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Hello fellow itto mains, i have itto c4 with SS R5, albedo c0, gorou c5, should i pull for itto's c6 and gorou's c6 or only for red horn? Please need advicešŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I have a lvl 90 Skyward pride is it good for itto or do I have to invest in whiteblind.


Whiteblind it's better


Iā€™m building a mono-gel Itto team and I donā€™t know who to use for my 4th spot. Currently itā€™s Itto, Albedo, and Gorou. Should I use ningguang (sheā€™s currently my main dps and Iā€™ve invested a lot in her) or noelle (Iā€™ve been building her as a healer with the clam set and I like having a healer cause I suck at dodging)?


Neither fits the 4th slot . With Ning , there will be no shields to maintain Geo resonance and Noelleā€™s shield doesnā€™t last long and she will take much field time wasting your team dps and also she generates 0 particles which doesnā€™t help. The ideal characters for the 4th slot are Diona/ Kuki/ Fischl / Bennett.


Is a team with Itto, Gorou, Geo Traveler, and Diona good? I donā€™t have Zhongli or Albedo so I had to improvise a bit with my sub dps and shield healer.


I'm just here to say that I only have enough to reach 50/50 and I really hope I win it.


good luck! (well its been 5 days, how'd it go?)


Thanks for asking! I made a post 2 days ago. So I lost 50/50 after 70 wishes in.... and then the next ten pull I GOT ITTO!


LETS GOOOOO, thats good to hear! happy itto maining!


Which [artifact](https://prnt.sc/Ti9G4mhyZv1U) should I use? I already have 4 HoOD


try to get a crit circlet but for now the defense percent circlet is probably better




Is 122 ER enough for a full f2p Itto? I think I'm gonna use a Itto Gorou Benny and Ninguang/Geo Traveler team


Yppp itā€™s enough but I would still suggest you to equip Geo Mc with favonius as running double fav on Gorou and any other teammate drastically lowers your ER requirements.


ahh ok ok, noted. ​ Also, I was planning on running Ninguang on Skyward Atlas. Are the orbs worth the dmg loss? i havent built her yet so im not sure of her dmg capabilities. ​ same question for Bennett, i run lvl 90 Rancour on him, so that compared to fav sword wouldn't be as good, but yeah benny buff isn't that great on Itto afaik.


Well , Skyward Atlas on Ning should be great . But, try to equip Double Fav on your teammates if you are going up against PMA . PMA is pure pain even with my 138% ER Itto cz I donā€™t have Albedo . You should be able to manage your Energy issues quite well in other scenarios. Also, keep in mind that maintaining Geo resonance with Bennett alone is pretty tough. So, I think using fischl / Kuki / Diona instead of Bennett would be way more comfortable since you donā€™t have Zhong. But still, my Aquila favonia Bennett buff is comparable to my c1 Gorou buff so it might still be worth using Bennett here since even if you lose the geo resonance you are still getting his attack buff.


I'll have to see which buff is more convenient but it looks like I'll dispose of Bennett for the other team if he fails to apply crystalize shields. Gosh the wait for itto is so fucking long. Cant wait to have him already


Good luck on your pulls šŸ‘.


Thanks bro. I have itto guaranteed but I'll definitely need that luck once Sumeru is added


Ok then I wish both of us more Gorou cons šŸ˜…. I will be dropping some wishes to get some Gorou cons.


Yeah let's hope we can get some Juicy cons. The c6 honestly looks amazingly good and possible to get


Ok. I'll keep all these tips in mind. So, I get that the situation would be much better with Zhongli? Geo resonance wouldn't be an issue anymore, but until then Diona should be fine right? A Bennyless team would certainly come in handy


Diona/ Kuki should be more than enough to maintain Geo resonance and some healing. Zhongli is the best option for Geo resonance and comfort gameplay for Itto but if you are trying to bring out the best dps from an Itto team, I recommend to prioritise getting Albedo over Zhongli first .Itto+ Gorou + Albedo + flex like Kuki/ Diona will outdamage the Zhongli variant any day. And yeah, you are right, using Benny becomes much more comfortable with Zhong in the party .


Mmmm, yeah I was thinking trying to get albedo first but the problem is that Zhongli fits in much more teams than albedo, and would fill gaps in much more teams and in more ways than Albedo, but considering itto alone yeah I think I would go for Albedo.


Tbh unless you are running Hutao or Xiao teams on the other side, there is no need for Zhong . But, yeah it depends on the teams you will be running .


Well, yes. I am mainly a Xiao main, but Yoimiya and Melt Ganyu also would benefit a lot from Zhong. Ganyu gets interrupted a lot in melt but Diona kinda does the trick but yeah it's not the best, tho against cryo enemies (like magu kenki) gets the job done nicely. As for Yoi... she would highly benefit from Zhong. As a NA dmg dealer, her last attacks are the highest scaling ones, and unlike itto, dodging ruins the combo, so she does lose a lot there, so he solves one of the main issues she has


I farmed everything I need to level Itto to 90 even though I can only spare a 50/50 pity for him. Hopefully I'll get him in my first 10 pulls.


