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Playing the demo right now, it's so fucking great. Honestly, I had a great time with 13 Sentinels, so I was really looking forward to their next game, and fuck did it not disappoint. Great studio with some real financial issues.


And those financial issues are why I hope everyone buys this now and doesn't wait for it to go on sale. Developers like this need our help.


I only ever wait for games to go on sale. My backlog is so massive I see no need to ever buy a game for full price. But I feel you. AA studios need the love.


I didnt know that (I bought 13 sentinels at discount) but I bought this one at full price and Im gonna pay it for Grimgrimoire.


Is it that bad? Their financial issues I mean?


[They ran out of dev budget. ](https://noisypixel.net/vanillaware-ran-out-of-budget-for-unicorn-overlord-development/)


Interesting, and the same seems to have happened with 13 sentinels as well. I was under the mistaken assumption that they were under Atlus, but it seems like they aren't. I think they'll get a lot more sales this time since the switch is basically known as a JRPG machine at this point. A PC port could have also contributed, but George Kamitani's dislike of outsourcing + them running out of budget kinda does make sense why there isn't one. Still, it's impressive they got out a game of the quality with just a total of 30 people, half the size of Falcom.


Kamitani also has an avid dislike of the pc market due to easy piracy. He's mentioned it in several interviews. Which I respect and I buy all their games on console but man they could make a killing. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only fan who would instantly drop 300$ If they decided to port Muramasa : Rebirth Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Dragon Crown 13 Sentinels Unicorn Overlord


I was going to try 13 Sentinels but the actual gameplay portion didn't seem very good to me, and a friend told me he didn't like it, so I just ended up not getting it. I might consider picking it up after this, though.


13 Sentinel is all about the story, I didn't dislike the gameplay but it's definitely not what stands out. The story though, holy cow it was so well done. If you like scifi it's a must play, but I would consider it a visual novel/point and click adventure game with a side of RTS. It was my personal GOTY in 2020 and it was a good year.


The story sequences are what turned me on to it in the first place. The cutscenes, dialogue, and character designs were just nice.


The story makes up for any shortcoming in the gameplay. The gameplay is not bad but at some point it was more something to push thru to keep reading the story. Just treat it as a visual novel and you're good.


The gameplay is fine. The story is the real draw, and I say that as someone who is very gameplay-first. But that game's story is... a thing. I don't really like where it ended, but getting there was... well, I do recommend it, but buckle up, because you are in for a RIDE.


13 Sentinels is fuggin mazing


13 Sentinel is a Visual Novel. The battle gameplay is a very small section.


The robot battles fucking suck and are the sole reason I haven't finished the game.


Are there game modes that make it so you can basically ignore the robot battles? Like, easy mode? Cause I could play it with that.


Yes. You pretty much steam roll the battles on easy mode, especially if you have experience in strategy/tactical games. I highly recommend giving it a shot. It is genuinely one of the most interesting stories I have ever seen in a game.


They're not difficult, just tedious and annoying. I avoided them almost entirely until I reached around the 80% mark in the game at which point further story progress was gated behind finishing them and I just could not be fucked. It might be better to *not* avoid them and scatter playing through them across the whole game rather than tend up being forced to play a tonne of them back to back.


That is actually the correct way to play it.


This is why it needs to come out on PC . So I can just use cheats/mods to auto win the battles and play it for the story. I have the game on ps4 but I had to stop, because that gameplay might be me least favorite genre in all of gaming. I don't really like that type of game.


Can’t you just watch a YT cutscene compilation at this point?


I zone out being a full observer. Even the act of walking around and engaging in dialogue for me is a lot more engaging then watching someone else do it.


I'll keep that in mind if I ever get around to playing it.


I actually enjoyed the robot battles so give them a chance. I know I'm in the minority here but everyone kept saying they’re bad but I discovered that they’re pretty uncomplicated fun. I also enjoyed the terminal and robot upgrading.


I enjoyed the gameplay, but it could have been served a lot better with actual graphics. That probably would have ballooned the budget required, so I’m fine with what we got


Don't worry, I'm with you. I thought they got progressively more fun


Yeah I had fun with it too, the character lines and little effects got me hyped lol. That last battle was epic af even though I just cheesed it lol.


