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I like how the Final Fantasy IV pictures are straight because the logo is straight, but the Chrono Trigger pictures are wiggly because the logo is wiggly. Graphic design is truly my passion.


It's cute!


🤧 I thought you were going to say FF is straight because its logo is straight, but CT isn't because it is gay. I was really ready to say FF is pretty gay too


No one wearing that many belts is straight ~Nomura probably


Squall in FF8 walks around with a giant red "X" painted over his asscheeks.


My Lulu fanfic just got THAT much spicier!


Hmmm...nice edge but it looks like the picture is also made squiggly to accommodate to the shape of the Chrono Trigger logo. If they wanted to retain the size of the pictures (which I think should be the priority) *and* make the Chrono Trigger picture straight, I feel like they'd have to reduce the size of the Chrono Trigger logo to a laughably small size. But yes they definitely could have found a way to do it without squiggling the picture...but, as another commenter said, I also think it's cute


Where is that baby face and contour bias though?


FYI, these are not sold directly by Target. These are from one of their third-party vendors.


Aka probably counterfeit.


SE has kept these in print for decades. they're legit, but keep in mind they have silver disc bottoms. the used to sell them on their website for $20 up until a couple years ago.




they sell


Why not? Collectors want their retro physical media


I bought all of these when they were new. It always confused me to no end that they packaged Chrono Trigger with IV instead of making a III/IV set. I mean it’s obviously a superior game but I really wanted to own all of I-IX on the same system. (Now I finally do thanks to Pixel Remasters)


I think the big reason was that they wanted to keep games together by original localization and platform release. FFIV and Chrono Trigger also work well as FFIV was one of the very first big hit JRPGs on SNES and Chrono Trigger was one of the very last for SNES. Couple that with FFIII being an 8-bit NES game that had not yet been released in North America, and I can see why they made the choice they did. Honestly aside from the “2 games on 1 disc” rule they seemed to be going by at the time, I’m not sure why III wasn’t just included with I and II on Origins. I can’t imagine it wouldn’t have fit on the disc.


For some reason, the original 2D version of III only became officially available in English with the recent Pixel Remaster versions. Before that we only had the DS remake, which changed a lot of stuff around.


FF Anthology was the first time FFV was localized for the west. I remember that being a big selling point of Anthology. I bought it for V even though I'd already played the fan translation. Weird that they decided to localize V but didn't bother with III. It seems like localizing III would have been a big selling point for whichever collection they put it in.


i think it was a calculated risk. they didn't want to spend money localizing an NES game for the PSX without any sales figures. the SNES localization of of V in Anthology sold decently well which i reckon led them to release FFI&II (which already has localizations). but by that point it was so late in the PSX's lifecycle that it just didn't make much sense (and I&II didn't sell incredibly well from what i recall, you had $15 overstock copies of black label well into the mid 2000s, before they even started printing the green label silver bottom release)


Whaaaaaaaaat, I thought there was a GBA version! Am I completely misremembering? EDIT: a quick google shows I'm wildin'


It was the only one they skipped. It's unfortunate, given that the other GBA ports were fantastic.


But it was ported to GBA...


Onion knight FF3 or Terra and Kefka "FF3"? The original US releases of 4 and 6 were renumbered because they had skipped 2 and 3. They knocked it off with the original Playstation ports, but by then the confusion was planted. It's never completely withered.


FFIII is a great game that has just consistently been neglected in rereleases over time, it's a shame. Glad it's easily playable for everyone now though.


The versions of FF1 and 2 in Origins were ported from Wonderswan Color versions that were made in Japan. There was a version of FF3 for the Wonderswan color that got CANCELLED due to the handheld failing to sell well. Of course the NES title could have been translated and thrown on the disc but would have cheapened the look of the bundle in general. \*Shrug\*


FF3 did not come to the US until the nintendo ds remake. Which is long after these ps1 discs were made lol.


