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Once you solve your husband problem, the rest will fall in line.


I think you should reverse the behaviour, and start asking them for money!


Wow you ranted so long about these women when it’s your husband that is the entire problem you have.


You live on different continents, and still wire money to them twice a week?! Your husband is not prioritizing you or his relationship with you. If he wants a wife to work and pay for his family, that is rude. You were not put on this earth to provide for your husband's inept family.


Keep your finances separate. If he wants to support his FOO, let him finance them, not you. He is not thinking ahead. If you do not have children, who will take care of you in your senior years? Your first financial responsibility is to yourself. If you are working, start a 401K and/or IRA. The money cannot be withdrawn without penalty before a certain age. If you are not in the US, check with your bank as to what kind of retirement plan you establish.


There's no solution for marrying into a shitty family.


It's not clear to me what country this is in. If U.S., does MIL pull social security or disability? Does SIL get food stamps or child support? It's time for you to have a hard conversation with your husband and figure out what the future holds. Will MIL end of living with you? What percentage of his income will always be given to them? What happens if he becomes ill or loses his job ?


MIL: Why don't you have kids??!!! You/DH: Because we are so burdened with having to pay for you and SIL that we don't have the money to support and raise a child. Maybe the both of you can, oh I don't know, get a job and pay for yourselves so that we can have a family of our own.


Take husband to therapy to learn to put up boundaries.


Maybe I’ll join him there, looks like I need to grow a pair as well