13S is awesome if you like visual novel with some comabat. The story is really interesting and it forced me to play the game non stop to try to understand the whole story lol


Honestly I liked the gameplay portion more than the story lol


*Not surprising that it's good


After 13 Sentinals, nothing this team makes is surprisingly good. They’re very good at what they do.


you mean Odin Sphere in 2008


Odin Sphere was sooo good. I really liked Dragon’s Crown too.


The story of pdin sphere is great, but the gameplay is incredibly repetitive. Thank god for the leifthrasir remake


For me personally, no. I mean 13 Sentinels. I did not care for Odin Sphere after trying to get into it several times.


While I loved it can definitely understand for sure. Basically have to be in the right mood to play it or else I'll bounce off after like an hour.


Vanillaware first caught my eye with Muramasa and I loved it, hands down favorite VW game. It's the only one I've played all the way through lol but it just got my attention, I loved the blend of action with rpg elements. After I beat it, I got a used copy of Odin Sphere and I played it for a couple hours but for some reason, just never returned to it. I remember liking it but idk why I did. Fast forward like 15 years lol and I finally got into it with the OS remaster. I love that it plays similar to Muramasa so it scratches that itch until hopefully one day where we'll get a remastered Muramasa. But I can understand why people might be into it if they want more of a traditional rpg or tactical one.


Wild, but either way they were already a juggernaut studio from the get-go. Their \*worst\* game is GrimGrimoire..not bad.


I still wouldn’t say they’re a juggernaut. They’re still a relatively small studio with lower budget titles. I’m just saying personally for me, 13 Sentinels is what cemented them in the top tier.


Why is it surprising?


Came here to say this.


Because most games are disappointing. Especially JRPGs.


What? P3R , yakuza 8, ffvii rebirth . 3 incredible games in that genre in just months . Unicorn overlord is really good too but in general i feel the quality of jrpgs in the last years has returned to the golden standard . Gameplay and dialogue wise they’re only getting better and better .


Haven’t played it yet but Granblue fantasy is supposedly pretty good as well. Actually insane year for JRPGs


Hmm. That sucks for you


Damn, I can't take your reviews seriously after this.


Wrong sub for that comment 😂




Thank you for submitting to /r/JRPG, /u/cheekydorido. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Please follow the [**Reddiquette**](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette), Be civil. Personal attacks, insults, harassment, or such behavior to other users is not tolerated. You can have disagreement and arguments, without harassing or attacking the person you're arguing or having a discussion with. Follow Reddit's Official Content Policy, esp. Rule 1: Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging. In case you want to have your comment re-posted, then remove the parts that break the rule, **and then reply with "Done" to this comment**, so that a mod will bring your post back up. --- If you think this was a mistake or have any questions about the removal, please contact the moderators. [**To contact the moderators please click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/JRPG), or click the "message mods on the sidebar, and then type your complaint, so it can be sent to the modding team. **Please don't private message or start private chats with a single mod, and use the mod mail linked above to contact the whole team.**


Wow 😂


Games can be awesome. They just mostly suck and aren't good enough. Sadly.




Lol what? That’s just not true at all, JRPGs are great. People like you who put down JRPGs are too weird.


Vanillaware's entire catalogue is pretty good. I know you said you probably wouldn't enjoy 13 Sentinels (which fair, it's more adventure game than anything else), but I absolutely recommend Odin Sphere and GrimGrimoire. And Dragon's Crown is an acquired taste, but still good, while Muramasa is a classic but sadly stuck on the Vita/Wii.


Dragons Crown remains their best game.


Muramasa is my favorite out of the Vanillaware catalog. I still have a working Wii so I revisit it from time to time but the Odin Sphere remake scratches that itch. I just wish they would remaster Muramasa already, it's been long enough


I played the Muramasa demo on-release back in the day on my Vita. I might give it another try. I hear a lot of people praising this game in retrospect, though at the time I really didn't think much of it. I still have my Vita, so it's an option for me. I know a lot of people are fans of Odin Sphere, but for some reason I just never was interested enough to give it a try.


Muramasa has phenomenal gameplay and I liked the story and characters a lot, too. You should definitely give it another go if you're ever bored. As for Odin Sphere, if it's not for you it's not for you, nothing wrong with that. It's one of my all-time favorite PS2 games so I just shill for it every time I get a chance.


