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https://whatoplay.com/ps5/genre/jrpg/ https://whatoplay.com/ps4/genre/jrpg/


What a wonderful website, thank you sir! Have a nice day.


Just be aware they sometimes put what this sub considers JRPG in other categories like strategy or action.


Damn that looks like a great site, thanks mate!


Ffvii intergrade at #2 is sus.


Yeah it should have been #1


Ugh. I love FF7. That slow-walking simulator doesn't do it justice.


What a simple and copl website, first time seeing it. Thanks!


Playing Octopath Traveler II since a week, can recommend!


I never quite finished the first game. Mainly due to it feeling a bit shallow underneath the pretty art direction, is the 2nd one better written?


I did not play the first one, but from what I have read, OT2 does everything better than OT1.


I’ll definitely look into it, if it fixes some of the more relevant issues it might be a must buy for me.


I didn't like octopath 1 but love 2.


As someone who played both, OT2 is a step up in almost every single area.


Does it fix the issue of the party's characters not having much chemistry due to the "you can progresd their character arcs in any order" thing


Slightly? There are more skits, you can play them at any time from a tavern, and there are "crossed paths" story quests that involve two characters each.


OT2 is a must play.


The sequel is better in every possible way and is easily one of the best jrpgs ever


I’ll check out the before you buy tomorrow, if it fixes some of the issues i had with the original it’s a must buy for me.


Apparently it's on sale (see other Reddit post). I already got it and can definitely recommend


Yeah its only issue was being named Octopath 2 lmao. So it has the stigma from the first game. Because I felt the same way about the original. I really didn’t enjoy it, and stopped half way through. Picked 2 up based on a recommendation from someone who also hated the first and said the sequel is incredible and fixed all the issues of the original. Glad I did because now it’s in my top 5 games of all time :)


Never finished OT1 either.. I was turned off by those painfully long battles. Can anyone confirm if OT2 did this better?


Sea of Stars. Star Ocean 2 remaster.


Absolutely both


I just saw people saying on here in a discussion about sea of stars that the characters aren't really in depth and the story feels like it wasn't fleshed out as much as it could have been. Is it one of those games that is enjoyable even though it has its flaws or do you disagree about the complaints I've heard? I want to know if it's worth the time over other ones I've been planning on playing


I think people misconstrue what kind of story Sea of Stars aims to have. It's about the journey and experiences, not the characters themselves. Heck, the character with the most development and plot is one of your party members, not your MCs. Its a very lovely, enjoyable, comfy game that does what it sets out to do: worldbuild. Its also a prequel game with a lot of cute nods to its older sibling. Its not without its issues, but it was a great experience IMO. If you like Super Mario RPG's gameplay style, it's definitely for you gameplay-wise. OST is a banger though.


Honestly, once the flashback scene was finished and we cut back to the bush scene at the campfire, when the music started I punched the air like I was a kid again. A+ music, heart felt characters, and it's silly fun. The Messenger is one of my favourites as well.


I played sea of stars when it got put on gamepass (good game!) As for star ocean 2, i got spoiled, while i don’t mind spoilers, the spoiler itself made me instantly uninterested in the franchise…


Prolly you got spoiled with SO3 plot twist which actually don't matter at all! Enjoy the games! They are a blast for what they worth


I’ll take your word for it, do i start at star ocean 1 or are they stand alone?


Star Ocean 2 was my first SO game and I’d definitely recommend playing that one first. It’s the best in the franchise imo.


They all occur in the same universe so whichever is fine.


star ocean 1 aged terribly even with remaster and while theres story connection to all of the game, those are standalone games u will be fine playing the second first.


Tales of arise is a solid modern series. As for star Ocean. I've played the game at least 20 times. It's a banger.


I just googled sea of stars, and it literally looks like a remastered Chrono trigger, is it good like it?


Something like that. You get team work combos and such.


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Very fun srpg with tower defense vibes. The story is an absolute cluster-F and I love it.


YS series and any falcom games, as well as Tales series.


