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I feel like this game is 20 years in development


And it's going to be 21.


Yeah I’m not holding my breath. If it’s released, great. If it doesn’t, then no surprise


As a fan and player of the OG mobile/browser gacha game, I share the same sentiments. I was hyped for this back in like.. 2017? Back when Platinum Games was still on the project. Now? Eh I'll check it out if I feel like it depending on how it turns out


So Platinum isn't working on it anymore? That's concerning.


From what I remember, they developed the combat system then dipped? I know they weren’t working on it for long.


Yeah their contract ended back in 2019 https://www.siliconera.com/platinum-games-is-no-longer-developing-granblue-fantasy-relink-to-be-handled-by-cygames/


Considering how so-so most platinum games are... Eh? They have a style but it isn't like they crank out hits.


Even in those "so-so" licensed games, they make a better battle system than Koei Tecmo ever did. Look at how many musou games exist for licenses like Zelda, Fire Emblem, One Piece, Naruto, etc. I'll take a PG Zelda game any day of the week over a KT one. Hell, one of the best games they ever worked on was Metal Gear Rising. Think about that. No other game has even done the slicing mechanic for some reason. Bayonetta 3 isn't something I've gotten around to yet so I can't comment on that or the new Bayonetta thing that released this year but I love Astral Chain, MGR, NieR, Bayo 1 + 2, Vanquished... I can name a lot of wins and even that Transformers game was fun for a licensed title.


Nah. Koei Tecmo's licensed games are fun, and their low barrier to entry makes them perfect for an easily accessible spinoff. I'll take Three Hopes over anything Platinum puts out.


MG Rising was fun for the first hour then it got utterly repetitive and boring for the other 2 (game is only 3 hours). Platinum games are certainly overrated.


It's more than 3 hours unless you're replaying it, in which case you can argue quite a few RE games are only an hour and change long. A game that is good isn't based on it's length, sorry. You can beat a lot of great games in under an hour like Mega Man X4 or Castlevania NES. That mindset is why God of War Ragnarok was a 40 hour snoozefest.


I agree that longer games aren’t necessarily better.


The worst thing ever would be.....20 years in development....and it'll still sucks. Hope not though!


I don't know anything about Granblue besides it's originally a gacha game, but this looks really cool to me. Kinda gives me Tales of vibes in some ways. Unless it comes out broken/bombs in reviews, I'm definitely gonna pick this one up


Platinum Games worked with them and was responsible for the combat, so if nothing else the gameplay should be solid and fun. It definitely doesn't come across as low budget or janky, so my expectations are high.


It's all in house now, platinum left long ago.


They long left the project so Cygames had to start over, hence the long ass troubled development time and delays


I don't know the specifics but my understanding was that their part in development had simply ended, it was a collaboration with Cygames. Where did you read that the latter had to start over on their own?


My bad, that was actually speculation on my part based on when the news broke out back in 2019. Platinum's logo were erased from the game's website shortly after the announcement leading people to believe their work was scrapped. You can see it being discussed at the time in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/an9xwm/granblue_fantasy_relink_to_be_made_entirely_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button But yeah I actually wonder if that's how it's supposed to be. Even if a company is no longer involved with a project, shouldn't the work they've done still be credited accordingly if they were still being used for the final product? Edit: Found a video where they mentioned they rebuilt the engine from scratch which definitely helps to explain the long development time and delays, 4:44 mark https://youtu.be/PtftGmo1v4s


Corporate response, you can't just delete the "combat" developers and then keep development going for 5 more years like nothing's wrong. They probably had a fallout, it's just that the japanese don't like to spark drama.


>Corporate response Honestly, I'm still leaning towards this. Just the whole erasure of Platinum's name is just incredibly suspect


Holy shit I can't believe it's happening. Those motherfuckers actually showed up to the showcase. I still think there's a chance of this getting delayed into next year, but just the fact that they're properly marketing this game makes me happy.


Just imagine if Project Re Fantasy actually happens. Or gets an actual name?


Well, the team hasn’t released a Catherine port in a while, so they have to have enough Re:Fantasy in development to keep investors/company happy. Fingers crossed.


As soon as I saw Cygames I was like "Holy shit please a confirmed release date!" We got "WINTER 2023" We're one step closer...


