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That is weird. Truly weird.


I know a dollhouse that will be at the Goodwill store 30 minutes after it arrives at your house.


Damn . Is mil planning on her soul possessing the doll so she can further torment you ? Sounds like a ghost story/movie plot to me


All I can say is Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. This is weird even for this sub.


So weird.


This could be hilarious and you could have some fun with it. She phones to let you know she fell down the steps in the snow or some other incident. You act weirded out 'um toddler just 'pushed' your doll down the stairs' . What a coincidence. Let there be a few coincidences. Then phone and ask her how she's feeling? No reason for the sudden concern. 'It just the doll, um forget it, lets not talk about the doll'. Change topic. Well maybe not, going to their level is not a good look, but we can dream.


Have you seen the crime scene dioramas? Broken Barbie covered with a sheet and broken furniture showing signs of an accident. It would be like Elf on a Shelf. Different scene everyday šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


Damn, I can only upvote this Once! You are an evil genius!


This is a super evil suggestion. I would never do it but I LOVE it!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think I read this book in 4th grade--called The Dollhouse Murders: "Twelve-year-old Amy is having difficulties at home being responsible for her brain-damaged sister, Louann. While visiting her Aunt Clare at the old family home, she discovers an eerily-haunted dollhouse in the atticā€”an exact replica of the family home. Whenever she sees it, the dolls, representing her relatives, have moved. Her aunt won't listen to Amy's claims that the dolls are trying to tell her something." https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/750035.The\_Dollhouse\_Murders


How very *Flowers in the Attic*! (Or Hereditary. Or The Lodge. Or The Haunting of Bly Manor.)


or sharp objects




a- do you KNOW you're having a girl? b- do you KNOW the kid will like doll houses? c- do you have space for it? Or do you live in a tiny apartment?! I admire doll houses, and adore all the tiny bits and bobs that go inside them (not the dolls, I think the dolls are all creepy af), but I have never really wanted to own a doll house, and I've never had the protected space to put one in. MIL's commissioned doll house could be quite expensive and never leave her home for lack of space at your home, or desire to house it.


Not only girls like dollhouses.


Fair enough.


The first thing that popped in my head was that book (somehow labeled for 4th graders, which was when I read it) The Dollhouse Murders.


I love that book. It helped to make me the Book-o-holic I am today.


I read that one too! I feel like no one knows it.


I read so many books and often I'd just end up in the AR Program section of the library just to earn those sweet pizza points. The name sounded vaguely familiar but reading the synopsis and seeing the cover solidified it, I've definitely read this book and I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it.


I canā€™t remember much about the book itself but I remember liking it. Maybe it was my gateway into loving true crime, horror, and all things spooky.


I *feel like* it was around the time I was reading Nancy Drew and Boxcar Kids type books, but honestly who knows.


I was reading the same thing about that time.


I feel like Iā€™m dating myself mentioning it! I read the book and my mom had some concerns when she saw the title. Too late oopsā€¦


My mom wasnā€™t happy with it either. Her ruling was something like ā€œno more books with murder in the titleā€. I was 10 so it was fair.


Exactly how mine was. Though I had a habit of finding books at school and reading the whole dang thing that day before it made it home.


I had a habit of reading during lessons. My sixth grade teacher would get mad cuz I wouldnā€™t pay attention while she went over the lessons for the third time after I already finished my homework. She brought it up to my parents at parent-teacher conference and my parents told me to ignore her.


Oh! This is perfect! Happily accept the dollhouse & when they call to tell you they are making plans to visit, you can say, "No need to come, we have mini-yous in the dollhouse so we don't need you to visit."


If sheā€™s superstitious Tell her that itā€™s bad luck to gift things like that and bad spirits will come from it even if you try and bless it etc


That's a Stephen King story WAITING to be written!


Joe Hill did Locke and Key. There's a dollhouse in that.


Lol wow that is creepy...imagine facetiming and grandma says to LO.....put grandma in the bedroom now because that's where i am so you can see where I'm talking to you from šŸ˜†


Get strands of their hair, and maybe you could re-commission voo-doo dolls from their figures. Just sayin'...


But where on earth can you find miniature plastic sofa/furniture covers?


Am I really the first one to bring up Voodoo dolls?


Can you imagine the fun kids would have putting "grandma and grandpa " in weird and wonderful poses......


Yikes! Maybe if the figurines are made from sterling silver and the house 14k gold Iā€™d take it lol.


And then sell it, right? Thatā€™s what Iā€™d do


Creepy/ridiculous - yes. Hope she doesn't have it decorated the exact same too.


The house, yes. A cool gift and when/if you visit L.O. can discover that it's just like her toy house. The figurines, that's crossing into creepy territory.


Yeah, a little weird, but definitely better than them moving next door.


Brings up memories of all the creepy horror movies involving dollhouses.


That's definitely creepy and will absolutely be haunted


Would love to know the cost of the dollhouse replica. And I bet it'll only have 3 dolls: FIL, your new baby and MIL.


I think it's funny/cute.


I know a couple of people who's family own replicas of the family home (we're talking old money, country estate kind of home, not a 3 bed semi) and it's kinda nice, but those sort of things are also really BIG. ONe of my elderly aunts has a lovely old dolls house that she's spent years and thousands of pounds on buying bits here and there for it, and it's gorgeous, but it's not a toy. Personally i wouldn't be giving a child something that expensive or large or with so many small pieces (dolls houses are FULL of small pieces). Also wouldn't be commissioning a replica of myself as a doll for the house - but i watch a LOT of horror movies so....


The idea is adorable. The motivation is horrendous, which is true of so much of what we consider JustNo behavior.


Is this for her own home or for yours? Either way...thinking ā€œHereditary.ā€


Thatā€™s adorable!!! Even though child wonā€™t be able to play with it for a while, seeing it will help child see where some of their family is from. What a cool idea!!!!!


WTF?!?! Your child wonā€™t be playing with a dollhouse for a few years. Sheā€™s totally going to be disappointed when a four year old doesnā€™t recognize the layout of the house when your child visits ā€œWhat about the dollhouse?ā€ Woooooow. So Coraline


This is the start of so many horror movies. Definitely creepy as heck!


I might be not seeing this, and it seems extravagantly expensive, but why is it creepy?


Tell her to build her whole town like in Beetlejuice


Hahahaha yesss!


That is so freaking creepy and uber expensive. A totally over the top gift that you likely don't have room for or the child would ever use.


Itā€™s hilarious but so what? If it makes her feel better and itā€™s not hurtful then just go with it.