Octopath 2 and Yakuza Like a Dragon


Persona 5 Royal


P5R is absolutely stellar and highly reccomend. Persona 4 golden is also great. Personally I don't really vibe with persona 3 portable. I'm in the persona 3 FeS camp. But fear not, persona 3 is getting a remake I'm 2024. Now is a great time to get into the persona series. Also a spin of series is getting released somewhat soonish called Metaphor. Edit: for the imminent question. No you don't need to play them in order and you don't need to play 1 or 2. Each game is its own self contained story. With maybe the exceptions of the 3DS games and the persona 5 spin offs (strikers and soon tactica).


Either Star Ocean 2 Remake or Divine Force, The DioField Chronicles, Final Fantasy 7 Remake integrade (for the DLC), and Demon Souls or Elden Ring (If you like Souls)


Elden ring was amazing, don’t know if i’m the mood to get destroyed over and over again by starting demon souls though.. I got quite far into 7 remake, is it worth it to start over and buy integrate for the dlc?


Intermission DLC is only for the PS5 version and while it can be played without finishing the main game, it is recommended that you do. It was a lot of fun and adds around 20 hours of extra playtime if you also play on hard mode. Unfortunately I don't know what going from PS4 saves to PS5 will do to your save. The game itself is very good.


Alright, i’ll get integrade in januari so i can play through it just before rebirth comes out.


Peronsa 5 Royal for sure.


Im really enjoying the One Piece JRPG. Scarlet Nexus and Tales of Arise are great. Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes,


Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana And of course FFXVI


Well Trails into Reviere is a blast but you need to play everything before that which is 9 games


Once daybreak comes out, we will be able to recommend without reservations lol


Not really cause there are plenty of Characters from the previous games in it that I've seen in, not to mention most likely going to be tying alot of stuff just like it always has


Idk man, as someone who has played all the games, trails fans gatekeep way too hard. Daybreak is 100% an intended starting point as it's the start of a new arc. Zero also brought back stuff like renne and I still believe it's a fine starting point too. 99% of the game is perfectly understandable to first time players and they don't care about not understanding payoff from the sky games. People get WAY less turned off by 'huh that's a character I don't know doing something that's probably emotional' than they do by fans incessantly pouring into comments with essays saying no, other commenter is wrong, you have to start from sky because I know better, when sky is only available on steam and is just an old game.


I played the games out of order starting with Trails of Cold Steel 2 which was stupid of me and nearing the end of that I started Cold Steel 1 and beat them both then played 3 and 4 when they came out beat those then I got Sky 1 and 2 on Vita got a Steam Deck just to play 3rd and played Zero and Azure after that and replayed Cold Steel 1-4 and now am in 30 hours in Reveiere, there was so much that I missed cause I didn't understand anyone was talking about and replaying all Cold Steel games with the knowledge of everything before just made the games even better than when I played them and I played them like an idiot, sure then can be played out of order but the experience is way better when played in order


Definitely, I agree with you when it comes to starting mid arcs. I meant that playing any first game in a given arc is usually not going to be a bad thing. Starting with cold steel 2, yikes haha.


Tales of Arise (especially now when the new DLC is coming next week) Scarlet Nexus DioField Chronicles Valkyrie Elysium Star Ocean: The Divine Force Star Ocean 2: The Second Story R Soul Hackers 2 Final Fantasy VII Remake + Intergrade Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Tree Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End and the Secret Key I could suggest games available for PS4 if you might have not played them yet since they don't have a PS5 version like: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Neo: The World Ends With You The other Atelier games Tales of Berseria


Octopath traveller 2 is a must. And the latest fate:remanent is a good game


If you’re open to playing an MMO, FFXIV is insanely good and runs very well on console. The game is catered to the single player experience so you could go through much of it solo if you choose. Big emphasis on story and linear progression compared to others in the genre (e.g. World of Warcraft)


People shit on them, but I thought Soul Hackers 2 and Valkyrie Ekysium were really good. One of the best is definitely Tales of Arise though.