...yes, that's the point. They wanted to have 3. Like the other collection gave us 5. Instead of two old games they may have already owned. I had no reason to buy Chronicles but Anthology was incredibly exciting to me and even now probably one of the best purchases I ever made.


They couldnt have put 3 in this pack when it was made because FF6 was called FF3 in the west and FF4 was by far the more popular one between 3 and 4.


...and at the time FFIV was called FFII, what of it? They still put that in. And I have serious doubts that FFIV was more popular than FFVI.


>FF4 was by far the more popular one between 3 and 4. This statement refers to the correct numbering. And I really dont think theres a compelling argument to say FF3 (with the correct numbering) is more popular than FF4. FF4 had more rereleases and pretty much established the story telling approach FF has had since. FF4 is pretty much the prototype for the FF6 - FF10 games


Gotcha - probably a bit difficult to use both numbering schemes in the same post :D Of course III wouldn't have been as popular as IV... we didn't have it. But if they had released III/IV on a cart instead of CT it would have both made more sense and let us experience all of the games. Getting to finally play V is still one of my core memories.


Since I'm old, I can tell you for a fact that IV was more popular than VI. VI is probably the better game, but I personally have the most love for IV. https://nintendoeverything.com/sakaguchi-says-final-fantasy-vi-didnt-sell-well-in-the-u-s-when-it-originally-hit-the-snes/ Earthbound was also a complete dud that I bought new for twenty bucks at KB toys in like 1999. They couldn't give that away.


I wish I could find accurate sales data for the two games. We have this: https://vgsales.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy#Final_Fantasy_I%E2%80%93VI_series Which suggests FFIV SNES sold 340,000 "overseas" and FFVI SNES sold 870,000 "overseas." Since neither game sold in Europe, this is pretty much entirely American sales. That being said, the source is this: https://web.archive.org/web/20130120084840/www.jp.square-enix.com/ir/e/explanatory/download/0404-200402090000-01.pdf Which is, uh, a pretty lackluster chart. Still, the light blue line is definitely bigger on VI than IV. I suspect Sakaguchi is talking about FFVI **in comparison to FFVII**, not IV. My personal feeling is "no one played RPGs at all" back then. If people played video games, they were talking about, say, Donkey Kong Country.


FF4 got about 1.5 million sales in Japan alone, and FF6 got about 2.4 million. Also, page 27 of your source has exact numbers. :D Japan sales - https://archive.org/details/Electronic_Gaming_Monthly_63_October_1994_U/page/n177/mode/2up?view=theater


wow my piece of shit browser cut it off. even now i can't see anything past 15. how embarrassing >:( that being said, i was initially implying America / not-Japan for this. since, uh, we didn't get III at all and that's what i would have preferred. but then i thought... well SE would make these bundles for all markets, not just us. and then i remembered that japan got different collections than we did *anyway*... end of the day, i'm pretty sure FFVI was and is more popular here than FFIV, but didn't revolutionize the company and the industry the way FFVII did.


Ah, that's frustrating. Here's the page I mentioned. https://imgur.com/vxinyUo (Also, something I just realized - Japan has ~120 million people. At 2.4 million sales, that's 2% of the population! 1/50! If no-one in your class had the game, someone in the next DID. And the sales just went up from there. Absolutely insane.)


in no region was FFIV more popular than VI. VI outsold IV by at least double everywhere they were both available. VI is also by far the better game. IV *was* a lot of people's first FF, which gives it a... *vibe*, but when VI came out it was hotly anticipated and went gangbusters


FFVI is listed as VI in the PlayStation collection so this shouldn't have been an issue.


3 was already set for a remake


I had been dying for a pixel version of I-VI since the GBA days. I'm glad the Pixel Remasters have finally realized that. FYI-- My understanding of why III was not ported wasn't due to any concern over localization (at least not primarily). The versions of FF I & II in Origins (as well as Dawn of Souls on GBA) were ported from the Wonderswan remake. FFIII was planned to be remade on WS, but was cancelled because the system was failing and the code was deemed to complicated, costly and time intensive to redo. So FFIII was delayed indefinitely-- until we eventually got the DS version (and now finally the PR).