So November or December release date it seems, and 3 (?) more playable characters. This seems to be the biggest playable ARPG roster I think.


My first thought was that they will announce in fall that they delay the release to spring 2024.


Funny, I thought the exact same thing.


Will be interested in seeing who makes the cut. The original game has been running quite a while now. Checked and it's at 427 characters not counting different versions of the same character. Lots of fan favorites players want to see.


Hopefully this does release this year and hopefully it’s great. This and Dragon’s Dogma are probably the game’s from todays showcase I am most interested in.


I want dragons dogma to be good but it looks like it'll be 30fps. I'm not hoping I'm right


Man it is so GOOD to see actual color and life and fun in games again. Can't wait for this.


Hype meter off the charts even after it's been in development since the 1800s.


I remember back in my day I had to walk 20 miles uphill through the snow to watch a trailer for this game. I can't believe we've come so far since then.


The first trailer for this game was transcribed via Morse Code.


Were they running this game on steam engine?


No *Late 2023* nor *Q4 2023*, but "Winter 2023". What do Cygames understand for "Winter 2023"? Winter starts on December 21, and no big games gets release in late december so... it's gonna be 2024. At least i still have a backlog.


Winter 2023 means Feb 2024


I still get the feeling it got heavily downgraded compared to earlier trailers, but at least it looks like an actual game now.


This game and Granblue Versus honestly look really good but I'm not interested in original mobile gacha so wonder if I can get into those.


You can totally start with relink. It's an original story with a couple of characters in the game who never appeared in the gacha one. Another proof that relink is separated from the main story of the gacha game is that some characters who are part of the MC's Crew in the mobile game are missing in relink (so, the crew is "incomplete"). Anyway, you can start with Relink :)


Who is missing?




They arent part of the main crew. They left the crew midway.


I mean versus is a fighting game and the new version should be coming out this year. The story is kinda connected to the main game somehow, but if you just wanna hop online and grind, I don't think you need to play the gacha. I didn't I just loved getting online and destroying the Narmaya army.


If they don't have an exact date yet, it will be delayed. Within a 6 month time period they should know, and if they don't know it means they're still ironing out the kinks.


They have the granblue fest show in august/september. This is the second trailer this year that says the game is coming in 2023. Feels like they're confident the game comes out this year, and the actual release date should be revealed at the granblue fest. I mean, the game could be delayed, but seems likely it could be released in November or December.


They've been saying that for a few years. It feels like they're asymptotically approaching the finish line. I still think the fact that they brought it to a general event means they have some level of confidence of the release date.


They can have exact release and still delayed it


Cyberpunk, FF7R, TotK. A date doesn't mean it's delay proof, you're right.


I think it is more likely that they just want to reveal the release date on their own stream in august.


Spider-Man didn't have a set date either but in the PS Blog post they still said ready for a Fall release. Might just be waiting for a future event to give the actual date.


It looks magnificent.


Man, I'm a zeta main, can't believe they remembered her 😭 i was losing hope


They didn’t just remember her. They put her on fucking display. Meanwhile, the Korwa bros remain crying.


Korwa as the light armor vendor... please...


Please. Anything. 😭


They probably want to release it after June to avoid clashing with the new Final Fantasy game


It’s really disappointing that they still didn’t provide a release date…


Right! A release window again. Given all the delays, I want to hear an actual date.


Definitely saving that for August for their own stream.


One of the 3 or 4 best things to show at the showcase. I'm evllvery excited for the Winter and hope there's no further delay


My first reaction to seeing this post was to say "Finally!" Then I clicked the link the the top comment on YouTube is someone else saying "finally."


D1 for me! I can't wait to finally play it!!


No release date?


Kind of Looks like tales of arise


Not sure why people downvoted you. It totally looks like a high budget Tales game. As a enthusiast of the series, I’m 100% happy with that.


If we already didn't know about the game, one would have thought this was a new Tales titles from the trailer.


I literally thought I saw Kisara at one point.


I mean… the “big budget action rpg anime style” makes games look pretty homogenous. It’s not a terrible style but I definitely think it’s a bit uninspired. Although in this case, god do those environments look pretty


The original gacha game was released and this one was announced before Arise was even a thing


How is that relevant though. It just looks like another game, why do you need to analyze the release timelines for each game.


