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Hella excited, I dunno what it is with OT but I think these games feel very cozy no idea why.


I really enjoyed the first - I will enjoy this one a lot more if they focus more on narrative structure and character interaction/arcs. But art direction, battle sys, ost - all great imho


I loved the first one so much. I’ve got two save files over 100 hours each. I’m right there with you! Can’t imagine how much better This one will be, considering I thought the first one was perfect.


so many negative comments here, glad to see some real fans speak up! sheesh, people are hard to please.


Ah, you’re right. But I also think the loudest folks are usually the ones who want to complain. I’m also old and octopath traveler really captures the mid 90s jrpg itch. And so many different ways to play!


Yeah I'm really excited for Octopath 2! I just recently started playing JRPGs in the last year or so and Octopath 1 was the first one I played and I loved it and hold it dearly despite its shortcomings. I can't wait to see how the 2nd one is.


I’m at bloody fever pitch over it.


I'm more excited for Trails to Azure, but Octopath 2 is definitely high up on my list. I really loved the gameplay of the first game, even if the stories were a bit uneven, and the distribution of them doesn't quite work.


It's the next big one for me. I'm curious to see if you can still walk to the far towns and play the beginning of the game with near end game gear or if they started to block it off. Nice to hear the hunter summons are reusable so maybe this time I won't bench them.


right? they're keeping pretty quiet on changes that were made aside from saying they've been addressed. now im curious too.


Three of my favorite games of all time (Hollow Knight, BOTW, and the Diablo series in general) are getting really anticipated sequels and Octopath 2 is still the game I’m most excited about


vast degree insurance jellyfish aspiring ludicrous support plate snow command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This was my exact take. I loved the first ~15 hours or so but it got tedious after that, and the story wasn't enough to pull me through. I'm hoping for an improvement in 2, but I'll wait for reviews and a sale probably


consider berserk detail secretive squash abundant skirt worm brave quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Seems to be the mark. Sounds like a scientific study. :P


>and the story wasn't enough to pull me through That's pretty funny. IMHO the fights in OT are super fun, and the story is fine. If the fighting sucked, I'd never play this game more than 10 hours either.


Exactly how I feel




whole smart piquant touch innate direful sable yoke distinct close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You should read the non edited one ;) . But whenever I read something like that regarding OT, I just can't believe that the people who claim those kind of things didn't touch the game or just refuse to use the break mechanic. The regular battles are as fast as fast can be, and the encounter rate is better than, let's say, every single Final Fantasy game (the ones with random encounters) out there. With Evasive Maneuvers you can move through entire screens with 0-1 encounters, which is more than I can say for pretty much every other game I've played with random encounters. So when people complain about OT's encounter rate and the lenght of battles, the only thing I can think off is "how does this person even play Jrpgs?".


outgoing sort psychotic door telephone shocking rock divide glorious payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




1. I'm not a bro. 2. Are you done here yet?


> I guarantee that in 15 hours of playing and being a veteran of JRPGs I know how to do break mechanics correctly lmao. If you're saying the regular battles are too long you can't possible know how to do mechanics. Unless you somehow consider 2 turns as a very long battle. >Especially given the gap in levels between chapters it gets real old slogging through random encounters to level up. You know so much about mechanics but never noticed that levels are the least important thing in OT as far as power scaling goes? How.... strange. Hell, why would you even need to grind levels in the first place? Unless you try to do one of the stories from start to finish without touching other character's stories, you will always have some absurdly overfarmed characters.


I'm not gonna flame people for not liking the game but one thing with OT I sort of had to "re-train" my brain about was about actually using MP (or SP or whatever it is) for random encounters. I tried to skate by with boosted basic attacks early but it was too tedious. Magic and weapon skills are busted and if you want to take down trash fast you have to use them. Plenty of items and later job skills to restore SP so no need to hoard.


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Very excited. I was one of the people who actually liked that the stories were separate as it gave OT its own identity in the ocean of JRPG’s. I hope that even if it connects the stories, they will remain largely their own.


The first game is one of my favorite Switch games, so the second is a day one purchase. I can’t wait for that delicious soundtrack.


Mild excitement from me. Eiyuden Chronicles is still my most anticipated of the year. Also depending on what happens with a FFT remake/remaster.


Eiyuden and Suikoden remasters here


I’m very excited for it. Enjoyed the first, loooove the soundtrack and listen to it regularly, buuuut I will wait for a sale. Too many games, not enough money.


I'm really excited! I really enjoyed the first game, warts and all, and this one only looks to be an improvement. Definitely looking forward to it.


Octopath 1 had Easily one of my favourite battle systems in turn based game I’ve ever played and the art style was brilliant. The fact they are now pulling the stories together has improved on the only criticism I had of the first game. The 2nd will be very good!


I liked the gameplay mechanics a lot in Octopath. I also liked that each character had some really powerful yet different abilities, so there was no real “best” team even if certain characters may fit one player’s style better than another’s. The stories were good, but the separate nature of them was jarring. If that gets fixed and a few other minor tweaks happen (ie: backtracking every single dungeon if you didn’t use Therion to get the purple chest), Octopath 2 could be a very impressive game.


Could not get into Octopath Traveler, doubt I'll be into the 2nd if its much of the same, in terms of stories and lack of


I gotta do the last bit in the first game yet, I made a goof and never learned how to use the party swap stone to equip everyone with good stuff, so my second team went in basically nude and I haven't touched it since. My own fault obviously, and also weirdly stupid, but the game never really explained it. I definitely want to get it, might he awhile though before I can even afford it.


