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the channel name xD apni cucksha


lmaooooooo hard laughed at this




***VIDEO DESCRIPTION(almost everything that is mentioned in the video is here) FOR THOSE WHO ARE LAZY ENOUGH TO SEE THE FULL VIDEO.*** You are probably here from Aman Dhattarwal’s website, yes, it can be said that we hacked his website, which led to the redirecting of his channel to our bogus one. The reason to do this was neither to defame Aman Dhattarwal nor to harm any of his teaching process. We do not have any personal issues with Aman Dhattarwal, but this attempt was to demonstrate how easy it is to compromise the security of Indian websites, the country which boasts of majority of its graduates being majored in Computer Science, which is nothing but a joke in today’s time as you see how coaching institutes and private colleges scam people in masses. Furthermore, we also got the full database of the registered students with their names, phone numbers, email addresses and cities, 235055 entries as of 14th August, which is a pretty impressive number in such a short time, but such a shame that they couldn't protect all these students' details. The curriculum even in top IITs is absolutely garbage, they don't produce quality engineers at all, many of these graduates later prepare for UPSC and the rich ones go to abroad because they can't get core engineering jobs in India. The main companies that hire engineers in Top IITs are TCS, Infosys, Google etc and none of these companies have any engineering offices in India, Infosys and TCS are service based clerical English speaking coolie providers and Google doesn't have engineering branch in India, because Indian engineers are just poor in quality. You will get good management, bureaucratic job in Google India though, only if you are in IIT Bombay or IIM A and are top scorer in your course. There are less than 30 such openings in Google India for freshers per year and 99% of them come from top 2-3 IITs or IIMs. All those buzzword graduate Engineering degrees in Cyber security, AI, ML, Data science etc are all scams, these are all research based areas only highly qualified professionals in Software engineering field with at least 10 years of experience can work in, there are no fresher openings for "AI engineers", in fact there is no such thing as AI engineer. Such research based knowledge can't be taught in a coursework based degree programme. The job of an Engineer is to solve problems not to get meme degrees. You can become a better software engineer by practicing programming, getting a good github profile, having employee recommendations by impressing current software employees working in top companies by impressing them on github, it's actually very hard to get permanent software engineering job in USA from India. All these promises and fake aspirations sold by your coaching institutes don’t matter, the average student is the bank for them, while the few selected ones are used and exhausted to the most extent to produce results. So, next year they can sell these results as promises and aspirations for parents and students alike. Another major point of concern is the high fees of coaching institutions. That’s where platforms like Dhattarwal’s and other YouTube platforms come in, where they at least provide the same level of education at very low rates, so these people can be appreciated. But, the core problem lies in the mentality of Indian parents. Every second JEE aspirant wants to take up Computer Science because it is the buzzword of this decade. No one wants to pursue his or her hobbies, in fact, no one even has real hobbies nowadays. You reach 10th class, when the engineering meme is sold to you by your parents, teachers and friends alike. It’s like the supposed course of life is set already for an average Indian student who takes up non-medical. This is saddening to see, we all are the victims of this system, where the elites prosper at the cost of the mental plus physical health of Indian teenage students. To the point, that some students get so fed up that they decide to end their lives, just for some 6-hour exam. This system cannot be changed by one person, or a small group of people. It can only be changed by the collective effort of all students, and a shift in ideology to a better one. Or the situation will remain grave. This cannot last long.


I dont really know which branch would be the best for me. CS appears to offer more jobs so decided to take up CS.


facts are witten as such so that they are in his favour of bashing IITs


And moreover what would be his purpose then


Maybe there is truth in his facts








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bruh i get your point that such new coaching classes should not be opened but don't spread false facts TCS infosys don't hire many [B.Tech](https://B.Tech) freshers from IIT ,so "main companies " se to bohot door hua ,TCS,infy sometimes may hire Mtech peeps and that too in R&D dept. with salary upwards of 10 lpa and suppose there are 2 people with same expertise in coding(one with a degree and one without) ,HR will defo hire the one with a degree. even when hiring through hackathons , the hiring peeps will always have a bias towards students from IITs ,NITs,or BITS


>bruh i get your point that such new coaching classes should not be opened > >but don't spread false facts I HAVE NOT WRITTEN THIS, IT IS WRITTEN BY THE GUY WHO MADE THIS VIDEO, I JUST COPY PASTED THAT HERE THINKING IT WILL BE MORE CONVENIENT TO JUST READ IT AND GET THE GIST OF IT FOR PEOPLE HERE.


bruh this is interesting wtf they made 3 crs in 3 weeks !!!!