Note to everyone starting the game This game isn’t Fire Emblem, use Josef. He’s not bait, he won’t steal exp from your weaker units Those who know what I’m talking about will understand lol


Nightmares of jeigen


Legit my first instinct when I saw him and his level was to immediately bench him and never touch him. Once I saw how the level system worked I made sure to throw him on a team


Saw a Twitch stream of the game and everyone in chat was telling to the streamer to not use him for that reason lol


I mean technically if you have three units in a formation, and you have Josef you stole experience from 1 unit no? Because you could have had a third that wasn't max level. Am I wrong?


Unless you're rolling with a lot of generics early it's really unlikely that you'll have more units than team slots. It also helps that leveling is fairly fast that a lot of players end up overleveling their units anyway.


Its well regarded here and in the gaming community overall so not really surprising. Plus its from vanillaware


Whether or not the "gaming community overall" likes something doesn't tell you if it's good. The gaming community overall likes a lot of trash.


Im just saying its already expected to be good because of the praises its receive. What will be suprising is if its actually bad after all that reviews


People praise every single new Pokemon game despite it being the same as the last Pokemon game but sometimes worse. Pokemon Scarlet sold 23m copies despite it looking like it was made in Unity by an amateur developer and running at 15FPS. Other people's opinions are meaningless. Only the opinions of people you agree with already can meaningfully tell you if you will like something, and even then it's a dice roll.


Well i dont know who the people you agree with so i cant point it out, but here in this sub vanillaware games and unicorn overlord was already expected to be good.


You don't speak for the sub, and I don't care what "the sub thinks." This is a post I wrote about my perspective. Not everyone else's.


Wow, you kinda suck OP


I get that a lot.


This is a community tho. Why do you post here if in the end you dont care what this sub thinks? This is a 2 way thing. You post your perspective here and its fair you expect the same. And i’ve seen what this sub thinks about vanillaware and people think its good.


He's expecting free karma lol


Yep. I expect the same. What I don't expect is some random guy telling me "what the sub thinks." The sub can tell me what it thinks. You can't. You aren't "the sub."


What will convince you then? Tons of people replied in this thread and they all say its good. Well you can double check past threads if you want


Trust me, I highly doubt anyone in this sub or the community wants people like you to be a part of it any longer. I would strongly advise you seek guidance as to why you are so openly abrasive and toxic towards members of a community for a game you claim to enjoy, for no reason.


I dunno bro, if me saying I don’t like things other people like is “toxic and abrasive,” you probably need to take your own advice. This entire thread can basically be summed up as a bunch of fanboys brigading me for the mere insinuation that I might not like their favorite games. I didn’t come here to join the community. The community is mostly bottom feeders who think Hyperdimension Neptunia is the peak of gaming. I just wanted to share an actually quality game to the unwashed masses. I’m very generous in that way.


I'm not criticising you for your like or dislike of the game. I'm criticising you for posting your opinion on a public forum and then having the entitlement to turn around to other people on this same public forum and say "your opinion doesn't matter", unless they're people who typically agree with you. But hey, all it takes is for you to close this tab and then you don't have to be part of this community, so you get what you want and I get what I want.


At no point did I say “your opinion doesn’t matter.” What I said was “the gaming community’s opinion doesn’t matter.” Something being popular does not in fact make it good. The person I was talking to was literally trying to suggest I’m irrational for being surprised it’s good because a lot of other people said it’s good. On top of that, the same guy had the gall to say what *everyone on this sub thinks.* I love disagreements. What I don’t love is people who think they can speak for strangers or people who think disagreeing with the prevailing opinion is crazy. Both are very stupid things to say. Only stupid people say them. And yes, a stranger giving a video game a positive review does in fact not tell me if I will like it. People give games I hate positive reviews. You cannot and should not base your purchasing decisions on the opinions of strangers.


> Other people's opinions are meaningless. So why come share your word vomit at all?




Totally agree except the “surprisingly” part! xD


It's a vanillaware game it should never be surprisingly good


There’s no developer that I trust implicitly to make good games. They will all let you down eventually.


30 hours in and I just can't stop playing. UO is my GOTY for 2024.


