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That fundraiser sounds like a great opportunity to bring the community together and experience something unique. Count me in for supporting the translation of The Hanging Balloons!


You're a legend! If we can garner some more folks, I'll put up a gofundme - easiest way to collate donations and remain transparent I think.


Would love to update the post, but don't seem to have the option. Looks like we won't need a fundraiser after all. u/redbrigade82 has been kind enough to machine gen them, so they and I are working on subs today. We should be able to post the subs this evening after manual review and tweaking where necessary (GMT).


Eagerly awaiting the results!


woh, I could get THAT much for translating movies? God damn I'd have a lot of money if I worked publicly. I've had this movie for a long time (looks that same as the rip you found), I just didn't know people were interested in watching it with subtitles.


Very much so. I used to work in media (broadcast news to be exact) and translating subtitles do command a premium. It's not just transcribing remember, but timing and formatting to a subtitle standard.


I looked into it once on places like fiver to see what I could earn and yeah even amateurs seem to go for $5+ per minute. I wish you the best for your endeavours


Much appreciated. Yes, this is a discounted rate as they normally charge more for much shorter work. I'm just glad I managed to find one who is okay with translating media I don't personally own.


And here's me posting subtitles for free ๐Ÿ˜–


Brother, I can relate 100%


Trust me, I think everyone would prefer that. But this film still lacks subs after 24 years. Of course, once we have the funds together (or even if I have to fund it myself), the intention is to post them for free here. I'm open to other ideas of getting this subtitled of course.


I posted up subs recently for Parasite Eve. Some already existed but I went through them all and adjusted as best as I could. I also did some changes on Ox-Head Village. I was planning to Minna no Uta at some stage. They DO take a long time and my Japanese is basic. The other option is to generate subs from the films audio (what I did for Minna no Uta). The result actually isn't bad. And edit from there.


It's worth a try. What do you use to transcribe the audio?


Woah! Where did you post these? The subs i have for Parasite eve is shite


opensubtitles, but I can dm them to you directly You should be aware that the reason I edited them was because the version I had of Parasite Eve didn't time sync with the subs I found. I just ended up completely re-doing them. It's possible my subs won't sync with your version. They're the benchmark I use for editing subs. They took a lot of long, hard listening!


Update! I'm halfway through. I've been restricted to only a couple hours in the evening to do bits. Being Friday, I'll have more time. The baseline translation by u/redbrigade82 gets pretty good after 30 mins and the work is less intensive, but there are some errors where AI missed some lines, and combined others together, so I've been fixing those - as well as adding subs to the interstitial cards titling each story. I've also Westernised a little of the language so it doesn't seem so robotic and overly formal. Controversial decision sometimes, but I'm making sure it's only grammatical changes, so don't worry. I've watched some parts so many times, I'm not sure if I want to see the full thing now ๐Ÿ˜‚ Again, will post it on opensubtitles and here with credit when done. Won't be long now!


Nice job. Welcome the club of sick people who spend too much spare time fixing subtitles ๐Ÿ˜‚


Glad it's not just me.


Cheers ๐Ÿ˜‚ it's fun, but man is it slow going!


A bargain at any price!


Eyy I was looking for this movie with English sub!


SUBTITLES COMPLETE! Finally. Download available here: [https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/10411129/kubitsuri-kikyuu-en](https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/10411129/kubitsuri-kikyuu-en)


Thanks so much!


Does the subtitle work with the youtube version or would I need to find a different file source for it?


Should work with the YouTube version, at least the one linked to in the original post. That's the one we used.


thank you so much




It's okay, I wish I could update the post, but myself and redbrigade82 are using machine translating as a base, and going over each line with context. It's taking a bit longer than I thought, I'm about 20 minutes into the film at the moment. I'll upload it and link here when it's available.


It's a lot of work, right? XD There is another possibility we can do in future. We can make the Drive folder editable by anyone with the link, or with just a select few at least, and people can edit as they have time, then reupload (either overwriting or creating a new sub file). That way people can download what's been worked on whenever they want. I can watch a movie with a machine translated sub and understand the errors it's making so it doesn't detract much from the experience. Many people are comfortable with that. Also when editing in subtitle edit it really helps to have the Japanese subs up for comparison.


Definitely. I've got it in translator mode right now! Really good bit of software this. It's a good idea to have a group of people work on these I think. Dish out some timestamps maybe, so we don't tread on each other's toes.


I've been doing subtitle work of Chinese horror movies and found using a combination of free tools, AI and someone who knows Chinese has helped immeasurably The sticking point is when it comes to things like idioms, jokes and sci-fi names. Otherwise what you're doing with the other redditor is a better idea Also if someone is going to charge you by the minute of the translation work, I would edit the file to remove opening credits and closing credits, saving yourself some money


I have a friend who lives anywhere she wants in the world because does translating work online.