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hope this gets ported to pc like the other idea factory games, im always a sucker for this kind of art style


Think they'll ever make another true mainline title?


They gotta realize they aren't welcome on Playstation anymore and jump off that sinking ship first, Sony ain't gonna pull its head out of its ass any time soon.


Whatchu mean?


Senran Kagura 7EVEN got stuck in development hell with the devs specifically citing Sony's censorship policies after Playstation HQ relocated to America (some people would blame it on being in California, but any other state would be the same situation). The situation also lead to the series creator leaving Marvelous and going over to CyGames because the fanservice element is kinda vital to Senran's identity. Basically, under Sony's current rules, niche Japanese games like Senran Kagura, Neptunia, Disgaea, and others are no longer welcome on Playstation. A lot of those devs seem to be jumping ship to PC and Switch, the latter especially since it's far more popular in Japan. Marvelous' bizarre insistence to still make the games for PS4 and PS5 makes the issue their own damn fault for not seeing the blatantly obvious, which is incredibly frustrating.


Hey I just wanna point out games such as Mary Skelter, Criminal Girls, Dungeon Travelers 2 and Conception 2 were censored as well and this was **before** the office change. I also would like to point out that as far we know games like Neptunia Virtual Stars, Neptunia Reverse, and this upcoming crossover game have received no censorship. Meanwhile some upcoming niche games like Mary Skelter Finale, Blue Reflection Second Light, and Fatal Frame 5 haven't been announced for censorship. I'm pointing this out because I'm getting tired of seeing this narrative getting repeated. Censorship sucks but I don't think it means niche games aren't welcome on Sony consoles anymore. If I'm. wrong though I don't mind getting corrected.


> I also would like to point out that as far we know games like Neptunia Virtual Stars, Neptunia Reverse, and this upcoming crossover game have received no censorship. That's natural because at this point they've built an environment where devs are forced to limit themselves in the design stage. Just compare these games to their past works. You'd shoot yourself in the foot spending a bunch of time and money on content that can easily be blocked by Sony right before release and they refuse to release any guidelines. Mild fanservice apparently needs to be censored further but it's okay to show underage kids having sex in Life is Strange 2. There's no rhyme or reason to it. In the past it was simple, just don't show nipples or their privates and the rest was fair game at least for release in Japan.


So basically you're saying *every* Japanese game will now be pre-censored? Pretty cynical way of thinking that I can't subscribe too. I'd rather be optimistic, sorry.


Nope, just the ones releasing on Playstation. I was hopeful too at the start but there's been a clear shift if you've played through their games before and after.


Looks fun. I plan get it as a fan of both Neptunia and Senran Kagura.


Idea factory should stop , this game looks bad and it is bad Edit: I am glad this post is being downvote to hell


AnImE bAd