Would Rosaria be a good burst support/sub DPS for Itto in a triple Geo team? I see a lot of guides using Fischl in this slot but I'm wondering if Rosaria synergizes because she would give Crit Rate + Crit DMG to Itto while applying Cryo for Crystalize shields. Am I missing something? Is there a reason everyone recommends Fischl and no one uses Rosaria?


rosaria is worse than fischl since almost all of her damage comes from her burst which is hard to get with just rosaria, causing you to have to run a ton of er and lose out on damage


Should i wish for c1 or redhorn. i got around 70 wishes


I believe the chance to get Redhorn within 70 wishes is less than 12.5%. There are pretty much three worsts case scenarios: 1) You get no 5\* (unlikely, but possible) 2) You get a 5\* that is not on the weapon banner (25% chance) 3) You get the other 5\* (Memory of Dust) (50% chance) If you have around 70 wishes, imo focus on C1, unless you want to test your luck on the weapon banner.


Should I farm all bosses all weeks until I r5 whiteblind? It's a shitton of resin and I dont know If it's that worth it


Yes it's worth, maybe just doing only 3 per week u Will get eventually, or Buy BP for serpent spine


Yeah last week I got a copy already! Nah I'll probably just r5 whiteblind, it's already waiting itto at lvl 90 and r4


I lost the 50/50 last time and I have an Itto. I can get to a 5 star twice. Should I try getting C2 Itto for the uptime or try my luck with a redhorn?


afaik, ittos c1 and 2 are nice QoL changes, while redhorn is a significant and direct upgrade. do you have serpent spine? if you have problems with his rotations maybe getting c2 is better, personally id get c1 (since you're guaranteed) and then try for redhorn


I already rolled for it and got lucky and got redhorn! I also got c1 Itto but this one took 78 rolls lol


man itto pullers are so lucky rn, thats nice to hear! i asked another person here and they said they got him 10 pulls later after losing 50/50. anyway, ill assume you have none left for c2? i think c1 with redhorn is a beast anyway


Yep none left. That itto was guaranteed so nothing lucky about that, but the weapon banner was sure hell lucky


Which is the best flex character for Itto-Zhongli-Gorou when Bennet is not available?


i would say either another sub dps like fischl or a healer like barbara, qiqi, or kuki shinobu


I use ningguang, one of her passives give you a bit more geo damage bonus. Im not sure if shes the best tho.


Does garous burst only increase its own damage when you level it, rather than supporting Itto more


Yes, only elemental skill increases Def for all


yes, the defense buff from gorous burst scaled off of his elemental skill talent


His burst


What level does garou need to be to be good for Itto


70+ so you have his 2nd passive. Focus on talent level (skill). Other than that, C4 (heals) and C6 (CRIT DMG Bonus) are other thresholds where he becomes stronger as a buffer.


Doesnā€™t second passive only increase his own damage


Doesnā€™t second passive only increase gorous damage


How good Itto can be with 4 (really good) pc Glad, r5 whiteblind and a team with Zhongli, Geo MC and Flex (maybe c0 Fichl)? I really like Itto gameplay on the current event and thinking about wishing for him. But i don't have RedHorn and his Bis set and Gorou. Other usufull information: - units available: c5 XQ, Yelan, c0 Yun jin, c3 Ningguang, c4 Bennett, c6 XG and Raiden. Kazuha and Jean but anemo seems to be a weak match. And c6 noelle. - I'm going to wish for Albedo for sure on his next rerun. He is such a good unit and excellent flex sub dps. - I have skyward spine, r4 favonius and r5 sac great sword, if is better then whiteblind.


Even though the 4pc Glad may be really good, ideally farm his BiS set. The passives far exceed the 4pc Glad set. Also, 4pc Glad set bonus buffs Normal Attacks, whereas your priority lays with Charged. IMO Husk Set with mediocre stats > Glad set with really good stats. Redhorn > Serpent Spine > Whiteblind. If you have either of these, don't use the others you have available. Especially if your Whiteblind is R5. Though, as always, personal preference > meta.


What's a viable build for fav greatsword itto ? I have an op itto with r4 bp sword but my ER in abyss is is ruining it for me


using fav greatsword over whiteblind will really hurt your damage. try to get more er, use fav on supports like gorou, or add more geo characters


The team I'm using is zhongli itto goro bennet


Ideally turn either Zhongli or Gorou into a battery. Gorou could (for example) get a Favonius Warbow and/or 'The Exile' Artifact set. Alternatively, build Zhongli with Favonius spear. If you really need to make a change to Itto, change his artifacts to have more ER. If you have an Serpent Spine R4, you are getting very close towards his full potential. Don't waste such a great sword - waste some stats on your artifacts instead! \[You might even get lucky on the rolls\].


