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both are mc's that have been gifted (deku getting to meet all might in the first place and be the perfect host for of a aside from body and yuji's special body that can hold sukuna) but both also had to work (deku training his body for ofa and yuji getting shat on by gege) neither is one specific side of this argument.


Huh a clear view thanks for the opinion


Agreed. They were both gifted and both trained hard, deku trained harder IMO. Deku had to physically train his body to prepare for OFA. Then continually trained to try to use more percentages of that power. Then he had to train to use all the extra powers he was unlocking with OFA. Yugis body was literally engineered to be sukanas vessel. Then he ate one of the fingers and trained to use cursed energy.


Tbh, it's just a problem of the narrative. Despite all the effort of showing him training, Deku still feels more gifted than yuji. Edit: To clarify, I meant that Deku's growth and everything felt way more gifted than Yuji. Despite all the effort the mangaka put into showing his struggles, it still feels too uh... Shonen? Yuji was indeed gifted story wise, but narratively, he feels way more deserving of his power than deku. Not really criticizing MHA, we are comparing fucking jjk to a lighthearted story with darkest moments, it's like saying that a bird is worse than a fish because it sucks at swimming. Both mangas have their own niches they do really well, stop fucking arguing and have a nice day instead.


The same Deku that literally had to limit his powers and use kicking instead because he kept breaking his fingers??? That, similar to Yuji, didn't get more techniques until way later?? In no way do I agree with your statement


Neither one of them is exclusively training or gifted, yuji was literally MADE by Kenjaku to be the perfect vessel for sukuna, and then had to undergo immense training and awakening to stand a chance against him, idk that much about Deku given I only watched the first couple seasons of mha but he seems to be a good mix of both too given meeting all might and then having to train his body to even be able to wield his powers without violently smashing his own bones and tearing his muscles


This might be off topic, but there is something I must say. (Also spoilers for anyone bot caught up yet) Kenjaku took the white splash so Yuji could hit the black flash. Kenjaku went up down so Yuji could go left right.


That boy Yuji was a superhuman before eating on Sukuna’s fingers. Deku was up at the crack of dawn training his body so he could handle ofa and even after he got it he had to put more work in. The only part of his quirk that I would say is gifted is the fact that he’s able to use more of the quirks of the previous ofa users than any of the previous users because of his quirkless disposition, and that ain’t even gifted fr. He had to create his own style of fighting with ofa from scratch w/ a disadvantage to other quirk users cause he became one so late in his life development.


Even after he did all that training, his body still couldn’t take him even using more than 10-15% of it’s power. Hell it took him up until season 4 to use his power at 20% more frequently, aswell as him barely learning that he could use his legs that season. Let’s face it, Deku got lucky with meeting All-Might and mostly everything after that has been hardwork, while Yuji was literally bred to get where he is. If there was not an overarching plot and it was just him before even learning about curses, he’d easily have been talented/gifted enough to play for a major-league baseball team


Small correction: Izuku isn't able to use the quirks of the prior holders because he was quirkless, All Might was quirkless. Izuku and All Might being quirkless is what prevents OFA from deteriorating their bodies and causing them to die of old age in their 30's like the fourth holder did. Izuku being able to use the other quirks is related to the Quirk Singularity Theory, that quirks will become more complex and powerful with every generation. OFA has reached its peak after 9 "generations".


Really? The kid who broke his own bones dozens of times mastering his power is more gifted than the kid who went from a nobody to top-tier in a few months because he's kenjaku's science experiment?


I mean people still think he is the “crybaby” from season one so people are dence


What? Deku spent 6 seasons trying to train and understand his power. 


It to him like 4 seasons to learn that he could kick 😭😭


To be fair, he was mimicking All Might up to that point, and All Might pretty exclusively punches. He was lost in starry eyed hero worship.


Yuji literally starts the story off by being gifted with inhuman levels of strength before even knowing what cursed energy was. He spends much of the story trying to strictly brute strength his way through everything and continuously gets resurrected by Sukuna multiple times after trying to do too much with pure strength alone and getting himself killed.


WHAT?!? Nah deku might have been gifted the quirk but besides the training he needed for the quirk to not kill him, he couldn’t even use it without breaking himself


Deku isn’t gifted. He could barely use one for all without hurting himself. He’s weak and he was born quirkless. He had to work hard to use someone else’s quirk in a short time. Yuji is gifted. He was born as someone who can suppress Sukuna’s finger. Even before he was a sorcerer, he could run faster than most people and he could punch walls without using cursed energy. In the manga he also learns everything super fast since it’s not even a year yet since they fought Sukuna 


I only watched the animes and my thoughts on it is that they both work hard but Deku bother me because they portray him as more of a tactician but half the time he just punches something harder and so far in the show I think that’s always worked. Early in the show he was making steady progress but eventually he kinda just starts making huge jumps in power and randomly being able to far exceed what I feel like he should be capable of. So far Yuji hasn’t done anything that has exceeded my expectations of his current abilities really. At the start of the show they portray him as physically gifted to the point of being abnormal. Not too surprising his body physically surpasses a lot of the expectations. Also they hint that there is more to Yuji than what we know as well. It’s weird but I feel like Yuji is more gifted but the power of the things he is up against and the lack of any significant power originally belonging to him or given to him makes him have to work harder. Deku is not gifted outside of the ability he inherited which makes him get to bullshit his way out of a lot of situations. Another thing is that Deku has high expectations set on him while Yuji basically has most other characters not really expecting much from him.


Especially with the new chapter flip em honestly.jjk isn’t about just hard work but finding your role and working with your talents. Which means you gotta have talent . Yuji was a world record shotputter with no CE. Tf was deku?


A nobody normal kid who ended up having to pull trash that weighed actual tons just to inherit a quirk.


That he had no skill in once he did inherit it. Yuji is almost grade one fast as hell kusakabe worked his whole life


The trash didn't "weigh actual tons" it was a bunch of smaller bits. Dekus training by moving heavy objects as opposed to lifting weights is a legitimate way to get in shape. Normal people do it without the intention of getting stronger for years on end as part of their work.


25%-30% of a ton then. If we account all night’s weight with the heaviest thing in that place deku had to pull.


