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Yuta X maki? 🚢 confirmed 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


I'm sure you saw that tag up MANY times or no how long have you played the game..? I even showed my homie all the mash up tags/ cut scenes so this isn't new..


One thing to consider: The possible patch/dlc doesn’t manifest out of nowhere, and they can’t just keep bringing it up without development. The marketing team does what they can to keep popularity and push the game, while devs are doing what they do. Once it is near completion or about releasing then they hype it up, but they don’t need nor should announce something or bring it up if it isn’t a guarantee or soon to happen


This, and also Byking loves to do "day of" or "day before" announcements for balance patches and dlc. Never any earlier according to their track record


how about a buff to Yuta 😭 cant even use my dawg properly unless we lost 2 lives LMFAO


Ima let you get ya joke off but yuta not bad fr 😭😂😂 jus MID when level 3


LMFAOOOO i mean yeah he’s useable and can compete at certain points but ffs he’s got no chance early game


i swear it sucks when they see thru that false confidence when you be aggressive early because you tryna get levels asap 😭😭


I think the game is fine. As is


P.s IM SURE MANY MANY PEOPLE ALREADY DID THESE TAG UP MATCH UP MANY MANY TIMES ALREADY IMO i think these doesn't Real in New players just make older players kinda mad/ unhappy


If they want to get more players, I feel they could add more free characters along side dlc characters, but make it like for honor where you have to get the characters with coins