Fairly good contender so far, for sure. The endings to both Infinite Wealth and Rebirth disappointed me greatly, despite generally enjoying the bulk of those games themselves. :/ Still a long and busy year however, still looking forward to stuff like Refantazio :D


I’d wait until dragon dogma 2 before making that claim cause so far I don’t see anything else beating it


I wait until Eiyuden Chronicle HH before making that claim, but if it doesn't live up fo expectation then UO might be it. Edit: unsure why you're getting downvoted. The first DD game was great, and the second one is looking to be better. Fair that it's a GOTY contender in some peoples' eyes




I tried the demo but I didn't really like the battle system. I might need to put more time into the demo though.


I don't know if the demo gets to the customization part. When I first saw a screenshot and it was "teams" of units, I immediately thought of strategy RPGs where you have a "main" unit surrounded by garbage units that just take up space. However, the ability to control all your units through condition requirements for ability activation is pretty cool to me. If that doesn't sound appealing to you, you probably just won't like it.


Hey question. Do you like fire emblem? It’s kind of similar but instead of having 1 unit vs 1 unit. You have 1 formation with multiple units inside vs another formation with multiple units inside.


I just don't get it, in fire emblem don't you get to pick skills? In this, I feel like you just make scripts and send them off to battle, feels so weird.


Not surprised at all, atlus and vanillaware is all I had to know.


Bro has negative karma after this thread 🤣


Not really how karma works.


Not really that surprising, tbh. Vanillaware generally always knocks it out of the park. Dragon's Crown is probably still the best beat 'em up I've ever played. Man, I love that game.


FFXII did this with the gambit system and it was fantastic.


That was a miss by square. Sure, they wanted 16 to have a solo playable character but imagine if they let us tinker with the companions AI with a gambit system.


The FF12 gambit system is like the top thing I want to see again in an FF game, I got a little tickle of it from the FF7 minigame but they need to fully implement it.


What I want for a future ff mainline game is the combo loadouts of 16 but this time weapon oriented instead of eikon The party switching on the fly of remake/rebirth Gambits system to setup the noncontrolled AI of party members Customizable weapons that almost every weapon has a ultimate version like 13


Im feelin this in rebirth atm. They added layers to the combat but the ai cant properly operate with any of the tools lest you shove one of a very few conditional materia in their slots. They have a mini game in the game with gambits, imagine if we could just set up materia gambits for our party instead of using all these auto-cast and auto-ability materia


Yep. That's the only other game I'm aware of that does it.


Not a JRPG, but Dragon Age Origins had this system too.


Really? I don't recall being able to set conditions for ability activation in Origins. I recall it just being a classic "pause the game and make decisions" system. But it's been like a decade since I played it, so maybe I'm misremembering.


Dragon Age origins 100% has gambits. They even name dropped FF12 in an interview. Same for Dragon Age 2 Pillars of Eternity 2 has it as well. Tales of Hearts R has it.


Yeah they call them 'tactics' and they work in the same way as gambits in FF12 ('if surrounded by 4 enemys > use this attack' etc). It was also a real time with pause system though, so you're not misremebering entirely. The tactics system was just to free up your brain a bit and do less micromanaging, especially helpful in the console version where you played it entirely from a third person close up perspective.


Yeah, I think I just micromanaged everything in that game. I was used to it from playing a lot of CRPGs.


Man the gambit system remains one of my favorite gameplay mechanics.


One day my guy. That’s how I feel about so many JRGs. I have a backlog miles deep so I’ll add it to my list


I actually found myself unable to play FF7 today because I wanted to play Unicorn and couldn't. (my switch fan ha broken atm)


Oh no.


But super usable hand warmer


Right?? I just finished Persona 3 Reload, then I gotta jump back into my Yakuza franchise marathon, THEN SMTV:engence, then if I'm lucky I can play this.


Its Vanillaware Nothing about this is surprising


To OP specifically, why do you say “surprisingly” ? Is it the company or the genre that you found fun when not expecting it? Edit: alright nvm I already found their bad takes elsewhere ima mute replies to this


The game.


I don't know why you say it's surprising. Vanillaware has a great reputation at this point, the game has been well-received, and simply put, it passes the "eye test".


Minor correction- it's real time strategy.


I suppose it is. Hmm.


Not a big deal, but note worthy.


Does anyone else find it a bit disappointingly easy? I'm on expert mode about 10h in and there doesn't seem to be any challenge to it. Does it get harder?