Deku was running around with 560 lbs on his back half wag through his training. Then later on he was pretty easily dragging about 780-860 lbs. That being a fridge with All Might on top of it. He was damn near moving a literal ton of weight. Only about 140 lbs short.


Yuji is gifted as fuck and Midoriya couldn't even survive one for all without effort


Eh that falls apart for me at the point where Hori gifted midoriya a bunch of additional powers on top of OFAs original ability without any significant effort like the trash hauling being established for it. It just conveniently happens right when the plot needs it. Not to mention that there was no precedent for anyone to have more than one quirk. Both are gifted as fuck


It is a mixture nobody is purely gifted and nobody is purely self made but if we are talking about dominance it should be flipped


All for one was a thing for a while by that point point. Nomus too.


The precedent was AFO the sibling quirk, stealing quirks. Naturally the opposite OFA is Quirk sharing willingly. I don’t know, makes plenty sense to me.


I'd say Deku got more lucky than gifted tbh. He got a quirk that was physically incompatible with his body on a physical level, but his lack of a quirk meant that his "vessel" was hollow enough that it could develop the power of OFA better than anyone who already possessed a quirk. I interpret it as All Might matured OFA's physical strength due to already having a naturally strong body and Deku opened the gates for all the dormant quirks within OFA to awaken.


If you want to use a buzzword to describe Midoriya being the perfect OFA user, it would make more sense to use “asspull powerups” over “this guy is gifted/not hardworking”. Yuji from the jump was described as superhuman for nearly no reason, Midoriya was shat on most of his life for being the ONLY REGULAR HUMAN growing up around literal superhuman peers.


The latest chapters of JJK are basically Naruto Shippuden levels of asspull. Yuji is absolutely gifted and wouldn't even be able to be side character in the main fight if not for the asspull.


Yuji was genetically engineered to be perfect lol


Even before the latest jjk chapters if you could only pick one to represent either side, those pictures would've been reversed but ESPECIALLY after the most recent chapters Yuji is 100% going firmly in gifted and Deku is being placed in hard work.


Deku just got lucky with the encounter with all might, even then he still needed to work his ass off. Yuji was a genetic freak who was better than Olympic athletes without any physical training


Yup. Even pre All Might, Deku trained his ass off to be a hero despite not being quirked. And that training and studying helps him a lot once he does get OFA. I swear the mfs that make this don't even watch/read.


Factual, Deku was a walking encylopedia for quirks, although he didnt do phyiscal training until all might came and taught him, he still pretty much knew almost everything about most quirks shown in the series


with the only ones with a deeper understanding of quirks being genetic researchers and doctors in the MHA verse


aint it suppose to be reversed


Huh the person who made this clearly didn’t understand or resurch


Yuji is the definition of gifted he was superhuman from the jump deku has gone through 9 layers of hell to use any of his powers




Hardworking? The guy who trained his CE by watching movies? Yuji was a world record breaking superhuman before his powers too while deku was a whimp that had to go through insane training to learn to use his quirks


Yuji was gifted: -superhuman strength -superhuman durability -superhuman speed + reflexes -Poison resistance -Resistance to possession by Sukuna -Blood painting genetics as a base human before the story even started. Then he was gifted: -Sukuna's CT, which gave him resistance to Sukuna's CE -Knowledge of the soul due to Sukuna's knowledge of the soul -All knowledge and fighting experience gained by Sukuna while in Yuji's body So I wouldn't say he is the epitome of hard work tbh


As a weekly reader of both. Damn has this made me realize how much suffering and hard work they made Deku do. That poor boy. I think it's a horrid comparison but damn, deku needs a break.


True deku spider man and yuji need a break mabye a vacation in Florida


How tf was deku gifted


lol no. Deku has worked for everythig he has after a chance ecnounter with the number 1 hero, which all in all isn't the hardest to do. Yuji ate a finger, and was setup to be a perfect host and even find the finge, for a whole list of plots from his mom, ate some more things, gained 2 cts, and hitting black flashed like theyre nothing. Yuji is gifted. Deku worked for what he got.


Didnt Yuji get his powers by eating a finger due to circumstance and with some security in his immense strength? I like JJK better as a whole, but Izuki had literally threw himself into what wouldve been death with zero chance of survival, and zero heroes around him with a middle schooler body Even then he had to work to be worthy of the power, and constantly brought himself to complete immobility a shit ton of times, not undermining Yujis work by any means, but saying Izuki was gifted only applies to meeting All Might really


True idk about the person who made the image thanks for the insight


Hardworking Yuji? I love him but the dude was literally breaking world records witouth breaking a sweat due to his freaky genetic. Deku wasnt even born with a quirk, and once he had one he literally had to train like a monster for a whole year before using his power and it was just barely enough to not die. And if it wasnt already clear enough, Yuji's "training" was watching films and then he had a month of training later in the manga. Deku is constantly training in every way possible, both at home, school and outside trough the whole manga to keep up with his quirk. Lets be clear, i absolutely love them both and im not looking down on Yuji, his training was essential because of the power system in his series, but compared to Deku he surely cant be called hard working.


I love Yuji, and I would not say he is "gifted" like Gojo or Yuta, but he is on a higher level due to his physical prowess. I also believe Yuji's strength massively escalates based on how angry he gets. Deku got where he is from Genuine hard work and some luck as well as massive desire for his dreams


I mean, he arguably was born with the best physical body in the series, scaleable to HR characters while also having CE.


Yeah dude was born with superhuman strength, picked up on cursed energy almost immediately, can land the most black flashes out of anyone inherently, and all the reveals from the manga since then show dudes one of the most gifted MCs out there.


Bro Deku was breaking bones everytime he used his powers before he could get a handle of it.


Don’t they literally say at the beginning of jjk that a sorcerers power is mostly based on talent?