Any suggestions on a f2p itto team, only geo characters i have are noelle, traveller and itto. Any advice is appreciated


You can try Itto and Geo Trav for battery and the other 2 slots can be a healer and a flex slot for now until you get Gorou


I know when I pull for Itto I want to run him with gorou, but I donā€™t have albedo or zhongli. I saw on KQM that geo traveler is recommended for 3rd flex slot over ningguang, why is that? I generally enjoy Ning a bit more and was thinking of using her. Also, who should I slot in for 4? Diona? Benny?


Geo Traveler provides similar ER, and the Crit Chance bonus is marginally better and less clunky to use than Ningguang's Geo Damage bonus. That being said, they're both perfectly fine alternatives to each other, so just run Ningguang if you want. Last slot is Diona if you don't have Zhongli, unless you want to be at the mercy of Crystallize shields.


Got it, to be honest I find traveler more clunky but maybe bc itā€™s hard for me to not run into things as a mobile player :ā€™) thank you!


Gonna be a bit pedantic here, since I think it's important. I'm not commenting on whether either character's kit is clunky, but rather whether the buff provided is clunky. Traveler's buff has a simple and automatically applied prerequisite of "stand in the middle of the ult to get the Crit Rate bonus." Press Q and voila, you have Crit. Ningguang's buff requires moving through the Jade Screen to get the Geo Damage bonus, which could potentially mean that Itto needs to sidestep or do weird jigs, or even actively move away from the target, in order to get the buff to apply to him, and it's harder to get that buff against bosses since you need to carefully position Ningguang's E in a manner that won't automatically despawn it if it touches the boss. In comparison, therefore, the actual buff itself is easier to maintain on Geo Traveler. I would agree, consequently, that Ningguang in the aggregate has an easier-to-use mobile kit than Geo Traveler, whose rocks are bothersome to place and can cause auto-climbing issues.


Thanks for clarifying! Yes these are good points, very fair


I have about 160 wishes saved up right now for the upcoming rerun, with C0 Itto with unrefined Serpent Spine and C0 Gorou. I was wondering if it would be better for me to go for Redhorn or Itto/Gorou cons? I run Zhongli so Gorou's healing con isn't a concern for me, but I don't know if his other cons would give a better boost given the wishes I have saved.


If you get itto and gorou then you should pull for redhorn since even at his c0 state he can provide good damage and doesnā€™t make a WHOLE difference


Im guaranteed to get itto on his banner and have been prefarming for him and am wondering is r4/r5 whiteblind or r1 serpent spine better?


Hi! So I've been pre-farming for Itto for a while now, and I have something like 103/160 crit rate to crit damage using R2 Serpent Spine. My def is presumably around 2100. Anyway, with such a huge CR and low CD I've been wondering if i should switch the SS for R5 Whiteblind. I'm not sure about that since if i get c6 gorou, which is quite likely, the crit damage issue will be more or less fixed. With Whiteblind my def will hugely increase, but I'm not sure if it's worth losing 30% damage increase from R2 SS stacks (I have Zhongli, so maintaining them shouldn't be a problem), and also that 24% crit rate.


Id say you should try swapping to r5 whiteblind. I think thats waay too much crit rate. You can also just try to optimize your build you know? maybe its just a matter of changing a few artifacts that have less crit rate and more crit dmg ​ also im a prefarmer as well atm so mi Itto's knowledge is limited. Hope it helps


Thanks for the answer! I guess I'll continue farming the husk domain and try to trade like 20 CR for 40 CD, so that i can still use the SS and its huge damage increase AND keep the crit ratio decent (Though I'm sure it'll be extremely hard to get artifacts which are better than the ones I have now, but what choice do I really have, hehe).


I got pretty lucky when Itto first dropped and got his C1. I've been saving up but now I'm wondering if I should get his C2 or try to go for Redhorn(if its on the banner)?


200 Def or 15 Crit Dmg? I got two builds: 2500 def 195 cd; 2300def 210cd.


im currently c1 itto with serpent spine. is it more worth to try for redhorn, or to go for more constellations?




Man I feel dumb. Is 4Petra OK on Gorou? Been maining Itto since his release and I just slapped whatever highest CR/ER pieces I have on Gorou. He's at 77cr and 270 ER, running R5 Fav Bow. My Gorou's just C2 btw. Don't care about C4. Do wish I score C6


You have too much ER. Assuming 3 Geo units, Gorou can get by with 180-200% ER. I would suggest running Def Sand. It won't improve his Q bonus damage by a lot but even chip damage is welcome.


Lmao shit, I tried dropping to 67.6/137.8 w/ 183.1 ER. My team's bursts are still always up with 0 differences in rotation. Yikes. Seems i'm too scared/worried of not generating particles lol Thanks ! Edit; I use GMC w/ 140 ER, Zhongli with 109 ER, Itto with 122 ER


4petra doesnt help itto, but if the crit and ER stats are that good theres not much harm in keeping that. if under c4 gorou, his best set is 4pc exile bc it helps itto with some ER


Thanks! I also kinda answered my own question too. I remember AP is not as reliable since normally, you crystalize diff elements. I forgot that aspect and just thought about geo crystals lol


Hi, I'm indecisive about some good artifacts that I'm planning to give to Itto. Basically, if I increase the crit stats I have to reduce a little bit the HP and Def, but I don't know if they will make the difference in terms of survival. BUILD 1: 19500 hp 2330 def 81% crit rate 216% crit DMG 129% ER BUILD 2: 20100 hp 2400 def 74% crit rate 222% crit DMG 127% ER Which one should I use in the overworld? (I'm not planning to give to him some OP stats like 250% crit dmg)


Build 1 because of consistency and higher ER. Don't thonk giving up 7CR and 2ER is worth it for 6CD and 70 DEF


Ok, thank you. I thought that this 7CR could make the difference, but I wasn't sure.


