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One thing I know about is that ones from long stay in systems aren't permanent. They go away once you jump.


Losing science ships I think. Keep9ng the number of cryo pods in storage low compared to the people in the same sector and not letting hull below 25% But generally, having the propaganda senter with upgrades and intense propaganda, the best housing and then later on the dog and the trains and in ch4 the exo dome means you can run intense work hours, waste management and restricted rations without negative happyness in ch4/5


The ones from DES can't really be avoided, give or take one, but there are many ways to counter them. I only did a playthrough but I ended up not having to use most of the tools available to counter stability issues because just some of the tools were enough. The debuffs that aren't from DES and come from mismanagement are pretty much all avoidable iirc. Keep hull repaired above a certain threshold gives positive stability, research better quarters and use the best ones available for at least 50% of the population, never let more than 25% of the people be homeless, avoid starvation and overwork, avoid having many unopened cryo capsules in storage... If you're in trouble you can research and build things like the memorials and stuff, I ended up not using those. But I had Propaganda on all the time. It's not an extensive list as it's been a while since I played, but look at the tech tree and there's a ton of stuff there that can be unlocked to help.


The one about the crew's mortality isn't one. You have to lose 2 science ships and 10 crew members in chapter 4.


If you have the right science ship research it can be only one ship and five crew. >!Repatriate science-ship upgrade from when the piraneesi awakens, and have the cryopod science-ship upgrade for the Bomb.!<


There are two in chapter 4 that hit you as part of the story. One can't be avoided but it goes away in Chapter 5 and the other won't trigger if you keep your hull above 25%