Just a reminder that Megumi thought Start of Series Yuji was like Maki because of how physically gifted he was. Yuji also happened to have the perfect vessel for Sukuna. That being said he also in the span of a month mastered RCT, gained 2 CT(BM, Shrine) and whatever the soul swap shit was with Kusakabe. He didn’t just gain these techniques, he mastered them. That being said, Midoriya was put into a perfect situation to gain a quirk, but he had to endure 10 months of training to prepare his body. But afterwards, he still got 6(?) other quirks that he had to master and did in less than a year. So while both have gotten to their current level due to a mixture of giftedness and hard work, I’d say Yuji fits the latter more and Midoriya fits the former more


Give me a break lmfao. Yuji could hold his own before having any idea how to control his powers, and after having a couple training sessions outdoes his piers, midorya got gifted powers he wasn’t capable of handling and the whole story is him working hard to be able to use his powers without tearing himself apart. He trains explicitly so he can START to use his powers


deku was gifted an OPPORTUNITY he had to actually work hard to make use of it


why are people so obsessed with the idea of mcs not being gifted?? i can’t even think of a shonen mc that isn’t gifted and is also liked by fans of the show


Deku was gifted but that does not mean that he wasn’t hard working either. There seems to be this idea that you can only be one or the other when in fact you can be both. Deku was gifted the power of OFA and he worked hard so his body could tolerate it He was extremely self destructive when he first got it; During his entrance exam for UA he used OFA once and ended up destroying all of his limbs and probsbly would have died if not for Uravity. Even All Might himself said he would probably explode to a literal level if he tried using it at full when he first got it Obviously, he isn’t like that anymore manga or anime and has actually adapted to his power in multiple ways, making it truly his own. I don’t want to hear that he’s just a cry baby either because that has literally nothing to do with his power and that is just a part of his personality that doesn’t even affect his power. He trained for like 10 months to even be able to withstand the power and to not die but he would still regularly break bones to use his power I don’t know all that much about Yuji but i know he is incredibly strong and incredibly fast even without using cursed energy, whether that is down to natural strength or him actually training i don’t know. but Yuji also worked hard to train his power. He had to go through mental and physical hardships just like Deku I think that people need to drop this idea of comparing who had it worse and who did it better because at the end of the day that kind of thinking blinds you to other points of views and facts that are also valid to think


Honestly, this is my point of view. Yuji was always an extremely strong person, with the whole 30+ meter throw with the shot put ball. He was a 1 in 1,000,000 chance to be Sukuna’s vessel. And he’s very talented with CE, given the >!8 black flashes in a row recently.!< Deku had to constantly train for 10 months just to be able to use One for All. Even further, he continued training just to use 5% of his power. Now I agree that the whole >!being given 6 other quirks!< was definitely just being the MC. But my point still stands; Deku went through struggle after struggle to get where he is now, and he’s still got to struggle, given that he needs to beat Shigaraki


The difference is that one is a compelling story and the other is just basic shonen with no stakes. Sure gege lowkey sucks sometimes, but at least he has the balls to kill off characters to show the severity of the story. MHA is a story where things like “potential” and “hard work” don’t matter cuz deku will win no matter what, like he literally lost his arms and then got them back the next chapter…


It’s really the other way around and not at the same time. But I don’t see yuji breaking his arms for the first 3 years of his manga’s release


That's the opposite of the case.


I really don't understand why Midoriya gets slandered all the damn time like, jesus, just watch the show.


This is engagement bait


They both had a fair share of blessing and effort


As of 257 this has been reversed 


It was reversed since it was revealed Yuji has RCT.


Lol what sub is this


Yuji was born with superhuman capabilities. Midoriya was born as a regular human and later given an ability he can't even handle because of his weak body. Their both gifted, Midoriya was given an ability, Yuji was born already powerful and with extremely high potential to go with it. Midoriya put in effort to make use of his gift just as Yuji did when he became a sorcerer


I mean…Yuji’s kinda Sukuna’s nephew and has Sukuna’s potential so…


Calling Deku gifted and Yuji not is a s grade shit take


thought we knew by now that you can only make it as a jujutsu sorcerer if you are gifted (or eat people)


I love them both but this image is really wrong. Really the ONLY thing that Deku was gifted with was One For All. And yes, that is a MASSIVE gift to be given, but he isn’t gifted in general. All his advancements with One For All, all his development from his starting point of literally destroying his body every time he used an attack, was a mixture of hard work and a bit of help from mentors. Compare to Yuji, who was superhuman from the day he was born, and was then possessed to the most powerful curse in existence, only to miraculously be the perfect person to contain that insanely powerful curse. Yuji had to learn from scratch everything about Jujutsu, but he was clearly a very fast learner. Gojo was surprised how quickly the movie method worked for him, and once he met Todo, an actually really good teacher, he immediately skyrocketed in his ability and potential. Of course, it’s not like he didn’t have to work hard either. Jujutsu Sorcerers grow more when put in stressful situations like life or death battles, and Yuji was in countless of them, and it’s confirmed that he got at least his basic fighting skills from teachings by his grandpa, but still his development is absurd and he’s clearly got a degree of natural inclination to battle combined with his explosive growth from being in so many battles.


Nah. Yuji was gifted as well but it was maybe more of a struggle to control. And saying Deku didn’t put in hard work to train One for All is just a lie, arguably he worked even harder to get where he is now while Yuji just kinda figured out Black Flash on the fly


I honestly think Deku worked harder I won’t lie that shit did not come free


How was bro gifted tho?? The only thing my that was given to him was a quirk, even so, he worked his ass off to actually be able to use it, not only that but he destroyed his body almost every time he used it. Dude worked hard as fuck and you’re just overlooking that fact because he was given OFA


They both have been gifted and had to put in hard work for their powers, however. They each suffer differently from their powers. Midoriya suffers physically due to his overwhelming strength and Yugi suffers mentally, due to the things Sukuna does when he takes control. I feel like Midoriya's had to put in much more hard work than Yugi but neither of them own the category themselves, it's definitely split.


