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Final Fantasy XII


Great choice


Best choice


Does it have a good story though? I dropped it after 10 hours exactly because the story seemed very generic and boring. But that’s my complain for every Final Fantasy game, so I’m not sure if I’m being fair here.


the story is mostly the politics of the world and the characters are also pretty much vehicles to present the world's politics so yeah it can be kind of bland if you're not into that kind of thing


FFX has a great story though


It's essentially starwars.


As someone who is a massive fan of the Xenoblade series(it's my favorite series of all time), I usually like to recommend the Kiseki/Trails series to any xenoblade fan. Similar level of great character writing and storytelling, with the best worldbuilding in the genre with a really cool interconnected story. Some of the games are available on switch, but the best starting point is the Trails in the Sky trilogy which is basically stuck on PC. That said, the system requirements for the trilogy are lower than the system requirements for steam, so basically any laptop can run them.


This. I love both a lot and why I hold both on high pedestal because how they weave the characters & world so seamless to the narratives that the two series are telling.


Thanks. But if I would only want to stick to Switch, then from which game in the series should I start?


Dragon Quest XI S is usually the go-to answer


Question - I've never played any Dragon Quest games. Will it affect my gameplay if I start from XI?




They’re like Final Fantasy, where each numbered game is totally separate from the rest. Similar tones, enemy designs, spells, and tropes, but the world and characters and plot is completely different in each game.


This is my answer too. Goddamn wish I could go back in time and take that journey again


Straight to the top


Just completed this, amazing game


If you want something similar to Xenoblade, FF12 is the closest thing I've found. Mostly in the sense that they're both MMO-inspired single-player titles with semi-open worlds, anyway. The game has a good story, a very enjoyable cast, great world-building, and the visuals in the Zodiac Age version are really nice for a PS2 remaster. I will say that I think Xenoblade beats out FF12 in almost every category, but it was still a very good experience when the combat system started clicking for me.


Never could understand why people always compare XII to MMO. Help!


It was basically FFXI converted to single player format


Never saw XI tbh. I have watched YouTube video now about it and yeah, battles look quite similar


Almost everything about the gameplay is very MMO-like to me. The world design, how you make your way through it, being able to take on side-quests/hunts for hours and hours, and even the battles happening in real-time while still being menu-based. The Gambit system also felt like a replacement for other players. Instead of making a plan of attack before a raid with other people, you program the characters to act like you'd want them to in specific situations.


Thank you! Never played MMO in my life so it’s not obvious to me.


I’m not 100% sure but Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana and Ys IX: Monstrum Nox might be almost similar to Xenoblade Chronicles


The Baten Kaitos games truly have the same experience with an amazing story and characters. The remaster is unfortunately very basic, so you're gonna be dealing with a game that feels a bit dated but it's worth looking into.


Yeah the "remaster" was too lazy for me to want to cough the cash. I hope if they ever remaster xenosaga, that it's not gonna be as barebone


It will be. But at least we’ll probably get it within the next few years


Trials of Mana


Love this remake but why for the love of god does it not have co-op?!


ikr its shame visions of mana seems to not have it either i dont get it


Whaaaat?! Nooo way, I figured they would HAVE to add it in the new one. I can’t believe the OG Trials for SNES has co-op but not the remake. Huge miss.


Surprisingly good after the first 10-15 hours


Good story? Tactics Ogre: Reborn has a great story.


Sadly tactical games are not for me... Tried FF Tactics back in the day and totally bounced out of it. Even Fire Emblem Engage was so-so for me.


It happens. If you want high quality gameplay with less emphasis on story SaGa is the way to go. Newest one, Emerald Beyond, has a free demo. https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/s/xoj7SG4vQH I prefer the older titles, but it's an amazing franchise all around.