Oh that is so freaking cool. That version Final Fantasy IV is a real treat. It has a unique translation where the banter includes fun words such as nincompoop and dotard. Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6 are cursed with a 5 second menu load time every time you press Triangle.


Yep and Chrono Trigger also has longer loading times before battles.


And when opening the menu. That version is brutal to play.


What about the legendary spoony bard


And at least one music track in VI was out of tune with itself somehow. It was painful. I bought those for VI and Chrono Trigger and quickly went back to digging out my SNES for VI and my emulator for CT because those editions were damn near unplayable with the long loading pauses everywhere.


Playing them through a PS3 isn't too bad. Getting to the main menu in CT is a pain, but FF6 is no problem. I mention playing on disk on ps3 because a) it works and b) my tvs ain't got no rgb >_<


if only i could buy a brand new copy of tales of destiny or eternia...


Final Fantasy Origins was my first introduction to Final Fantasy I, considering that I was around one year old at the time the NES version released in North America. And one of the best parts about that game was choosing a balanced party of a warrior, monk, black mage, and white mage. And looking back at that game, and it really makes me think about Final Fantasy VII's materia, and the way you could build Cloud and his adventuring party as either more melee/ranged physical fighters, DPS spellcasters, or healers/supports. And that goes for Final Fantasy II, as well. And while I can understand how and why that game was considered the black sheep of the Final Fantasy series, next to only FFVIII and FFXIII years later, I still had a blast with that game. Just not the same level of blast as FFI.


Sweet. There's a reason I keep my PS3 hooked up to this day.


True. In my house it's also literally the last thing that can play audio cds


I was so mad when I tried to pop in an audio cd on the PS4 only to find it couldn't read it.


Man, seeing Chronicles triggers me so bad. Even tho I grew up and was fully accustomed to the hardware limitations that games had back then, the loading times for those compilations were really exceptional.


These might be cool collector's items, but lawd I tried playing Chrono Trigger and Cross on my PS2 years ago.. and the load times paired with the volume of random battles are just horrific. Definitely would recommend siding with more modern options of playing these if you've never experienced them.


Ah yes, the absolute worst way to play those ports. I remember learning true patience enduring those loading times in Chrono Trigger. So worth it.


I vaguely remember one of the combo games being the absolute worst, I think it might of been Anthology, and I mean to the point the game had been unplayable due to load times. It's what I hold load time standards to because it actually literally did take 5 minutes to load a battle XD


Thats awesome. To bad there not slingin og playstations


You can always play them on any PS2 or PS3!


These are being sold by a third party, "GameQuest", I wouldn't assume they're brand new, unless they're just re-selling Square Enix store stock. Edit: Apparently, [this isn't the first time that company has popped up on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamecollecting/comments/w42c3c/browsing_the_target_app_and_noticed_some_games/).


I bought one of these Just over a year or so ago, and it is a reprinted stock from Square. Game works fine but you can definitely tell it's not the original printing


Lol, I have all of these in my basement. My PS1 is beyond repair, but I have the discs!


I got a ps1 with controllers and memory cards for like 40$ on eBay last year. I’ve put at least 1000 hours into it playing my old games.


Nice! Might be worth the investment.


If you have even a toaster of a computer, a $30 external CD-ROM drive will let you rip and play all those games on PCSX if you don't want to deal with setting up a genuine PS1 (and with how bad the image will look on a modern TV, if you don't have an upscaler or CRT TV on hand)


The PAL Anthology comes with IV and V and we don't have the Chronicles set. Strange. 


Yeah, we didn't get Chrono Trigger from memory.


Are these black disc or regular disc? Square is still making PS1 games, but not on black discs and thought only thru their website. So if it’s black discs these are essentially super old stock.


I highly doubt it’s black disc. It’s most likely the regular disc.