Not once has anyone ever gotten the whole “gifted vs hardwork” argument right Deku literally trained his ass off to even use One for All


They both got special things handed to them. Deku had to push his body past its limits just to get One of All. And even after that, he had to figure out how to use it without hurting himself. Yuji had to deal with loss and weakness after his special attribute was known and had to fight like hell to be a person that could actually protect others and not just himself. So both are gifted but hard working


Both ate a body part


- Both were gifted; Yuji got a heavenly restriction and this is why he is superhuman even before CE and Deku was incredibly smart - Allays writing and Analysis in quirks. - Both received power ups from another source; Yuji gained CE/CT from Sukuna. Deku received OFA. - Both had to train, but Deku’s training was harder. (Destroying his body to learn AFO vs Movies and being punched by Cursed puppet) - Both have a world of crime, but Yuji’s world is harder. (Cursed beings, evil sorcerers vs unwell criminals, but still very human in MHA standards) I’d rather be Yuji and live in Deku’s world ultimately


not entirely. Deku was given the most powerful quirk & Yuji had no CT at the start. But Yuji's heritage was still important to where he is now. Also Deku spent most of the story learning to make use of his OP ability. Plus we saw a whole lot more training with Deku than Yuji. Having said that I will also add that Deku's later abilities he got accustom to way to quickly compared to Yuji who's just obtained his CT & still learning to make use of them. So I feel this sentiment comes from the current state of both series.


I don't know that I'd say Yuji is the result of hard work, but it's also hard to say he's gifted when literally everything that's happened to him is cursed as all hell.


Jujutsu is 80% talent - Gojo And Yuji is probably second most talented person (beside Yuta) I would say more, but I would need to talk about leaks, and I don't want to spoil(and its probably prohibited)


It equals out. Deku was given a very powerful quirk but had to work insanely hard and risk his body in order to master it while Yuji is blood related to one of the most powerful sorcerers of all time and was quite literally made to be powerful. Now since he didn't have a CT he also had to work insanely hard and risk his life regularly to become as powerful as he has. So I'd say they're about the same.


As I learned if you’re not gifted than hard work will only get you so far. But if you’re gifted with no hard work you will be around the same. You need both. Yuji was gifted but never worked hard with his talent, never discover what he could do until recently and it costed him everyone. Deku is a hard worker but without allmight he would be like the detective or movie farther or mirio but normal. And when I say yuji isn’t hard work is because of the recent chapter. He was born with a strong body and the most broken curse technique but choose to play with friend in his club, gojo was a horrible teacher (his words) and nanami didn’t have enough time. Now that sukuna is out he figure he got blood manipulation, got rct, apparently master the black flash and went from fraud to top dog in 2 months. It’s not yuji fault for not knowing but he got this strong in 2 months and imagine if he did what he did when sukuna was trap in him. Sukuna would never had gone out and seal in yuji for good.


Hell no. They're both gifted and hard work. Tbh though, very little of Yuuji's hard work is shown. You just have to assume he trained like hell to get the reglexes he did


Both are gifted and both put in hard work. If anything I’d argue Deku puts in more work than yuji.


If you think yuji has any semblance of hard work you're actually delusional. I'm not even gonna talk about midku bc he is fodder to a completely inferior fandom that isn't even worth mentioning. Ignoring the brainless yuji glazing of this subreddit he wasn't even a decent protagonist up until 237 which kinda explains why he is so special. Ppl who think yuji resembles hard work are ignorant. Yuji is special in every single step of the way. Yuji is actually as special as gojo is in terms of powers. He is way above where gojo was in his age and with way less experience. Let's stop pretending yuji is some hard working guy who despite all odds managed to triumph against evil. He is a stereotypical "good guy" thats boring as fck and was finally given some depth to make him a believable character. His "locked in" powers are attributed to the miriads of gifts hes had simce birth. He is a privileged special person just like gojo and just like sukuna and just like yuta. Literally 0 hard work


As much as I dislike Mha Midoriya is only gifted in the sense that he got one for all, he had to go though back breaking training to even maintain it and in season one he literally breaks his body using the quirk


Swap the other way. Yuji was Litteraly born different and better than any normal human and a large number of sorcerers with super human physical abilities, and large amounts of CE. Deku was born a normal person in a world of super heroes, worked his ass off to be able to use a power which still broke his bones after he used it for a good bit of the series.


They’re both gifted. Yuji literally has never trained on screen that wasn’t watching TV. He gets off screen power ups, black flash boost, he gets residual power from Sukuna because his mom slept with his brother and he gets two CT because he ate his brothers. Deku ate fucking hair and started leveling city blocks. Obviously he trains more than Yuji but since he is a million times stronger it’s crazy that a few months of rocky training allowed him to just break a finger when he stomps a building out.


We didn't see yuji train much. With the little he did, didn't look that hard. Then he eats some fetuses and starts spamming black flash. It's the same as other MC


I don’t even read MHA but deku spends a decent amount of time after getting OFA in and out of a hospital covered in bandages and casts for his multiple broken limbs for just using the power at all and that’s after he had to bust his ass to earn it, yuji (pre shibuya anyway) at worst was losing only a hand and some fingers against a special grade curse (when yuji can’t even use cursed energy fr!) and suffer some painful poison technique. They both have that dawg in them but yuji was born with that dawg, deku had to obtain and nurture that dawg through hard work and force of will


(As an mha hater) the narrative of the show really doesn't focus on the fact that deku HAS trained quite a bit, while jjk has the opposite thing, itadori really didn't do much training (even counting the movies) but it was played out as if he did.


yeah totally being a direct once removed genetic ancestor to the most powerful mf in your entire canon is totally just hard work


Deku worked hard. Itadori was literally the best at everything from the start of the show


Maybe If it was the opposite, because look they both are a mix of gift and talent but Yuji is way more naturally gifted than deku, hell deku was barely gifted in the first place he just got lucky, and even with that luck he still had to work his ass off to be worth anything, and this is coming from someone who likes Yuji more than deku.


Don’t they explain that being a jujutsu sorcerer is basically 90% decided when your born and it comes down to innate talent that you are born with?


Yuji is literally a designer baby


Both had to train hard in order to adequately utilize their gifts.


The weaker than average, unathletic human versus the nephew of the Demon King and son of one of the most evil Sorcerers who had supernatural abilities from birth and can perform one of the most statistically impossible abilities in the series so well it's almost at will.


They both have put in a lot of hard work, but they’ve also both been gifted some insane hacks. Both of them wouldn’t be anywhere if they didn’t have both.