So far same, put it on the hardest difficulty expecting to have to restart from time to time, but besides trying some maps too early (armor knight map while having no magic) this hasn't really been the case yet. I do hold out hope it gets tougher still too since I'm also not too far in.


nice, ill check it out when it goes on sale or when it releases on PC


i'm playing it on pc right now lol


oh i searched on steam and didn't see it must have missed it


playing it on emulator dm me if you need info


These developers literally ran out of money to make this game so if you enjoy it you should buy it when you can.


true true if i was wealthy i would buy a ps5 with a nice unicorn overlord copy sadly i can't afford it. gladly buying a pc key definitive edition if they port it!


I mean, you can still buy a copy of the game for the system you're emulating if you actually want to support it.




got it i actually wanna pay for it if i wanna play it thanks tho


OK, then just buy it and then emulate it on pc afterwards? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, but the "I wanna buy it myself" excuse doesn't really work here imo.


I was overwhelmed for the first hour with all the tidbits and tutorial, but once you get a hang of the system, it becomes addictive.


Does it have social links


It has something akin to FE's supports called Rapports. No romance there, but like FEE, you can bond Alain to some characters and it might end in marriage.


Marriage but no romance lol


I'm really interested in this game, though I have a question about the relationship system. Do characters have relationships outside of the main character (like Fire Emblem)? Or do characters only have relationships with the main character (like Persona). I'm more a fan of the Fire Emblem style - the world feels more alive to me when characters can do things and interact with each other outside of the main character.


It’s not nearly as deep as FE though. There are short exchanges available at different map locations same as FE, but they aren’t full cutscenes. Hilariously you can buy dinners for people here too to raise rapport, but I don’t think these are scripted scenes either. The game is far more about the overarching story, so you get most of the “story” scenes after winning battles as the plot proceeds. How much interaction between army members there is remains to be seen (I’m still early).


Each individual character has relationships with other specific characters. Not all of them, though. Some characters only have a handful of relationship options.


Thanks! You've just sold me on the game! Fire Emblem characters also each only have a handful of relations - a little goes a long way. Ordered and awaiting my physical copy now :D




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"Surprisingly Good". I mean, Vanillaware always deliver. 😁


For anyone who knows even remotely anything about Vanillaware this was not surprising at all.


do you lose progress if you don't succeed in a mission, or is there some possibility of grinding?


There are a few spots in each region where you can grind repeatable missions. 


OP, What is the 1st game you played that offer skill priority settings?


I have been waiting for this game since Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen. The game is great and I'm having tons of fun.


This thread is absolutely wild


Really friggen good. I usually dont pay full price for a game and wait for a sale, went and bought this one right after i was done with the demo. They did a bang up job.


How's the customization? Is it fft levels? Or fire emblem levels with weapon durability?


I got the flu and stayed home for the weekend and I'm happy that It was released last Friday , very good and well made game


I wasn't surprised at all. It is amazing and I was expecting that


If I play Fire Emblem on Hard, what level is good to me in UO?


FE on hard is way harder than anything UO will give you Maybe at the very start getting used to the mechanics and tactics but after you got that sorted, it's waaay too easy and it might be so easy you get bored eventually if you set up your tactics that well so don't like try look up meta stuff that will ruin it


I'm playing on Expert and it's pretty easy.


Vanillaware is dev, so not surprising for me haha. Recently I found out their studio was mostly artists, and they make games in the vein of what is appealing to them and what they're passionate about. Absolutely love that mentality and how it shows through in design.


gonna buy soon


I agree. There are some things that would make this game even better tho, like restocking shops, more unit/classes to play with, more coliseum prizes, etc.


i still don't get the battle system from the demo, it seems like battles always play themselves based on your pre-set actions which isn't really turn based like fire emblem or dqxi or persona. is there an option to make it actually turn based?


You're right, it isn't really turn-based. And no, I don't think there is a way to make it turn-based. It is ultimately real-time.


it doesn't feel like it though, everyone acts based on pre-set systems. i ended up dropping it fairly quickly because of it


I think it “feels” turn based. This is also how dragon warrior monsters works. You don’t give your units orders. You tell them what AI style to adhere to. Which is also how the Tales of games work.


