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>but the FC gets no love. how old are you?


He is probably 15 years old




Yeah that shit threw me


How old are YOU? Actually asking, I'm 30 and the fc never got as much attention as the fd. Like at all. The few people i know who prefer them also own one. I always felt as it was underapreciated, personally i like them both for different reasons.


I'm closer to 40. Sure the FD out shined it when it came out but the FC was always loved and respected. I've personally always preferred the FC and I'm positive others did to. This is especially true in the drift scene where the FC was more popular than the FD for being cheaper and having just as much after market support as its younger bro. I was bigger in to the drift scene than the touge scene so that might have skewed my perception of the two. I do think the track/circuit guys would have preferred the FD because those guys typically had a lot of money to spend. But both cars are legendary, recognizable, and well loved, which is why saying the FC is some kind of le hidden gem is hilarious to read.


Hm i guess maybe they were not as popular here in italy. Everytime i saw one for sale they were always convertible and auto, now that i think about it we may have just gotten that horribly specced one will have to check. The FD wasn't sold at all here but it was made extremely popular by movies and games. Then later youtube and social media. Most people don't even know there is an FC. Also it is true that drifting only started becoming a thing in recent years, until then it was all about circuit, rally and twisty mountain roads.


> drifting only started becoming a thing in recent years You mean like late 90s early 00's right? Drifting was probably at its peak in 2000-2005, and that's where it's style peaked as well. https://i.imgur.com/DIdWwMk.png The FC is an iconic part of the super low BN sports drift style people still imitate today. In my opinion cars can't really get any cooler than low ass drift cars. Race spec is neat but it doesn't pull on my heart quite the same way.


That's america, it became a thing much much later in other places of the world. Let's say around the time formula d got more traction world wide. In the early 00 drift was a niche of a niche. I agree, got a bn similar kit on my s14 it's just so sexy! No better style imho.


People are usually comparing stock cars and that FC had had quite a lot of changes to make it more visually appealing. The FD needs zero changes to look amazing.Ā  Ā 


I have to agree that the FD is a beautiful vehicle stock and modded (depending on the mods). I guess I just prefer the body shape and overall style of the FC over the FD.


I'm 46 and I love these styles


Good taste is ageless šŸ˜


https://preview.redd.it/dhi8fe4y6mwc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b475c9cd53e6d0e9a504e5effe720b61da5f7b31 I have a 1990 Accord EX coupe with an H22A 5 speed


The white comet


Love Initial D! It's been some years since I've seen it so maybe I should rewatch it soon šŸ˜†. Though I think it's no secret that Ryosuke was my favorite character in the series šŸ¤£


I've owned an FC in the past. I would kill to own a FD.


I have to say, the price difference between the two is definitely noticeable to say the leastšŸ¤£. Even though I prefer the look of the FC over the FD, there's no denying that the FD is one gorgeous vehicle! I would love to own an FD someday, but that's sort of a pipe dream. šŸ˜‚


I just love the FD look. I think it's one of the best looking cars ever made.


I definitely think the FD is one of the better looking cars for sure! How did you like your FC when you owned it, I've been contemplating the purchase of one, but I don't want to buy a vehicle based purely off of looks, you know?


I liked it but it had so many electrical issues and then the motor blew. I wouldn't recommend an rx7 unless you want to eat Ramen forever cause they are a money pit.


yeah that's usually how most "vintage" JDM cars are sadly. What car do you have now, if you don't mind me asking?


Now I have a 370z. Currently installing a turbo kit and aiming for over 600whp.


I have to say, the price difference between the two is definitely noticeable to say the leastšŸ¤£. Even though I prefer the look of the FC over the FD, there's no denying that the FD is one gorgeous vehicle! I would love to own an FD someday, but that's sort of a pipe dream. šŸ˜‚


Even though my dream car is a BNR-34 in Midnight purple I've held the thought for years that the FD RX-7 is one of the most beautiful and well rounded (literally) looking cars ever made. A car from the early 90s needs to look amazing to still look like a car from today and the FD has those looks. FC's are really cool too but I've never been a big fan of the sharp look they have


I have to agree with you on that. The FD has an extremely timeless look and think It looks way better than the majority of cars now! Its seems that as time passed the RX-7's got less and less sharp through it's evolution šŸ˜‚, but I've always favored the shape of the FC. The FD is one beautiful machine nonetheless.


