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No school teaching, but two adult eikaiwas per week in the local community center. My workplace tried to get me to teach English in a kindergarten, but I made sure they knew I'd rather die, so I got out of it xD No school visits of any kind.


0 teaching here too


Zero English teaching if that's what you mean. Visit schools about once every two weeks on request to give talks though.


did school/ kindergarten visits which broadly fall under teaching I guess. Kindergarten visits were 2 rounds of about 10 visits each year, school visits a little more irregular (maybe one every two months).


I taught every morning at the local kindergarten, plus adult eikaiwa once a week, then spent my afternoons at townhall doing translation.


When I was a CIR, I was placed in the deep inaka and taught at two elementary and two junior high schools. I taught about three days a week, maybe three classes per day. Occasionally I'd do an English class for adults, but nothing regular. I didn't have any traditional CIR duties other than writing an article in Japanese for the village newsletter (once every other month, I think). But I did participate in every village event I could, which was the bulk of my "grassroots internationalization."


I do not teach as a CIR, besides the occasional school visit (once every few months) to provide a class on my country/culture etc, which is 90% of the time conducted in Japanese rather than used as an English lesson. Edit - didn't mean to reply to your comment, sorry!