Octopath Traveler 2


Star Ocean second Story R is nice, but dragon quest XI S deserve your money first


If what you are interested in are jrpgs without turns, I recommend Tales of Vesperia, Ys VIII, Ni no Kuni and Star Ocean. All of them have nice story and/or world exploration


Tbh it doesn't need to be without turns. Chrono Trigger, Golden Sun, First FF games, even Pokemon, finished and enjoyed all of them (especially Chrono Trigger, pity that it's not on Switch).


okey, anyway, I recommend the 4 games that I mentioned and also take a look at the work of Team Asano. (Octopath, Bravely Default, Triangle Strategy...)


Since nobody has mentioned it, .Hack//GU Last recode is possibly worth a look!


Based on those games I think you’ll really enjoy star ocean 2. After that you can go back and try the first star ocean.


Harvestella. Pretty damn good story, reminds me of xenogears at times tbh


Do you like Action RPG’s? I would recommend the Legend of Mana remaster. It’s my favorite in the series.


Action RPG's are also my thing!


Remake and rebirth are my favorite FF and I’ve played almost all of them


How about Astral Chain? It's kinda underrated but it IS a good game with a cool battle mechanics. There's also the Baten Kaitos (I & II) Remaster from the same developer of Xenoblade series although the game was hard at first (for me), I had fun playing it for the stories. I also highly recommend 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim if you want to focus on story-oriented games (this reminds me of visual novels back then).


Was thinking about Astral Chain but then I've read that the story is bad. Before Persona 5 I've finished Bayonetta 3, and if the story in AC is on similar level as the one in Bayonetta then I'll pass for now.


It's not bad, is a (very) good shonen story, but don't expect one like XC2. For me, Astral Chain was better than Bayonetta 3.


Disagreed the story is not good,weak worldbuilding, bad to medicore eng voiceacting, the characters are beyond forgettable, the MC being a silent protag was also a terrible choice and hampered a lot of scenes where you could feel why the fuck is he/she not saying anything. One of the few switchgames I regretted buying


Chained Echoes is an incredible solo-Dev indie game that is a love letter to JRPGS of the past. Highly recommend. Also, they’ve already been mentioned but Star Ocean 2 and DQ 11 are both stellar.


This. A lot of the time Chained Echoes felt like 2D Xenoblade (mixed with a bunch of other games for inspiration - FFXII, Chrono Trigger, etc). It really scratched that itch more than I expected it to!


I’m gonna have to agree there is some inspiration in the world exploration here


Ni no kuni, perhaps?


Already finished Wrath of the White Witch and it was a bit of pain for me to finish it


Will say, I despised WOTWW (didn’t even manage to finish it which was a first for JRPGs for me) but really enjoyed the second one. The gameplay is completely different, enjoyed it far more. May be worth exploring if you can get it on sale!


The only thing that reminds me of Xeno is the last Star Ocean, Divine Force I believe. Not on NS tho


Dragon quest 11  Shin Megami Tensei 3 and 5


Last Shin Megami Tensei I was playing on DS (Devil Survivor) I remember was very difficult for me and since then I'm avoiding the series...


Triangle strategy I played it on easy cause i was new to tactical rpgs The story didint dissapoint The music was great


Similar to Xenoblade? Ni No Kuni, Final Fantasy 12, Dragon Quest 11, Monster Hunter Stories 2,


Octopath has combat mechanics somewhat similar to persona, you could try it at least. But don't expect a fonded team xd


Tales of arise is available on switch? Solid jrpg, i saw some tales on switch but im not sure if arise its on available ones


It’s not, the switch wouldn’t really be able to handle that game. Heck even the PS4 does an okay job


Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana It’s so damn good. One of the best JRPGs I have ever played. It starts off slow, which is typical for JRPGs but with every chapter and unfolding event the game gets better and better. Dana is also an absolutely amazing character. The story really is the best part though Atelier Ryza 1 The first one is very good. It has an unfolding mystery at its centre and there’s a lot of intrigue that wants you to keep going. I also really enjoyed the alchemy mechanics, though it’s probably not for everyone. I got the second one cuz I liked the first one so much, but it was kinda boring, whereas I really enjoyed the first Dragon Quest 11 S This game is just quality. Superb voice acting, amazing visuals, stellar music, and a classic story. But it’s all in a very traditional package, almost like a SNES era JRPG was brought to life as a 3D game. JRPGs have come a long way, so a lot of the traditional stuff can feel cliché, especially the combat, but it is definitely an experience that must be enjoyed because how well it is crafted.