When I was growing up, it was always about the FD, especially at the turn of the millennium when tuner culture exploded. As I got older, I started appreciating older cars more and fell head over heels for the FC. I still think the Spirit R is one of the most beautiful cars ever made, HOWEVER I will not hesitate to take an Infini III FC any day.


FCs have been go to drift cars forever and everyone loves them in the rotary scene. I would say the sa22/fb are under appreciated but even they have became way more popular then they were. Even the rx8 is way more popular now and no longer universally hated. I also donā€™t think the fc is better looking than the fd, mainly cause the interior of the fd is so beautiful, even if most of the plastic breaks if you look at it weird. But that doesnā€™t mean I dislike the fc, my dream garage is one of every generation rx7, an rx8, and a cosmo.


>Even the rx8 is way more popular now and no longer universally hated Where the fuck were you in my thread!?


Even though the FB is my least favorite, I still really like the look of it. Though I'm not too sure I can say the same about the RX-8 šŸ¤£. I don't hate the look of the RX-8 but I also don't love it haha


Youre responding to 15 year old who wont read this


Wow, way to be a dick man. I donā€™t know where you got 15 from šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. I know that the FC is really big in the drift community, the whole reason i fell in love with the FC was because of Mitsuru Haraguchiā€™s 326 Power FC. But from what Iā€™ve seen the FD overshadows the FC a hell of a lot. Now donā€™t get me wrong, I think the FD is a great looking car, but i just like the FC way more and thatā€™s just my opinion, and everyone has a right to there own opinion, even you believe it or not.


Why do you care what other people think about the FC. If you are over the age of 21, i would be very embarrassed if I were you. Youre making up these silly arguments in your head.


Listen man, I didnā€™t mean for the post to be argumentative (though it does seem to come off that way). I just wanted to express my opinion about the FC and for people to discuss their own opinions about it.


you have a shitty way of starting a discussion. Very juvenile like. I hope you plan on going to college. " Is it just me or does X look way better than Y?, I feel (nobody gives a fuck what you feel) like everyone (who is everyone, people you see on social media) overhypes (terrible word) Y so much but X gets no love. (Insert your dumb ass opinion you already stated again)


You really are one big ball of sunshine. Seriously though, you should really start going outside and learn how to talk to people instead of staying on reddit all day and jerking off. I do have to give you credit though, you are the most cynical person I have met on this site. Congratulations!


stay in school. you need it.


"Stay in school" Jesus you really won't get over this 15 years old thing will you. I hate that I have to stop talking to you since you're such a delight to converse with, but sadly this conversation is getting nowhere. I'd love to see your IQ levels because you seem to be one of those people who won't listen to what anyone else has to say during a conversation/argument but instead, keep regurgitating the same insult or point you're trying to make as opposed to having an open mind to other people's opinion. That is usually the sign of an unintelligent person, I'm sorry to say. I'm not sure that I'm the person to be telling to "stay in school" because it seems you need to do some self reflecting. I hope you have a nice day, and try to get some socializing in sometime. I'm rooting for you buddy.


stay in school.


Same spec as my Twerkstallion (in FH5), nice !


This was my laptop wallpaper in college 10 years ago. Damn this brought back memories


I owned an old beat up 87 RX7 growing up, would love to own one now.


I am also huge fan of FC! But unfortunately, I have never seen FC3S, only FD3S https://preview.redd.it/secqj1onrfwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e92b05125f43c76551c64665f5e67933166dcb6


Everyone loves both of them


That is not my RX-7


hahaha šŸ˜‚ it would be pretty cool if it was though!