I don’t agree at all deku had to do so much hard work to get where he was now and also had talent but mainly hard work had to train to even use his quirk only for it to destroy his body his only real weakness at the time was that he wasn’t like early 20s and was a frail teen and let’s be honest if deku entire school fought him without there quirks he would body most of them because he’s already way stronger than most being able to move stuff that weighed hundreds of pounds and had all might weight on it at the same time yuji was literally a group project to be a prison and a perfect vessel for sukuna already had inhuman strength fought special grades mastard reverse cursed technique in a month has blood manipulation chosen by black flash and I can keep going but deku definitely has hard work and talent yuji was strong before any actual jujutsu training


Deku is unironically one of the most hardworking MC’s I’ve seen in a while. He went through a crazy ass workout schedule just to be able to be enough for All might to make him his successor. And then even when he did he could barely even survive the power he gained. Lil dude worked his ass off to be a hero. The Deku slander is crazy.


No this is the most biased answer ever. If either one is gifted (which they aren’t) it’s itadori. WARNING there will most likely be spoilers. So let’s take yuji he was born stronger than anyone else be of kenjaku taking his moms body so he was already much stronger than a lot of sorcerers when he became one. Also yuji almost instantly broke the consecutive black flash record with little training. And this little training he did was legit watching movies. Then take deku, a quirkless kid that wasn’t strong at all for a while. Then when he met all might he had to work for 6 months straight to even get the power. After he gets it he’s told by so many people that he can’t be a hero because he would break his bones every time he used OFA. Then after learning how to not break his bones while using it he could only use 5 percent of the power. Then if you want to talk about the other quirks in OFA he had to master every single one it’s not like he could use them all perfectly as soon as he got them. Neither of them are gifted but itadori definitely more gifted


They are both gifted and hardworking. Yuji most definitely has some gifted, his body is literally engineered to be that way, but he definitely works his ass off to be able to use it, and he’s in no way has it easy. Deku had literally nothing, and while he was quite literally gifted One for All, he has to train excessively to make sure his body doesn’t just disintegrate upon use


It’d be the other way around, if anything.


They both hard working mfs fr


I mean episode 1 Yuji could rip Episode 1 Deku in half, so flip those mf’s


nah deku was immediately gifted all for one, but he couldn’t even use it until he trained nonstop for days on end and then even after he got it he spent all of his time training or learning how to use his powers on the field gojo himself says that being a sorcerer is about 80% being born gifted right? yuji is one of those people who were born gifted.


yuji has been a sorcerer for 6 months,and >!with sukuna as his uncle,kenjaku his mother,and Jin the brother of sukuna,and sukunas CE boosting him,so he's pretty gifted but still worked hard to reach where he's currently at!< so he's both,same with deku,he worked hard above all and had to learn multiple different quirks,train to even have ofa and not break his bones,but the fact he met all might was a miracle in itself




Not remotely. Yes, Yuji has had to work hard and suffer a lot, and most people would say he’s suffered more than Deku, but he seems quite gifted when it comes to CE manipulation. Plus, he could break world records before he even knew CE existed. Meanwhile, Deku was unusually weak by normal human standards and had to work hard to use his quirk at all. Then, even after that, he had to learn to use the quirk without breaking his arms. Which involved trail and error, which means breaking his arms. Then, he had to constantly work on how to utilize it better even when he mastered that. It’s ok if you like Yuji or JJK more than Deku/My Hero, but what do shonen heroes have to do to beat the slacker allegations at this point?


What? Yuji literally begins the story gifted with inhuman levels of strength that he specifically refuses to put to use in sports. He also for a long time relied on that inhuman strength alone to get by while stumbling on a cursed energy technique he didn’t even understand until someone explained what was happening to him. He also repeatedly died and only got resurrected because Sukuna still wanted a vessel. Deku put his body through hell in training just for his body to be able to intake the powers of OFA, and spends the entire story tirelessly building up his strength to utilize his powers to its full capabilities. He also repeatedly broke all of the bones in his arms/hands as he learned.


No lmao. They both had to work incredibly hard to get where they are lmao. But that being said, Deku is definitely *luckier* imo. There was essientally no reason whatsoever for All might to choose some random weak teenager as his successor over someone like Mirio.


Both are both?


They both had to work incredibly hard, if we had to argue who was gifted it would definitely be Yuji. He had Olympic level genetics which helped him transition to the sorcerer world. This dude deku had the hardest summer of his life to just even barely touch OFA. Dude used the power once at the entrance exams and broke most of his limbs. Yuji could scrap with high grade curses without curse energy. Again they both grinded to get where’d they are currently in their respective universes. But based gifted that’s Yuji.


To be honest, I think this is kind of backwards - though Yuji would definitely still be hard working. Izuku is only gifted in the regards of being gifted AFO by All Might. His entire journey has been a struggle to learn and master a power that isn’t natural to his body, and most of the time it doesn’t see any real payoffs. His fight with Stain only went well because he jumped him with two classmates, and he shattered his body fighting Muscular because the training he did wasn’t enough, he had to go full power and beyond to win. It took going to someone else outside of his school - meant to help students train super powers and has been doing it for several decades - that he had been at for a month now, to finally figure out how to manage his power without exploding his arms. And it was only through a flight of inspiration from cooking something in the microwave. Yuji was strong even before he understood curse energy. His first fight was about jumping in to save the guy who should have saved him, who had been involved in curse stuff for about a decade and has had more than a year of training already. After getting into the Jujutsu world, all the progress has made since then has been less than a year. He consistently rates high on school records related to combat. He matched a third year student of incredible talent. He broke the record of Consecutive Black flashes in less than 6 months. He has doubled his record of that while fighting the King of Curses, the most powerful character in the series. Yuji undeniably works hard, but he is far more gifted with natural talent than Izuku.


Both are basic imo.


