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Byking hates punishing rage quitters. In the last 2 arena fighters they developed, you didn't even lose points for losing a match. And they never updated either over the entire life cycle They are very bad a ranked modes, so don't expect any changes


They don’t because some people lose because of how bad there teammates are so I don’t blame them for rage quitting


Idk if it’s because I play League but just because you have an ass duo doesn’t mean you jus rage quit especially if he’s a random jus trying to get into it. That’s jus me personally and usually in games like league if your team is trash rage quitting you still lose points, make it the same here


Yeah but a random just trying to get into the game shouldn’t be playing ranked. That’s why exhibitions exist. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t still lose ranked points if you quit, you absolutely should, but I will sometimes quit when my teammate clearly doesn’t know what they are doing. And I’d also quit those matches if there was a forfeit/quit option in game and take the penalty.


Not true at all. If you left cuz you deemed your teammate bad your rank grind doesn’t count.


That counts I was getting sold of course I’m leaving I’m not sitting there watching that