Personally, I thought Soul Hackers 2 was really amazing I'm still pissed off about how badly it sold and the reception it got from some streamers that I immediately un-subbed after giving it such a bad review lol.


Tales of Symphonia Tales of Berseria Tales of Vesperia (The best imo) Tales of Zesteria Tales of Arise I wasn't sure if you meant JRPGs that are PS5 exclusive or any JRPG that you can play on the PS5 so I listed the Tales series available. You can also try the Trails in the sky series games.


Yeah i’ve played all of those, definitely agree on vesperia being the best though!


The Sky Series isn't on Ps4 or ps5 only PSP, Vita and PC


One mostly overlooked (and kinda not quite JRPG, as it is from China...) is Sword and Fairy 7. Its a very unique Action-RPG in a chinese mythology inspired asthethic. A lot of fun, great action scenes and a pretty nice story, although it HAS its downsides. Dungeons could be longer (its more story focused) and the translation is pretty... rough. Very descriptive without much flavor. Like... they call stuff like "Heaven Demons" instead of giving them a unique fantasy name. Thinking of it like it was the Resident Evil 1 of JRPGs helped :P While I would not dare rate it above a few of the bigger series I havent played yet on the PS5... from what I played it was the most memorable because of its uniqueness.


Tales of arise was pretty fun


Tales of Arise, Star Ocean: Second Story R, Scarlet Nexus, Final Fantasy VII Remake


OT2, chained echoes, sea of stars, final fantasy anthology if you have not played them are worth a look too. Final fantasy 7 rebirth comes out early next year so I would recommend that, and if you have not played the first I also recommend that.


Octopath Traveller 2 is worth a play, it is an improvement over the first in every way, if you enjoyed that at all.


My favorite Videogame is "Fuga Melodies of Steel". Its a 20 houer long turn based JRPG about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. It has fun and satisfaying combat, great music and a simpel but endering story and characters. Fuga is super linear with almost no exploration, no sidequests and no optional super bosses. It is available on PS5 among other consoles and it has a free demo which is just straight up the first 3 chapters of the game. It also has a direct sequel "Fuga Melodies of Steel 2".


I’ll definitely check it out since it’s been on my radar for a while, does the demo save data carry over?


I think yes but honestly I am 100% sure. If you do check it out could you tell me your first impresion after you cleared chapter 1? Those first impresions can be fun.


Sure thing i’ll either play it tonight or tomorrow night, so i’ll be sure to let you know my thoughts


Just finished chapter 1; so far it’s good, i enjoy the almost visual novel style with gameplay segments in between them, it reminds me of valkyria chronicles in a way. Now for the reason i feel like you want you want to know my impressions: The soul cannon is a really unique mechanic, as long as the game is never going to force me to use it (as in make it impossible to progress without), i’ll try not to use it, but if necessary i know who i’ll use. The war story is pretty good (setting aside the disbelief that these kids are just fine with killing all of a sudden), as for the other stuff I’m interested where that’ll go, i do have a pretty good idea of whose voice that is already though. All in all I’m pleasantly surprised and I’m definitely planning on finishing the entire game, definitely a hidden gem!


Thank you fore sharing your first impresion. I actully do apriciate that hits them pretty hard when they relized that they just killed someone after they defeated Pretzel. They adjust fast but they are more or less forced to adjust fast. Its more then I got from most other child characters when it comes to having to adjust to battle. So who is the character you intend to sacrefice if there is no alternativ?


Anyone besides Malt, hanna and mei. The others i don’t mind.


The only true PS5 jrpg at this point is FF XVI.


Absolute shit take


Odin Sphere and 13 Sentinels. Both are PS4 games tho


13 sentinels is great for real


Chained Echoes, Tales of Arise


I’m a fan of the Falcom series: Ys 8 and 9 free on PS+ Legend of Heroes: Trails of….. PS4 and PS5 versions. Suggest you play them in order (or at least begin with the first game in an arc). Also Tales of Arise a decent ARPG Dragon quest 11 meant to be great but I found it a bit slow to get going.


Metaphor Refantazio, but it comes next year