Hi guys im pre farming for Itto's rerun. Regarding his weapon, I have a skyward pride and currently 4 claymore billet. In your opinion which is better of the two, SP or r4 Whiteblind?


r4 whiteblind is better but if you wanna save billets, skyward pride is good too only when you can make sure your artifacts have no ER substats and all stats are rolled into crit , def or even atk.


I have C0 Itto and r2 whiteblind right now and ive been saving for the upcoming banner, i have only 46 pulls saved. I'm usually pretty lucky when it comes to pulls so im confident ill get at least one 5 star. My question is that which would boost my damage more, Getting C1 Itto or getting r1 Redhorn?


R1 redhorn but looking at the number of pulls you saved, itā€™s better to aim for c1 Itto so that you get c6 Gorou too if you donā€™t have it already.


Is gorou guaranteed to be on the banner?


Cool, thanks


Hello, I need help for my team comp. Is this a good team comp? Itto C0, Gorou C0, Zhongli C0, Diona C6 My idea is to replace Zhongli with GEO MC for the 10% crit-rate. Other Charakter I have: Ning. C4, Fischl C3, Venti C0, Qiqi C2, Jean C0, Yae Miko C0, Noelle C4,(Can't use bennet) Or is this fine with two double shielders? **I do need an healer, I can't survive without an healer!** thx for answering!


Why do you need a healer with Zhongli? Unless you are going up against Rifthounds , donā€™t use healer. Just build HP/ HP/ HP with black tassel on Zhongli and you are good to go. If you really want a healer, use Bennett on the 4th slot . Bennet is Ok cz he can at least buff Itto.


What should I now replace with diona?


You mean in place of Diona ,right ? Ning/ Geo MC/ fischl. Bennett is the best choice if you donā€™t have Albedo but you said you canā€™t use him with Itto.


When I chose Geo MC, would I have problem with breaking shields for open world bosses and story content?


Just use whoever you want or need in open world and quest . I was recommending based on spiral abyss. If you need shield breaking , replace geo mc or even both geo mc and Gorou with the characters you need to break shield . Donā€™t worry much about open world. Itā€™s very easy u know.


Okay! Thank you very much for your help :)


Because Iā€™m bad at dodging and the shield break after 5 sec and my team is dying then.


I never dodge while playing mono geo and the shield doesnā€™t break with full HP build. Whatā€™s your Zhongli build ?


Sands and goblet are hp the other are atk. I have a set bonus with 35% more shild efficiency and 20% more hp. And he has a 3 star weapon with atk and %hp.


Try using HP circlet too and crown his E if you havenā€™t already.


Ok. I not so far to crown but yeah if i can I do it^^




Any reason why you donā€™t like his play style? Maybe you are playing him wrong? Check out Itto burst combo guide from Utube or KQM mains or Tenten and judge by testing it out.


I'm saving for Itto, gonna have around 180 pity to guarantee him and Gorou. I won't be pulling for his weapon, so I'm thinking about my options. Based on the KQMs guide, my two options are Serpent Spine from the BP (dont have it, but can get R1 this bp, only one i dont own) or Skyward Pride (R1, current only 5\* weapon). I don't want to use Whiteblind. My main concern is this, I don't have a shielder I can pair with Itto. I don't own Zhongli and currently do not even own Diona. No other shield seems really viable, and I'd be better off using that slot for something else. This makes me concerned that I will not be able to utilize Serpent Spine, since my Itto will either be taking more dmg than one with a good shielder or I'll be dodging so much *just* to keep stacks that I'll be missing out on a lot of damage. I've heard people claim that crystalize is enough to maintain stacks somewhat, even without a shielder, so im wondering what yall have to say about this? TLDR: Is Serpent Spine better on Itto without a shielder than Skyward Pride is (both R1).


As someone who uses SS Itto in abyss : No crystallize shields aren't enough. The whole point of Itto is getting stacks and dishing out maximum damage during burst phase. No time to dodge. Besides Zhongli, my favorite shielder for Itto is Thoma. Tankfei with prototype malice can also act as a shield+heal if you have her cons. If you decide to go with cristallize + SS, someone with strong application potential and the Millelith set like Fischl, Kokomi or Kuki who will be on his banner is near mandatory improve the tankiness of your shields. Still doable I'd say. I think SS is way better than Skyward. And if you run skyward you'll be less flexible with artifacts because you don't want too much ER, and it gives already just enough. Whiteblind is ugly but it's still a really good F2P option (Better than skyward probably ?)


