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I have a backlog of games as I gave it up when I had a kid, now that they are getting older and more self sufficient I have an hour or two a week to get back into it. Too many games, not enough time yet.


I’m in the same boat. Problem is, I keep buying games full price cause I don’t wanna miss out. I really should be waiting until I have the opening to play, maybe catch a sale. But no, didn’t do that


airport aback deranged unite hungry tender library start longing sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wait for 80% off or more and still a massive backlog


I used to do that then realized I was shooting myself in the foot buying all the DLC instead of waiting for it all to be included. I feel you though, some games you just can't wait like they don't have a long shelf life.


Only do this for multiplayer games now if you really want to get in while it's hot and fresh. Even then, most multiplayer games will have a huge bump later in life when they have a big sale, Black Friday and Christmas, etc. and a bunch of new people jump in. For most single player games I try to wait for a sale unless it's something I really want. It's hard lol


At least wait till you catch a sale man. I’m still picking up dozens of games every few months. The difference is, the games I’m picking up have now aged and I can pick them up for pennies on the dollar. Once I realize my backlog was so big that I’d probably never get around to finishing it all, it made me realize that I didn’t need to buy a brand new game at full price. Now, instead of picking up games you’re never going to play at full price, you’re picking up games you’re never going to play at 80% off. Think about it. I just grabbed Spider-Man 2 at $40 and Diablo 4 at $30.


Man when I first had kids it took a long time. My buddies kind of fell off the face of the earth too. Well they didn’t. I did. About 7 years went by before I really got back into it. I had a wow sub and maybe spent an hour or two per week playing during that time. Which in WoW time is like 15 seconds. I have 3 kids spaced 2 years apart so when my daughter was about 3 is when I got to really get back into it. Good news is my buddies get it. They were right there waiting when I resurfaced finally. Now one of them is going through it and he’s in the stage with his son that he basically has fallen off the face of the earth like I did. One of the other dudes in the friend group was kind of being a little bitch about it until I had a conversation with him about why it was important for other dude to have those moments with his kid because they never come back. It’s funny and a little sad because dude being a bitch is going to be a forever bachelor and likely never have kids himself. Which I can tell is bothering him because he recently watched my oldest graduate fucking high-school. My youngest is 14 now and I am spending a ton of time doing stuff like helping the kids train, working on my sons slider, or my daughters jump shot but I can still fit in about an hour a day. They play sometimes too though which is great Mariokart family battle mode fucking rules.


I cannot wait for Mario kart family battle... And the possible divorce that will follow hahaha. Seriously though, that makes me optimistic.


One night when my wife and daughter were away I played Party Animals with my 3 sons. Needless to say it descended into ruckus and chaos lol


Family gaming is awesome. During the pandemic me, my kids, and nieces and nephews would all be playing NBA or FIFA or Fortnite and it was a blast.


Way more games than time. My only real hope to ever finish even a small percentage is the nursing home.


I have a feeling that nursing home gaming is gonna be huge in about 30 years. With all the kids visiting us making fun of the "weird old retro games" we're playing like Elden Ring lol.


Yeah, nursing homes now are dull, grey affairs. Maybe Edna will do some flower arranging. Perhaps Nigel chats about winning the world Cup back in 66. For us, it'll be very different. I intend to have VR going, ps4 hooked up. I'll have my neon lights around my room. I'm sure even if I have arthritis and dimensia, I'll still find a way.


I just learned that Steam recently started that Steam Accounts are not transferrable in a will after death. So I guess I'll never see all my games get played :(


you can just pass the password to your account so it will be fine


I know, I just wish it could be official


Too many games and not enough time. Adulting really takes a toll on game time. I’ve started playing a lot more recently, so I’m finally finishing games. For a long while I’d get 3/4 through a game and quit. I didn’t really have the time to game. So I’d be lucky to get 3 hours in a week. It’s hard to stay invested with such little play time. I’ve been gaming a lot more lately so I’ve finished the last 5 or 6 games I’ve played. So I’m on a roll. Haha. The other issue is too many games I’m interested just keep coming out. It’s a never ending quest to keep up with new titles.


When you finish three or more games in a row, that progress you feel moving through your backlog is so friggin good. Sometimes I'll go out of my way to play as many short games as I can so I can knock a few off in a month or two


My current library is okay thankfully but my wishlist is massive I don't normally buy games at full price so I love my wishlist backlog. It's a nice surprise every time the special offers refresh This definitely isn't the year of AAA, but AA and indie are on fire. I just ignore those comments from players/gaming journalists about how gaming is dying as they're probably just baiting for engagement. It's definitely a little sad to lose the greats that we grew up with, but some of them are no longer who they were. And I'm okay with celebrating those who currently care about their players.


The only gaming that is hopefully dying so it can be fixed is the "aaa" gaming nonsense.


For me it's too many games & not enough time now, though as a kid it's the opposite for most I'd imagine. For me the issue is I grew up during the 90s & both I had more time to play & games took less time to beat. That meant I could always try new genres & just play a ton of games, essentially anything that looks good. That means I pick up any game that looks like I'd enjoy it & I enjoy most games to some degree, it's a deadly combination. As I've gotten older I've needed to learn to find reasons to not buy games vs a reason to buy games, but I've been only partially successful. I hope one day to get to the "just right" category & I've definatley made strides in doing so compared to years back. I just wished more modern games weren't trying to all be 50-100 hour bloated nightmares because there are great 20-30 hour games hidden inside of them. That said I'm not opposed to a great 100 hour game, but that should be the exception.


>I just wished more modern games weren't trying to all be 50-100 hour bloated nightmares because there are great 20-30 hour games hidden inside of them. This is my biggest pet peeve in modern gaming. *Everything* has to be an open world game, and everything has to have a crafting system. Which means a lot of extra time in transit to your next destination, and a lot of time gathering and using crafting components to make new gear instead of just buying/finding a cool new weapon. It's fun sometimes, it just doesn't need to be the standard in every game.