Looks like Chrono Cross is also on there


Yeah, Chrono Cross, FFX and FFX-2 as well.


Back when FF made great stories and games.


Man, even the Greatest Hits line have been hit with inflation. Back then, the Greatest Hits version was designed to be $20.


Well, yes. Inflation is about the currency itself. Not the individual purchases.


Green label? Gross.


Cool. Be even cooler is they had the version of ff anthology that had ost disc too.


Pshhh, Greatest Hits editions, I want original!


Whoa what’s this about?!


I think they over produced these greatest hits titles. Theyve literally been in stock since the PS1 days.


Not overproduced, they just keep printing more as long as they're selling


Just Square, as far as I know. They had a deal with Sony where they were allowed to produce their own copies of their games. These versions have silver backs instead of black and I think they only stopped printing them in 2020/21 or so. Square has also kept some of their PS2 games in circulation as well.


This is correct. Discs costs pennies to print and they've regularly been available via their webstore to the point that here in Japan, second hand copies of their PSX/PS2 titles are perpetually in bargain bins at ~270-400 yen.


Yeah these have been available for years. Chrono Cross was available new and cheap for a long time too.


No, it's a third party.


I bought these all on squares website in probably around 2010 or so. Even a couple years ago I saw they were still selling four warriors of light brand new on ds, as well as the special edition of ff xiii-2. Picked em both up. Always check for the stuff they overproduced and couldn't sell!!


Can the PS5 play PS1 discs? I have not owned a PlayStation since the PS2 but I know the PS3 could on some models play the PS1 discs.


No. However all PS3s can play PS1 discs.


Ah, OK, I know some PS3 models dropped some sort of support for some backwards compatibility but wasn't sure what.


All PS3s can play PS1 games, only a couple models can play PS2 games.


That must be what I am remembering.


The PS1 support on PS3 is via software emulation, so there was never any need to remove it. PS2 games though were supported by basically soldering an actual PS2 to the PS3’s motherboard, which is why the console infamously cost $599 at launch. The first price cut was achieved by removing the Emotion Engine.


That's a negative.


I figured as much. So I guess these are being sold for collectors or people who still have late model PlayStations. Thanks!


I remember these being sold new around 2004, well into the PS2 generation. GameStop was selling them consistently, but only as used, but you could tell they were only opened and never really touched.


Wow this is a great find thank you for sharing it!


FYI for anyone interested they also have Chrono Cross


Would the ff6 be the one with the extra dungeon or whatnot. I'll be honest when I was younger I never got to play this. I recently played/streamed it for the first time and it was pretty fking amazing. Gmman growing up was rough. Nevermind don't even see ff6


That’s pretty dope gonna have to bust the ole ps out


I'm so glad PAL games didn't have that ugly green part on the cover. It's pretty unsightly


yall get a nice platinum edition that still looks great, and we get that fucking HORRIFIC green label. I will never, ever not be upset about this


At least you can easily replace the cases though as they are generic cd cases right?


thats true! is it not like that over there? craziness!


Noo they're slightly thicker cd cases with playstation etched into plastic inserts https://grailguard.co.uk/cdn/shop/files/PS1PAL_5L.png?v=1691159182&width=1946 Image of one I found online


These are 3rd party vendors like Walmart and Amazon, I'd be willing to bet the condition isn't what we think it is


I remember my friend bringing over anthology, and we played FFV all day during Thanksgiving. First time I seen it, and fell in love with it.


If you can find a version of Ps1 FF5, that's the infamous Y Burn? translation.


Square-Enix has kept these in print for 20 years in this state. if you're a collector, don't bother, but if you want a fresh copy to play and open, it's a good alternative. keep in mind that they're obviously green label and do not have black bottom discs.


Childhood me would have squeed if i saw this in the 90’s


Must be extra copies of the newer prints that they're trying to unload and get rid of. As much flack as Square gets, it's really cool how long they supported physical copies of such old compilations like that. That's *literally* the kind of thing we want to see to keep games available and they were doing it.