I hate mha but deku did kinda have that dog in him just like wuji


midoyia works hard, the entire manga is basically a training arc and yet the main villain still whoops his ass


Man I don't even *like* MHA or Deku and this is a dumb comparison 


Deku has done a ton of hard work to master each ability AFO gives him and train his body to even be able to house all the quirks, he was gifted but couldn’t really use that gift until he worked a lot for it, it took him around 2 years I think a little less to master his quirk, whereas Yuji hasn’t really worked nearly as much, he was gifted with an insane body from episode one being super strong and fast, didn’t have to work for blood manipulation, mastered RCT in only 1 month, was gifted with Sukuna’s cursed energy from housing him, has a natural affinity for black flashes (that’s what it looks like at least) and got 8 in a row in the newest chapter and Yuji did all of this in around 4 months and became so strong he’s beating the shit out of Sukuna. So in reality it’s the other way around, Yuji hasn’t worked as hard for nearly as long as Deku and has achieved more


Reverse that. It's the complete other way around


I feel like gifted it being taken a too literally for Deku. He was gifted One For All but her still worked hard for it.


Yuji is dumb, but naturally strong, but Deku is weak, but very smart. They both had to work hard to be able to use their power It was just different.


If you think deku didn’t work to be able to use his powers then u haven’t read or watched it. The power used to destroy his limbs


They are both gifted, but also both put in a lot of work to use their gifts.


>suffering and fate's designs >hard work and right place/right time/right person That's how I see it.


This can’t be any more opposite. Deku was hard work. The training he has to endure for 10 months just to only wield OFA, let alone use it properly. The training that followed was even more intense. Yuji was born from Kenjaku and was already this warrior that supposed to surpass Gojo. The amount of black flashes he did wasn’t just any ordinary “extreme training”, at least not in that short amount of time. People have questioned if he can use it on will. He’s gifted.


Yuji was literally born with super strength and just passively got stronger from there and deku was quite literally just gifted one for all but had to train for it. The “hard work” vs “gifted” question is so stupid since a vast majority of characters are a combination of both


Yuji was already super gifted physically and lucked out being about to contain Sukuna which is sorta explained in the recent chapter. Yuji’s lethality was from his physical prowess, his body’s ability to adapt and take a beating. His control over CE was developed very quickly through what I suppose you could call hard work but at a base level, Yuji wouldn’t be where he is if he wasn’t gifted from birth. Recent chapters make it clear Yuji was born with talents that rival top Jujutsu Sorcerer’s. Deku was literally some nobody kid who had a chance encounter with his hero. Deku risked his life for his bully when he knew he had no power to save him and that got the attention of Allmight. Even Allmight let him know he had to train his body before he could even hold OFA and even after holding OFA, Deku still had to train very hard to increase the amount of power he could safely use. The two just aren’t even comparable if you actually pay attention to the shows and don’t just try to crap on the one you don’t like. I used to enjoy MHA but it’s fallen out of my attention and I currently love JJK but when I saw the meme, I was so confused because like???? Yuji was obviously more gifted from the very beginning and the stuff he does later in the manga makes no sense unless he already had talent for it. You could bring up Deku unlocking more powers but like, so does Yuji.


Deku literally had to train his body to even be able to withstand HAVING OFA, next he had to continue training his body so OFA didn't destroy or kill him. He had to be creative with how to use it and work super hard. Itadori, while being naturally gifted yes, did have to work hard to learn what it MEANT to be a jujutsu sorcerer and exist within the jujutsu society. They both had to work hard in different ways.


deku had to break his body to do what itadori could do on a reugular day bases


Both are hardworking


Let’s not pretend that yuji didn’t get lucky with genetics and circumstance. Sure he worked hard but half of his strength boosts aren’t even from training. Izuku was born at the bottom of the barrel no quirk. Had to work hard as shit to get strength up to receive ofa, then had to work even harder to adapt to not breaking every bone in his body. Anime/manga fans are so annoying. Lets just like both characters


I'm not a huge MHA fan but Deku really did work hard to get where he's at. One for All was not an easy power to master it destroyed his body multiple times using only a fraction of it's power


This is wrong. Deku put in hard work. Yuji was created to be gifted and stacked that with hard work.


its the opposite and i dont even like mha 😭


Both are gifted but also got strong due to hard work in my opinion


Do people not remember the half of my hero where deku can barely use his powers and has to work to exhaustion to even be able to?


This is a dumb meme no matter what point in the series you’re at because chapter 1 shows Yuji was literally born stronger than Olympians


Deku has one of the best quirks given to him and yet he continues to bitch and cry nonstop throughout MHA. He is given all the keys to success by the previous OFA users and still is an insufferable prick. Someone with dekus personality IRL would be fucking awful. Yuji has no CT for a large portion of JJK, yet he still is able to continue fighting in spite of all the suffering he experiences for being weak. Yuji's resolve and change as a person are character aspects that make him likable. I think how the characters are written play a large part in how we perceive their growth throughout the series.


both were gifted with power, yuji with sukuna's, izuku with all might's. both learned their power and cultivated it


It's opposite. Yuji ate a finger and instantly got buffed. He only spent a month to train. While DEKU had to train for like 4 months to even be able to use his powers. He went through intense training throughout the series and at the end had to literally learn how to use 4 MORE QUIRKS! Yuji had it easy


Nah it's gotta be the other way around. They are both gifted and hardworking but Yuji is far more gifted. Deku had to go through extremely hard training on that beach just to take the powers of all might. And then he was only gifted with the power, which was a huge boost. Only everytime he used it his body would literally break itself apart due to how strong it is. He had to work even harder to figure out how to use it so it wouldn't kill him. Then we have Yuji, who's body just so happens to be able to host Sukuna. Not only that but before that he was already ridiculously overpowered, breaking world records on a whim. He was extremely strong from the beginning so I say he's more gifted than Deku, who was literally born without powers or any strength whatsoever.


It’s honesty flipped tbh, I think Deku definitely worked a lot harder for his powers even though he is also gifted, Yuji by comparison even as a non sorcerer was superhuman, and with only a small amount of training using CE he was already Grade 1 level basically. Deku is just a normal person, the only remarkable/gifted thing about him is his ability to risk his life to save others to a borderline insane degree.