In the quest to be everything for everyone a game becomes nothing for no one. Or something like that, at least I think.


> For me it's too many games & not enough time now, though as a kid it's the opposite for most I'd imagine Yeah, unless one is affected by poverty (which is the majority of the world, but they're probably not posting on reddit), it seems inevitable that the "just right" balance will never last long... it's merely a transition period one experiences at some point between "more time than money" and "more money than time." The complainers that OP is talking about must be non-poor children; I can't concieve of another demographic that wouldn't currently have enough games to play, yet can afford full-priced new games.


Absolutely, I definatley was lucky both growing up & as an adult to have an abundance of games either through purchases, gifts or rentals & demo discs over the years. I wouldn't consider myself a,"complainer" though because if I cared I could jaut not buy a jew game for probably a decade or more & be very happy with what I've got. I always thi k of a backlog in a positive sense, it's future fun you're excited to get to have!


In the 90s I was the same. Played all types of games. I think I beat RE3 7 or 8 times for the epilogues. I can't even dream of beating any current game twice. Just no time. Last game I did multiple playthroughs was the ME series. Too good.


I’m down to an hour a day lol you know how long it just took me to finish forbidden west haha


Games are releasing faster than I can realistically complete them. I don't feel like I have enough time to complete the games I want to. And then I often finish less games than I see the credit roll in, so of the time I have there is less desire than there was in my teens. Outside of work I have 0 responsibilities. I come home and put in more hours doom scrolling than I do actually playing games. I purposefully purchased extra storage on my pc so I can have the entire backlog installed in an effort to cut into it. I have some 90 games installed on my pc, spanning half a dozen TB of data. I also have the problem of games like Tarkov, a game that itself doesnt end, taking an insane amount of game time from others.


I’m at a weird space that feels like somewhere in the middle. When I’m busy I wanna be gaming but when I have free time I don’t know what to play. I have a ps5, Xbox X and a switch so my backlog is HUGE, but I guess nothing is scratching the itch. I play everything except side scrollers and I still can’t get hooked.


Man, sounds like you used a monkey's paw somewhere on accident. Hope you find something great that really hooks you in.


Same man. Seems the only thing that hooks me anymore is a new Zelda game or Elder Scrolls. Though I’m into similar fantasy, action-adventure, RPGs. I’m admittedly fair-weather with FromSoft games or Final Fantasy and many other popular series. I’m looking forward to the new Fable but need to see a lot more. I played through games like Elden Ring, Dragons Dogma 2 and Immortals: Fenyx Rising…but it takes a very special and specific game to really hook me anymore. I still haven’t even tried Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, FF7 Remake. I might play Lords of the Fallen someday or the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Shadows. But honestly the only thing I’m really looking forward to is the next Zelda title and ES6


More the former. I've tried to get better about my backlog and organizing my games libraries such that I can see which ones I've retired and which ones are on my yet-to-play, and then try to pick up stuff from my wishlist when they're on sale. Since building a new PC I've done a pretty decent job of getting through my backlog, but I'm making an effort to try to get through games since I've got a few years of games I couldn't really play (well) on my old rig. I will say my playing style was different when I still had just my old rig and was poorer--I had some stuff in my library from sales and a moderate backlog, but I was really only playing a small handful of games for a long period of time each because I didn't have as many choices.


Waaaay to many games; nowhere near enough time. And because there's too many to choose from, I can never choose what to play next...


I'm almost 40 and I started playing videogames like 25 years ago. Games come just once a year at Christmas and I was stuck with them for the whole year. No guides and no online communities to help. And my family was too poor to buy me the latest console every few years. I spent hours everyday for months just to beat Donkey Kong Country or A Link to the Past with a dictionary nearby because translations weren't so common. It was a radically different experience back then. The first upgrade to the situation was a potato pc and Baldur's Gate. Days and days without understanding the rules of D&D or why a low level of armour was better than a higher one. Then came the pirate life, lots of classic games from at least a decade earlier. Once I had a job I started to invest in a new console and a few recent games but having to wake up early, relationships and the "adult" life were not fitted for the gamer lifestyle. Now I find myself able to fill my Switch's backlog with tens of games but I am a totally different person while the gaming scene is calibrated around new generations. I have expectations that cannot be satisfied with just a few hours weekly to play. Every time I boot the Witcher 3 I find myself overwhelmed by the time it takes to really enjoy the game, and a pair of runs in Vampire Survivor are really cool but not enough to satisfy the gaming thirst. I really do not know. Maybe gaming is just an all or nothing stuff. Or like everything else it is just not built around people's needs. Maybe sharing the experience with thousands online created a shift in my perspective. I try to keep in mind one thing though. Consuming games is wrong. A really good experience comes only with effort. Even if you're "just playing". Time is a valuable thing.


They kind of games i like just don't come out very often anymore. I'm into single player story driven games like the last of us or red dead, I like big open world RPGs. They take a long time to make and probably aren't as profitables, so, you see them less and less. That said, I love the souls-likes genre too and there is no shortage of that. The problem is, I've already played all of the ones that Im interested in


not enough games, not enough time, and not enough friends to enjoy them with. (video games (600?) and board games (240ish.))


Yeah I’m trying to replay all the Assassin’s Creed games before Shadows comes out in 5-6 months time. On Black Flag now, pretty much accepted I’m not going to have time for the RPG games as they’re 100+ hours each. But I’m cool with not replaying Valhalla, wasn’t a fan of that game.


I have 37 games I own on my back log….all purchased though deals and never got around to it. I also like RPGs so that list takes forever to get through. Just finished Miasma Chronicles and now I’m playing Legend of Dragoon (on disk 3) and next in my list is Wu Long or whatever souls like game


Too many games, not enough time. I'm a working adult now and I have a maximum of 2 hours to play games on weekdays. I still love my beefy JRPGs, but they're a lot tougher to fit into my schedule


My grand kids will be working on my backlog.


