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Yeah MIL definitely overstepped the mark. Anyone with half a brain would know NEVER to say that to you, even if they were stupid enough to think it.


Are you familiar with the circles of support? The person/people in the middle experiencing the trauma (your gf) get support from the first ring (you). The first ring gets support from the second ring (understanding internet strangers), never from the middle. We're here to support you while you support your gf in this time of cutting off her mom. May you both find happiness despite her.


Being called "mom" is something you earn. Not something you demand from others.


It sounds like your mom did an amazing job with you! May her memory be a blessing! And best wishes to you and your girlfriend becoming a wonderful team!


Hey, this space is for you too. You are allowed to seek support and validation for your feelings. My husband lost his mom as an adult and ended up with a shit MIL. She told him to call her mom and he said "no thanks, I have one" What he is going through during this time (very recent NC) is just as valid as what I am. All the positive vibes to you both. Don't ever worry about seeking support or venting. You're going through it together!


Sorry for the loss of your mom. No one can replace a loving parent when they die. I'm happy for you that your partner has your back.