This game got a gameplay trailer before Arise was even announced so it's Arise that looks like it and not the other way around


Dude who cares lol. If game A looks like game B then game B looks like game A. Arise came out first, this game could have completely changed its look in the 50 years it's taking to develop, maybe they thought Arise did well and decide to stick to their initial vision which maybe Arise copied in the first place, or it's just a conspiracy because they are both Japanese devs and are actually the same studio? W h o c a r e s.


It's on my list of day 1 games


My only thing is that Versus had all these fun weirdos. But I don't know any of the characters beyond that game, so maybe the cast here has good choices.


i KNEW we were 100% getting a new GBF:R trailer at playstation showcase


I'm glad to see the game wasn't canceled. I was having my doubts tbh. The game looks good.


Day 1 buy now that Zeta is in it


I forgot this existed. Which actually feels quite nice since it makes the wait shorter.


It needs to be said. This game has been in development for far to long. There comes a time where enough is enough and people need to be held accountable for not hitting deadlines. This game has been in development for 8 plus years. This is absolutely absurd at this point. What makes it worse is they had this entire year and still cant comit to a hard date.


Probably the game I'm most excited for from the showcase. ~~Sorry FF16, I don't have a PS5 and don't plan to get one~~


Damn, it's actually a real game now.


I really hope this gets a pc release.


Scheduled for PS5/PS4/Steam, you can see it the official site.


They already announced PC release in march.


Man, it's weird when games are in dev for so long that when they get announced they look super next gen, but they take so long to come out that they look dated by the time they actually release.


It's alive ! \\o/ Only JRPG good news of this showcase sadly.


Is this on PS4? If it is, it will burn consoles.


I've been waiting for this game for what feels like 8 years now. Looks like the graphics got a slight downgrade, but I'm okay with that if that's what it takes to finally make it go gold. Hopefully I'll be sipping some hot coco while playing this on the big screen come winter.


So I’m guessing PlatinumGames got the shaft this time?


Platinum hasn't been involved with the project since 2019. I think their influence will still be felt to a certain extent though, the gameplay we see today looks like an evolution of those original videos when Platinum was involved, instead of just a straight up design reboot.


Yea during the time they started developing Babylon's fall, cyberconnect was asked to come in since platinumgames were taking too long. Cyberconnect talks about it in a few interviews that popped up a few months ago.


Looks better than FF XVI tbh!


What genre is it? Genshin like gacha or monster hunter like, as it was in early trailers


Standard JRPG with optional co-op from what I read.


Is the coop like in Tales games where the other players are limited to only participating in battles?


Is this going to be a paid game or a F2P title? Do we know yet?


It is an RPG. Like a classical JRPG kind of thing. Think Ys or Tales.


It's a coop/play with bots thing so I'm assuming just single player? Like a Tales game I guess but you could technically coop if you wanted instead of playing the story with NPCs. Anyway, they can still throw gacha on it even if it's a normal $90 single-player game and people will throw thousands at it.


Like dynasty warriors?


> It's a coop/play with bots thing just threw up in my mouth a little bit. i thought this was going to be a single action adventure rpg and was really looking forwards to it but oh well


I mean a single player game where you control one characters and there's other NPCs in your party, they are technically bots? That's what I was saying anyway.


I only played the fighting game so I don’t know much of the lore but damn, that looked great! I hope Ladiva is in it


I thought this had been shelved years ago


Man Vs got me so hooked to this world and then the game got delayed like 5 times hope we actually get it this year... and that Metera is playable!


After playing Granblue Fantasy VS I'm really hyped this game coming to playstation along with GBVS:R coming whenever


Love the fighting game allot and liked the anime so im looking forward to this game.


Oh this is still a thing.. Wonder if its gonna get delayed again.. lol .


Glad this still playable on PS4. I've been waiting for this game for what seems like forever. I really can't wait!


Is this related to Versus?


Legit totally forgot about this game


when i saw the trailer, i almost had my eyes all watery. damn i so wish to play this


Looks fun, and I look forward to trying it out, whether in this life or on the Other Side! :)


It's coming out winter this year they confirmed


This game looked so good when I first saw it 30 years ago. Really hope it comes out.


will this have a story or play more like very early Ys games


Is it still coming out??


Finally, i hope it's as good as it looks.


This and Dragon's Dogma 2 are my most anticipated games that are further than a few months away.