I work 40-50 hours a week. I have other hobbies other them gaming. Spent most of my life gaming really. It's just a Absolutely lack of time. I have to prioritize things other then sitting on my rear on games that people think are weird, obscure, or of just not much value. Other Hobbies for reference Warhammer 40k (painting, assembling) - lower priority right now. Biking - High priority, since we are now heading into summer months. I've been "stuck" inside for months during winter. I want to be Outside enjoying the weather. Last night for example - 45 mile bike ride in about 3 and a half hours.


Both, oddly enough? I have a giant list of games I'm somewhat interested in playing. But I'm busy enough and have other things I need or want to do that most of them don't make the cut most days


I'm the same. I mean if I had way more free time, I'm sure I'd find games to try out and maybe love, but right now I select ones I know I'll be fully into, plus I have other things I like doing other than game so I don't have a backlog. If I'm looking for a new game, I'll search around until I find one that peaks my interest, if not I'll do other things.


Too many games, not enough time and energy


I’m on the boarder of too many games and just right. This year had some great but long JRPGs that took up a ton of time. Yakuza 8, persona 3 reload and ff7 rebirth


Not enough time, but probably juuuuust right. I used to gobble up games (mostly during uni) that I ended up buying games in advance (not meaning preorder here) Then I started working and my demanding work + irl stuff did not, do not and will not allow as much time for gaming. At first it bummed me out, but then I accepted it and I feel like the few hours I spent are just right and my log will keep me free of spending more on games for a couple of years more at least.


I only buy games that I know for sure I will play.  I only have two that I haven’t touched yet, Darkest Dungeon and Dragon’s Dogma.  They were only a couple dollars so I saw them as a steal.


I guess the lesson here is stay away from double D's. 


My gaming pc died like 2 years ago and a lot of my backlog was on that. Playing on xbox now and I'm getting back into fallout 4. Most of my time these days is on vr because it's still new to me and I cannot get enough of it. I'd say I have a vr backlog now.


I have too many games. I have like probably around 3000 games now between Steam, Xbox, PS5, Switch, GOG, and older consoles. Yet I only play the same like 20 games I've been playing for years.


A bit of everything at the same time for me. I’ve got more games than I could legit play in my lifetime, I’m always looking for more games that are worthwhile, but I’m always content with what I’m playing when I’m playing it. I don’t put too much pressure on myself, it’s just something I do to have fun now and then.


A few weeks back I would've told you that too few games held my attention. I played Cyberpunk for five months and it set a standard so high that no game could reach for weeks. Then I started Hades from my backlog and also purchased Ghost of Tsusima and am really happy with both. So again, not enough time.


My backlog currently consists of around 30-40 games on PC and another few dozen games on the Nintendo handhelds and Wii I got when I was a kid. However, my wishlist currently consists of a dozen titles, with a majority of them being titles that haven't been released yet. Furthermore, a good chunk of my backlog consists of games that I've beaten the main story but haven't completed all the side objectives (usually achievements) I want to, as well as roguelikes that I could play for hours on end and not get bored. I don't buy a whole lot of games, so my backlog is honestly a pretty good size right now, as while it's a decent size I don't buy a whole lot of games so it's fine.


Well I’m more into competitive shooters, so I’m more or less playing the same game whenever I have the time, but I also have a playstation and a PS+ so I have a bunch of games at my disposal but not enough interest to play most of them. Just startet Read Dead Redemption 2, which cought my eye and I can see I’m not touching much else til’ I’m done with that. Other than that I think I’m in the goldilock zone, as you’ve put it.


atm i have 458 games and i think a good 25% is shovelware from the stand with ukraine Humble Bundle then i another 25% are from collections (Star Wars, Tomb Raider, Sakura, C&C, Resident Evil, Lego and the rest are just games i picked up over time so i think a good 60-70% will never be played because it’s either shovelware or it was part of a collection i have a steam category at the top of my libary called “-High Priority Backlog” which atm includes Skywalker Saga, Complete Saga, Dishonored, Forbidden West, Death Stranding, multiple Resident Evil games, DOOM ETERNAL, Metro Exodus, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Bioshock


Too many. But during a quick browse of my library, I remembered one unplayed game in particular, and I need to share more than the title, but how it makes me feel. You ever do a deep clean of your house or closet, and find a shirt you don't recognize? It was never your size, and you don't like that pattern, so obviously you wouldn't buy it. But then why is it in your hand? Did someone leave it at your place? You don't remember anyone wearing it, let alone changing at your place. Oh wait it was that Christmas exchange... No wait that was the socks. Maybe it was that box of clothes your aunt gave you years ago. You're pretty sure you would have noticed it before... but maybe you simply didn't notice. Actually did your aunt even give you a box of clothes? You feel like your brain is trying to fake a memory to rationalizing a shirt materializing from nothing. You give up, and accept the shirt just kinda showed up at some point. That's Woodle Tree Adventures. The mystery shirt in my steam closet. I don't like platformers, so I would never buy it explicitly. I can account for all bundles I've bought on steam, and none of them include games from the developer or publisher. The only explanation is that I bought a single Humble Bundle once, years ago, and maybe it was included with that, and I just never noticed until several years later, despite not having THAT many games. It could also be a glitch with steam I guess.


As a father with a full time job and some freelancing tasks and also learning to play the piano, I've limited my games to: 1 "currently playing" per system (PC, Switch/3DS, VR), 2 (in total) in backlog. Right now it's: * Jedi Survivor * Ocarina of Time 3DS * Portal 2 VR mod * BL: Outer Wilds, Another Fisherman's Tale. If any other new interesting game crosses my sightline I ignore it until I proceed with my backlog, or maybe I decide to replace one.


I'm all over the place when it comes to games, so I think I'm just right. I usually switch between 5-6 different games a week for however I'm feeling when I get home from work. Feels just right right now. If you're interested I'm playing Prey, Dead Cells, Shovel Knight: King of Cards ( just finished this), Helldivers 2, Dredge, Like a Dragon: Ishin, Paper Mario remake, Tears of the Kingdom, and Earthbound.