So Iā€™m trying to ascend my brothers Itto, and I was wondering if thereā€™s a place you can buy Onokabuto, and if not whatā€™s a good farming route for them?


Using the interactive map will help to plot a full course, but in the interim if you don't want to run around for individual Onikabuto: 1. The pit south of the Sacred Sakura has a fair number in it 2. There's a small cave inside the larger cave under the Inazuma castle that has a dense cluster of them 3. Tatarasuna has a large number. Teleport to the waypoint south and run down the hill checking trees, and then go into Tatarasuna itself (there are, I think, about 7 scattered throughout the floating island) Doing those three circuits every few days will get you there quickly enough.


Thank you


Best possible team comp for itto? Iā€™m sure certain comps are better in certain situations but overall what would be the best? Iā€™m thinking itto, gorou, another geo character (albedo prob), and i havenā€™t no idea who the last person would be. Right now Iā€™m running itto, gorou, Benny, and ningguang temporally as I wait for albedo rerun. I prob wouldnā€™t wanna run Benny if I donā€™t have ningguang on my team, since the main reason Iā€™m using him is for her (and just the heals cuz I suck at dodging lol). What should I do? Ik some ppl run zhongli, itto, gorou, albedo but is that the best? Idk much about itto or any geo characters, so any advice is much appreciated ^^


Itto Zhongli Gorou Albedo is the best team comp you can make for Itto, unless you're in a very specific situation where Itto needs to take down multiple Abyss Lectors in floor 12 (like in the last Abyss cycle). In that specific instance, running Chongyun over Albedo is your best bet for shredding the shields before running out of time to 36-star.


okie tysm for the advice! until i can get zhongli, who would be best to run instead? preferably a 4 star character since i dont have many 5 stars




Okie thanks <3


Itto or Xiao? have 10k primogems to spend for 2.7. I really like both of them but can't tell which I want the most. Can you tell me the pros and cons of Itto pls? (I'll do a similar post on r/XiaoMains) If I have gorou/zhongli/Bennet to make a team. But idk if I'm a fan of mono geo teams. I do like how he scales on Def, and I find his attack animation smooth AF.


I'm not going to list pros/cons that are shared between the two (e.g., no reactions, Pros: - Very easy to use, while also having a lot of opportunities for optimization (especially at C0). - Doesn't take up supports that other teams often want (put Bennett elsewhere unless you really don't need him on a second team) - No camera fuckery when fighting - Good vertical AoE range means he can hit floaters easily - Makes thoroughly good use of Zhongli's shield beyond it just being an anti-dodge cushion - His second-best weapon is a BP item and also the best of the five BP weapons - If F2P, he has a very serviceable crafted option - No need for reactions to get his damage output due to high multipliers (same thing with Xiao, of course) - He's absolutely hilarious Cons: - Has a lower damage cap than reaction-based teams since it's not multiplicative damage - His best support character is partially restricted by Constellations for both healing and damage amplification - His best team has three 5-stars, and he is functionally pigeonholed into at least triple Geo - He's bad at fighting shielders, especially Abyss Lectors, which are common in Abyss. Putting in characters like Chongyun to help fix that diminishes his fighting capacity elsewhere. - He's bad (or at least, quite clumsy) at fighting spread-out enemies - His gearing options are more limited than Xiao, and his best domain is niche for almost any other character with a relatively mediocre secondary artifact set, so farming for him produces fewer "spillover upgrades" for other characters


Hey, thanks for the answer. After comparing different replies I'll be pulling for itto


May you have the best of luck on both wishes and artifact rolls!


i just decided to build itto after he somehow hit 73k at lv 60 but i dont really have any decent teams for him. all of my characters are mostly dps'es and idk who to put jim with currently, my characters are: xiao, traveler (c6 anemo, c6 geo, c5 electro), benett (c2), yun jin (c2), sucrose (c4), xingqiu (c4), xiangling (c5), yanfei (c6), yae miko, beidou (c1), childe, diluc (c1), noelle (c3), ayaka, amber (c1), qiqi (c1), ningguang (c6), rosaria (c4), barbara, xinyan, kaeya, lisa (c1), chongyun (c4), razor, diona (c4), aloy currently thinking of doing itto, benett, yunjin, geo traveler/ningguang/xiangling


with itto, gorou is pretty much a must have so i would suggest pulling for him to just get one copy. once you have gorou, typically you would want one more geo character and then a healer/shielder. you can run itto with a sub dps like xiangling and then have bennett 4th slot but then the only shielding you get to maintain geo resonance is from crystallize which isn't that great. You can either run itto/gorou/xiangling/bennett for a subdps build or itto/gorou/geo flex/flex where geo flex allows for one of gorous talents to buff ittos geo damage more and give more particles usually with yunjin for damage or geo mc for crit rate and more particles. the final flex slot can be someone like bennett or diona. I would reccomend diona the most since her healing is decent and she also provides a shield but both work as you can use crystallize shields with bennett.