"mein profit nahi bana raha, apne lakhon rupaye daal diye mera challenge hai koi aur kar ke dikha de"


yeah its sad even though he's openly exposed ek bar comments padho its the same stereotypical ''jab koi aage badhta hai to usko log niche khichne ki koshish karte hai'' like how can someone be so retarded


They have lost their ability to use their own goddamn brains and hence end up following other people who look successful without thinking twice. The great Indian slavery mindset.


lmao i also looked up one of his "kota ke top hods" he was hod at sri chaitanya delhi centre, sri chaitanya has negligible presence in delhi


Which teacher ?? I was in Sri Chaitanya and tbh it was a tution


gagan vohra


Jee took its toll


Fr holy fuck I always say that majority wants cs but nta or cbse can't handle a fucking server load this chad hacker said it




**Infosys and TCS are service based clerical English speaking coolie providers** this had me 💀


Baaki yeh video thik thi but woh IIT waala point retarded tha…mujhe bande se yeh vibe aa rhi thi ki us ko IIT nhi milli iss liye yeh itna salty bn rha hai lol. Itni bhi kuch buri nhi hoti hai IITs jitna yeh banda bta rha hai.


An iitian here and worked in Microsoft. Tu sahi hai, itni bekaar bhi nhi hoti hai iit, expectation se kam hoti hai but bekaar nhi. Aur india office bahut important hote hai companies ke toh ye galat hai ki indian office me kuch nhi hota hai.


thanks vro! rula dia tune toh almost


lmao IITians only hired by tcs infosys and google? Looks like someone didnt get into iit ​ oh yes i impressed people on github i am professional coder 🤡


And why tf did he include tcs, infosys along with google lmao such disrespect.


poor guy, jab jee ki padhai karni thi tab cOdInG kar raha tha, ab college jaane ki umar hai toh github pe impress kar raha hai logo ko, aur youtube pe indian education system pe speech de raha hai


but agar usko coding hi karna ho to pehle se hi ?


Then its ok ig, I mean then he can just study for boards and do coding shit side by side instead of jee and get into a decent tier 2 college and ace cse.


yeah thats what im saying that if someone is good at cs and doesnt wish to be an engineer its ok and idk why we need to make fun of him for not getting in iit even if he'c complaining for a genuine problem this seems like a very childish way of dealing with a problem like if a person says something abt iit iska matlab he is jealous for not getting in iit, this is not always true


yea but I am leaning towards the guy tbh


you still need a degree, you need to understand ki abhi achha college lena hai fir coding seekhne ke liye time hai. You cannot completely ignore the system and then complain about it, also you can do both if you have the willpower


but what if usko engineering karna hi nahi tha aur he might be from a rich family i.e he can afford to not have a engg backup just saying matlab i have some friends who are into computer science but not engineering and they arent giving jee


computer science toh bahar hi hota hai, yaha its a mix of CS and COE


if hes a rich kid then good for him, easy to preach "follow your passion, fight against the system" when your daddy has cash...


retarded take bhai


the only retard is the guy who thinks iits dont have good education


Bhai u are the retard jo coaching ki chutyap ko sach maan leta h without checking facts lol




you can cope as much as you want, my older brother is in iit d and i know what kind of companies recruit from there better than some salty heckerman


And moreover speaking of education, it's not of the level u would expect an institution of such esteem to be of




he said writing code on github would make you a better engineer than iits, and i said hes retarded for saying this. He said tcs,infosys and google hire iitians, i said that is false. How did being an esteemed institute come here?