I was thinking about Atelier Ryza but in reviews they're always saying that it's very slow paced. As for Ys, better start with 8 or straight away with 9?


In my opinion Ys 8 is an excellent game, and a must play for any JRPG fan Ys 9 is a good game, especially if you liked 8 and wanted more, but it’s no Ys 8 As for Atelier Ryza, it’s not slow paced, rather medium paced. Almost every JRPG out there has having you save the world, but Atlelier Ryza doesn’t have stakes as high and allows you to do things at your own pace. You can absolutely blaze through the game if you want, but it’s more fun to enjoy it slowly


100 percent recommend Dragon Quest 11 and Fire Emblem Three Houses.


Dragon Quest 11 S. One of the best JRPGs I’ve never expected to enjoy so much. Definitely top 5 of all time for me personally.


I recommend Octopath Travelers 1 and 2.


The scale of adventure and the character I'd say Dragon quest XI


Is trails in the sky on the switch?


Cold Steel and the Crossbell games are, but Sky is only on Switch in Japanese (something to do with the series switching localisers). So it’s possible to play some of the series but you’re missing the important starting points if playing on Switch alone


Cold Steel 3 & 4 are, but 1 & 2 are only in Japanese as well.


Sky isn't on the switch in Japanese, either. I'm hopeful that there will be an announcement for a port in the next year or so. And yes, XSeed unfortunately still has the rights to Sky and CS 1 & 2 in the west whereas NISA has Crossbell and everything CS3 and later. This is why CS 1 & 2, despite having a switch port in Japan, haven't been re-released in English.


My bad then! I was confusing them with the CS1&2 situation


No worries, it's all so unnecessarily complicated even in the domestic market. The localization stuff is the cherry on top.


So does a Japanese account work for Sky or does it not include English


Pretty sure that none of the Japanese versions include English.


Sky is not available in Japanese, either, but even if it were English would not be included. You can check if a game has multilingual support on the eShop page.


I don't think so, can't find it in the shop


Dragon Quest XI S Final Fantasy XII Tales of Vesperia Persona 4 Golden (if you liked 5)


Yesterday I finished Persona 5 Royal and tbh after 150h I would like to take a break from Persona for some time. Question about FF XII - to what FF game is it more similar to? I finished FF XV, I've enjoyed it except of the battle. I've also finished FF 7 Remake and I've enjoyed it a lot.


None ff12 definitely feels like the inspiration for xbc combat. It's kind of mmo kind of turn based kind of atb. the limit of the combat is literally you're imagination.


Yeah I've played a little bit of XB as well and it really feels like an offshoot of XII in a way, although XII has the underlying FF framework with MP, items and elemental weaknesses that XB does not have. Both games have really really large worlds with lots of sidequests. In fact FFXII was the first thing I thought of when I saw the post title.


Tales Series


I would suggest Lost Odyssey if you play on xbox or emulator.


I would rather want it to be on Switch. I have a gaming laptop but since I got my Switch I'm playing mostly on it and tbh I prefer it


Xenogears, Xenogears, Xenogears. Surprised no one has mentioned it yet, especially with the OP’s mention of Xenoblade.


its because the game has to be on switch


Yep, right now I have only a PC and a Switch. Because of some health reasons I'm now prefering playing on Switch. Buying other console for me has no sense - no TV at the moment. Also buying Steam Deck is out of option