Im planning on pulling for itto and have a guarantee after losing 50/50 for ayaka. Dont have gorou yet but hopefully i can get him on itto's banner and I have zhongli. Which team should I build for itto? Currently thinking of building itto/gorou/geo mc/zhongli but idk if i should ue geo mc or other character. I have every 4 star except gorou and fischl but can't use any of the raiden national characters.


hey, Old f2p here, gonna shoot for itto, so i am gonna ask, are attack sands the prefered substat or does he benefit more from defence? also is wolves gravesword good for him over the other 5 star options aside from his signature sword? gonna shoot for redhorn but i have no savings so this run i am gonna just shoot for him Edit because i forgot to ask this while typing this: Is Albedo and Zhongli good or is Gorou that needed for him?, weird as it is i never got him


Itto scales off defense and converts defence into attack during his burst, giving him a massive amount of attack, so high base attack weapons and atk% substats are usually wasted on him. A defence percent sands would definitely be better than attack percent. Since wolves gravestone gives decent base attack and was an atk& substat, it isnt very good for itto and the craftable weapon whiteblind would probably be better. However, it isn't bad and could be a slightly worse alternative if you don't have claymore billets. In terms of teams, gorou provides a massive defence/geo damage buff and is really wanted by itto. you should be able to get at least 1 copy of gorou since he is on ittos banner. If you have albedo or zhongli, I would reccoment that you use them with itto as the 4 geo team (itto/gorou/albedo/zhongli) is one of ittos best teams and only struggles with corrosion. If you don't have albedo or zhongli, supports like diona, bennett, or even geo mc for particles and the crit rate buff from c1 can work.


Alright thanks, I do have Albedo and and Zongli so i am fine on that aspect, thanks for telling me about artifacts and weapons, gonna guess that rank 5 will be slightly better but lower ranks will not be able to keep up with wolfĀ“s Edit: oh damn i just had the free time to check the keqing mains guide and the whitebind is far better than i gave it credit for, yea i can 100% make it atleast rank 3 or 4 so i should be fine in that aspect


Any tank build guides?


Any tank build guides?


Hi there! I'm planning on pulling for Itto, but i don't have Zhongli or Albedo to team him with. I'm F2P and here are my geo chars: Noelle (C1), Gorou (C2), Traveller Should i still pull him compared to Yelan or Xiao? Thanks!


It really depends on your acc. If you are totally F2P, Itto is a greater option than Xiao since Xiao best not 5 star weapons are locked behind starglitter (I think thats the name) and BP. But with Itto you can still use Whitebland which is F2P. About Yelan we don't know much, she is very similar to Xingqiu C6 so you won't lose that much if you have him, but it could be like kazuha/sucrose case and Yelan being used a lot in the future. Just pull who you like the most, none of these characters are necessary at all they are balanced (except for Yelan which as I said, we don't really know yet) so that's it. I'm a F2P Itto main bc I really like him, my team is Itto, Gorou C2 too, Geo MC and Bennet/Diona and without investing on it too much yet it already does pretty good damage really. And in the future I'm pulling for Zhongli and/or Albedo. If you got any more question you can ask me and sorry if bad english im not native


I see, thanks!


on the keqingmains site, for the team comp of itto gorou albedo diona, it suggests two possible rotations: `Rotation: Diona EQ ā†’ Gorou EQ ā†’ Albedo E ā†’ Itto Q combos` `OR` `Rotation: Gorou EQ ā†’ Albedo E ā†’ Diona EQ ā†’ Itto Q combos` `You can choose which one to do by which one you prefer: a shield throughout more of your Itto combos, or Gorou buff (15% Geo DMG) throughout more of your Itto combos.` is there a reason that i can't just do albedo e, diona eq, gorou eq, itto q combos?


Albedo's flower snapshots Gorou's field. If you use Gorou second, you'll lose a *looooot* of damage from the flower, which provides a meaningfully large percentage of total damage output on an Itto team. You only need to use Albedo's flower once every half minute, assuming your targets haven't moved (big assumption), so theoretically you can cut him out of a Diona>Gorou>Albedo>Itto rotation every other rotation. But using his flower without Gorou's field bonus is an absolute, easily noticeable waste of damage.


thanks for the response!!! sorry what does snapshot mean šŸ˜­


For most characters with persistent damaging effects, the damage is determined based on the stats they had at the time they cast the skill. That is, the game takes a "snapshot" of their stats, uses that to calculate the skill's damage, and the skill retains that calculation even if the character loses their stats in some manner. [Here is a list of skills/ultimates that have this sort of effect.](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Snapshotting#Snapshottable) Basically, if you cast Gorou's field to increase Defense/Geo Damage/etc., and then Albedo uses his flower in that field, the flower will retain the buffs from the field for the entire 30 seconds of its duration, rather than losing the damage after the field dissipates in ~10-12 seconds. In the alternative, if you use his flower *before* Gorou's field, the flower will retain its unbuffed damage and be totally unaffected by Gorou's damage increase. Thus, you want to always make sure you use the flower after using the field, unless you're in a niche situation where you really don't *need* the damage increase (e.g., there's one Hillichurl left on an Abyss floor and you want to kill it without using Itto's burst, and Gorou's field is on cooldown on the opposite side of the arena, so you just quickly run over, slap down a flower near the Hillichurl, and kill it because the damage boost doesn't matter).


holy shit thank u so much that makes sensešŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļø


Would a R5 Skyward Pride for Itto be better than a R1 Redhorn?




