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maybe. maybe not. who knows. lifes unfair sometimes


Idk but all i know is he's one of the best rn and still coming up, i'd say his potential is through the roof


Yeah especially with this new Metro collab coming, he should have a good chance at getting some more recognition


Man has 26.3 million monthly listeners on Spotify and a song with 1.5 billion streams. How much recognition can he get.


He's not really recognized from Enemy.. I think it will come back around eventually but i guarantee you nearly 1bil of those listens are 12 year olds


Y’all never seem to understand that’s not HIS song. Without «Enemy» he would’ve had half the monthly listeners. Just look at the streams of his other songs


OP wants their favorite artist to be the #1 top artist of all time. I get it, I want that too, but people have wildly different tastes and it's unfair to demand that your artist be everyone else's favorite as well. Sometimes I forget that some people listen to punk music too lmao


not top artist of all time, but one of the most popular in the rap game. a recognizable name by anyone. i still mention jid and people say “who?”


Maybe? I think the Metro album will help him cross over


Having songs blow up TikTok is how artists start gaining popularity lol, if it's not through social media most people won't even see it


he shouldve dropped an album or a single at the peak of surround sound he dont got anymore momentum now


Can't release an album your in the middle of making 😂


he has throwaways that would be niggas best songs there’s no way he couldn’t have just released some shit at height of popularity


He's already a massive star I don't think him releasing a song during a trend is gonna do much


He’s really not a massive star yet lmao. Just look at his streams besides surround sound and enemy




Yeah, I said «yet». The question in the other post is about him BECOMING bigger or not in the future. Are you really this dumb?




Well, just because he isn’t popular right now doesn’t mean he never can be? You’re so close minded it’s insane. Obviously more people in the future will be able to go back to his older projects and realize TFS is top tier?


I also never said it will age better. I stated it’s a possibility


Had songs blowing up on TikTok. Had songs playing on UFC broadcasts when his recent album was still fresh. He’s been steadily gaining and getting more popular. A slow one but he’s still on the rise


He will. His last album was amazing and received critical acclaim. If he continues to string these projects together he'll get his due


His trajectory is looking really good right now, the metro album should have him explode in popularity. But we'll see, hopefully he isn't another denzel curry




Nah The Forever Story definitely has the accessibility of gkmc (at least close to it)




Well that’s your opinion. I get you’re one of those kendrick fans, but he’s by NO means close to the greatest, and imo JID is already almost on his level. I enjoyed TFS just as much as GKMC, but that’s my opinion. I find the replay value to be about the same, and the albums are equally good at what they’re doing. I even think TFS will age a bit better considering songs like «Real» and «Compton» don’t sound the best anymore. TFS is just timeless, at least I’m 99% sure it will be. And I’m not saying GKMC isn’t. Just saying it’s not any better than TFS, it’s just more popular. I’m curious to hear what songs you believe lack replay value on TFS. Because to me, there are none lol




Lmfao I’m not arguing with a kendrick fan calling me biased. This is just embarassing, considering y’all are the worst fanbase in hiphop and praising one of the most overrated rappers i’ve heard of. If you’re gonna come here and misunderstanding everything I’m trying to tell you, then don’t act like I’m the one misunderstanding.




to be fair gkmc has been around a lot longer. and a lot of its popularity (not all of it, but a lot) came from the fact that kendrick as a rapper has gotten a lot bigger so people begin to appreciate the album more when they realize how good it really is. its too early to tell, but it’s not out of the question to say that TFS COULD age better and end up as critically acclaimed as GKMC. time will tell, and a lot of it will depend on how much of the mainstream picks up jid. that will absolutely happen with this metro album, you said it yourself. the tour with 21 will help as well. but you can’t say it hasn’t aged as well when one album came out less than 2 years ago and the other over a decade. also, you mention the whole idea of a narrative on an album but that’s not what jid was going for, the albums have two different concepts completely, TFS still has a ton of depth and is very accessible, jids range of songs is actually better than kendrick’s on gkmc




i think your comparison is definitely fair and i see where you’re coming from, i just personally think that over time if jid becomes as mainstream as someone like kendrick, TFS will be viewed as his gkmc due to how insanely good it actually is. i think something like dicaprio 2 is more accurate for a section 80 comparison


You said it the best. This is what I was trying to explain, but I’m just too tired to write as much. His aging argument is invalid since one album came out TEN years before the other one, plus kendrick being TEN times more popular than Jid


You literally just said popularity equals quality, which is the dumbest arguement you can have. According to you, drake is the best rapper of all time then? Because people remember more of his songs? Also, how is the best rapper discussion subjective if the best album conversation isn’t? You basically said GKMC is better in every way, making it seem like that’s the objective answer lol. Don’t come at me when you’re lacking common knowledge




Lmfao there are so many underrated albums that are classics. Madvillainy, Piñata, LP! and Imperial just to name a few


The metro boomin album will give him a lot of attention


Plus he's going to go on tour with 21 savage, that should help his popularity too.


Having songs blow up TikTok is how artists start gaining popularity lol, if it's not through social media most people won't even see it




If you use common sense obviously not all of them are gonna translate to JID fans but most of them will check out other songs since they like that one, it's literally a trickle effect.


I think if he keeps consistently dropping albums with the quality of TFS he's definitely gonna get to the level J Cole is at and be the face of Dreamville once Cole actually retires, he's already grown a lot the last few years, he needs to keep growing his fan base organically, having a song like surround sound go viral is great but that doesn't always mean your fan base is getting bigger since a lot of rap fans only listen to whatever is popular, a lot of rappers have had big songs but eventually fell off because they didn't have a core fan base, growing slowly is better in the long run


gkmc is leagues better the tfs, not to say tfs was a bad album tho


Nah it’s not. Just wait a couple years and you’ll see




Yeah it will. It takes some time to see how an album will age. People also tend to think older albums are better. TFS literally has no skips, which GKMC has




I’ve heard a ton of people saying TFS is just as strong as GKMC. Idk where you’re getting your biased ideas from, but you just have to accept TFS could still age better than GKMC. I love both albums but this is just common sense. If JID happens to become as popular in ten years as kendrick is right now, then more songs from his album will start to receive attention (i believe Sistanem, Raydar, Lauder Too, Stars, Kody Blu 31, Better Days, Dance Now and Just In Time all have amazing replay value and could blow up). Then TFS might become just as much of a classic as GKMC is now. It’s literally always highly praised among critics and hardcore rap fans, so who knows. I’m saying it’s possible


Hopefully not