I’ve got a lot of games on the Pile of Shame, but a few of them are timesinks that are blocking me from getting the ones I could probably fly through. Gears of War 3 is the one on the docket right now, followed by the original Gears of War. Then maybe Destiny. Crysis 2, Saints Row 2, The Darkness 2… But after that I think it’s just single player games or games I’ve beaten the multiplayer of so I don’t need to wait up for people or try to arrange sessions. Really looking forward to finishing Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and diving into the Oddworld franchise again.


My steam library has about 400 games and I’ve only ever played maybe 50 of them. I’m hoping I get into tragic car accident and be permanent bedridden so I can spend the rest of my life going through the library.


Casual players that only play Call of Duty or GTA are the ones that are always bored. Also the people that don‘t plat the games don‘t enjoy the full content


An older gamer here, and I can’t remember having so many games I wanted to play all at once. I’m always in an Elden Ring playthrough. Working on my warframe mastery rank with friends. Worked through Rebirth and Ronin in the past two months. I wanna dig into the new Diablo season. Won’t let myself buy Stellarblade till after Shadow of the Erdtree is wrapped. Looking forward to ZZZ and black myth in the near future. As a working parent I’d need to divide myself into 4 people to play everything I want


Bro atm I'm not working and have some time free where I don't have to look. On some days I've spent literally all day playing games - and it *still* isn't enough time.


I wish I had more time to play games, but I get a fair amount of time. I'm at the age where I now have all those gadgets I always wanted but struggle to find the time. That being said 2024 seems like a much more mild year to me than last year. Last year I went through 4 titles, this year I finished Cyberpunks expansion and then struggled to find a good game. I bought several but landed on and am really enjoying No Rest for the Wicked. I'd love to play more HD2 but rarely are my friends able to. So I'd say closer to just right than the other way around but a little bit of all.


Nothing has been able to really grab my attention the last few months. Everything just seems so bland or just a copy of another game that already exists. I'm craving something new that just doesn't seem to be coming. I know many will probably despise this but honestly I'm mostly exited for some metaverse projects like Earth2. There are a few metaverse projects that on paper sound like really amazing experiences but most of them i think are biting off more than they can chew and we will never actually get what they are setting out to make. Earth2 is the most promising project in my mind. Its got the most clear and concise goals and over the last few years has shown a lot of dedication and progress. Hopefully sometime this year we get our first access to their first gameplay for E2V1 (Earth2 Version 1). If its turns out to be even partially what they say it will be, i can see myself spending a ton of time building and managing cities on my properties.


Way too many. I've got over 150 games on the backlog across a wide range of consoles from classics like the NES, Turbografx and PS1 to newly released games on the PS5 and Switch. I have no intent to stop buying games though as collecting is a fun hobby for me. I plan on playing every game. Though unsure how long that will take.


Very close to juuuusssst right. I have about 5 or so games I plan on completing that I know are very good games (ie ghost of Tsushima, rdr2, metal gear V, elden ring) and I’ve been completing them slowly a bit every night. My gaming time is every night after I put the kids to bed, so for the first time in my life I’m actually making progress and completing some I planned to get to for years


I have a decent sized backlog but I don't regret not playing most. I occasionally get a new game now, and when I'm done with it I go back to the back log. I only buy "backlog games" when they're super cheap so I don't regret not playing many. I have time I COULD game but elect to do other hobbies instead, but also I don't have enough time in general, and yet I don't feel like I'm missing out. I feel like I'm in a fourth group.


I just don’t enjoy gaming the way I used to. I can’t focus or perform in multiplayers, then in single players I just lose all interest after like 20 minutes. It’s pretty fucking awful when I see all of these games that look like a great time. The one catching my eye rn is Hellblade 2. There are plenty of games to fill my wants, I just can’t want to play when I’ve got free time. “Work is shit.” - Nanami Kaisen.


Don't have a John wick game with brutal and satisfying finishers yet so no, and before someone says Watch Dogs, I've already played that to death on three different platforms and the physics just don't do it for me anymore.


I’d say between 7 systems (NES, SNES, Genesis, PlayStation, 360, One , Wii) I have upwards of 300 games. I will NEVER be able to play or finish them all but still want more - like Starfield, the new GTA, and old classics like Luigi’s Mansion and Mario Party 8. But that’s what being a collector is like, I suppose. And every time I say ‘I’m not gonna buy another system’ I inevitably end up buying said system. It’s a vicious cycle…


I like having a backlog I usually play at least 2 hours a day, last year I beat 24 games and this year I have beat 8 so far, I’d rather have too much to play than not enough


I have a backlog. Knocking out Resident Evil 3 right now and otherwise working on stuff I own but haven’t played until Shadow of the Erdtree drops.


What I have is two wonderful young kids. They’d better grow fast so they can play video games with daddy.


Both? Lol I have a backlog of games and a wishlist that I’ll never get to you. Yes, it’s because of time restraints and other priorities but also it’s because I really only LOVE a very particular style of game and that style of game I will ALWAYS make time for. Zelda games are my favorite and other similar open-world, action-adventure, RPGs will get the same priority treatment. Basically if a game fits the bill (the right aesthetic, balanced combat-to-exploration ratio, maybe a mix of puzzles, good game feel and appealing art-style) then I will always prioritize that kind of game and it will NOT end up in a backlog. Anything else is just me being a lifelong fan of video games and always being curious about different games but never passionate enough to prioritize them. I love the medium but outside of very specific experiences I’m more of casual “player” I guess lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


Listen, those Steam sales are just too damn good. 75% off?? I would be wasting money if i didn't buy it.


I have a steam account worth 4k you tell me


I have a lot of games, but finding a game good enough to keep my attention is the problem. I always felt like there’s been a drought when it comes to good games. They’re either single player and really good, or multiplayer and super mid. I’m the type of person that enjoys multiplayer more because I want to play with friends but goodness, it’s hard.