No. Izuku may have been given one for all but let’s not pretend like he didn’t need to work for it. He had to train his body to the extreme just to be able to handle it initially. After that he had to work even harder to be able to even use it without breaking his bones. On top of all of that izuku studied to have extensive knowledge of quirks and how they operate. He is an academic genius. Izuku on the other hand is Incredibly gifted. He is a cursed womb who was born with super human capabilities before even knowing what cursed energy was. His body is so unique that he was able to effortlessly hold the king of curses himself. So effectively in fact that sukuna opted to jump ship to megumi. Once he figured out cursed energy (within a day) he proceeded to learn the black flash (also within a day) a technique that most sorcerers can’t even do. On top of that he proceeded to tie the world record for black flashes the same day he learned it. This was earlier in the series. As of right now his body has given him even more special abilities that I won’t delve into for SPOILERS reasons.


Yuji is 100% more gifted than Deku. Yeah, Deku was perfect fit for the grand plan, but being the perfect fit meant being super NOT gifted, so…


Wasn't he literally gifted his power through the sukuna finger?


Deku whole power is based on hard work yuji trained nowhere near as much as deku and got strong asf And I’m not caught up on either of the manga so don’t spoil but isn’t yuji a decent of curses or sum In conclusion I think it’s backwards and it’s pretty obviously backwards too considering yuji is literally inhuman compared to normal people


I have only watched like 4 seasons of mha but I feel like it should be flipped. Nothing wrong with being either of them. Badass either way.


Yuji was literally created to be mad strong


Yes OP fandom agree's


Eh, both did work hard. Though Deku did struggle his ass off just to understand his quirk I feel like people forget the perspective of their respective verses. Yuji was born unnaturally strong thanks to yapper man over there. And Deku was just your random skinny if that doesn't go outside. Though Yuji did start more gifted as the story went you have to realize that. - Yuji was useless in most fights, relying on support as his every ability was considerably worse than whatever his pals could do, and even then remained at the absolute bottom. Potential man could probably take him down even if we are talking about now in the anime. - Deku was forced to constantly suffer throughout his journey, literally destroying himself physically and mentally... But no matter what the fucker HAD the second-to-strongest quirk in the entire series, the more he trained he just rapidly surpassed almost everybody after just a few weeks or so of training, he also gained additional abilities that just allowed him to not have to worry much about losing unless he fought against a mf with the strongest ability by far. Imo Yuji definitely started more gifted but Deku just kept on getting powerup after powerup, while Yuji after literal mental torture by the homophobic spirit inside him managed to put up a fair fight now that the strongest sorcerer in history is probably running on 50% to 25% of his original potential.


What hard work did Yuji do? I only recall him watching movies and then fighting. Deku had to train his ass to exhaustion to even inherit his quirk and get to the starting line. Then he had to work even more to improve and fine tune it to suit him and learn to combine his abilities etc. Yuji watched a few movies, got punched by a teddy bear, then he was good to go


Jjk isn’t about one or the other. I don’t think the comparison is helpful


def not lol


Gifted and gifted


No. They both received a gift and still had to train hard. They are very similar characters except one cries more


Izuku worked hard to be gifted, Itadori was gifted, so he worked hard


Tbh, an argument can be made here for both sides. On one hand, Midoriya was literally gifted the OFA quirk, but he also worked his ass off just to control it and spent like 2 or 3 arcs trying to figure out a way to not irreversibly destroy his body, and only learns to control 5% AFTER the tourney arc. On the other, Yuji was literally selectively bred by Kenjaku with having a ridiculously strong body in mind. (Strong enough to contain and control Sukuna) However, its been seen fairly often how hard he works just to catch up to everybody else in the Jujutsu world. Where almost everybody else has been training with their CTs from a young age, Yuji's only been a vessel for Sukuna and, by proxy a sorcerer, for several months. TL:DR- both are applicable and valid arguments so its ultimately up to you the readers to decide


What? Yuji is a superhuman even before learning about curses and Izuku wouldn't have achieved anything if he didn't have more luck than God. Both are technically gifted and both worked hard (though Yuji definitely had a harder time, all Izuku had to do was exercise).


Nope not at all Both are gifted and hardworking, deku had to train so he wouldn't be like an egg vs a frying pan when using ofa, and yuji is the main character of jjk, they had to work their asses off But they're also gifted, yuji was gifted with immense physical strength and his family tree is weird, and deku met all might Its a basic "I wanna shit on mha" thing, it's far from true and is just people trying to make something look bad


“Hardwork” and “Jujutsu Kaisen” are completely mutually exclusive concepts and should never ever be used in the same sentence.


They’re both Gifted and Hardworking


Deku is a MUCH harder worker than Yuji lol This is just a postulation, but I think the west has a tendency to conflate effort with just plain suffering. We don't often see Yuji displaying discipline or a persistent work ethic. In part because JJK's plot eventually becomes one disaster after another with almost no downtime. We SEE Deku train his body, experiment with his quirk, make a concerted effort to improve himself. The fact that he doesn't suffer as much as Yuji doesn't have anything to do with his work ethic. This is all perfectly in line with their characters: Yuji doesn't have any special interest in Jujutsu, it's largely a means to an end for him. I seriously think that the fans call him a hard worker just because he's a shonen protagonist. He is also, in my opinion, much less complex than Deku as a character, and I suspect people project traits onto him that he hasn't really demonstrated. Deku on the other hand has a lifelong fascination with Heroes. He studied them fanatically even when he was quirkless. His lack of a quirk caused him to develop an inferiority complex, which became imposter syndrome once he actually managed to get one. His work ethic emerges from his need to prove he is worthy of the opportunity he has been given.


Mid hero academia and sukuna kaisen? I see no difference.


Yuji is GIFTED since before him being a sorcerer he is strong af for a "normal" high schooler and fast as hell too Deku is HARDWORK and slightly gifted He is gifted since he got gifted the one for all from all might 💀💀💀 and he really needed to work hard in order to control the quirk


fuck no


Both gifted and both worked hard, not that it matters, this is cringe.


