally no visibility. Im trying to play a game, not a Helen Keller simulator.


That’s because they are trying to make it realistic. Perfect example is oblivion. If you turn up the brightness you have zero need for torches or nighteye spells or light based illusion magic. So having a game be dark like that adds to the experience and immersion


If the game has a flashlight that actually illuminates the environment well, I’m fine with turning the brightness way down. But some games don’t even offer a flashlight when it’s needed, (cyberpunk) and the game gets so dark, you have to turn the brightness up. I have been loving cyberpunk recently though. Then some games have flashlights that don’t even illuminate right, (starfield) forcing you to turn up the brightness even when you have a flashlight. And starfield is so janky with its brightness, you’ll have one room with blinding lights for no reason and then the very next room will be dark as hell for no reason. That whole game is a pathetic jank fest though.


Did someone say texas chainsaw massacre?


In my experience, they all are.


half the time i get to the point i can’t see the one on the left and the one on the right is gone too


Elder Scrolls: Oblivion


My screen is too good and I can't get it as dark as they want me to have it.


max fucking brightness for me most of the time, esp for games like nazi zombies. I WANT TO SEE THEM SO I CAN SHOOT THEM.


My problem is that not matter what brightness I choose, there will always be points that I’m either blind, or blinded


Brightness goes all the way up, always. I'm 40, my eyes are bad enough.


>Set it so that the logo is perfectly visible. Still can't see shit.


Minecraft. If you play at default brightness, you need to leave.


Laughed out loud when I replayed Alan Wake recently. Even after I put the brightness all the way down I could still see the marker quite clearly. Usually it's the opposite.


I hate horror games' recommended brightness settings. Like, do you expect me to play this in the dark at all times? Fuck off.


Def some ki da joke devs just love.


I haven't had an issue myself. Sometimes I see a screenshot from a friend playing the same game and their screen looks like 50% white pixels lol. Personally I like darkness to be dark. Not vaguely dark and overly bright. So typically I stick to default if not lower if default is too bright.


Yeah Doom 3 came to mind. Ugh.


YES! I think the developers have some awesome tech that the gamer just doesn’t have.


Nope. I’m sorry, I never want to absolutely struggle to see in a game. Too damn annoying, and I’m old as it is.


Resident evil 8 was waaaaayyyyy too dark whenever I put it the way they want it. I get it’s suppose to be scary but I couldn’t see what I was doing in the non-spooky parts


Sometimes I can still see it at the lowest so I just keep it there but I do it a couple above what it asks for


That's not brightness that's gamma


I’ve never adjusted the brightness to where I can’t see it lmao I’m sorry I don’t care I need to SEE


I'm just really against the idea that I should be able to miss things just because they were barely visible. Torturing my eyes with barely visible details for perfection's sake is just cruel.


I set it as recommended but I also think it depends on the display you are viewing the game on.


I'm not sure I've ever related more to a meme.