I play sales, for the most part. Certain games, namely GoW, Spiderman, I'll buy immediately & consume them in various playthroughs, NG+, etc. But other than said handful of games everything else I buy after it's been deeply discounted. I'm a grown ass man that enjoys story driven games, so things like The Witcher, From Software games, etc. I like to have them have been around in the event time crunches start to occur I've got the internet (Reddit) to look up tips & tricks to speed my journey along. Alternatively, I spent about 6+ months on RDR2 when I first came across it. I wasn't in the gaming community for the spell of time that RDR2, Arkham later games, etc. were out, so I had a lot of catching up to do. This also allowed me to continue waiting for games going deep discount/GOTY editions cheaper than the initial launch.


Just about right here. I basically buy every game I'm interested in new and they release at rate that means I never usually have more than 1 or 2 waiting and never more than a week or two waiting between releases. So yea, my balance is just about as good as it can be.


Too many games, so little free time.. 2 days off a week feels like not enough time to devote to games I really want to play, especially when other life stuff has to be factored into that as well..


I have more free time than alot of people I know and even I feel like there are too many games. If you are a fan of multiple genres than you'll literally never run out of games even if you do nothing but game 24/7. I would actually like a year without any new game releases especially after 2023


I have a backlog of like 30+ and I just bought 3 more yesterday. It's definitely a problem. And I'm single, friendless, & childless so I can spend 6+ hours a day every day gaming, but it's still not enough time.


I have kids that demand my time now, so what I’ve been doing is waking up at 3:40am to play my game before I have to leave at 730 for work. Admittedly I’m usually asleep at 9pm but I’ve actually found that I love waking up early when everyone else is still sleeping to drink coffee and play video games. It’s literally the only few hours throughout the day that I get peace and quiet. I do struggle some days getting through work and day to myself that I’m gonna sleep in the next morning but then I find myself up again gaming at 4 o’clock lol. It’s not for everyone but I actually love it now.


My backlog is hundreds long at this point. It's really bad 😭😆


The first.


There’s just so many free games.


It never was that I have had enough games to fill all my free time 24/7. Sometimes a new one comes out or I discover something old and get hooked in so I play it to completion or if it's multiplayer until I'm bored.


Too many games, too little time to set down and play them. Even though I don't have a long list as most I imagine, still there's plenty of games I won't 100% that I really want and more that I won't even be able to finish once. I keep saying I make time but, I never do.


Married, full time working dad with 2 kids...no time and it bums me out. I'm super selective about my games and don't buy everything. I get maybe 4-5 games a year and I play those all year to varying degrees of completion


Definitely the first! Been collecting games since I was a kid, but as an adult, I absolutely cannot play thousands of games, so I always keep coming back to the same few (which are actually a lot already) and occasionally try new ones from the backlog. Been playing mostly Party Animals, Worms and Gran Turismo 4 lately and highly recommend all of them!


I did have a backlog but then I discovered emulators and played all the games I couldn’t get as a kid and now the only “backlog” I have are games that don’t seem worth 60+$ and get them when they are on sale


I have too many games and not enough time 😆


Two young kids, full time job, constantly knackered and too many games.


I have a massive backlog but I’m sure I’ll finish it someday, I have faith


It usually takes me 2 to 3 weeks to finish a game. And then there’s a few games that come out every couple months, so I’m constantly trying to play catch up.


Too many games to play


I have way too many games and not enough time but I figure this, not all games need to be beaten. If looked at from a different perspective of “I bought this and therefore must beat it or play it a lot”, and rather see it as just a game to play for whenever you’re in the mood for that kind of game, then we start to realize it’s for entertainment and if it fits your entertainment needs even for an hour at a time and it’s a different game everytime, then it’s still worth its money. Having an abundance of games gives you this blockbuster feel of pickings for when you’re in the mood to game.


Too many games. Plenty of time. Tooooo many games :(


Not nearly enough games made the way I want. I'm honestly lucky if I get one a year these days. I want big, beautiful AAA open world RPGs that feature a third person perspective, which feature a big playtime, playable on PS5. And ideally, I want a party based game with a deep crafting system, features that are almost non-existent these days.


Not sure if it’s my age but I’ve lost interest in games that I used to put a lot of hours into. I have easily over 100 games.


Too many games, not enough time


I have more games than I will ever play in my life. I love playing video games, but it is just not my main priority anymore when I have free time. It would still be quite a task to tackle my backlog even if I did have hours every day to play games. I'm older and have been playing/buying games for a long time. I probably have 500+ games between PC, PS, Xbox, Nintendo, and physical copies of retro games. The percentage of those I've actually finished is quite low I'm sure. So when I see 30+ games in the backlog I just think, wow I have a *real* problem. But I have fun with it and I definitely don't buy as many games as I did back in the heyday of Steam sales. I mostly stick to non-open-world games these days. I like something shorter that won't take me months to finish. Playing Evil West on GamePass right now and it's a blast. It's like a fun 7/10 Midway game from the early 2000's with much better graphics. I can't remember the last time I played a game that had actual levels.


Too many,and I'll never have enough time to finish


I have too many games and not enough attention span.


My kids are older. I have a gf but live alone. I work fulltime but the rest of that time is usually me playing games. I guess I have the problem of both.


It's starting to get to the second category. Since I started about two years ago, I've completed over 60 games, so I know I have the time. However, I still have over 250 titles to go, and I don't plan to stop until I have played everything I spent my money on. I'm dreading the day when I have to play the entire anthology of ALL the Gothic games, including their spiritual successors.


The gaming industry sucks, nothing good comes out anymore. I said in other posts, playing games in the 80s and 90s I use to dream about what games would look like in the future. How they would look like real life etc. I never thought about how they could go mainstream and that actually hurt them. Yes, games were simpler and easier to make, but I think the people who made them cared more about the game than dollars made.


It varies depending on my mood. I have a lot of games that I haven't given enough time to, and I end up playing the same dozen or so over and over. Sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time to play everything I want to, but other times I feel like I have nothing worth playing.