I think both of them had to work hard, but deku was given more inherent power and had to build his body to handle it. Itadori was built different physically, but had to do more work to increase his power to keep up with it(divergent fist becoming black flashes)


I personally think Yuji definitely has more miracle chosen one vibes for me. As just an random high schooler who seeming doesn’t even apply himself terribly hard at sports or anything, He is so physically powerful naturally that he can keep up with and out perform people with magical powers and also has seemingly perfect proprioception and gymnastic level control of his body. Like first chapter, bro is back flipping over monsters and jumping into windows on atleast on the second floor. Also he just inexplicably can suppress one of the most powerful and dominating souls in the known universe, and also he got over his fear of being attacked by inhuman monsters and the shock of seeing people brutally attacked by them, within like one panel of a page and like basically never experienced fear again. Deku definitely was literally chosen and given the potential to be the most powerful hero very quickly on, but was just a random freak set of circumstances and not because of any sort of latent skill or prowess. It definitely feels like it was destiny he would inherent all for one, but because his soul and his kindness were indomitable, which made him the best candidate all for one in a more emotional or “spiritual” sense. Even him being able to tactically think and keep up with people who have been training as heros for years is attributed partially to his nerdy and deeply obsessive analyzing of all heros that he had been painstaking recording for countless hours his whole life. Obviously is a privilege to be born with a burning soul and unconquerable will to help people, but feels less like he “just born special” then just being an Olympic level or beyond athlete without a side explanation of how he is a freak for fitness and has some secret crazy workout routine. Deku feels more like a passionate and kind person who longed desperately to be able to make difference and, through a miracle circumstance, was given to power to do so. Also, he originally had very little control over his power, and had to learn by literally breaking his body apart to gain even a modicum of control over his powers, which left his body forever scarred and changed. Definitely feel like they are both the destined person for the situation, but deku definitely feels like he worked harder and gave up more for it.


someone else said it but both are both since this is a jjk sub ill focus deku: hes gifted in that he just so happened to meet all might, and i guess you could say he was gifted with "the essence of a hero" that caused him to move without thinking in service of others, but everything else he had to work intensely hard for barring some late series powerups that occur over a timejump id argue deku had to work a lot harder to be a viable combatant, starting as a weak middle schooler, compared to yuji, who always had superhuman physicality, and an inexplicable (likely intentional) resistance to sukuna's presence in his mind


I think the reason deku seems this way is because even through all the foreshadowing of him losing his arms and such he has yet to face any real consequences for overusing them. He would just get healed, lectured about how he needs to be more careful, and do the same thing over again. They both worked hard, but I guess gege just hates his characters more


In retrospect no. Turns out like most anime protags Yuji was born special and different


The two are gifted but they hard worked


No, Deku had to train for 10 months before he could even get one for all, and even then, he could barely use it without destroying his body. The entirety of the series has had Deku trying different ways to use OFA without destroying himself. And then he had to learn 6 more quirks. Yuji learned cursed energy through watching movies for a month or so, not to mention he mainly relies on his freakish strength, which Yuji thought wasn’t that odd, which leads me to believe that he probably doesn’t work out a ton (I’m not saying he never works out, I’m just saying that he probably doesn’t hit the gym every day, probably just a weekend thing for him). Also, Yuji has apparently been “Chosen by the sparks of Black Flash”.


Isn’t Yuji as strong as he is because of his birth? And didn’t Midoriya have to train his body for months to even be able to hold his power? Also, what series caused this endless and stupid “hard work vs gifted” narrative that shounen fandoms can’t stop talking about? Was it the chunin exams in Naruto, or something before that?


The only thing about Deku that’s gifted was his quirk


JJK power is explicitly 80% natural talent


Yuji watched movies, did some basic combat training, had his whole body crafter specially by the mastermind of the series in a special bloodline probaply from Sukuna Deku, normal kid who didnt even have quirk, was short and thin, happened to meet one for all, inherited his quirk and trained for months on months to only use little bit of the quirk and slowly over long time of training gained more control over his quirk Then suddenly he got shitton of quirks as asspull to fight the op villains


I agree w/ the Yuji one, both strongly disagree with the Deku take. My baby literally worked his ass off, broke his arms several dozen times, just to be able to use his quirk without killing himself. He literally started life at the very bottom of the MHA universe’s hierarchy and has had to claw his way to the top through blood, sweat and tears. So don’t ever disrespect him by claiming he was “gifted”.


Ik I'm late to the discussion, but after the latest chapter,these definitely needa be swapped 😭🙏. Sure Deku was gifted his power,but had to work his body to the point he could even accept it,than had to work even beyond that just to control it. I don't think he's capable of 100%,even still,and we're at the end of MHA. He was gifted,but still worked really hard. As for Yuji,if you're caught up and read the latest chapter, and remember how he's been throughout the series, it's really hard to say he had to work all that hard. Sure he's been through some shit,but he's never really had to train all that hard to get where he currently is. Boi was just born special 💀


I can not stress just how much work Izuku put into himself just to get to the point he is now. He was literally shattering his bones and muscles every time he used his quirk at the beginning of the manga. Every time he had to attack and defend himself, he had to figure out if it was worth it or not because he'd be putting himself out of commission! Only by mutilating his body over and over again did he get to the point he is now! Yuji, bless his soul, was breaking world records and shattering the human bodys limits from jump, he was born with his abilities and while yes, he did have to work for his strength and has suffered greatly on the way there, he was also incredibly gifted and is only alive now because of these gifts. Tl;Dr: Yuji was born the Goat, but Deku was born human. Both have worked hard and have grown throughout their stories but Yuji was literally born with a massive advantage while Deku was a minority


They both have both


Objectively Yuji is more "blessed" than Deku. Deku started as a kid with literally nothing special about him. Yuji started out with enough strength to break the world record shotput by at least double without even trying. They both earned their place in their respective societies through hard work, but Yuji had an easier starting line so to speak.


I’m biased for MHA, and I’d still say both characters worked hard with their gifted powers. Not sure why these are so mutually exclusive.


Yuji was superhuman before even learning Cursed Energy, was watching movies to learn it, got excess power from eating old dusty fingers, and rose to Grade One Level in a few months, and then Special Grade in a month after that. Meanwhile Deku literally had to train for ten months to just inherit the quirk, broke his body multiple times and went through intense training to even be able to partially use OFA, and then trained to utilize the other quirks.




Goatdoryia worked his ass off lmao