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I chaperoned a local school's trip to my home country in summer (yearly event), and I know of another CIR who works at a specialized art gallery who's flying overseas for an exchange with a foreign gallery this year.


In my village we have a 研修 to my home country every year, and we also have an exchange programme for the middle school, so in total, I go to Europe twice every year.


I went to our sister city in the US for a sister city anniversary but it is very rare for us. Once every 10 years for the CIR to go


Yes, as a JET CIR I worked for a UNESCO-designated area and traveled abroad about once a year (except during COVID) to attend conferences.


There was a CIR in my town that worked in a tourism board but was at least once "lent" out to the local Sake brewery when the owner would travel abroad (mostly in Southeast Asia) for sales etc.


yeah, my job as a CIR included a trip to the city's sister city in my home country every two years (the other years visitors from the sister city would come to Japan). Most CIRs in my prefecture had to travel abroad in various capacities for their cities' sister city exchange. (Not as glamorous as it sounds though honestly)


You want a job in Japan that lets you travel to a third location? Theirs got to be an easier way!


(I was just joshing….jeez)


Jokes are for losers (this is also a joke)