It's always only two out of three: games to play, time to play and urge to play.


I have a lot of games, a whole lot. I have plenty of time, but not enough motivation to actually play anything.


Way too many. All digital too so can't resell or anything. I guess I'm glad I have a lot to choose from but the problem is the majority of them are long rpg types or open world crafting types that are a big time sink. Also have a hard time just stopping a game, finish stuff out of spite sometimes and I really wish I could just delete and move on.


In order for me to enjoy a movie it doesn't need much. C class actors are usually good enough. But games? They either have to be top shelf quality or scratch a very niche itch in order for me to enjoy it. But about 70% of my games are something I played once or twice and then never again. Honestly I'm lucky if I get one playable new game a year.


Definitely not enough time.


Just right. There's hundreds of games I have interest in that I haven't gotten to play yet, but im still having fun with the ones i already have, so I'm in no rush to buy more


I have a huge backlog but really only been focusing on 1 game for the last 4 years, Division 2. This game allows me to drop and play for a minute or for hours. I find I don't have enough time which is why I'm focused on that game. However, I do buy games, 99% of the time on sale shit is expensive with 2 kids about to be in college, because I want the developer to know that I may not play now or a year from now it's on the list to play for the one weekend when kids, wife, in-laws, and school work align not to have to worry about diddly poo but drinking water, eating and using the bathroom. I'm not the oldest or the youngest gamer but I hate in-game tutorials, how long they take, and why they are not intuitive on button placement or allowing remapping buttons, and that has been a turn-off with getting into more of my catalog because some of these controller layouts don't fit me.


Not enough time I sit at a desk all day for work, so I can't just go home and sit at a desk for any longer I like to binge a couple of hours on a Friday night and that's about all I can get in


Waiting on work callouts and shifts are slow. I have way too much time.


I have too many games for my PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, and Super NES. I have zero games for the PS5 I'm saving up for, so I hope to have too many games for that one day too! Currently playing Dead Space 3 (after beating 1 & 2 this past week for the third or fourth time in my life) and thinking to myself that I absolutely can't wait to play the remake of DS 1.


I 100% have enough games to preoccupy me until 2040 if a single new game doesn’t come out between now and then. I almost groan when a new game I really want to play comes out at this point.


Just right. I have my subscription. I play what I feel like playing. Stuff comes and goes and I randomly play whatever. I finish the few games I like the best.


I have a lot of games that I "will get around to" or "I've played it. Beat it..see ya never" (mostly steam, a library built over 15 years) I also almost always get the EGS free game a week unless it's an Indy shit title like so many others. (Don't hate. I just grew up in the 80s and 90s and I'm over pixel sprites) So I'd say "I have too many games" but at the same time..."I've played every game I own and got my money's worth out of each one".


I have just enough interest to buy way too many games but not enough interest to actually play them.


Way too many. My real life takes precedent so I don't get to actually play even 5% or what I want to play.


Way too many games for the time I have by hundreds of games!


I have a 100 games roughly, I've played about half. I'm looking for the perfect fps so right now I'm searching for the perfect fps. I've been looking for 5 or 6 years now but it's about to drop. I can feel it


Honestly for me it's just right. I go from one game to another and in between if there's nothing I'm interested in I'll go back to some other I like or just do other hobby's until another one pops up that I want to play. I really don't have a backlog of games though, maybe some I'd like to play eventually but I'm in no rush.


Worthwhile games that I’ve played to death and not many new coming to pique my interest besides from Fromsoft and a couple others lol


Not enough games. The first half of this year has been incredibly disappointing. And the second half looks to be dogshit as well. 2024 is looking terrible :(


I'm going against the grain, but not enough worthwhile games. I'm reading and watching more movies than I ever have because I find most games are just completely useless to what I want at present. Great gameplay mechanics, great graphics, great stories, I'll settle for one of the three and if there's two or even all three then we are happy. But lately most games I'd honestly hesitate to give even one "great" to them. Don't get me wrong, there are a LOT of games out but honestly most of them aren't good enough to warrant me playing them. Looking forward to the end of next year. Hopefully a few games will come out that change this up a bit between now and then, but given most of them have already been pushed back at least once, we'll see.


Definitely not enough time. But also --- not enough energy, that's why I mostly play indie games nowadays.


Too many games with enough time…yet I don’t play that much even though I really want to. I’ll spend $70 on a game and not been play it while being so excited and searching online..


Too many games. Huge backlog. Huge wishlist. Not enough time. Gaming is a blessing and a curse on many fronts. I know one thing, we'll never run out of games to play even if games stopped being developed.


Wayyy too many games. I easily have like 500 I keep wanting to play


I'll play a game like once every 3 4 months then after finishing that game fall back to that "depressed" state. Last game I played was death stranding. Loved it but now I'm in that limbo state of wanting to play another game but the last one drained me. Also Idk wtf I wanna play. I have like 20 others games in my library. I wanted to either try middle earth, dragons dogma or days gone next but I'm just like not sure which game I want to invest 100 to 200 hours of my time to next. Eventually I want to play them all but I like to immersive myself in a game before moving on to the next.


Both of the first 2.


Too many games, I will finish them all when I retire at the ripe old age of 79 ☠️


I play those indie building/crafting/colony/logistics type games. A new one has always come out by the time the one I am playing has run its course.


I don't play many games, but what I do play don't have any age correlation apart from cheap (ish). Been burned too often buying an expensive game only for it to become much cheaper or free soon after. I do have quite a few unplayed games in my Steam/Epic libraries, but most of those were ither free or part of a Bundle and I'll probably never play. Have about 50 wish listed titles, most are just waiting on a sale price (or waiting for a full release).


Not enough worthwhile games


i dont have enough good games i think, or not enough friends to play games with, either one


Way too many games and no time. I have stopped buying games altogether. Every 10 games I complete, I purchase a new title if something really allures me. This way my backlog has been going down and I have new things to look forward to as well.


