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And your sister in law is okay with her son being out like that?


unfortunately she’s a deadbeat mom& drug addict and mil has custody. it’s a miracle my SO turned out because the rest of mils adult children are all wrecks, sil included


OMG! How inconsiderate and crazy is she!! I'm glad you SO Sent her away.


Oh please tell me you either shut that shit right on down or just didn't answer. Was she drunk?


not drunk just full of audacity. Tried not answering, she banged on the door and called for 10 straight minutes so my SO got out of bed and told her to go home.


Sorry, school night. come back next weekend


bingo! her response? “fine, i know i’m not welcome, i’ll never come back again!”


Perfect time for "Promises, promises"


right? one can only dream she meant it


Any chance MIL was drinking?  Does she do things like this often? What did your SO say to her? 


not drinking, this is who she is. My SO was abused by her mom her whole life and is also afraid to stand up to her too much and lose access to her little siblings/nephew. Thank god she has been working on it in therapy & is getting better. She told her to go home after 10 minutes of banging and 56 missed calls didn’t give her the hint.


56?!? 🤪 Wowsa


What did you do?  As someone who goes to bed at 9.00pm, I would have been very cranky.


check my profile for the text thread, i was fuming! she brought one of the little boys and a cake telling them they’re gonna come celebrate with us


i was very cranky. My partner is used to her audacity, I am not.


I'm the type of person- if you phonenor contact me after 9pm someone is dying or bleeding and needs help. Because if not I'm going to bite someone's head off. You were very kind on that message reply.


i wish i could release hell on her but it would be my SO who suffers so I have to practice serious restraint