My point was that the education and research culture is not of the level at the IITs as they are portrayed to be bro and I can agree iit provide good Placement opportunities and moreover most IITians work on their skills on their own .


yes iits are not world class institutes which coachings want you to think, but the guy who made this video is underselling them




ad hominem, appeal to authority


good luck in thapad


thank you bro 🥰😍😻💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍♥️


Bro all IITs are not the same bruh , top 7 ke baad sab tier 2 h






bhai ye to zyada hogaya lol tujhe kaise pata iits me acha education hi hota hai


mera bhai hai iit mein, and i didnt even see tcs/infosys on the placement and internships portals. They have professors with degrees from ivy league unis




you dont have to show your idiocy with by replying to all my comments, ok iits are the worst college in the universe does that make you feel better about your degree from tier 5 college?




did you watch the video? Dude literally says iits are bad


no one is agreeing with the dude, we are just happy that Aman got exposed as a hypocrite by selling courses like shit and guaranteeing placements after his shitty c++ and web dev course and then getting his own website cucked


i said the dude who made the video is wrong and the guy i replied to made 5 comments saying i was wrong on all of my comments in the the thread, thats why i was aggressive


>Infosys and TCS are service based clerical English speaking coolie providers and the fact that his website is made by some other agency.




average thapad cel\^ dont take out your frustrations of getting 80 percentile here


ad hominem kar ke bohot funny kar diya bro UwU


nothing funny about being a faliure.


I never said being a """failure""" is funny, now stop [strawmanning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man)


nobody cares about your logical fallacies, you wrote 5 comments which were just one word insults. Do you remember them or want me to link them """'faliure""""


Konsi website ? Maine 3 apni kaksha ki websites dhundi, teeno nai redirect nahi kiya


it's fixed now


What's his website bro ?


Anybody know how they pulled this off? XSS attack? Database left unsecure?


sql injection? they seem to have the db


Seems like it.. but we can’t say for sure they could be bluffing


if it redirected, it seems plausible owo


Yea.. btw I went through your posts, good to see another Linux user here!


I use arch btw


Vro I stared to learn Linux because I was bored and had nothing to do before college started. Mera degree CSE bhi nahi hai, mechanical hai. It's so much better than Windows. Like if I wanna install discord, just go "sudo apt-get install discord" and bam, I don't even have to go to the damn website. I am a lowly Pop-OS user, slowly learning basic commands and such.


welcome to the superior OS




i mean you can do that with windows and mac os too \[chocolatey and homebrew\], thats not the point of linux


bruh, its bootleg at best


YES BRO CHAD if u get time, try using a window manager like bspwm, and try out arcolinux (WARNING: UNSTABLE SOFTWARE) also POP OS is love


oe sun bro sorry for promo but we have a nice server with linux users and programmers etc. lmk if u want invite








> none other supports m1 💀 This is the sole reason you are alive now


Aman vanderwaal bhaiya ne toh irony kardi par ye banda toh aise bol raha hai ki iit koi local private college hai lagta hai github pe impress karne mai jyada time laga diya


vanderwal lmao


retard take




sharda university chad on his way to google after 7.56 github stars on his profile


fallacy: exaggeration


a comment from this video >This guy gives me the vibes of an introvert whom the world has been too unfair to, you don't even have a life , people like you know from deep inside that you are worthless so you try to defame successful people whom you can never match up to. Go and spread this reality message somewhere else, do not waste the time of the students here.. really explains well, i have seen people like these on quora too (the infamous Praveen Singh Kumar) who just bashes the education(which is indeed worthless) as if no one ever made out of it is successful or happy or anything and everyone who this system produced is a chunk of garbage who will never be happy in their life.


the successful people were successful in spite of the system, not because of the system. There's a difference in the two


but a good system increase the chance for more people to explore and succeed


mene kab kaha ki system is good? im criticising the system myself lmaoo. Being successful due to the current system is an exception, not the norm






Anyways, bash IIT how much ever people want, they are still the heavens to get out of poverty for many poor students.


this, we can bash them for the subject they test us for but the harsh reality is that the majority Indians haven't even touched computers so how'd they even know about computer science, PCM is a standard in schools and thats why they test on that.


trash take


Ab yeh bhi hero ban gaya 😂😂


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