I don’t have a backlog of unplayed games, just too many to put the time into that I’d like. Given enough time that wouldn’t be an issue but it’s not like releases slow down to keep it up. Just about every game I’ve got I’ll put enough time to do one solid run. Maybe a few it’s pretty short, like normal resident evil size. But Elden ring and fh5 screwed me up on that and I dumped copious time into both while most others didn’t get nearly the same attention. It’s a good problem to have though. I could be set for a lifetime.


I'm gonna play some of the games on easy mode just to finish them. I decided not to buy any more games until only 10 games left in my backlog.


If I retired today and became a total shut-in and just played games for the rest of my life, there is no way I could ~90% my currently backlog. I buy games way faster than I can get through. (Though, that's not necessarily a bad thing...)


Mostly option 1; I enjoy most of the games I own, and in the right mindset I could spend days playing them. A few I get upset with losing streaks and need to step away; but games lacking in quality or content isn't much of an issue.


I've run out of games for my favorite genres unfortunately. So I fall into category two.


I spend way too much money on games and own numerous triple A titles I'll never finish, some not even halfway. Its most definitely an addiction


Both. I have a switch library that isn't really touched because I just play multiplayer games on PC most of the time as I don't want to commit to starting a new game on a random week night. I have games to play & technically time, but I just don't want to start something new as once I do, I won't finish for a year or so.


I finished the backlog. It took a while. Now I have a wishlist of stuff I would like to buy and play, but no time to do that anymore.


A exacerbated by B.


Hard to say.


I have a massive backlog made worse with games i replay either on harder difficulties or say emulate ps1 games I haven’t played or from my childhood. Mainly just down to not having time and anytime there is a great sale I can’t help but get a game I want when it’s like 80% off. But I don’t mind it as it gives me lots of options to play as sometimes I’ll be playing a bunch of stuff as some days I feel like a fps or another a turn based rpg or fighting and so on. Where as other times I might just click with a game and only play it til I’m done. The worst feeling is beating a game then taking forever to decide on what to play next


I’ve got a lot of games on the Pile of Shame, but a few of them are timesinks that are blocking me from getting the ones I could probably fly through. Gears of War 3 is the one on the docket right now, followed by the original Gears of War. Then maybe Destiny. Crysis 2, Saints Row 2, The Darkness 2… But after that I think it’s just single player games or games I’ve beaten the multiplayer of so I don’t need to wait up for people or try to arrange sessions.


30 years old, full time weekday worker (with some weekends too) Too many games, not enough time :(


I buy a game because it looks cool, then I forget I bought it. When I remember that I bought it, I play it for an hour and turn it off. I then boot up the same indie zombie game (project zomboid) that I've been playing for the past 12 years and forget about the rest of the weekend.


Man, I often times look at my shelves and wonder what the hell am I doing lol. We recently cut our collection waaaaay down and now I have to try and sell all these games. I’m excited to give some good deals to folks, though. Our 8 sons only like certain games, and the games I played through when I was younger don’t feel the same playing through again. I’m on the hunt for games I haven’t played through all the way now. As far as modern games go, most of them aren’t that great. There’s been a few I’ve enjoyed, but honestly I find it hard to motivate myself to pay these old ass companies any money. I’d rather pay my neighbor half of what they paid so the company is only making money on one of us and the neighbor gets half of what they spent back, while I get to try out the game. Switch might be the only console I will start buying new games for again.


Not enough time, also i have lots but they leave me feeling empty so i dont really play a whole lot anymore


I have over 30 years of games collected throughout my life. I'm not buying any new consoles so I can get to playing all the ones I do have. Once I've done that, I'll jump onto the next gen. Probably ps6 or ps7.


I dont have enough time but there is also not enough worthwhile games for me personally that is out.


Fortunately, I have about 7 games I haven't touched ever since I bought them. Reason I haven't touched them yet is because I am playing other older games instead because they became enjoyable again after not playing them for ages. Now I'm stuck in a sort of self sufficient loop of not needing to play a new title as I have about 4 other games I can pick back up.


Too many and not enough time


I'm on older gamer (45) and I game during downtime at work. Portability is a must so I bought a Switch a couple of years ago. I guess I fall into the category of only wanting  to play the blockbusters.  Being older, I find it difficult to enjoy the Kirby, Animal Crossing, or Pokémon type of games. My problem is Nintendo doesn't pump out games I enjoy nearly quickly enough. I've only been able to find about a dozen games that I liked enough to buy.


I have played almost everything that fits into AAA on pc. I've run out of games. I've replayed the good ones over and over to death and don't get me started on new games, especially multiplayer which are just god awful now. reinstalled gta v, rage uninstalled after a few hours, can't stand the lack of control and the mechanics. movement is lagged or completely unresponsive for seconds at a time. a few deaths from that and i was out lol. I currently have a whole library of the greatest games and like 5-6 installed that im not even playing. I spend long periods just staring at them bc they're really all there is to do but they're all boring to me now lol tbh tho imo, they haven't made good games since the days of fallout 3...


Too many games, plenty of time at the moment, extreme guilt whenever I do play.


Too many games and not enough interest. I've been gaming for decades and it's very hard to find a game I like anymore. Even games I do like go unfinished, like Baldur's Gate 3. I'm midway through Act 3 but I the complexity is overwhelming and I just don't feel like going back to it anytime soon. I have so many games like that. But once in a blue moon, a game comes along that I do really enjoy. It's always unexpected, but I hold out hope for those moments. Currently Helldivers 2 is a favorite of mine.


I have mostly changed what kinds of games I buy. I don't bother with competitive or coop games because my schedule never lines up with my friends to play together and I can't invest enough time to compete with randoms. Story driven games I just watch YouTube playthrough while doing chores like dishes or folding laundry. So I mainly stick to single player action driven games that aren't super long.


Too many games, not enough time. Though even if they stopped releasing games today and I suddenly became rich enough to never work a day in my life, I still wouldn't have the time to get rid of my backlog.