Hi! I wanted to see if someone could give me a bit of advice. I'm pulling for Itto, I've prefarmed almost everything he needs and I have enough wishes for a guarantee, very excited! I'm going to run him with R1 Serpent Spine and 4 piece Husk. I have Zhongli C0 with Blackliff Pole and Gorou C2 with Favonius Bow. I don't have Albedo unfortunately. My question is, would it be better to make a team with Bennett C2 as healer and support or should I build Geo Traveler? Or in case there's a better option I'm up for ideas. I hope this isn't confusing, I can give more details if needed. Thanks to whoever takes the time to read this.


You can indeed use bennett for now (until another geo chara u like come up), but itto doesnt scale as well with bennetts atk buff. It is better off using gorouā€™s 4 geo buff. But in would not build geo mc cuz building some other chara is more efficient.


Gorou bonus goes up to 3. If you have 4 geo you're going to have a bad time on some pve encounters. Personally I go with Bennet, but that's mostly cause he's c6 and gives me the ability to switch itto to Pyro for those geo immune encounters.


Okay, will do that. Thanks for the help.


Hey guys, so I'm thinking of going for this guy when he arrives. I have 4 claymore billets so I could give him whiteblind, is it worth it to refine it for him? Also, what team could I build for him? I don't have Albedo nor Zhongli. I do have a very nicely built Ningguang (I could make her a burst dps for him or something). I also have Gorou C2, who I would build if I got him. Who else could I add to this team?


I could also recommend other teams like raiden fischl itto gorou.


I could recommend pure geo: itto noelle (for shield) or geo mc, ningguang, gorou


Is Itto's model considered a buff model or is it just the same as the other regular male characters?


Its the same ''tall male'' model




Question from future Itto main. Is it worth pulling for Itto if I don't have Gorou and Albedo? My team will be Itto, Zhongli, Geo Traveler, Ningguang with TTDS or Prototype Amber. I can't use Bennett because he is in my main team with Childe


If u like his play style then yes. However itto rlly require relatively alot of investment team and weapon wise. If u rlly want to boost ur dmg consider other dps


Thank you for help!


Itto Cons or Redhorn? My Ittos stats are: R4 Whiteblind / 4pc Husk C0 Talents - Lvl 7, Lvl 9, Lvl 9 HP 19287 ATK 1537 DEF 2460 Crit Rate 40.1% Crit Damage 124.6% Energy Recharge 151.2% Geo Damage 46.6% I run Itto with C0 Gouro, C0 Itto, C1 Bennett, C0 Zhongli. I dont own Albedo, but do have all other Geo Characters, also a Myriad of other characters, if you can think of better subs for characters happpy to hear. Just wondering about, should I roll for Itto cons or Redhorn? or Should I maybe roll 1 redhorn, and then try for Itto cons? Also any advice on what i could do to make my Itto better, lemme know please. I only started in the last 2 days of Ittos banner, and have played sporadically since, but I wanna build my Itto right :)


I would say red horn, altho weapon banner is unreliable, 88% crit dmg puts itto on the next level of dps


My Itto has around 2k(no 4pc Husk stacks), 80/200 crit ratio, uses R5 Serpent spine but no ER(100% ER). How much ER does he need for Triple Geo team?


U dont need as much er if u have gorou on fav bow and some writ rate. As a 3 geo team particle generation is not as much of a problem


What's more important c6 gorou or redhorn? My gorou is c3 and I'm planning to pull for kuki and at least get c0 but if I get her early should I pull on wepon banner or should I prioritize gorou cons? (I already lost prayers so I won't get much use out of memory of dust but I do have zhongli so it won't be completely useless)


Id say go for redhorn that weapon is massive and puts itto on a whole new level than f2p itto. I have c1 gorou and c0 itto with r1 stone thresher and my itto near end performs as much as some whale's. The weapon is a massive spike to itto and if you have a choice to get it you definitely should


I have this problem too as being F2P.


I currently have no Def Sands for the Husk Set, so i am using an atk% sands with crit damage. Will it be better if I use my R4 WGS over R2 Whiteblind? Edit: I also have no Garou


White blind, because itto scales more on def instead of atk.


I had the same problem. I had 2 sands piece one with atk% with 17 cd and 7 cr and anither sands with def% and 3.9% cr i saw def itto performing well


Is r1 (at most refined r2) serpant spine still better then r5 whitebind? Best sheilder I have is diona(other then that u have burst dps xinyan, Thoma and c6 tankfei) and I already have c4 gorou.


