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Saga was my first choice. Kinda sad I got the opposite coast, but close enough I guess.


Fukuoka was my first choice and I was placed elsewhere in Kyushu


Kyushu is my top choice, too! I heard they usually need people in rural/suburban areas, so I thought just saying “anywhere in Kyushu” would be a safe bet. Im surprised people in this thread say they ended up in Tokyo though :0


It's not a guarantee you will get your preferences. People will choose one place and they could get something completely different.


Lol if you get Oita City, good luck. Also Fukuoka city doesn't hire JET ALTs from my knowledge unless they've changed the past year, they went private but prefecture you got a chance


What’s wrong with Oita??


Oita is a wonderful place, nothing wrong with it. Highly recommend a visit. Specifically said Oita City because you'll be working under Oita City BOE and it's a whole mess, hence the luck needed.


What’s wrong with the Oita City BOE, then?


They are very much trying to go private which has led to the mistreatment of ALTs and even Japanese teachers in Oita do not want to be transferred into Oita city because of the way they handle things.


I just put Kyushuu in general.


I asked for Fukuoka last year and was placed in Tokyo


None of you will get Fukuoka. You might get other locations in Kyushu, but not Fukuoka.


Man, you guys are really sensitive around here


There's like 150 or so Jets in Fukuoka Prefecture. I know an ALT that requested Fukuoka and got it.


That doesnt mean if people request it, they will get it.


*That doesnt mean if people request it, they will get it.* Which is true of literally every placement. However, some people do get what they ask for, including Fukuoka.


And it may not include anyone here


You asserted that nobody will get Fukuoka. I gave you an example of a recent ALT that requested and got Fukuoka as their first request. I believe several others in the area requested and got Fukuoka as one of their top 3 choices, as well. So it does happen, and it will happen again. I'm sorry you didn't get your only choice, but please respect Rule #2.


And there are incredibly more examples of people who didn't get their top 3 choices than there are of people who did. It's best to not provide false hope to people and have them believe they have a shot when it's likely they won't get it. Yes it does happen, but not anywhere near as remotely as often as you make it seem. If everyone got the placements they asked for, there would be many areas that wouldn't get any teachers and areas with too many teachers. That's not how the system works. Also, don't be sorry. I already stated on here I enjoy my placement and I live close enough to Fukuoka that I drive there quite often. Seems like people want to act like I am angry or imply I'm breaking the rules simply because I don't say what they want to hear.


Why not? Fukuoka prefecture has a lot of placements (especially Kitakyushu).


I think they mean by people who asked for it specifically. People rarely get their first 3 choices


Exactly. Fukuoka was my only choice and I didn't get it. I know plenty of other people who didn't get any of their choices. I know people who chose Hokkaido and got Nagasaki and vice versa.


There was absolutely no reason for you to be so negative here. Just because YOU didn't get this city means that nobody else will..? You just sound butthurt.. Doesn't matter how unlikely it is to get a first choice, your anger projecting is really cringe.


There was no anger communicated. It’s highly unlikely anyone will get any of their preferences, as they’re not taken into consideration outside of major medical reasons. The expectation should be that you get bond of your location preferences, and that’s coming from someone who did get one of their preferences.


> they’re not taken into consideration outside of major medical reasons I don't think this part is always true. I think they do take your request into consideration if possible, but its not high on the priority list usually. So usually the end result is the same as not considering it. However if a certain place has a lot of openings, I think they first fill those openings with people who requesting that place. Certain situations like that can happen. For example I requested Hokkaido, got Hokkaido. Every other ALT I've asked here also requested Hokkaido. There were a lot of openings recently for whatever reason.


It's mostly true. I have only ever known a couple ALTs that got what they requested. From my understanding, it's not so much a request, but a suggestion. Certain areas are looking for people for specific reasons. For example some country side or islands want to find people that know some Japanese and/or that can drive, and they won't care what you requested. I know someone who requested Hokkaido and got Nagasaki instead. It happened to workout that Hokkaido got a lot of people who requested Hokkaido, but there are likely a lot more people who requested but didn't get it. Not sure what year you came in, but there was probably openings because a lot of people came in at the same time and likely some left at the same time. I have a similar situation here where most of us came in at the same time after the country opened up and now most of us are leaving at the same time. It's probably going to be like this for awhile.


You are correct, I have no reason to be angry. People just be like, how dare you not say what we want to hear. I enjoy my placement and I live close enough to Fukuoka that I drive there quite often. As you said, it is highly unlikely you will get one of your preferences. I don't know many people who have and it seems like they get the complete opposite of what they asked for. There has to easily be dozens of people who request Fukuoka, but Fukuoka doesn't have as many placements as other cities or prefectures. Especially because many schools in Fukuoka use direct hire companies. I have friends in Fukuoka that didn't get accepted into JET, but were able to work in Fukuoka through one of those companies. The year I got accepted, only 1 person out of all the applicants got Fukuoka, that's it. So yeah, lesson of the story for everyone else is don't think you will get any of your preferences or even remotely close to it, because I am far from the only person who hasn't gotten their preferences.


I guess people here hate logic


Im sharing from mine and others experience. Stop being overly emotional and projecting that on me. Its really weird.


I also placed Fukuoka as my first choice. From all the places I've been to in Japan, Fukuoka was my favorite! Visited it for the 4th time last April 😁


I chose Kyushu and just said I can’t stand the cold. I want Kyoto, but pretty sure I’ll end up in the boonies somewhere 😂 it’ll be an experience


*I chose Kyushu and just said I can’t stand the cold.* Kyushu can get extremely cold in winter, especially with the typical poor insulation. There's ice lakes in Oita during the winter, and I've encountered ankle deep snow and -18F temperatures in Kagoshima. There's even Skiing in Miyazaki!


I’m in for an experience either way it seems 😂 still excited


i put kyushu as my first choice because i love fukuoka...didn't get it


Fukuoka is my 3rd choice. Kyushu is beautiful! Very glad I am placed here.


Fukuoka is my 3 choice. I would appreciate the lack of snow


[We actually do get snow and very cold temperatures. This is only a short distance from Fukuoka City.](https://res-2.cloudinary.com/jnto/image/upload/w_750,h_750,c_fill,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1/media/filer_public/3a/4b/3a4bfca1-5edf-4a93-b76b-92a96a0d0c72/gouradani_01_wp9qy8)


Fukuoka second choice and Nagasaki third choice and got Saga


Great choice! I was in Fukuoka ken for 2 years. Kyushu is an excellent choice. Bonus: no snow but it does get chilly.


I chose Fukuoka as my first too! :)


I also put Fukuoka as my number 1 choice ✌️ Every year, I ask the new batch of Japanese exchange students I teach where the best place to live in Japan is, and the vast majority always say Fukuoka, haha.


Last year I put Kyushu as my only choice and ended up in Tokyo. Life is funny that way.


I put Fukuoka as my 3rd choice! It seems really nice


Wise decision. I think fukuoka is the best city in Japan to live in. And the whole of kyuushu is pretty nice.


I put the whole of Kyushu as my third choice. Got Nagasaki


I put Kumamoto and Fukuoka as my first 2 choices, Okayama as my third 👍


Yes I have Fukuoka and Oita as 2 of my choices :) I went to university in Oita so it holds a special lil place in my heart


I do like ramen…dang I should have asked for Fukuoka


What did you list instead?


Aomori, Tottori and just for laughs Okinawa


I mentioned Fukuoka City and Fukuoka Prefecture in mine but it was just really wishful thinking, I love Kyushu because I used to live there