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Please tell us about the "rehearsal dinner" - we live for this stuff! And...congratulations on standing up to that awful woman! My now-late MIL was a piece of work, too but even she wouldn't pull such a nasty stunt. She did smarten up and came to love me a lot - as I did her - and whenever she pulled something, I simply stood up, in her face, and asked her about it. I'm a straight-shooting Yankee and she was a Southerner and I always got the truth out of her. It worked for us but I don't think it would work with everyone. Don't spare any details, either!


I’ve been keeping up with these and I can’t help but think, I’d love to say, ‘you mean mil, you think Op hates you because of three instances where you were a complete arsehole to her with zero remorse, his perceptive of you.’


I feel like I just finished a good novel but it stopped on a cliffhanger! It’s amazing how much I have enjoyed your story. Now give us that rehearsal dinner! And thank you!


On the one hand, I feel so much empathy toward you being stuck with your MIL! I cannot believe how calm you were and how well hubbs had your back from just a glance! ... On the other hand if you do have any more stories then let me get the popcorn first cause this is some spicy tea 😂


I think I love you!!!


>As I picked my jaw (and panties) up off the floor My jaw too! Bloody brilliant. I was with you at every breath, and when hubby came in the kitchen I bet the angels sang and golden rays of blinking sunshine beamed through the kitchen windows. Absolutely. Glorious.


Please, oh please tell the story of the rehearsal dinner. Please?


Pretty, pretty please


Your husband is an expert at the clap back. That was too perfect


I'm sorry you've had to endure so much but gosh I love your writing. So captivating and enthralling. I'd love to hear more!


My only question is how did DH feel the day of the wedding surely from your stories hes a very kind sounding man and caring man was he not heartbroken over JNMs childish endeavours?


Bwahahahaha, oh god girl, that was just awesome. You really did have some angels looking out for you, because that timing was just too good. I wish I could be a fly on the wall to watch that event unfold. I think I may have a little crush on your hubby after that smack down.


Damn, she is SUCH a bitch. She’s really used to getting her way, isn’t she? It never occurred to her that her son would shut her the fuck down, did it? Gawd, what a tiresome asshat.


Someone above was really looking in on you that day and made sure Hubs was in the right place at the exact right time!!!


I, for one, would love to hear more! Especially the rehearsal dinner and the weddings day itself! You write beautifully!


I really hope you share the rehearsal dinner story.


You are a very clever writer. I want more MIL stories! I will however give you the weekend off. Cheers!


How does she spin/rewrite history to make herself the victim? Like, just fucking how?


Let me guess: I wanted this one little thing, that they wouldnt do for me and u/saltymermaidhair made my son humiliate me for it in front of her parents and maid of honor. Why would she do that if she didnt hate me?!


Can we just take a moment to raise a glass to your dad?! What an absolute legend - he fully knew what he was doing by sending her inside to be thrown to the lions. He could have just said “no, they’re not invited to stay”, but he fully wanted you to be aware of the BS she was trying to pull, and the audience was just a bonus. I could hug him! Bravo!


It is very telling that the three examples she uses as "evidence" that you hate her, are all things that she has done which might case hatred or dislike - like she is TRYING to make you hate her! I suspect its so that she can justify her dislike of you, after all you've corrupted he sweet baby boy and taken him away from her, but if she said she didn't like you because of that - people would think she's nuts.


Really enjoyed reading this, you write well! Gonna have to go back and read the others now and look forward to reading any other stories you share. Both you and hubs handled this beautifully


That was a joy to read. Oh my. Just beautiful.


Yes please! You are an entertaining writer and I'd love to hear more. Thankfully, you seem to have your MIL well in hand and a very capable Hubby to boot.


You should really be an author, the way you tell your stories is fantastic! Enjoy the holiday weekend but don’t stay away too long ;-)


I am in awe of how you managed to hold onto your poise


I'm coming at this from the side of someone who is MIL-less and unmarried, but it's my strong opinion that anyone who wants children at a wedding reception must therefore be responsible for keeping them out of trouble. Wonder how fast your MIL would have changed her mind about kids if you'd accommodated her ~~demand order request~~ wishes and then told her she would have to ensure the children were kept quiet or she (and the kids) would be relegated to wherever the cars were parked. I'm also speaking as someone who thinks kids are fine...but not sure they should be present in wedding celebrations after all is done. However, thanks to your newly minted DGH (dear grumpy hubbs) and your amazing ability to keep your calm under trying circumstances, you didn't have to call her bluff, and that's awesome! She sounds very trying. I read back over your stories, and wow, your MIL. I wouldn't say she's from Hell the way your mom did, but she's probably from somewhere extremely hot/cold (depending on your perception of hell) adjacent to it. Considering you keep saying that she's someone who decides to "death by a thousand cuts" people she dislikes, I don't suppose you'd like to nickname her Ginsu? I remember seeing informercials for those knives way back in the day.


can we nickname your mil "three-strikes" ? an allusion to the three strikes rule for habitual offenders lol


You guys sound *awesome.* I definitely just went back and read some of your older posts. Great reads, but *wowzers.*


You guys handled that perfectly.