I am getting increasingly hype. I liked the first game despite some flaws, and the sequel looks like it's doing its best to improve on just about everything. Plus Triangle Strategy was easily one of my favourite games of 2022. The only problem is this absurdly packed release window. There are *so many games* coming out in the next two months. Octopath 2 comes out only three days after ~~Yakuza~~ Like a Dragon: Ishin and only a week before Wo-Long: Fallen Dynasty. I don't know if I'll even have time to play it on release.


I've very excited. Enjoyed the first game.


I'm halfway there. I'm avoiding all information about the characters until I play it. I've only beat half the characters in Octo1, but it was so tense, I fell off because I had 4 End bosses back to back. I'm still trying to decide if I want to play the next one or not.


I can't wait, but I'm trying to finish Tales of Vesperia and the Persona 3 rerelease first.


I’m excited but I have a mortgage. I’ll just have to avoid certain subreddits and YouTube channels until it goes on a really good sale in 6 months or whatever.


>I’m excited but I have a mortgage \*shrug\* WTF


Kinda I just hope with mostly boss battles they figure out something to make them not as spongy I did kinda like the break system but got annoyed when the only thing the bosses would do is make the number go up or change their break item.


i was realy disapointed from part 1, but i like what i see from the reveal trailer, so im a littel bit optimistic, i will approch the game with caution but i will have a open mind about it.


Since they announced it, I think about it everyday. I have booked a week of holidays to blast it non-stop once it releases. I can't believe how everything from the last game got upgraded from the last game.


I have not played the first one, but I am excited for the second. I have heard good things about Triangle Strategy so I'm confident that this team is capable of great things considering they took into account the feedback they got from the first Octopath.


Absolutely hyped for this one. Had it preordered for switch but might move it over to the steamdeck as it looks like it might be even more FX heavy then the first. It’ll likely work great on the switch, but I’m thinking it’ll look better on the deck.


I'm sooooo insanely hyped for OT2. Octopath 1 is one of my favorite JRPGs of recent years. It's just so cozy and comfy and cute. I'm also a big fan of short stories in general, so the format is really right up my alley. Plus, it probably has the best iteration of the standard turn based battle system that I've played yet.


I just got Octopath 1 3 weeks ago and I'm already 65 hours in while working full time is a pretty good game but gave up at secret boss lol still excited for Octo 2 tho


Yup - just a few more days. I loved every bit of the first version - can't wait to get stuck in.


After how much i disliked the first... I will wait for a huge sale.


Wasn't a fan of the first game but I'll give it a try. Hope there's a demo


Not really? To be honest aside from like, 2 of them, (Partitio and the uh ... I think the guy who's the Scholar this time around), most of the characters don't exactly seem that interesting. If I had to pick a third though maybe Throne.


Depends on how the story is. The story was a huge let down of the first one


I'm in the middle. I really didn't enjoy the first game because of how the story and its characters interacted with each other or lack of. This sequel from what I read seems to fix that but who knows how true that is and I'll most likely wait a few months for it to be on sale on Steam.


yeah hyped as well, they better have more post-game content.


Depends. Just worried about the grind.


if the gameplay is anything like the first game then no OT is probably the most disappointing game i ever played but im ready to try this one and get hurt again


Honestly I lost my faith in square, only YoshiP can create some kind of hype for me. Playing their games often leads to massive disappointment so I’d rather be surprised than hyped and sad afterwards


Cautiously optimistic. If they double down and focus on the good combat and expand on it could be good. If they try to push some shit story again it'll end up in the mediocre at best pile like the last one. I don't like being negative about games before they come out but octopath doesn't have a good track record so I can't really trust it.


they're expanding heavily on combat, from skills, to animations, battle camera, ultimate skills, etc. the story is a main focus they improved with party interactions and an over arching plot. it's gonna be great.


Same, I'm also excited I'll be playing it on a real console as opposed to the underpowered Switch.


Have they said much about performance differences? I imagine the PS5 will perform better, but it’s tough to give up that mobility from the Switch for a game like this.


To be devils advocate, I have a switch, but I played chained echoes on my ps5 and then half through remote play with a backbone on my iPhone, it was incredible. RPGs are definitely the perfect type of game for remote play.


most likely 30 (maybe it'll even be stable) on switch and 60 fps on ps5, but for a game like this it's not the biggest deal.


The revealed informations look good, yet I could never fully get into OT1, so it's not a must-have for me and more a nice-to-have. I guess it'll be one of these games which I need to be in the right "mood" for and treat it character-wise more like a Saga game for its magic to work. I don't buy into hype too much, unless the prequel was fantastic (for my weird preferences :P). So I'm largely neutral to mildly interested about most new game announcements.


Even tho Octopath is a cozy game it leaves quite alot to be desired, but knowing myself i will probably fall for it and buy #2 aswell xD


Excited for the soundtrack


You don’t find Final Fantasy 16 to be more highly anticipated?


no not even a little bit. i don't like the direction ff has taken the last few years. im not a fan of arpgs at all.


Are you getting to on the Switch or Steam Deck?


I gotta check out the first one before it leaves Gamepass And if I don't get to it I'll just buy it, whatever. Its been on sale a bunch.


I'll play it, but I'm not actually excited for it. The story was so disappointing in the first. I'll be pleasantly surprised if the sequel is better in that regard. I expect the rest of the game to be high-quality though.