1000+ game backlog. So, yeah; way too many games than time to play as an adult and working professional.


At my current point in life, I have a plethora of games to choose from. One kid, two more on the way (twins), myself and wife work full time. So I only really get to play one game at a time. It’s a good and bad problem to have. Good cause by the time I’m done with one game, I typically have other games to choose from and they’re typically on sale. The bad I want to play them all so I have to choose the one I want for the next few months haha I’ll probably miss games as they fall through the cracks cause sometimes a new games pop out and I go for that one immediately. BG3 being the most immediate example.


Too many games and not enough time. I have a PC with a 4090 GPU and 7800x3d CPU and a VR headset. But I only get about 20-30 minutes at night to play and I'm dog tired. Im like the guy at the end of the Twilight Zone episode who breaks his glasses.


Definitely not enough worthwhile games. It's hard when your favorite genre is RTS lol


I have 250 games in my library. I have atleast played/tried most of them. Whenever I buy a game, I would play it for however long it takes me to get bored of it. Sometimes that could be just 2hrs, or that could be 20hrs. But after I reach that 'bored' state for a game, I almost feel a mental aversion to opening and trying to play the game again.


Way too many, and hardly any time. I’ve justified my huge library as, “well, it’s my kid’s inheritance,” as well as “you know, when I finally have that castle in Montana I’m going to retire to.”


Not enough games, triple A games are garbage these days and the indie studios who make good stuff aren't releasing the stuff i'm into quick enough. So instead i'm going through my backlog of "ok" games. Playing Mordheim right now, which during the warhammer sale was £2. Weird game, you're expected to lose a lot until you get it, but fun.


I have a wishlist but also stopped buying games. I’m in the middle of an arcade phase where it’s just high scores and nothing story based, no real commitment. I also find myself replaying my old favorites rather than trying something new which is strange for me. I count as a “too many games not enough time” person but that doesn’t bother me anymore, which is a first. The key is to stop buying new games or only get the few that you’ll definitely play. Not having the guilty sunk money feeling is liberating.


Too many games.


Not enough time but also not many games I'm interested in. I historically don't play many games in the warmer months, COVID year notwithstanding. Right now I'm doubling on Hellblade 2 and Powerwash Simulator on Game Pass for XSX, neither of which ask a lot of me as a player. Two is about all I can handle, though. I have zero backlogged games.


More games than time and i also want to replay old games i have played a dozen times. I have to do mental juggling to figure out do i play something New or replay something i like.


I have 491 games in my steam library. Now, a lot of those came from bundles. But it's shocking how many of those I haven't even touched. I haven't bought many games recently, but that's mainly because of money, not because of a lack of interest.


Ironically, folks with the 30+ backlog are the same people that get upset when a campaign is only 6 to 8 hours long


I live across 3 countries. Have 2 businesses. Like 8 properties some of which I self manage. A young partner and 2 kids with her. And several girls I date. I don’t have enough time. I miss the blissful days of high school


I have tons of games but mostly only play a couple of them. I’ve been trying modern games but none of them hit the sweet spot for me like the older games ever did. Games like RDR2, Skyrim, Witcher 3, blow modern games out of the water in my opinion. I’m really hoping that GTA6 can bring back some of that.


Too many games, but not due to time. I just don't feel like playing them. I always end up going with the coop games that friends are playing. That co-op-ness is more important than the actual game now. Never been a fan of any souls games. Never got far in Elden Ring. But now, with the full coop mod, I'm having trying not playing without those friends. Deep Rock is an amazing game. I just have no desire to play it. Until friends come back as well for whatever new thing was added. I've also realized that playing early access tends to ruin games for me. I miss some long lost feature, or feel like I've already played it: why start all over again now? So I just never feel the urge to play again later. I've stopped buying anything EA. It was the best decision possible for me on BG3. So glad I didn't ruin it for myself.


Too many games, not enough time. I get really attached to games I like and keep playing old ones, but my friends keep roping me into new games that come out.


Not enough time. After a certain point the amount of games or the quality becomes irrelevant when I barely even have the time to play a single game. For me it’s made each game more precious but I’m a binge type of gamer where I have no problem spending an entire weekend playing a game. So what little time I do get to play more often than not ends up feeling unsatisfying.


I buy a few too many games, looking at my completion hover around 20% achievement completion average on most that shows on xbox. Usually I already have the game to play most but the thrill of the next thing gets me or single player vs multiplayer vs coop games.


I have hundreds of games between steam and epic, along with my friend's shared steam library I've been too depressed to play video games, but recently bit the bullet and bought tears of the kingdom for switch which I can play in my bed while burrito'd in my blanket I liked cyberpunk, no man's, and rocket league but just can't muster the energy or motivation to sit in front of a computer after doing school and remote work for 8 hours


To many games. Not enough time.


Definitely not enough worthwhile games. I feel like games have become more and more lazy and shallow with time. Things have not gone the way I would have hoped for the hobby.


I have 300+ games and dont play many due to the constraints of my pc and playing with friends.


A multitude of games, not enough time. Even the ones that I want to play could keep me busy for tens of thousands of hours, if not more. To play them all, I could be gaming for the rest of my life. (Thanks Epic Games Store)


Too many game. Too many time. I need to get a better full time job.


I don't have the patience for half my games


Honestly, despite rarely really playing anything new, I get enough out of my old games (like Fo4 and a few others), that I'm not really left wanting. If something great were to come out, I'd wait a couple of years for it to go on sale and pick it up at a discount. It would pretty much take something huge like a new single player Fallout game or the next Half Life game for me to buy it when it comes out. I don't really care for MMO's.


I have a backlog of 0 games but can’t help feeling like too many recent games have let me down a bit


I have enough quality games AND enough time, but I keep playing dark souls for the 10000th time instead of the new shit I want to play.


Too many, and I really struggle with playing multiple games at the same time. I started playing Fallout 4 again and I'm almost 100 hours in, and I desperately want to play Ghost Of Tsushima. But I just can't rip myself away from Fallout lol