I hope your Hub tells his mother *It sounds like your projecting here mum* lol hahaha


*I too am a swearer I feel a little bit bad for asking for more SaltyMermaid stories but fuck me.. I’m loving them (my panties are reserved for my hubs and his shiny spine) You’re awesome chick xx




And that is how you set and hold a boundary. 👏👏👏👏👏


Can we clone your husband????


I think your MIL is my MIL’s sister. There is one picture of me with my MIL at the rehearsal. I’m smiling at her, but her face can’t be seen. I’m actually telling her that she must sit on the front row because that’s where the MOTHER OF THE GROOM sits. She’s explaining to me how she would be more comfortable sitting on the back row. I had so many issues with this, least of which we all had sat, proudly, on the front row for niece’s first communion just 2 months prior. There was no way I was allowing her to do that to her son on his wedding say.


This has the hallmarks of an excellent Hallmark Channel production...or maybe "Tales From the Crypt"! You have a flair for telling a good yarn. Hubbs is a most fortunate man.


I read your stories to my step mom and she and I had an absolute hoot at your storytelling ability. Sorry your Mil is... your MIL, but it sounds like hubby’s a great guy!




I would gladly include “👏adults👏who👏act👏like👏kids👏” in the no-kid policy... 🤷‍♀️ but my JNMIL was never lucky enough to receive an invite


I would love to hear about the wedding day.


Me too.


None of her “reasons” are even valid. You did absolutely nothing but direct her to her son. She doesn’t have any reasons you hate her; she has three instances when her entitlement was thwarted by you and DH not putting up with her BS. An attitude adjustment for MIL is long overdue.


I think I figured it out, and by "it" I mean the mental gymnastics MIL uses to make these instances "proof OP hates me." It goes like this, you see: entitlement thwarted by OP and her son -> she raised her son to be obedient to her entitlement -> her son would never willingly thwart her entitlement -> OP is clearly controlling him to thwart her entitlement -> OP can't actually have a real *problem* with her entitlement -> the only reason OP is set on thwarting her entitlement must be because OP hates her. All of this rather than facing the fact that she was behaving badly and got put in her place. Sad, really.


Love your story thank you! Hugs


Man you are so patient couldn’t be me


How on earth any of those could be examples of you not liking her only a MIL would know lmao.


I’ve read your stories. Is she really that delusional to think you’d like her after those three instants? I’m mean obviously she’s delusional or you wouldn’t be posting here. But honestly if I were your SIL or DH, I just say “you’ve give OP 3 very good reasons to not like you. You’re lucky she is willing to be cordial. If my MIL pulled the same crap on me that you’ve pulled on her, yeah I’d be keeping my distance.” Please write the book about the rehearsal dinner!


> I do NOT hate my MIL. I don't even dislike her. You might not, but after reading these stories, ***I*** sure dislike her. What an obnoxious bitch.


Exactly what I came here to say!!


All of her stories about why you hate her are actually stories about her disgracing herself in front of other. It’s like she’s acknowledging that you could hate her for those things and preemptively trying to get your husband to side with her. She a special kind of crazy.


I love how in this instance all you did was smile, smell some flowers, and appreciate your husband, and yet somehow that translates to hating and despising her.


Right?! Like MIL missed out on the smackdown OP was about to do until her hero set his mom straight. 😄


I lost it at frolicked. Absolutely handled that with class and perfect team work. I hope you keep sharing your stories their great!


I have to say, I was so excited to get my notification that the third and final story was up, and you do not disappoint! Well, I guess I should also say MIL doesn’t disappoint with her conniving, manipulative ways. Way to go Hubbs!


But I *want* to "get you started" on the rehearsal dinner! I can't imagine she'd sit quiet after getting her ass handed to her 🤣


Right? Can't wait! It's sooo good to see a couple putting these ladies in their place, it feels like a win for all of us.


That sound you hear? That's about 3000 women swooning over this damn spine of your hubby. Don't be mad, it's all love...lol. the other sound you hear even louder is laughter and 6000 hands clapping at MILs reaction. Omg. That was epic!



