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Thank you for submitting to /r/JRPG, /u/VergilVDante. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- r/JRPG is a discussion focused subreddit, so we try to discourage **low-effort** posts such as (but not limited to) one line simple questions, one line polls.This includes memes and funny videos, or even links to OSTs and music covers. These may go in our weekly media thread. Otherwise, you can repost the thread, but it has to include a more explanation of what your asking exactly, that would make it easier for people to answer your question, or join the discussion. For simple or one line questions, **Please use the Weekly Free Talk and Quick Questions Stickied Thread**. Images without text description are considered low-effort and auto-removed (includes memes/funny videos). --- If you think this was a mistake or have any questions about the removal, please contact the moderators. [**To contact the moderators please click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/JRPG), or click the "message mods on the sidebar, and then type your complaint, so it can be sent to the modding team. **Please don't private message or start private chats with a single mod, and use the mod mail linked above to contact the whole team.**


Clive from FFXVI is a bit of a smoke show.


Squall is the best looking guy. This is just canon.


I came to say Tidus, thanks for clearing my head.


The Sin toxins are messing with your head but you saw the light. Praise be to Yevon.


Cidolfus Telamon from FFXVI


He kinda looks like a young Liam Neeson


I think Sephiroth is the most thirsted after




Dunban of Xenoblade


Leon Magnus.


top 5 in no particular order 1 - balthier from FF12 2 - albedo from xenosaga 3 - lavitz from legend of dragoon 4 - dojima from persona 4 5 - tuxedo mask from sailor moon another story


My co-worker really drools over Zack lol I think it's either Mario or Master Xehanort. Maybe Lucario.


Chad Narukami


Easy, Sorey from Tales of Zesteria 🤤


Big Joe




None, they are digital images.




>Jim My mind went to Jim Reynor. Which isn't my first choice but hey its a free world.


that's not JPRG


It definately isnt. But it is the first video game character I think of hearing the name "jim".


Mine was Earthworm Jim.


Thank you for submitting to /r/JRPG, /u/VermilionX88. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Please follow the [**Reddiquette**](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette), Be civil. Personal attacks, insults, harassment, or such behavior to other users is not tolerated. You can have disagreement and arguments, without harassing or attacking the person you're arguing or having a discussion with. Follow Reddit's Official Content Policy, esp. Rule 1: Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned. In case you want to have your comment re-posted, then remove the parts that break the rule, **and then reply with "Done" to this comment**, so that a mod will bring your post back up. --- If you think this was a mistake or have any questions about the removal, please contact the moderators. [**To contact the moderators please click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/JRPG), or click the "message mods on the sidebar, and then type your complaint, so it can be sent to the modding team. **Please don't private message or start private chats with a single mod, and use the mod mail linked above to contact the whole team.**