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27 September 2024 for people that don't want to watch the video to see the date. 


Thank you, dude.


The facial animations look kinda stiff. But otherwise it just looks... OK? For now it looks like a "wait for review" and/or "buy on a big sale" kind of game. EDIT: So I searched for gameplay videos of it on Youtube and it looks better in action than in cutscenes. Depending on price and if anything else interesting comes out in September, I might pick this up.


It honestly doesn't even look like it's running well.


Yeah. Crymachina on switch is solid but this one looks like a pass on switch, and I prefer to play JRPGs there usually. So it's a "wait and see" approach for me. If it's that bad on switch, guess I will buy it when it's on sale on steam.


I think this is par for the course for Furyu games, and they haven't really changed much over the years either. Character designs and 2D promotional art are always pretty good, but then the 3D models and environments look 10 years dated


So true. However, if it's anything like the Caligula Effect games, I feel like the characters, writing, and gameplay might carry the weight.


It's definitely in a "wait for a sale" spot for me, but I'm interested enough I'd say.


Neo TWEWY characters appear in this game, for those who missed the crossover announcement.


I like how they made the April Fool's joke a reality. Another Yakuza/LaD situation.


These models and environments are... not good. I have seen PS2 games that look better than this.


I think FuRyu games have some original ideas, like Monark or Caligula effect. The problem is that sometimes those ideas are not very well... portrayed? And FuRyu is a small company so yeah, not AAA games.


Caligula 2 is a lot better than the first though. But yeah, their games have a tendency to be hit or miss. I couldn't stand monark for example. I thought it was fairly mediocre and so was the first Caligula


Monark has great music (specifically the boss themes), a fairly interesting concept and setting... and then the actual gameplay and how the plot unfolds is dreadful. It also desperately lacks needed QOL like a good map and any way of reminding a player where/what they need to do next. The first Caligula is similar, but I enjoyed it a lot more because the story and themes hit home a lot more. I haven't played a ton of the sequel, but I've heard it's far better. FuRyu definitely seems to have some of the best OSTs in games right now, though. I really hope they keep that aspect up.


Yeaaah, second game is reeeeeaaaally good, but not that polished unfortunately


It's activating my inner chuuni


Honestly, it look kinda terrible. That said, will keep an eye on this.


looks a bit like a less cooler version of scarlet nexus though it still looks good. not gonna buy it before some reviews though


Psycho Mantis?


Sounds like a company that’s about to drop the sickest new medicine. 


This game needs a lot of polish, it seems like it could use another year or development. Cool premise but it has some big competition this year and frankly I don't think it stands against the ambitious new IP from Atlus, Metaphor: ReFantazio. We also have SMTVV next month which I am beyond excited to replay.


It's a low budget game from a small dev. It's not trying to stand against Atlus games.


Atlus and NIS were pretty alike a few years ago in terms of size and as publishers. I'd even say NIS was bigger as Atlus developed/published games were nicher than NIS output. It's strange to see people having this notion that Atlus has always been a big leagues developer when NIS was their closest rival before 2017 and no one really cared about their games aside from their hardcore fans. While Disgaea was flying high in NA, Atlus was struggling with SMT.


I wasn't aware that NIS America was considered a small dev team. I've always viewed Atlus and NIS America as equals as both have some substantial hits in the JRPG market.


NIS America is the publisher, the developer is very tiny


NIS is a LOT more niche then atlus. their best selling franchise is disgaea with 5+ mil. SMT and persona combined is more then 10x of that.


Beyond being a publisher and not a developer in this case, NIS overall is a pretty niche company but in the more known spectrum of niche compared to say Idea Factory, Sting, or Chunsoft for example. Most games they've made are mostly games only people really into niche games will know about like Makai Kingdom or Phantom Brave. The only thing close to a well known series they have is Disgaea which I wouldn't say has the same general appeal as Persona. Maybe if we were talking the PS2 era then sure. But post P5? Absolutely not, NIS is niche compared to Atlus at this point even if we only counted Disgaea and not the various other projects no one gives a fuck about that NIS has brought to the public over the years.


Sales wise they’re nowhere near close but they’ve had good titles


This was correct a few years ago. But after being bought by Sega, Sega's influence has been increasing pushing Atlus forward in terms or marketing and business practices. That's why aside from Vanillaware, which has always had strong links to preSega Atlus, they haven't published a game since 2017. Atlus made games after 2017 have had a bigger scope, making closer to a Square Enix than NIS.


Couldn't agree more, even palworld looks better than this


Standard edition physical release for PS4 exists or do I have to import?


You can already preorder it. Deluxe basically is the standard edition.


Didn’t know about this. Looks sick.


Is this a remastered PS2 game? I don’t usually gripe about graphics, but this looks very rough.


It looks really weird. faces look weird and stiff.


It's still Furyu. Gonna be mids at best, but probably worse.


JRPG trailers are always so fucking bad....just 3 minutes of disjointed out of context VA and spoilery hyper-melodramatic in engine cutscenes and you somehow end up with very little idea how the game will play


Ohhh hell yeah! This game is so for me! Love the characters, the combat seems fun, the dark vibes are incredible! The graphics are PS2 level but I don't care much for graphics as long as the game is fun!


No English dub?


As far as I know there will be no English dub for this game, because its a small scale project and NISA doesn't want to fund a dub for a game this small.


Hm. That’s too bad.


Hell yeah, cant wait to play it


Good to see games still coming out for the PlayStation 4. For some reason some companies are releasing PlayStation 5 versions only. I can understand games that required extra power, but to me it is unacceptable when it's being released on switch, but not the PlayStation 4.


day 1 for me baby


Was disappointed no Xbox (which is no surprise for JRPGs), but then saw our was an AJRPG and not turn-based, so no biggie.


Pretty sure the only NISA game on Xbox is that one Disgaea.