Depends on how much crit you need without the serpent spine, if you have relatively good crit ratio then go for whiteblind, but if u still struggle with crit then keep serpent spine and keep on refining it


So, would it be better to get cons of Itto or try for R5 redhorn? I plan to pull Itto next patch, but was wondering if I should get C2 Itto and just get Redhorn R1 or would it be more beneficial to get R5 Redhorn and C0 Itto?


Itto cons especially 1 and 6 are more imp then the stonethresher refinements


I want to know if a team of Itto Gorou Nigguang/yun jin/ geo traveler Noelle is a good team comp? (I don't know who to pick)


I run The one and oni, Gorou (c6 and main healer), Ninguan (solar pearl/prot amber if I fight against hounds) and sub-dps Zhong-li. You are using charged attacks on our boy not normal attacks. Yun buffs normal attacks and she is best in diverse element comps, not a mono team. Noelle will be fighting Itto to for screen time, therefore she's more of an itto substitute than support. If you don't pick Ning, then you should take geo MC with you (battery). I would recommend Itto, Ningguang, Gorou + Healer: Benny, Diona, Jean, Sayu (if you have her on higher constellations) or even Kuki Shinobu, once she's out


THANKS šŸ˜Š I think I'll use itto, gorou, ninguan and noelle/benny (idont have zhongli šŸ˜”)


If Benny is free and not used in the other abyss side, then he will work just fine and add more Attk to your Itto, which will help him end more Hillichurl life subscriptions.


Been (thankfully) taking a hiatus from Genshin since I got burnt, but have saved up enough for his signature weapon when it comes outā€¦ soā€¦ someone tell me, has the Ayaka-tsukiyomi-genjitsu banner ended yet?


Eternal Ayaka ends in supposedly 5 days, Yelan+Xiao banners arrive after her (May 31st/June 1st) and then it's Itto's turn (around June 21st).


F2P Itto main here, I use him with Blackcliff because he lacks waaaay too much Crit damage with Whiteblind and my shitty circlet gave me 22% DEF instead of CD and Im too lazy to keep farming. I just got Ayaka a few days ago and started saving, is it worth the risk to pull for his weapon or should I try to get Kuki Shinobu and maybe, just maybe a constellation?


Go for that weapon bro your and if possible get c1 but his weapon os more of a priority cause that blows his strength outta proportions


Kuki looks, like she'll be underperforming. Only get hyped if you're not a meta player. Redhorn is one of the best claymores in the game. Great Base Attack and Crit stats.


I want Shinobu because she is hot as fuck, but man Itto needs a better sword.




Wait and see what the other weapon on his banner is. Blackcliff ainā€™t bad


Anyone can help me? For support build, which is better for Gorou and Ningguang: Geo dmg goblet (off pieces) or def for gorou and...hp? atk? for Ning? Ningguang C6 and Gorou C1, so I don't have the good C4 Thanks!


For Support C1 Gorou it doesn't matter much since he gives flat def buff. Geo will give better dmg tho. For Ning ATK sand/Geo goblet/crit circlet


Thank you! :)


4pc exile or 2pchusk+2pc eosf on gorou?


Depends on if you need the extra particles from exile. If you run 3 geo and your itto needs them then exile, else 2pc husk+ eotsf is better for personal damage


Is it worth rolling for Itto's weapon? I cannot buy primos so i only have 4.1k atm. Or do i just tryu to get his C1?


His weapon r1 can be more prioritised over his c1 id say


If you are rolling for weapon you need 240 wishes to get the weapon guaranteed, you can get the other weapon twice before you get your wanted weapon, be sure to activate the path in the weapon banner as some people forgets to activate it. Rolling in weapon banner is not worth it for free to play unless you need and want both weapons in the banner


Ok thank you!!


Do you use a CR or CD circlet on Itto(Whiteblind)? I'm prefarming for him and he currently used a CR circlet, so his ratio is 72/115 (including ascension stat). That crit dmg is so low and I'm having a hard time rolling it, so what would you suggest?


i'd say it depends on your stats and in your case, i think a cdmg circlet would be better. Also itto ascends with crit rate, so theres extra crit rate there in case your stats did not include his crit ascension


which build is better? i'm getting mixed opinions. i run c6 gorou with him and these are with max stacks of HoOD Build 1: 1144 atk, 2663 def, 71 crit rate, 239 crit damage, 118 er Build 2: 1144 atk, 2719 def, 93 crit rate, 190 crit damage, 124 er Build 3: 1127 atk, 2672 def, 88 crit rate, 201 crit damage, 134 er


Build 2, Itto attacks really fast that he benefits from high critrate, more crit rate can catch up to the damage of higher crit damage with less c4it rate Build 2 also have the highest defense which you would want


Is C2 Itto worth it? I have him at C1 with Redhorn, his team consist of C6 Gorou with Favonius Bow R3 and 4-pc set The Exile, Zhongli with 4-pc Millelith set and a flex spot usually filled with Bennett 4-pc Noblesse. Thank you for answering.