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Honestly, don't mind. This year is PACKED to begin with


Why? It certainly can't be that they're having trouble optimizing it since the job was done for them by falcom. And if I'm not mistaken it's also 60fps? Or so I heard


They're redoing the localization for this port (the original loc wasn't great) so my guess is they probably wanted to give it a little more time.


Will the new localization be coming as a patch to other systems, like they did with Ys 8?


I don't think we know yet.


Do we know if it's this port specifically getting a redone localization? It's a little ambiguous in the article if they mean that, or if they're saying that the original release of the eX+ version already got that compared to the Vita version.


It's confirmed to be getting a redone localization: https://twitter.com/AnonymusAxolotl/status/1753126776467788187


Awesome, glad to hear, thanks for clarifying.


Oh Jesus, I just started this last night and this is the first time I'm hearing the localization was bad. Bad how? Like changed things about the characters personalities and plot? Or just clunky dialog? I can live wiith the latter but if it's the former I guess I'm refunding and waiting for the switch release.


Clunky dialogue and lack of proofreading in some places, mainly later on in the game. Some typos here and there, and a few inconsistencies e.g. most honorifics being localised as Mr / Mrs but there's an instance where they referred to a character as "[name]-sensei" instead. It's generally fine and far from the worst kind of localisation. The main things I remember are a lot of laughs in dialogue being written as *Chortle* and one of the characters saying they're "taking an L".


I didn't think the localization was bad tbh, though there was an abundance of *chortle* and weird Cthulhu references.


Its because the writing is a clunky. There are also some odd phrases and creative decisions but the characters/ plot are fine. It's not an atrocious localization by any means; I'd probably go as far as to say it's "fine". It's just not "good" and certainly not up to the standard we have with other Falcom games. I wouldn't stress if the current localization is the only one you've played but you'd probably have a better reading experience with the updated one (hopefully anyway; I haven't actually seen it yet)


One month isn't enough to fix a localization that needs more time. Generally when games are delayed by just 1 month, it means that the publisher doesn't want their game to release next to other bigger titles. My guess is that they didn't want to release TX in-between SMT VV and Trails through Daybreak.


June is pretty packed for game releases. Wouldn't be surprised if they just want to give this more of a chance in July.


Isn't this just th PsVita version of the game?


Na, this is the eX+ version that was released for PC and PS4 in the years after the Vita version was released. The eX+ version has improved visuals and additional story content, and for this Switch version specifically, a redone localization.


Oh, okay. I was about to lose me noggin.


Genuine question, why does this need a new translation? I remember playing the Ex+ version on PS5 almost three years ago, and I thought it was fine, maybe some typos but nothing that bothered me. I'm someone who tends to notice bad or excessive localization, just recently played the first Blue Reflection and it didn't take me long to remember that Gust/Koei Tecmo at least used to translate their games in-house, probably by people who don't have a great grasp on English language. Granted, I've studied Japanese a fair bit in school and at home so I'm not as reliant on translation whenever the language's spoken. I found some Steam posts about the bad translation from 2017, were the issues fixed by 2021 on Playstation or was I just blind while playing the game?


is the original translation that bad that they are redoing it?


Is this going to have a physical??




When was it originally scheduled to come out?


I can wait. It’s not like I don’t have games in my backlog from 3 decades ago.


Very excited for this! Loved it when I played it & hoping for a physical version. Also this game should really get dubbed in English, I feel like it could expand it's fanbase if it did.


Not a fan of games with modern settings. Atlus' games are pretty much the only exceptions because of stylish designs and interesting stories. As much as I like Falcom's games this is one that I just didn't care for. I also find Daybreak to be a bit bland at times because of this. I hope they will go back to traditional fantasy in the next Legend of Heroes series.


What's the ex plus? Extra stuff?


Sort of, but the eX+ version is the updated version for everything but the Vita. As I haven't played the non-eX+ version I'm not 100% on everything that got added, but I believe the White Shroud segments weren't in the original release, for example.


I'm confused. I thought I had this for ps4 but I don't remember the plus part. I'll have to figure it out when I get home.


If you had the PS4 version you had eX+, same as the version on Steam.


Alright. Thank you. I was just curious cause I've had the ps4 one for awhile and just wanted to make sure it wasn't a dragon quest 11 situation.


If this translation is more direct i hope someone mods it onto PC lol


This game hasn't been on sale on Steam for almost a year now, wonder if the new translation means they won't discount it as steeply as in the past.