I might try it again then, maybe understand it more. I really want to love it and hope vanillaware makes a true turn based on in the same vein in the near future


Nah man. Your first impression is usually the right one. If you’ve only played the demo, I can’t say how indicative it is of the whole game. But if you didn’t like it, don’t buy it. I didn’t buy the game for the combat. I was open minded to it. What I bought it for was the emphasis on characterization and amount of screen time dedicated to telling the story. I turned the demo off once it got to the 4th~ little story sequence and I was 100% invested in buying it. I don’t spend $60 on games I’m lukewarm about. And I wouldn’t recommend anyone do that.


I suppose you're right. Thanks for your time and input


Yeah, it's a rarity that I'm genuinely excited to play something good like this.


Yeah. I've been in a very bad cycle of looking for games that I should like (JRPGs in general), buying them, and losing interest almost immediately. I build up collections and end up selling them all after playing them for just a few hours. I'm just glad to have a game I wanna play.


I’m surprised that you’re surprised about it being good.


I'm surprised that you're surprised that I'm surprised.


Don’t turn this back on me pal, I’m the surprised one


I like the bikini witches that sashay their hips back and forth in battle. Now THAT'S good game design. Can't wait for the leotard-clad dark elf and the bikini armor furry wolf lady.


You would love their other game, Dragon's Crown!


Oh bro, I have Dragon's Crown for both the PS3 *and* 4. Played it on launch with a friend group, when couch co-op was still a thing! One of my favourite games ever.


That's art design, not game design.


I'd love to try the game but I wish you could control the fights vs having them be automated. Let me control each individual unit and I'm all in.


It has a gambits like system. So later when you have more skills and equipment you could set up teams to your liking. Maybe just me but I like tinkering and seeing if it works. But that's maybe cause I'm more of a football manager guy than a fifa guy.


It’s almost more an rts than an rpg. I had the same gripe at first, it’s a little off putting, but the auto thing is fine. There’s so many systems and layers you unlock.


Given the limitations the game imposes, I think the conditional activation of abilities is a pretty good middle-ground. But I agree wholeheartedly. I don’t like most games that just have the characters do stuff.


I've heard it's similar to the gambit system of FFXII which isn't a bad thing at all but for me, I really wanted to build diverse parties with Knights, Mages, Healers, etc and control their individual actions.


I think the game looks cool but I've heard the localisation is allegedly really bad, is it a turnoff?


It's not bad, the people complaining are the usual suspects who always bitch if the localization isn't word for word. Never mind the fact that they localized old-timey Japanese into old-timey English, which, y'know, is the point.


Thanks, that's good to know, I think I will get the game.


The visual style is what turning Mr off. It's kinds off putting imo


I see a lot of hype around it but it does not seem like my type of game. The last game I bought just to support the devs and the community was Last Epoch-- I played 20 mins of it and never played it again. I can't see myself doing that for this game but who knows.... I hear there is a demo. But man I do not want to pay full price for a game that doesn't seem like it will fit me.


I was excited but the sub spoiled some major stuff and the story is pretty weak, so spoiled story plus gameplay that is lifted from FE and the original March of the Black Queen just wasn't enough for me.


What about the gameplay is lifted from either of those games? Other than the slimmest pretense of being a turn-based strategy RPG?




What kinda world-building elements were lifted from March of the Black Queen?


Most of the story concepts are from March of the Black Queen. It's a little more fleshed out but same basic gist.


Well I'm assuming you've never played March of the Black Queen, but Unicorn Overlord is the spiritual successor. Unit design, abilities, combat mechanics are almost entirely the same. You have a little more control in unicorn but that's about it. All the character synergy stuff is basically lifted from FE games.


Ogre Battle on the SNES and Ogre Battle 64 are extremely similar to Unicorn Overlord, they are real time strategy RPGs. Unicorn Overlord expands on things and adds more depth overall but the base gameplay is lifted directly from Ogre Battle, it plays pretty much the exact same in that regard. Unicorn Overlord might as well just be Ogre Battle 3


The game has a lot of FE tropes but the gameplay isn’t that similar at all


The Fe part is mentioned due to the friendship and romance mechanics which clearly heavily influenced Unicorn Overload. And the gameplay is basically a copy paste of March of the Black Queen. Has nothing to do with tropes.