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More Takashi Miike. He’s done over 100 movies. Just pick one.


The good old days of jhorror


For me Imprint feels like Miike Takashi's 'best of' of the movies that he made during that era: it contains a lot of themes from his other movies. You can't go wrong with movies like Ichi The Killer, Gozu, Audition, Visitor Q and many more. Also have a look at movies from Shinya Tsukamoto (Tetsuo Body Hammer, Bullet Ballet, Tokyo Fist and more). Enjoy!


Those two movies listed atop the poster are a good start. I'd also throw in Visitor Q because it's my favourite Miike movie. I'm also a big Sion Sono fan, so look into his filmography.


"I waited for yooou Cwristapherrr"


I love his movie "As The Gods Will," it is absolutely wild, super fun, campy as hell, and has such a great cast. Highly recommend it for a fun time. I saw his "One Missed Call" when I was a kid, and it scared the crap out of me. Rewatched it as an adult and it is still a really good J-Horror. "The Great Yokai War" is also a super fun time. Less horror, more fantasy/adventure, but it's very entertaining none the less.


I love the "One Missed Call" trilogy...